Index to Families and Other Higher Taxa of Arthropods Page references in brackets [ ] show groups recorded as fossils only; page references in parentheses ( ) show groups recorded as prey only; page references in italics show where text citations such as “acridid” have been indexed under the scientific name (e.g. Acrididae), although English names such as “weevil” and “caddisfly” are not indexed. Groups marked † are mentioned in this book but extant species are not recorded here from the Yukon. Genera, species and some other taxa below the rank of family are given especially in the annotated lists and tables. Acalyptratae, 664 Aphididae, 4, 391–395, 397–400, 401, (884, 886, 887), Acanthosomatidae, 286, 290, 298, 304, 317, 324 [931, 941, 942], 969, 970, 983, 1005, 1007 Acari, [923, 930, 939], 995, 996 Aphidoidea, 387–404, 973, 995, 996 Achilidae†, (875) Apidae†, 883, [939] Achipteriidae, 121, 128, 135, 141, [940] Apiformes†, (875), 883 Achipterioidea, 121, 129, 145 Apionidae (Brentidae), 438 Acrididae, 224, 225, 226–233, 234, 235, 526, (888), Apocrita, [929, 938] 972, 977, 988 Apoidea, 869, 870, (875), 883, 895, 898, 899 Acridoidea, 225, 712 Apterygota, [918] Actinedida, 117 Arachnida, [923, 930, 939, 944], 971, 972, 995, 996 Aculeata, 867–900, 974, 976, 981, 983, 984, 995, 998, Aradidae, 279–280, 290, 297, 302, 304, 315, 972, 986 1003 Aradoidea, 290 Adelgidae, 389 Araneae, 3, 73–113, (899), [923, 930, 940], 972, 975, Adelidae, 737, 777 983, 995, 996, 998 Adephaga, 419 Araneidae, 91–93, 106, 107, 108, (880, 889), 972, 977 Aeshnidae, 177, 180–183, 972, 977, 988 Archipteridae, [923] Agelenidae, 93, 108, (881) Arctiidae, 723, 737–739, 777, 779, 781, 782, 783, 973, Agromyzidae†, (889) 977, 988 Agyrtidae†, 422, [955] Arctoperlaria, 204, 218 Aleyrodidae†, [931, 942, 956] Asilidae, 637–662, 969, 973, 975, 976, 977, 981, 983, Alydidae, 285, 290, 298, 304, 307, 316, (887) 985, 988, 991, 992, 993, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, Amaurobiidae, 76–77, 105, (883) 1004 Ameletidae, 153, 160, 161, 163, 972 Astegistidae, 121, 125, 132, 138, [939] Amerobelboidea†, 120 Attelabidae†, 525 Ameronothridae, 121, 126, 133, 139, [923] Atopochthonioidea†, 120 Ameronothroidea, 121, 126 Autognetidae, 121, 126, 133, 139 Amphizoidae, 413, 421 Baetidae, 154–156, 161, 163, 164, 972 Andrenidae†, 883 Belidae†, 525 Anisoptera, 171, 177, 180 Belostomatidae†, 290, 300 Anisozygoptera†, 171 Berytidae†, 290, 300 Annulipalpia, 796, 798, 826, 827, 830, 855, 856, 857 Bethylidae, 869, 870–871, 893, 895, 898, 899 Anobiidae, 431, [927–928, 936], 973 Bibionidae [922, 929] Anoplura†, [918] Bombycoidea, 726, 780 Antarctoperlaria†, 204, 218, 999 Bombyliidae†, (889) Anthicidae, 412, 435, 442, [921, 927, 936] Boridae†, 434 Anthocoridae, 244, 275–278, 290, 296, 300, 314–315, Bostrichidae, 430, [927, 936, 951] 972, 977, 979, 988 Bostrichoidea, 430 Anthomyiidae, 687, 722, (889, 890, 891), [929, 943, Brachycentridae, 799–800, 826, 827, 831, 833–835, 949], 973, 977, 981, 982, 983, 987, 988, 993, 994, 855, 858, [929] 995, 996, 997, 998, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1007 Brachycera, [938] Anthophoridae†, 883 Brachychthoniidae, 120, 122, 130, 136, 142, 147 Anthribidae, 437–438, 525, 528, 529, 541, 543, 544, Brachychthonioidea, 119, 120, 122 546, 550 Brachypylina, 118 Apataniidae, 799, 826, 829, 831, 832, 850, 855, 858 Braconidae, [929, 938, 943] Aphelacaridae†, 120 1015 1016 Index to families and other higher taxa Brentidae, 438 (Apionidae), 525, 526, 528, 529–530, Cladocera†, [923, 930, 939] 541, 543, 544, 546, 550 Clambidae†, 427 Bruchidae, 436 Cleridae, 431 Buprestidae, 411, 413, 414, 416, 428–429, [935], 973, Cleroidea, 431 983 Clubionidae, 99–100, 106–107, 108, (879, 883) Buprestoidea, 428 Coccinellidae, 409, 411, 412, 413, 432–433, [921, 928, Byrrhidae, 414, 428, [921, 927, 935, 947, 948, 951], 983 936], 973 Byrrhoidea, 428 Cochylidae, 769, 777 Byturidae, 433 Coenagrionidae, 177, 179–180, 972, 977, 988 Caenidae, 156, 161, 163, 164 Coleoptera, 3, 4, 45, 46, 63, 405–444, 526, 702, 825, Calamoceratidae†, 855, [937] (871, 876, 893, 899), [912, 914, 919, 924, 931, Caleremaeidae, 121, 126, 133, 139 941–942, 944, 945, 949, 953, 955], 968, 971, 973, Calliphoridae†, (889, 890, 891), [943] 975, 995, 996 Camisiidae, 120, 123, 130–131, 136–137, 143, [939] Coleorrhyncha†, 243 Cantharidae, 430, [921, 927, 936], 973, 1001 Collembola†, (884) Cantharoidea, 430 Colletidae†, 883 Capniidae, 204, 205, 206–209, 220, 221, 972, 977, 988 Colydiidae†, 434, [928, 936] Carabidae, 407, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 415, 416, 417, Corduliidae, 177, 183–186, 972, 977, 988 419–421, 440, 441, 445–489, [459–464, 471–474, Coreidae, 244, 285, 290, 298, 304, 316 478, 480], 553, 608, 720, 721, [919–920, 924– Coreoidea, 290 925, 931–933, 942, 945, 947, 949, 950, 951, 952, Corixidae, 249–251, 290, 291, 307, 309, 320, 321, 322, 953, 954, 955], 968, 973, 976, 977, 978, 979, 980, 326, [918, 919, 924], 972, 977, 986, 988 981, 985, 992, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1001, Corixoidea, 290 1004, 1006, 1007, 1009 Corylophidae, 432 Carabodidae, 117, 121, 125, 132, 138 Crotonoidea, 120, 123, 142 Carabodoidea, 121, 125 Crustacea, [923, 929, 939] Cephaloidae, 434 Cryptophagidae, 432, [921, 928], 973 Cepheidae, 118, 120, 124, 131, 138, [930] Ctenacaroidea†, 120 Cephoidea, 120, 124, [939] Ctenoplectridae†, 883 Cerambycidae, 411, 412, 413, 414, 416, 435–436, Cucujidae, 432, [928, 936] [936], 973, 983 Cucujoidea, 431 Ceratocombidae†, 289, 300 Culicidae, 413 Ceratopogonidae†, 568, (889, 890) Curculionidae, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, Ceratozetidae, 115, 121, 127–128, 134, 140–141, 143, 417, 438–439, 440, 443–444, 523, 525, 526, 528– 144, 147, [923, 939–940] 553, (876, 884, 893), [922, 928–929, 936–937, Ceratozetoidea, 121, 127, 144 942], 968, 973, 975, 977, 982, 983, 988, 995, 996, Cerylonidae†, 432 998, 999 Chalcidae†, [938] Curculionoidea, 437, 523–562 Chamaemyiidae†, (889) Cyclorrhapha, [929, 938] Chamobatidae†, 121 Cydnidae†, 290, 300 Chironomidae, 3, 413, 615–635, 688, 791, 857, 858, Cymbaeremaeidae, 121, 126, 133, 139, 147 859, (889, 890), [922, 929, 937–938, 943, 945, Cymbaeremaeoidea, 121, 126 952], 968, 969, 970, 973, 979, 980, 981, 982, 983, Cyrtozetidae, 121, 128, 135, 141, 147 986, 987, 994, 995, 996, 1002, 1003 Damaeidae, 120, 124, 131, 137, 142, 147, [930, 939, Chloroperlidae, 205, 206, 212–215, 220, 972, 977, 988 950] Chloropidae†, (889, 890) Damaeoidea, 120, 142 Choreutidae, 768, 777 Damaeolidae†, 120 Chrysididae, 869, 870, 871–874, 893, 895, 898, 899 Delphacidae, 377–385, 973, 979, 981, 982, 983, 985, Chrysidoidea, 869, 870, 895, 898, 899, 974 986, 994, 995, 996, 998 Chrysomelidae, 409, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, Dermestidae, 430 436–437, 443, [922, 928, 936], 973 Dermestoidea, 430 Chrysomeloidea, 435 Derodontidae†, 430 Cicadellidae, 337–375, (874, 884, 885), [918, 919, 924, Diapriidae†, [938, 943] 931, 953, 955], 968, 973, 975, 983, 985, 995, 996, Dictynidae, 75–76, 105, 108, 972, 977 997, 998, 999 Dipsocoridae†, 289 Cicindelidae, 409, 419, 454, [931], 973 Dipsocoroidea†, 289 Ciidae†, 433 Dipsocoromorpha†, 289, 300 Cimicidae†, 290, 300 Diptera, 4, 45, 46, 688, 721, (877, 878, 888, 899), [922, Cimicoidea, 290 929, 937, 943, 955], 971, 973, 975, 978, 995, 996 Cimicomorpha, 242, 244, 253, 289, 290, 292, 300, 310 Dolichopodidae†, (889, 890, 891) Index to families and other higher taxa 1017 Drepanosiphidae, 390–391, 397, 401 Gerromorpha, 248, 289, 291, 300, 309 Drosophilidae†, 825 Glossosomatidae, 793, 826, 827, 830, 831, 855, 856, Dryinidae, 869, 870, 874, 893, 895, 899 858, 974, 977, 988 Dryopoidea, 429 Gnaphosidae, 97–99, 106, 107, 108, (881), 972 Dytiscidae, 4, 407, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 416, 421, Goeridae, 800, 827, 831, 835, 855, 858 440, 441, 491–522, 702, [920, 925–926, 933–934, Gracillariidae, 769, 777 951], 968, 969, 973, 975, 976, 977, 980, 981, 982, Grylloblattidae†, 225 984, 985, 986, 988, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, Grylloptera, 225–226 999, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1007 Gustaviidae†, 121 Elateridae, 409, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 429, 442, Gustavioidea, 121, 125, 143 [921, 927, 935–936, 948], 973, 1001 Gymnodamaeidae, 120, 123–124, 131, 137, 142 Elateroidea, 429 Gyrinidae, 413, 421, [920, 926, 934] Elmidae, 413, 429, [927, 925] Hahniidae, 75, 93–94 Embolemidae, 869, 870, 875, 895 Halictidae†, 883 Empididae†, 859, (889, 890) Haliplidae, 413, 421, [920, 933] Endomychidae†, 433 Haplozetidae, 121, 127, 133, 140 Enicocephalidae†, 289 Hebridae†, 289, 300 Enicocephaloidea†, 289 Hebroidea†, 289 Enicocephalomorpha†, 289, 300 Helodidae, [921, 927, 935] Eniochthoniidae†, 120 Hemiptera, 3, 243, 322, (887, 888) Ephemerellidae, 156–157, 161, 163, 164, 972 Heptageniidae, 157–159, 161, 163, 164, 972 Ephemeroptera, 151–167, 218, 220, 857, [918], 968, Hermanniellidae†, 118, 120 972, 983, 995, 996, 997 Hermannielloidea†, 120 Epilohmanniidae, 120, 123, 130, 136 Hermanniidae, 120, 123, 131, 137 Epilohmannioidea, 120, 123 Hermannioidea, 120, 123, 142 Eremaeidae, 120, 124, 131–132, 138, 142, 143, [939] Hesperiidae, 736–737, 777, 973, 977, 988 Eremaeoidea, 120, 124, 142 Hesperioidea, 736, 775, 780 Eremobelbidae†, 120 Heteroceridae†, 429, [921, 927, 935] Erigonidae, 81–91, 105–106, 107, 108, 110, (889), [923, Heteroptera, 1, 3, 4, 46, 241–343, (899), [918, 919, 924, 930], 972, 977 931, 955], 968, 972, 975, 976, 981, 983, 994, 995, Eucinetidae, 427 996, 997, 1002 Eucinetoidea, 427 Histeridae, 427, [935, 957], 973 Eucnemidae†, 430 Homoptera, 338, 339, 378, 407, (892, 899), [918, 919, Euholognatha, 204, 205 924, 931, 941, 955], 973, 975, 995, 996 Eulohmanniidae, 120, 122, 130, 136 Humerobatidae†, 121 Eulohmannioidea, 120, 122 Hydraenidae†,
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