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The Constitution OF THE Blackburn Christadelphian Ecclesia (Incorporated in Victoria) 19 CHARLOTTE STREET BLACKBURN SOUTH 00000O00000 INCLUDING A STATEMENT OF THE FAITH FORMING THEIR BASIS OF FELLOWSHIP, DOCTRINES TO BE REJECTED AND THE COMMANDMENTSOF CHRIST May 1991 INDEX Constitution 1 Incorporation 1 2 Fellowship 2 3 Membership 4 4 Conduct of Members 5 5 Meetings 6 6 Arranging Brethren 8 7 Duties of Arranging Brethren 11 8 ServingBrethren 11 9 Rules and Procedures 11 10 Amendments to the Constitution 12 11 WindingUp 12 Rules and Procedures 1 Meeting Procedures 14 2 Memorial Meeting 15 3 Gospel Proclamation Meeting 16 4 Baptismal Meeting 16 5 Classes and Other Activities 17 6 Business Meetings 18 7 Arranging Brethren's Meetings 19 8 Appointment and Duties of Arranging Brethren 20 9 Appointment Plan 21 10 Sunday School 22 11 Youth Group 22 12 Gospel Proclamation 23 13 Finance 23 14 General 24 Marriage and Divorce 26 A Statement of Faith The Foundation 27 Truth to be Received 27 Doctrines to be Rejected 33 The Commmandments of Christ 34 CONSTITUTION BLACKBURN CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA INC. 19 CHARLOTTE STREET, BLACKBURN SOUTH, VICTORIA 1. INCORPORATION 1.10 The name of the Association is the "Blackburn Christadelphian Ecclesia Incorporated". 1.12 The Association is established at 19 Charlotte Street, Blackburn South, Victoria. 1.14 Statement of Purpose The Association, hereinafter referred to as "the Ecclesia", is a Christadelphian Ecclesia. The object and purpose of the Ecclesia is to regulate the religious activities and associations of its members who worship at 19 Charlotte Street, Blackburn South, in the State of Victoria, as part of the Cliristadelphian brotherhood. 1.16 Appointment of Public Officer The Recording Brother elected from time to time in accordance with clauses 6.32 and 6.33 shall be the Public Officer of the Ecclesia for the purposes of the Associations Incorporation Act (1981). 1.17 Register of Members The Recording Brother shall be responsible to maintain a Register of Members in which shall be entered the name, address and date of entry of each new member. The Register shall be available for inspection by members by arrangement with the Recording Brother. 1.18 Common Seal The Recording Brother shall provide a Common Seal of the Ecclesia and be responsible for it's safe custody. The Arranging Brethren shall have power to use the Common Seal in the execution of any or all of the powers vested in them or otherwise in relation to the affairs and business of the Ecclesia. The Common Seal shall only be used by the authority of the Arranging Brethren and in the presence of the Recording Brother or any two Arranging Brethren. 1 1.20 Annual Subscription The Annual Subscription shall be fixed by the Arranging Brethren from time to time and is payable on or before 31st December each year. 1.22 Finance Administration At each Memorial Meeting there shall be two regular collections to cover: (1) General expenses and (2) Gospel Proclamation expenses. An alternative collection may be taken for special purposes following announcement the previous Sunday or two Sundays as determined by the Arranging Brethren. (Refer also 13.110) 1.24 Signatories to bank accounts are to be as follows: - GeneralAccount Either Finance Brother or Recording Brother solely. - Sunday School Account Sunday School Superintendent or Secretary solely. - Library Account Librarian or Assistant Librarian solely. (Refer also 13.140) 1.26 The Recording Brother is to supervise the maintenance and custody of all books, documents and securities of the Ecclesia. (Refer also 8.110) 2. FELLOWSHIP 2.10 The Ecclesia's basis of fellowship is that agreed upon in 1958 and set out in the Unity Booklet pages 13 to 15 which read as follows: "General Beliefs We agree that the doctrines to be believed and taught by us, without reservation, are the first principles of the One Faith as revealed in the Scriptures, of which the Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith (with positive and negative clauses and the Commandments of Christ) gives a true definition. We believe that these scriptural truths must be accompanied by a life patterned on the example of the Lord Jesus Christ - who was the word made flesh." "Fellowship It is affirmed that: a) Any member departing from any element of the one faith, as defined by us in our Statement of Faith annexed, shall, on proof of the fact being given to the satisfaction of the arranging brethren without dissent, shall cease to be in fellowship, without a formal vote of withdrawal, by the Ecclesial body, and the fact being announced to the Ecclesia. The member to be notified forthwith. b) If it is established that an ecclesia sets itself out by design to preach and propagate at large, false doctrine, then it would become necessary to disassociate from such an ecclesia. c) The course of action necessitated by the above clauses (a and b) will be regulated by the principles of the Scripture and follow the spirit of the Ecclesial Guide, Sections 32, 41 and 42." 2.12 We recognize as brethren and sisters, and welcome to our fellowship, all who have been baptised (by whomsoever) after their acceptance of the above doctrines and precepts. 2.15 Marriage with the alien is an offence against the law of Cluist. Offenders who maintain the contrary are unfit for membership with those who "consent to the wholesome words of the Lord Jesus Christ". When an offence takes place in the matter the Ecclesia shall signify its disapproval by resolution sent to the offending Brother or Sister after which the Brother or Sister shall only resume membership by admitting their offence. All communications to be in the form and spirit required by clause 4.10. Divorce and Remarriage is not permissible for believers as set out in the Ecclesial policy on Marriage and Divorce annexed. 2.18 Cessation of Fellowship If any member departs from any element of the Statement of Faith, or is persistently absent without cause from the Memorial Meeting, or persistently behaves in a manner unworthy of the Name of Christ, the Arranging Brethren shall consider the matter in conjunction with the member concerned and make a recommendation regarding the fellowship of such member to a Quarterly or Special Business Meeting. In extreme cases, on proof of the fact being given to the satisfaction of the arranging brethren without dissent, the member will cease to be in fellowship, without a formal vote of withdrawal, by the Ecclesial body, and the fact being announced to the Ecclesia. The member to be notified forthwith. 2.20 Inter-ecclesial Relationships No brother or sister whose fellowship has ceased with another ecclesia in fellowship, shall be received until the cause has been investigated and opportunity given for that ecclesia to join in the investigation. 2.22 If another ecclesia receives into fellowship a brother or sister whose fellowship with this ecclesia has ceased under clause 2.18, then the Arranging Brethren shall seek to have that ecclesia investigate the case fully with them. If the other ecclesia refuses such cooperation, and persists in fellowshipping the member concerned, it shall be a cause for considering our fellowship position with that other ecclesia. 2.24 Where another ecclesia retains in fellowship a brother or a sister who is proven to be propagating false doctrine, then this ecclesia shall declare to that other ecclesia that we are not in fellowship with that brother or sister, or with any others who share such false doctrine, and that should any of their members present themselves to us for fellowship, they will only be welcomed after they have confirmed their personal acceptance of the Unity Basis and have expressed sound views on the subject in question to the satisfaction of the Arranging Brethren. 2.26 Any decision affecting this Ecclesia's fellowship position with another ecclesia, or with any of its members, shall only be made by a Quarterly or a Special Business Meeting. 3. MEMBERSHIP 3.10 Application for Membership A condition for application for membership will be acceptance without reservation of the basis of fellowship set out in clause 2.10. 3.12 All applications for membership shall be made (preferably in writing) through the Recording Brother to the Ecclesia. The Arranging Brethren, shall then arrange an interview with the applicant or take such other steps as they consider necessary for acceptance. 3.14 Where the applicant is from another ecclesia, the Recording Brother shall obtain confirmation from an Arranging Brother of that ecclesia (preferably the Recording Brother) either by letter or verbally, that there is no reason to withhold fellowship. 3.16 Where the applicant is seeking baptism, the Recording Brother shall make arrangements, in conjunction with other Arranging Bretliren, for the examination and baptism to be conducted by an Examining Brother and a witness. The Recording Brother is to ensure that the applicant has had an appropriate discussion with a brother (preferably an Examining Brother) before announcing the application to the Ecclesia. 3.20 Transfer of Membership Any member wishing to transfer to another ecclesia shall make application to the Recording Brother for a letter of commendation to that ecclesia. 3.22 Termination of Membership Any member wishing to terminate membership, other than by transfer under clause 3.20, shall notify the Recording Brother. The Arranging Brethren shall, if possible, consider the matter in conjunction with the member concerned and make a recommendation to a Quarterly or Special Business Meeting. 4 CONDUCT OF MEMBERS 4.10 Accusations No accusation or evil report against any brother or sister shall be listened to in public or in private unless the brother or sister making it shall first have taken all possible steps to comply with the principle set out in Matthew 18.
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