Tuesday, April 25, 1972 Vaisakha 5, 1894 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (Fifth Series) Vol. XIV (April 2 5 to Miy 9 , 1972 /Vaittkba 5 to 19,1894 (Safes) Fotrth Settios, 1972 /1893-94 (Saks) (Vol. XIVcontains Nos. 31— 40) LOK SABHA SECBKTA1 IAT NEW DELHI CONTENTS I Fifth Series, Vol. XIV, 4th Session, 1^72 ] N o. 3 1 - T u 2iday, Aptil 25. 1^72 Vaisakha 5, 1894 iSaka) C nirM M Obituary Reference 1 3 Oral Answers to Questions— "‘Starred Questions Nos. 541, 543, 544, 546 to 548, 552, 553, 555, 556 and 560 3— 27 Written Answers to Questions — Starred Questions Nos. 542, 545. 549 to 551, 554 and 557 to 559 27- 39 I Instarred Questions Nos. 3778 to 3790, 3792 to ^918 and 3920 to 3968 37—184 Correcting Statement to USQ No. 936 dated 21.3 1972 184 Matter Under Rule 377— Reported token strike by LIC employees 184— 94 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance— Reported trafficking in Adivasi girls in Orissa 194-214 Release of Member— (Shri Bhogendra Jha) 214 Public Accounts Committee— Forty-third and 1 orty-fifth Reports 2 1 4 - 15 Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes- Seventh Report 215 Demands for Grants, 1972-73— Ministry of txternal Affairs 215—316 Shri Dasaratha Deb 216 - 20 Shri K . P. Unmkrishnan 220 - 26 Shri H. N. Mukerjee 228 - 35 Shri N. Sreekantan Nair 236— 38 Shri Shashi Phusban 238— 44 Shri K. Manoharan 244— 50 Shri Surendra Pal Singh 2 5 0 - 60 Shri Surendra Mohanty 260— 64 Shri Dinesh Singh 264— 70 Shri R. K. Sinba 271 76 Shri C. C. Desai 276— 82 Shri B, R. Bhagat 282— 87 Shri Samar Guha 2 8 7 - 92 Dr. H. P. Sharma 292— 96 Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee 2 9 6 -3 0 6 i Shri B. K. Daschowdhury 3 0 6 - 12 Shri Tulsidas Dasappa 312— 16 Shri Sant Bux Singh 316 The sign-f marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was, actually asked on the floor of th# House by that Member. LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA public life i'tj his home district of Beilary where }he was a member ol the district boardjand also a member of the District Famine Committee and District Educational Tuesday, April 25, 1^2^01X0^110 <i, 1894 Committee. (Saha) He was deeply interested in labour The Lok Sahha met at I leven o f the Clock problems, and led the Indian Delegation to the ILO Regional Conference in Ceylon, [M«. Svi-VKI K in the Chaitj the Conference in Geneva, and the ILO Industrial Committee on Inland Transport in Brussels. He was also a leader of our delegation to the ECAFE Session in OBITUARY RLFF.RUNCE Ootacamund. MR. SPfcAKLR : lion. Members, l Scientific research particularly in the have to inform the House of the sad demise field of agriculture was another subjcct in of Shri H. Sitarama Reddy who passed which he took active interest. He was a away at Salim on the 21st April, 1972 at member of the Indian Central Cotton the age of 72 Committee and the Indian Council of Agticultuial Research. He also served as a Shri H. Sitarama Reddv was a Member member of the governing body of the CSIR. of the Constituent Assembly during the years 1946-48 and of the First Lok Sabha Our sincere condolences and sympathies during the years 1952-53 representing may please be conveyed to the members of Kurnool constituency of the then State of the bereaved family. Madras. Earlier, he was a Member of the Madias Legislative Assembly. He was also SHRl DASARATHA DEB (Tripura a Minister in the Madras Government during East) : We share in the feelings of sorrow 1947-52. expressed by the Prime Minister on the sad demise of Shri H. Sitarama Reddy, and I We deeply niourn the loss of this distin­ would request you to communicate our guished friend and 1 am sure the House condolences to the members of the bereaved will join me in conveying our condolences family. to the bereaved family. SHRI S. M. BANERJEE (Kanpur): On THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER my behalf and on behalf of my party. I OF ATOMIC ENERGY, MINISTER OF associate myself with the sentiments expre­ ELECTRONICS, MINISTER OF HOME ssed by the hon. Leader of the House, the AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF INFOR­ Prime Minister, and 1 request you to convey MATION AND BROADCASTING (SHKI- our heartfelt condolences to the family MAT1 INDIRA GANDHI) : Mr. Speaker, members of late Shri H. Sitarama Reddy. Sir, we are deeply grieved to hcai of the demise of shri Sitarama Reddy, and 1 fully associate myself with the sentiments that «To sRFft smrcm *rr£s : you have expressed. a r e r a a m t t sfr Shri Reddy was, of course, a Member ^ rr a r a R v r s t t t «f the First Lok Sabha, buf he began his > T??TT P arV 3TT<T % f ^ Oral Answers APRIL 25, 1972 Oral Answers 4 f*F |* l < t *f^?TT ’TfFcT ^ q g s t f ?pt v m *r tot tot I ? **t w war tff f i ^ T l I ?rf?pp srRsq'^rarraft sft* tftertfror f<r®ytrc «rt arr*r t<it tot | ’ PROF MADHU DANDAV4TE (Raja- pur) T associate the Socialist Partv with «ft *3$ * m STOit : ift j?f, fiT the sentiments expressed by you on the sad demise of Shi i H Sitaiama Reddy And I ?rm*r ^ f r f t t o t 1 1 would icquest you tocomeyoui condolences to the membtrs ot the bereaved familv «ft ^ Tn‘*r*fi?T w afr * «r?rm P far tfferar frTT? fir sn^fr MR SPLAKFR \s a maik of respect to the memory of the deceased, we may fft ^rrtrft i $ srFRr w rr f far ^t€t stand in silence for a short while ?ft ?rr5*r %■ g w T t, Tft & f ? 14 *ffar wr t , * fa^r *tto *mr *\ t m ^ The Members then stood in stlence for a short Mhile y f t ®PT *T**T?RT & ? «ft 5T ^ *T? 21 fspTT- ^rrsrr ^ ^nn I, * f*5 ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 5T^T i{> ^ ITH c rr^ ’sf 5PTT<?t f- fa- fa q r^ T , i<)72 ^ qfr ctrr ^mr»fr ^T? T O ^Tp ?T ^T3T*ir I 3TT5»T % * 5 4 1 « ft xj^ir *ft «at¥at S ^ V rr^r art STcfTfT $T fa : ajW rP w 5T»F t dfrr «r»T 3TCST 5FT ^ ST5»3 •TH’T STrT ^ t i* {* ) m 26 n r# , 1972 *rt & i\r ir ftr 5?i^ i T«rr csrirT ?r fn- rrftpsriT s n h r r ft % s r r fw ?r 3 f m ^ T R - ^ r ?r ??t srm * f W t ir & ?t% jt? «rr f r ^TT SqT^T T?5T tot | 7 arfBT^TTt ^? g ftr SFT ST^t fTTJnr *r jrst% f t it ^ MR SPFAKER It is a suggestion for action f \ trap fVqt£ 3T?c£T T $ t , sft? «ft ^ «Pq*T* : OTST *T^T (® ) ?ft^ fnftf 2RT3T f t *TT 5TT TrTT f ^ R T ! ^ I JTTccr ?t% f t ’F W f T ^ 9 3T*W ITjftW I 5T?f 3TT 3TTrTT t THE DEPUTY MIN1STFR IN I HI MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MOHD 3ffe ^ 1 1 SHAF1 QURESHI) (a) and (b) Yes, Sir It has been decided to carry out a rapid Depletion of Ground Water Re*«mree« engineering and traffic survey for extension in Ghittoor District Andhra Pradeah of the broad gauge line liom Indore to Mhow The Survey Report is expectcd to be *541 SHRI P NARASIMHA REDDY available by about December, 1972 Will the Munster of IRRIGATION AND POWER be pleased to state «ft m m $ (a) whether Government are aware of *nwfw sft % ^r?mT sn§?TT g fc the rapidly depleting ground water resources fW t£ <Nk TOT fa*T-f*R «TK?J<*ft in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, 5 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 5, 1894 (S'AKA) Oral Answers 6 (b) if so, the steps contemplated for Import of Cars for nse of conservation and re-charging of the resour­ S. T C. O fficials ces; *544. SHRI S. M. BANERJEE : Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE be (c) whether Government propose to pleased to state : prepare and exccute a Masfer-Plan for the purpose with the assistance of the World (a) whether a number of foreign cars Bank and the United Nations; and have been imported for the use of Directors and other officials of the State Trading (d) if so, the broad outlines of the Corporation; and proposal ? (b) if so. the number of such cars THF DF.PUTY MINIS'! 12R IN THE maintained by the Corporation ? MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND POWER (SHRI B N. KUREEL) : (a) and THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN (b). No, Sir. TRADF. (SHRI L. N. MlSHRA) : (a) No, Sir (c) and (d), No such proposal is undei the consideiation of the Government of (b) Does not ausc. India SHRI S. M. BANERJEE : I am happy SHRI P. NARASIMHA RFDDY : The to know that at present they are not import­ ing any car for the use of the directors and answer to part (a) is No’. There appears to other officials of the STC. But I would like be a conti adiction. If there is no depletion of ground water icsourccs in the Chittoor to know from the hon.
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