Delivering a better railway for a better Britain Route Specifications 2016 South East South East Route March 2016 Network Rail –Route Specifications: South East 02 Route A: Kent and High Speed One (HS1) Route B: Sussex In 2014, Network Rail merged the Kent and Sussex SRS A.01 Victoria Lines 4 SRS B.01 London Victoria - Windmill Bridge Junction 65 Route into South East Route. Kent and Sussex becoming Areas within the Route. SRS A.02 Otford - Sevenoaks 8 SRS B.02 Windmill Bridge Junction - Brighton 69 SRS A.03 London - Chislehurst 12 SRS B.03 London Bridge - Windmill Bridge Junction 73 To reflect this change, this document consists of Kent SRS A.04 Chislehurst - Tonbridge 16 SRS B.04 Three Bridges - Arundel Junction 77 and Sussex Areas in separate sections. SRS A.05 Chislehurst - Ashford 20 SRS B.05 Brighton - Havant 81 SRS A.06 Tonbridge - Hastings 24 SRS B.06 Brighton/Wivelsfield - Seaford/Hastings 85 The South East Route: Sussex Area Route Study Draft SRS A.07 Dartford lines to Gravesend & Hayes Branch 28 SRS B.07 South Central Inner Suburban 89 for Consultation was published in 2014 so this document will be updated in Summer 2015 when the SRS A.08 Bromley North Branch 32 SRS B.08 South Central Sutton Lines 93 Final document has been published. SRS A.09 Gravesend/Swanley - Margate 36 SRS B.09 Dorking - Horsham 97 SRS A.10 Sheerness Branch 40 SRS B.10 Hurst Green - Uckfield 101 SRS A.11 Strood - Paddock Wood 44 SRS B.11 Tattenham Corner and Caterham Lines 105 SRS A.12 East Kent Routes 48 SRS B.12 East Grinstead Line 109 SRS A.13 Hastings - Ashford 52 SRS B.13 West London Line 113 SRS A.14 Tonbridge - Continental Junction 56 SRS B.14 Thameslink Core 117 SRS A.99 Freight routes 60 SRS B.15 Redhill - Tonbridge 121 High Speed One 64 SRS B.99 Freight routes 125 Glossary 129 Glossary 129 SRS A.01 Victoria Lines March 2016 Network Rail –Route Specifications: South East 03 Geographic Maps Route specification description 0/1 /96 * )7/ 6WUDWHJLF5RXWH6HFWLRQ The Victoria Lines Strategic Route comprises of the lines between /RQGRQ3DGGLQJWRQ )66 $ &%0 %0- * /RQGRQ%ULGJH ':: London Victoria and Bickley Junction via Herne Hill and via the /RQGRQ:DWHUORR * /%& 'DWH -XQH -$7 0DS3URGXFHG%\ $VVHW,QIRUPDWLRQ 0DSSLQJ7HDP /RQGRQ9LFWRULD (0DLO $VVHW,QIRUPDWLRQ 0DSSLQJ7HDP#1HWZRUN5DLOFRXN Catford Loop. It also includes the connection at Nunhead Junction * 1./ $*: 26,QIRUPDWLRQUHSURGXFHGIURPWKH2UGQDQFH6XUYH\0DS ZLWKSHUPLVVLRQRIWKHFRQWUROOHURI+HU0DMHVW\¶V6WDWLRQHU\2IILFH &URZQ&RS\ULJKW/LFHQFH1R to Lewisham. There are also connections with the Thameslink and +++ %6) inner suburban routes covered by the South East Route: Sussex Area %DWWHUVHD3DUN * %7& 4XHHQVWRZQ5RDG %DWWHUVHD *%0/ 3HFNKDP5\H /97 :DQGVZRUWK5RDG :// 1XQKHDG &./ $7/ * %URFNOH\ 17/ 5'* * /HZLVKDP Network Specification. A junction still exists between Victoria Lines &ODSKDP+LJK6WUHHW &$7* * * )// * * 'HQPDUN+LOO * * &ODSKDP %(; 1&6 and Waterloo Station on the Wessex Route, but since international %UL[WRQ -XQFWLRQ &URIWRQ3DUN * * +HUQH+LOO /(( services transferred to London St Pancras International in 2007, this &DWIRUG ++7 ;7' 33: ** &DWIRUG%ULGJH has not seen a timetabled service. :HVW'XOZLFK %%- * +'5 /7+ :7+ %HOOLQJKDP 6\GHQKDP+LOO * * The route is mainly double-tracked, although there are multiple %HFNHQKDP+LOO * 606 6/- 6&3 3HQJH(DVW 66& * tracks between Victoria and Crofton Road Junction, and at the 616 5DYHQVERXUQH * * 1%% * 9,5 convergence of the Herne Hill and Catford routes towards Bickley .HQW+RXVH %1* 0-: %-1 %HFNHQKDP * &60 606 97% -XQFWLRQ 7/3 Junction. Apart from the connection to Lewisham, which is /HJHQG 6KRUWODQGV * * /%: 7/3&60 6WUDWHJLF5RXWH6HFWLRQ$ %URPOH\6RXWK %LFNOH\ 6WUDWHJLF5RXWH$ /&+ controlled by London Bridge ASC, the rest of the route is controlled 5DLO1HWZRUN 1)( &0- :&6 * 0DMRU.H\6WDWLRQV * 6WDWLRQV by Victoria ASC. The predominant linespeed is 60mph with some &RDVW %7+ permanent speed restrictions across the route. There are a large and diverse range of services operating on the route. The main operator is Southeastern Trains, who operate both suburban and Main Line services from a variety of locations in Kent and south east London. Thameslink manage stations on the Catford Loop line and operate services to London Blackfriars and beyond. The opening of the final phase of the East London Line service in December 2012 saw an additional 4tph between Clapham Junction and Highbury & Islington which also traverse this busy route. There are also regular freight services across the route to/from facilities at Angerstein Wharf and the Isle of Grain as well as the Channel Tunnel. Services operated jointly between Southeastern Trains and First Capital Connect were be subsumed within the Thameslink, Southern & Great Northern franchise in 2014, won by Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR), and now operate as Thameslink branded services. SRS A.01 Victoria Lines March 2016 Network Rail –Route Specifications: South East 04 Route capability overview Table 1.0 Information Current + 10 years + 30 Years Notes Line of route SO110: Victoria to Ramsgate (via Herne Hill via Chatham) description SO645: Battersea Park to Peckham Rye SO330: Nunhead to Hayes SO260: Brixton Jn to Shortlands Jn Section start London Victora Section end Bickley Jn (via Herne Hill and Catford loop) Route availability RA8 RA8 RA8 Gauge W6 W6 W6 W9 (via Catford loop) W9 (via Catford loop) W9 (via Catford loop) Signals TCB TCB TCB Speed Predominant linespeed 60mph Predominant linespeed 60mph Increase speed to rolling stock and signalling See Sectional Appendix Permanent speed restrictions removed/eased capability for detailed speed where possible profiles Electrification Third rail Third rail Third rail or overhead electrification Passenger train service levels (trains per hour / day) Table 2.0 Current + 10 Years + 30 Years Notes Typical journey time BMS-VIC (via HNH) – 27mins (stopping) BMS-VIC (via HNH) – 27mins (stopping) Reduce Main Line service journey time Selective or full double-tracking will permit faster journeys to lowest possible in line with changes SRT-PMR (via CAT) – 16mins SRT-PMR (via CAT) – 16mins in rolling stock and signalling No. of trains per hour Up to 14tph via Herne Hill Up to 14tph via Herne Hill Frequency likely to remain consistent Up to 8tph via Catford loop Up to 8tph via Catford loop with previous years 4tph East London line 4tph East London line SRS A.01 Victoria Lines March 2016 Network Rail –Route Specifications: South East 05 Current Freight Trains (paths per day) Table 3.0 Current + 10 Years + 30 Years Notes Route section Via Nunhead / via Shortlands Daily paths in Up to 20 trains per day on each route one direction (as As per forecasts in the Freight Market Study per WTT) * Figures are for freight trains in one direction only. Level crossings on route There are no level crossings in this route section. SRS A.01 Victoria Lines March 2016 Network Rail –Route Specifications: South East 06 Proposed infrastructure investment in Control Period 5 (2014 – 2019)* Table 5.0 Project Project Description ELR Implementation Output change Notes Status Date London Victoria station – Changes to station layout to reduce - CP5 Improved passenger In development passenger congestion relief passenger congestion experience Victoria to Herne Hill Renewal of external signalling VIR CP5 Asset reliability In development signalling renewal equipment * In addition to the proposed enhancement programme, this table includes other Network Rail funded schemes, renewals and third party schemes where applicable. ** The precise timing and scope of renewals will remain subject to review to enable us to meet our overall obligations as efficiently as possible, consistent with the reasonable requirements of operators and other stakeholders. SRS A.02 Otford - March 2016 Network Rail –Route Specifications: South East 07 Sevenoaks Geographic Maps Route specification description 1%% &$ 7 The Otford – Sevenoaks Strategic Route is the connection from the %%- %1* &6 0 6WUDWHJLF5RXWH6HFWLRQ 7/3 9,5 $ /&+ Maidstone East line to the Tonbridge Main Line at Sevenoaks 6% 6 - : 3 known locally as the Bat & Ball line. 'DWH -XQH 0DS3URGXFHG%\ $VVHW,QIRUPDWLRQ 0DSSLQJ7HDP (0DLO $VVHW,QIRUPDWLRQ 0DSSLQJ7HDP#1HWZRUN5DLOFRXN 26,QIRUPDWLRQUHSURGXFHGIURPWKH2UGQDQFH6XUYH\0DS ZLWKSHUPLVVLRQRIWKHFRQWUROOHURI+HU0DMHVW\¶V6WDWLRQHU\2IILFH &URZQ&RS\ULJKW/LFHQFH1R The line comprises of two miles of double track with a single station, signalled by Victoria ASC and Ashford IECC. Southeastern Suburban and Thameslink route services between 6 London and Sevenoaks operate on this route. 2- * %DWDQG%DOO * 6HYHQRDNV There are no scheduled freight services. /HJHQG 6WUDWHJLF5RXWH6HFW+**LRQ$ 577 6WUDWHJLF5RXWH$ 6 3: 5DLO1HWZRUN 6&8 * 0DMRU.H\6WDWLRQV 77 ;7' * 6WDWLRQV + &RDVW SRS A.02 Otford - Sevenoaks March 2016 Network Rail –Route Specifications: South East 08 Route capability overview Table 1.0 Information Current + 10 years + 30 Years Notes Line of route SO140: Swanley to Ashford description Section start Otford Section end Sevenoaks Route availability RA8 RA8 RA8 Gauge W6 W6 W6 Signals TCB TCB TCB Speed 40/60mph 40/60mph Increase speed to rolling stock and signalling See Sectional Appendix capability for detailed speed profiles Electrification Third rail Third rail Third rail or overhead electrification Passenger train service levels (trains per hour / day) Table 2.0 Current + 10 Years + 30 Years Notes Typical journey time SEV-OTF – 6mins SEV-OTF – 6mins SEV-OTF – 6mins No. of trains per hour Up to 2tph Up to 2tph Frequency likely to remain consistent
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