IrcJkinaUnlvwsny-PunlwUnlvMMyatlndlanapoKs i Court will m ake VP ruling Shorts... The by M A eG altew ay like Glasgow, is a member of the ABC, the controlling party within the Discussion u the procedure to fol­ SA Twins... low in the selection ot a new student NominaUoos were taken at the rtnl- and second-grade twins fra body vice president in the woke of the meeting to fUl the various offices in tarosl identical, mala, female or resignation ot Ches Navarra was the the SA speaker pro tem. comptroller mixed—are needed by the Depart dominant topic at the May 21 meeting tformerly the treasurer), and the re­ maot of Medical Genetics si the ladi? ot the IUPUI-Student Assembly, the corder < formerly the secretary) ana University School of Medicine first meeting ot the group since it took Senators Karen Arensman. Lois office on May 15 Twin studtee made through an anal- % Smith. Stevan Richards and Tim yak of school records tend to show Student Body President Mike Breen were nominated for the office that reeding ability may be affected Reardon explained the situation of the speaker pro tem Senators T e m by genetic factors It is expected that Navarra resigned before the SA offi Peak, Tun Breen and Mel Appel were tests of twins' reading achievement, ctally took office. Reardon said, and nominated for the office of comp auditory memory, auditory and visual * such a case is not cov ered in the SA s trailer Senators Jennifer Bergman, integration and other parameters w constitution It would be up to the Stu­ Cathy Riggs and Becki Curtis re­ will turn up the underlying causae " dent Court to make a decision, he con ceived nomination for the office of re­ The department is looking for twins Untied, but it is not clear as to which corder Each of these positions are who read within the normal range of Court should decide on the matter as salaried positions their school grade Parents who would Navarra resigned while the old Court Also, It was decided to form a like to have their children participate remained, but that Court no longer coromitee to took into the possibilities should call Emily H a rm at the existed as of May 15 A new Court has of students outside the SA serving on Department of Medical Genetics at not yet been named, he added the vinous university committees for the IU Medical Center, 264-2246 academic credit The SA has a chair on After some discussion it was de­ many university committees, a cided that the new Court would make senator pointed out, and having the ultimate ruling, but until then, the students flit these seats w oukf serve Dr. Welcher... Speaker Pro Tern »to be chosen at the Friends, colleagues and former stu next meeting) will assume the duties two purposes, he said First, he said, dents will honor Dr Frank J of the vice president as is stated in the it would free SA members from re­ Welcher, professor of chemistry st consUution ceiving an additional work load and Ramparts, home of Indiana's largast jobber give the members more time to work the Purdue School of Science at inventory of famous Mopar brand parts Is now Ingrid Glasgow also submitted her for the students Secondly, such policy IUPU1, with a dinner tonight Welcher resignation from the Senate for would involve the students at IUPU1 is retiring after 46 years of teaching at open to serve you! Parts for all cars, low prices, ‘ personal reasons'' and Arleeoe in their student goverment Indiana University and Purdue Uni­ knowledgeable counter assistance and a Thomas, the 16th top vote-getter for The next meeting of the SA will be versity, all at Indianapolis an at-large seat, was unanimously Tuesday. May 26, at • pm, in the Among those tea ted at the heed convenient downtown location make Ramparts voted as her replacement Thomas, Lecture Hall, Room 106. table will be Dr Herman B Wells, your one stop auto parts store. chancellor of the university and a classmate and fraternity brother of Give us a call today. DEC10 has new feature Welcher Dr Glenn W Irwin, J r , IU vice president, Indianapolis, Dr Com m tins Services h si inwvinrwi more reliable and faster than key­ Joseph T Taylor, dean of the IU P U I the sviittbiilty on the D E C is of in punching. School of Liberal Arts who also is re- optical mark scanning service for use In order to take advantage of this tiriag, D r William A Nevtll, dean of in surveys and other data analysis capability, the researcher must plan Rampants the School of Science, and Beurt R projects his or her survey or data gathering For the your SerVaas, a former student best * pot lite procedure with consideration of the Using optical scanning techniques, SerVsas, president of the Indunsp- special forms available for optical the computer can read in data from o i^ M a n o o County Council, publisher scanning These forms then are used 723 N. Capitol 637-3487 the same document on which the data and businessmen, will give the main during the survey or data collection to Indianapolis, IN was originally entered manually with address tracing Wekher's carter record the data a pencil This process eliminates the The dinner, scheduled to begin at Persons desiring more informs lion need for keypunching 7.15 pm, will be held in the Hoosier about the service may obtain it by cal- Room at the Union Building Optics! scanning is less expensive, ling 264-6006 SPEEDWAY \ 4 a .m l Inside Now Growing — Drive by & IU PU I News...........page 2 Congressional take a look — Open Soon! Insights..................page 3 Crittur....................... page 4 Comment...................page 4 1935 W. 16th St. Letters.......................page 4 Our View...................page 4 Kelly I t Duke.. pages 5,12 Take the Downtown Express and this coupon Indy Daredevils, pages S.7 Midwest Arts Gazette..........pages 8.9 The editor sol in his sanctum, his countenance Good for $2 -off on purchase of furrowed with care. The Inside Line— page 9 His mind at the bottom of business, his/eet ot the Classifieds.... pages 19,11 $5- or more top of the chair. Offer good through May 31 Zodiacal Zingers His chair arm an elbow supporting, his right hand St Help...............page 12 upholding his head. His eyes on his duaty old table, with different documents tpread. Will Cartetoa Farm Ballads The Editor's Guests l I Cover photo by Evalds Yalainis l i Good only at downtown location, 113 N. Illinois Ona coupon por purchase — «..J ] 5/24/76 Sogamor* 1 Cegey students— Free University... (NewScript)—Here’s proof once again that students who go Congressional Insights Indianapolis Free University offers" to Stanford University are' people a low cost means of sampling . y smart—or at least cagey when Ideas, skills and activities. Included in desperate. The House votes this week on the $l-bUlioo tuition tax credit bill. Carter prom­ the 200 classes available this summer On the day of the final exam re- ises to veto the plan to allow a 9260 credit far each student in college or vocational are disco dance, hang gliding, wind cently, a chemistry professor school. It would cost 91 billion by M l. The threat may make it easier for mem­ surfing, solo canoeing, meatless cook­ warned his students—400 or so of bers to have their cake and eat it—approving a popular bill while letting the ery, bodywork, massage, drugiess them—that be would accept no White House take the blame for its defeat healing, nutrition and natural foods, late bhae books, or test papers. The-big floor fight will be over tax breaks far private school pupils. That, yoga, bike repair, mopeds, Nevertheless, one student attemp­ critics say, raises constitutional problems and hikes federal taxes. Effective lob­ photography and hypnosis All 200 ted to turn his in 10 minutea bying by public school groups may have cut support for the idea. House leaders classes are described in the June a fte the deadline. The professor are predicting (I) a dose vote on tax credits for private school undergraduates, issue of the Free University Catalog refused i t and (I) passage of the college tax credit. available al libraries snd bookstores The student pled desperately, a a * * * while supplies last. but his teacher was unmoved. The Senate began another marathon last week over labor law reform. Still ex­ The average fee for a Free U course Finally, the student asked, uDo hausted by Panama Canal debate and fadng a filibuster, senators gamely took is 910. Registration is by mail or at you know who I am?” The pro­ up the controversial measure to make it easier for unions to organize. Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 526 E fessor admitted that be did not Hie leadership is working hard to round up enough votes for cloture—oppon­ 52nd on Saturday, May 27 and June 3. m&*ut With that the student slid his ents claim to have 45—hut the first cloture vote won’t come until after the and at the Free Lecture program on blue book into the pile of 400 just Memorial Day recess. Leaders hope to have the necessary 60 in hand by then. Thursday, June 1, from 7 to 10 pm. like it snd hurried out the door. After the Canal debate, this contest features a new set of teammates. Minority . Classes start the week of June 5th. & 3 -S ° < ?7 Leader Howard Baker vows to support the filibuster, which will be led by two For further information, contact Virgins..
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