OPINION/ EDITORIAL ARTS & LE; NEWS Cocke's Last Stand of the year, pg 2 Strock reviews Blue M Lax Team Cadet in Fo- looks towards cus: Rob Worrell, pg 4 Lee-Jackson. PS 5 $1.00 VOLUMK LXXXIX Friday, 2 May 1997 Number 24 News Briefs Symbolic parade gesture brings tears to many... 44th ••••••••••••••O ^orld • Azalea Rumors that amnesty will be granted to anyone living in Hong Kong Festival when C hina takes control of the prov Steve Nichols ince have created waves of illegal im News Writers migrants from the China mainland int() ()n Friday, April 25, an attiichment Hong Kong. These fugitives seek the fa)m tlie VMI Crops of cadets U-avek\l to equivalent of the "American Dream" Norfolk. Virginia to piulicipate in t)ie 44* Hong Kong officials have publicly de- iuinuiilA/alea Festival. ITie festival, which nied the rumors. elebrates the forming of NAfO (Nortli Atlantic Treaty Orgiuiizjtion). htstetl all The U.S. and Russia have made w eekend long with several ev aits open to the first joint spacewalk. Astronaut the public, fhe Corps served a.< escorts for Jerry Linenger and Russian cosmo- the Azalea Qucvn ;iml her coun w hich was naut Vasily Tsibliyer spent five hours inade up of females w ho a-pa-sentixl their ollecting space dust catchers and indiv idu;il cixinUies tiwt belong to the treaty hecking experiments along the orgiini/ation. sprawling space station. What made tliis jeiir's festival a-- ally special was this year's qucvn w as an Bill Richardson, the U.S. ain- Amenciin and it iiutrked the 50* anniver bassador to the United Nations, ar- sarv oftlK- M;irsh;dl PliUi NATO lias stnmg ranged the first face-to- face meeting ties with (ienenil Miu^liall ;md his plan to between the president of Zaire a-build l iiaipe after World W;u- II Mobutu Scse Seko and rebel leader This years qucvn hovvev CT has some Laurent Kabila. Richardson wants sm>ng ties of her own. Jenny Fisenhower Mobutu to step down and agree to During last Saturday's Alumni parade honoring the classes of '27 through '87 in decade increments, a is not only a diaxt descemliuit of l^a-si- transitional government and elections short speech was added into the usual commentary on parade unbeknownst to the administration. The dent F.isenhow er who had direct ties to the Kabila's rebel forces are on the move announcer expounded on the all htale traditions of VMI that would soon come to an end, and went on to fomiiition of NA'fO. but also the grand- to Zaire's capitol, Kinshasa, to take diiughter of ["a-sident Richaal M. Ni.xon, ontrol of the country if the talks fail talk about the honor and dignity in which VMI would carry itself into coeducation. In a symbolic gesture Aside faim that, her mother. Tricia Nixon of lost traditions and new ones to come, the First Class officers inserted their sabers into the ground with Cox. kv as also an .Azalea Quc-en in 1969 Kathi Zellweger, a foreign aid their shakos placed on top, and marched off the field to the tears of onlookers and pride ofAlumnL fhe yuecn's court was conipri.sed worker, said mass stan ation could hit of 24 girls faun iuiiund tlie Norfolk ;uva North Korea within several weeks il iukI ov erseas. Tliey nude up the princes,ses food aid does not arrive. North Kore- faini all 17 N.A'I'O countries and tlieir at- ans are grinding oak trees into powder tentlanLs. Ilie schedule for the queen be- to supplement dwindling rations ol MTV's Tabitha Soren Visits VMI g;m on Hiursday. .April 24 with several in- Drew Osborn terv lews and visits to St. Paul's lipiscopal News Writer Chuali ;uid tlie Mc.Artliur meiaorial. A Results from Thursday's British military I'attixi was held the evening of the Wearing a lime green blouse and election are not in, but if the polls prove 25 at the Norfolk Scope aa-na. The coa)- matching bell-bottoms which accentu- correct the long- governing Conserva nation cea-mony was held on SalurxJay ated her auburn hair and sharp features, tive Party, headed by Prime Minister Apnl 2(i at the Norfolk liotaniail Ciardens Tabitha Soren commanded the attention John Major, will have been ousted by as well as the Ball held that night. Other the Labor Party and its leader Tony of all cadets on post this past Wednes- activities includcxl a parade downtown S;il Blair day. Soren, a news reporter for MI V, urday morning as well as a tour of the came to VMI as well as West Point and U.S.S. Stenis aiaraft carrier and an air Both French and German gov the Citadel to compose a piece about sht)w tliat Siuid;iy. the changing roles of men and women ernments have condemned human Hie w eekend w as very basy for tlie in today's stKiety. The program airs June loning. French President Jacques V.MI cadeb ;uid their c-sctm duties. But 29th. Chirac will call on the Ciroup of Seven festival ollicials as well as several alumni A former resident of Hampton, ndustrialized countries to ban cloning who iim most of the event insua-d a sue when they meet in June. President Bill Virginia, Soren was a cheerleader at cessful as well as enjoyable wc-ekend for Clinton has already banned the use ol Hampton High with familiar ties to the all w ho p;irltx)k in the ev ent. Several din federal money on such e.xperiments. military: her father served in the .'\ir ers ;md social mixers were carried out Force. w hich included a ba'akfast and tour of the General tiuntinfi and MT\ 's Tabitha Soren take a walk around X 'MTs Post Wednesday After high school, she attended harbor alxnuxl tlie Spirit ql Moiiolk. All in NYU btxause oftlie numerous internships Aller she gnidu;ited, she worketl ils a a-- calls she received when entering bamicks deciding if il is for them." all. tlie event was deemed a succcss by all National in New York. One of t)n)se internships she pt)rter witli .ABC, but eventually she a- she replied " It is all an act, the\ were .After gathering infonnation and w ho attended was with CNN ;md fran there she made tumed to .MTV just trying to get under my skin." inler\ iew ing cadets, she set aside some her linit contact witli MIA'. While VMI After her day-long tour of the I, Her thoughts on women at VMI time for autographs and photos, which cadet's summers lend to be spent at varioas labitha thought that cadets here were The standofi" between law en wen; simple," Il takes a special mind set gav e cadets a chance to converse w ith a military bases around the n;itioa Miss Soren less hostile than those at other military Farrell Ousted? forcement authorities and Republic of to live in a military environment, women personality most had watched on telcv i- was working on M l V's I leadbiingers Ball. schools. When asked about all the cat- have to do some soul-searching before sion for vears. Texas continues at Fort Davis, in West Steve Nichols rn Texas. The supposed leader of the ecessionists Richard McLare> News Writer claims that Texas was illegally made VMI Loses Col. Kevin L. Brown to HOPE VMI Supennteixlent( icnicral Josiiili into a state of the United States and Bunting 111. will be conducting a national want to gain Texas independence Assistant to the Superintendent moves on to St HOPE Academy seiuvh Ibra lX';in at VMI. Thecura-nt I Vai McLarey's attorney proinises a peace oftlie Faculty , Colonel Ahin F;uTell (act ful settlement. Adam Schwarzschild Cot. Brown decided that he wanted Col. Brown left St. I ouis, He is inov ing to Sacramento. Cali- ing) is undcx'ided at the moment as ti further education, but he did not and after a brief stint as associate fornia where he will be headmas- w hetlier he w ill biil for tJie position of 1 V.ui News Writer Drill instructor StalY Sgt want to spend six years getting a dean at Carlton College, he joined ter of the St. HOPl Academy. iif the Faculty, however. tJie idea for a na Delmar Sinipsun was convicted of 18 Colonel Kevin Brown, Ihe Ph.D. He chose to get his law de- the faculty at the l awrence\ille I his school will take children and tionalseaahwashisown. llieseaahwill counts of rape against six female train •Assistant to the Superintendent, is gree not so much because he School, a boarding school in north- teenagers out of a dangerous envi- be conducted by a select committee of fac Simpson faces life in prison and one of the Virginia Military Insti- wanted to practice law but because ern New Jersey. Col. Brown ronments and provide them with ulty members fmm the V.MI community will likely appeal his conviction to th tutes key administrators, yet he has he valued the education and train- worked closely with (ieneral the skills and confidence needed When asked about his appoinUiient last US. Anny Court ofCriminal Appeals received little recognition. Unfor- ing that law school would give him. Bunting who was at the time head- for success. year. Colonel F;invll commented tJiat he Army mvestigators are pursuing more tunately, Col. Brown is leaving at Brown received his Juris Doctorate master of 1 aw rence\ ille.
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