198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 10 6110. By Mr. HOUSTON: Petition of 22 citizens of Wichita, 6125. By Mr. THOMAS of New Jersey: Resolution adopted Kans., urging enactment of House bill 1, to impose on persons by Herbert Cawley Post, No. 188, High Bridge, N. J., recom­ operating 10 or more retail stores under the same general mending that the activities of the Dies committee be con­ management a graduated excise tax; to the Committee on tinued during the year 1940; to the Committee on Rules. Ways and Means. 6126. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the North Long Beach 6111. By Mr. MARTIN J. KENNEDY: Petition of the Democratic Club, Long Beach, Calif., petitioning consider-­ American Legion Auxiliary, New York County committee, ation of their resolution with reference to Byron N. Scott; to New York City, concerning their five~point legislative pro­ the Committee on Elections No. 2. gram for the year 1940; to the Committee on World War Veterans' Legislation. · 6112. Also, petition of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of SENATE the United States, legislative department, Washington, D. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1940 urging support of House bill 2726; to the Committee on World War Veterans' Legislation. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the 6113. By Mr. LECOMPTE: Petition of sundry citizens of following prayer: Ollie, Richland, and Sigourney, Iowa, expressing unalterable 0 God, our Heavenly Father, of whom all fatherhood is opposition to America participating in any foreign war, and named: Deliver us, we beseech Thee, from the sins that urging the continuance of the Committee Investigating Un­ divide us, from forgetfulness of Thee, from indifference to American Activities; to the Committee on Appropriations. our fellow men, and from every evil which obstructs Thy sav­ 6114. By Mr. MERRITT: Resolution of the Brooklyn ing purpose. Do Thou teach us that truth as wisdom and wis­ Council, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, re­ dom as truth can only be found in the ways of honor; that in questing that the Congress of the United States grant an the paths of shame we meet but endless and hopeless error. adequate appropriation to the Dies committee so that it may Consecrate, 0 Son of God, the homes of this Nation; function with a maximum of efficiency; to the Committee on cleanse our politics; hallow our daily work; save us from Rules. ourselves; and raise us, Thou who art exalted at the Father's 6115. Also, resolution of the Scarsdale Post, No. 52, De­ side, to live with Thee in God; and may the power and glory partment of New York, American Legion, urging that the of Thy love be known even to the ends of the earth, for Dies committee be continued for at least another year and Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever · be provided with adequate appropriation for necessary ex- and ever. Amen. penses; to the Committee on Rules. · 6116. Also, resolution of the Holy Name Society of St. ATTENDANCE OF SENATORS Teresa's Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., condemning the dicta­ STYLES BRIDGES, a Senator from the State of New Hamp­ torial action of the National Association of Broadcasters in shire, HENRY CABOT LoDGE, Jr., a Senator from the State of forcing radio stations, members of the association, to with..: Massachusetts, and KENNETH McKELLAR, a Senator from the draw time from the Reverend Charles E. Coughlin, adjudg­ State of Tennessee, appeared in their seats today. ing him to be a controversialist; to the Committee on Inter­ THE JOURNAL state and Foreign Commerce. On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, the 6117. Also, resolution of the Republican Club of Astoria, reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Monday, Janu­ Long Island, N. Y., that if sugar legislation is enacted in ary 8, 1940, was dispensed with, and the Journal was 1940 <when the present Sugar Act of 1937 expires) legisla­ approved. tion must provide that there be no further expansion in the MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT importation of refined sugar made in the tropical islands for our markets, and that every effort be made to regain the lost Messages in writing from the President of the United work which rightfully belongs to the home workers by pro­ States submitting nominations were communicated to the viding that workers in the tropics produce raw cane sugar Senate by Mr. Latta, one of his secretaries. only, permitting the refining of that sugar to be done by BOARD OF VISITORS TO COAST GUARD ACADEMY highly paid American workmen at home; to the Committee The VICE PRESIDENT. Pursuant to law, the Chair ap­ on Foreign Affairs. points the Senator from Arizona [Mr. HAYDEN] a member, on 6118. By Mr. PFEIFER: Petition of the Veterans of Foreign the part of the Senate, of the Board of Visitors to the United Wars of the United States, Washington, D. C., urging support States Coast Guard Academy. of House bill 2726; to the Committee on World War Veterans' REPORT OF FEDERAL ALCOHOL ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Legislation. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter 6119. Also, petition of the United Sugar Refinery Workers, from the Administrator of the Federal Alcohol Administration Long Island City, N.Y., concerning the importation of sugar; Division of the Treasury Department, transmitting, pursuant to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. to the law, the fifth annual report of that Division, which, 6120. Also, petition of the New York State Conference with the accompanying report, was referred to the Committee Board of Farm Organizations, Ithaca, N. Y., concerning the on Finance. control of the Farm Credit Administration by the Department of Agriculture; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. JAMES L. KINNEY 6121. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter State of New York, New York City, urging continuation of the from the Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, trans­ Dies committee; to the Committee on Appropriations. mitting a draft of proposed legislation for the relief of James 6122. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of the L. Kinney, which, with the accompanying paper, was re­ State of New York, New York City, concerning the Logan­ ferred to the Committee on Claims. Walter administrative bills, S. 915 and H. R. 6324; to the LAND ACQUISITIONS, NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING Committee on.the Judiciary. COMMISSION 6123. By Mr. REES of Kansas: Petition of F. S. Riegel and The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter 14 other citizens of Wilsey, Kans., in support of House bill 1; from the executive officer of the National Capital Park and to the Committee on Ways and Means. Planning Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, a list 6124. By Mr. SCHIFFLER: Petition of the Taylor County of land acquisitions for parks, parkways, and playgrounds, Post, No. 12, of the American Legion, Grafton, W.Va., urging the cost of each tract, and method of acquisition, for the congressional authority to enlarge and expand the national fiscal year ended June 30, 1939, which, with the accompany­ cemetery at Grafton, W. Va.; to the Committee on Military ing papers, was referred to the Committee on Public Build­ Affairs. ings and Grounds. 1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 199 EXPENDITURES OF ST. ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL He also, from the same committee, reported favorably the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter following nominations: from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pur­ John Cudahy, of Wisconsin, now Envoy Extraordinary and suant to law, a report of the Superintendent of St. Eliza­ Minister Plenipotentiary to Ireland, to be Ambassador Ex­ beths Hospital showing in detail the expenditures of the hos­ traordinary and Plenipotentiary to Belgium; also Envoy pital for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1939, which, with the Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Luxemburg, accompanying report, was referred to the Committee on the vice Joseph E. Davies; District of Columbia. George S. Messersmith, of Delaware, now an Assistant Secretary of State, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and REPORT OF GEORGETOWN BARGE, DOCK, ELEVATOR & RAILWAY CO. Plenipotentiary to Cuba, vice J. Butler Wright, deceased; The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a Ietter R. Henry Norweb, of Ohio, now Envoy Extraordinary and from Hamilton & Hamilton, attorneys, transmitting, pur­ Minister Plenipotentiary to the Dominican Republic, to be suant to law, the annual report of the Georgetown Barge, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Peru; Dock, Elevator & Railway Co. for the fiscal year ended De­ James H. R. Cromwell, of New Jersey, to be Envoy Extraor­ cember 31, 1939, which, with the accompanying report, was dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Canada; and referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Robert M. Scotten, of Michigan, now a Foreign Service PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS officer of class 1 and counselor of Embassy at Madrid, Spain, The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a resolu­ to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to tion adopted by the National Institute of Municipal Law the Dominican Republic, vice R. Henry Norweb. Officers at Washington, D. C., favoring enactment of the bill He also, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, re­ (S. 591) to amend the United States Housing Act of 1937, ported favorably the nominations of sundry officers in the and for other purposes, which was referred to the Commit­ Diplomatic and Foreign Service of the United States. tee on Education and Labor. Mr. HARRISON, from the Committee on Finance, reported He. also laid before the Senate resolutions adopted by the favorably the nomination of John L. Fahs, of Leesburg, Fla., executive council of the American Federation of Teachers, to be collector of internal revenue for the district of Florida.
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