DA N C L K E O & F C X O H D O R O A H L T R OLI F E O S T K I E V E A R L MAZI G Faith. Dance.��� Fellowship. 2010 the official FDF publication iSSue 1 january 2010 34th Annual Greek Orthodox Folk Dance and Choral Festival a ministry of the metropolis of San Francisco Welcome His eminence Archbishop Demetrios We extend our love and greetings to His eminence as he celebrates his 10th Anniversary as Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, and pray that the Lord will continue to grant him wisdom and strength in his ministry. to the Bishop asking the Directors Mission Statement: The Circle congregation to exclaim, We are the Cultural edge and to improve our “Axios,” the Candidate is Ministers of the Greek teaching skills for the Fr. Gary’s Message lead around the Altar three Orthodox Folk Dance love of the FDF Ministry. Sacrament of Baptism, the times*, by brother priests, & Choral Festival of the Though FDF contains an Sacrament of Marriage and as they sing, “O Holy Mar- Metropolis of San Fran- element of competition, the Sacrament of Ordina- tyrs, who have fought the cisco. We are united this aspect shall never be tion. All three come at a good fight and have re- through the Orthodox the highlight or sole pur- climax in the ceremonies. ceived your crowns: en- faith in our commitment pose of our teaching. The None are ever performed treat the Lord that He have to teaching and perpetuat- ultimate achievement to alone, and all take place mercy on our souls.” This ing our Hellenic cultural be gained is the element hymn, celebrates the mind- heritage through dance, going counter-clockwise. of sharing, teaching, fulness of the new struggle song and music. We shall In the Sacrament of knowledge and love. We the young man has been carry out this commit- Baptism, as soon as the shall never promote the called to accomplish by ment by upholding the A common phrase I newly baptized is clothed idea or thought that one’s spreading the Good News teachings and principles hear exclaimed by dance in the radiant white attire he good fortune is another’s of Christ. of our Orthodox faith; directors is, “make a is brought back to the bap- misfortune, but strive to Each of these Sacra- serving as role models for circle!” As dancers we tismal font for a “dance.” see that all of us grow in ments is key in the lives our students; respecting all understand the defi- The sponsors, holding the spirit, strength and fel- of those of us that call clergy, fellow directors, nition of a circle. Web- new Christian, and led by lowship. We shall always ourselves Orthodox Chris- students, parents, judges, ster defines, a circle as, the clergy, sing in unison, seek to bring out the best tians. All are performed Board of Trustees mem- “ a simple shape of ge- “All those who have been in our teaching in terms in the Church, all are per- bers, Management Team ometry consist- baptized in Christ, have of ethics, morality and formed in community, members and site staff; ing of those points in put on Christ. (Galatians character, holding high and all are performed in a and by working in part- a plane which are equi- 3:27).” The first steps tak- the banner of Christian- CIRCLE! All of these then nership with fellow direc- distant from a given point en as a Christian are then a tors to expand our knowl- ity. ■ indicate the significance of called the center. The com- “dance” around the font, in the never-ending joy that mon distance of the points the Church, with, what is grows from the love of of a circle from its center is now, family! God! When you hear a di- called its radius.” Usually, In the Sacrament of rector yell, “make a circle,” after hearing that com- Marriage, after being mar- know that they are asking mand, we grab hands and ried, the couple is escorted you to do more than just spread out hoping to make by the Priest (holding the stand next to each other. that director happy. I don’t Gospel) around the wed- Get your 2010 FDF DVD’s Let this be a call to action, know if a formal study has ding table three times*. a renewal of our Baptismal Visit the Station 22 booth at the Civic Auditorium. DVD’s will be on sale ever been completed, but I The couple is accompa- pledge and a version of the throughout the weekend starting Thursday evening at Opening Ceremonies. am convinced, in my heart nied by their sponsors, vow of ordination. of hearts, that our Greek who along with the guests As we dance let’s not Culture has us dance in and clergy sing “O Isaiah forget that each step we circles, because of the im- dance with joy for the Vir- take and each hand we portant role the circle plays gin has conceived a child, hold evolves from an un- in our Orthodox Faith. An- the Emmanuel, both God derstanding that God is other example of the con- and Man: Dayspring is with us! We are connected nection between our Heri- His name; as we magnify through the joy of Christ, tage and our Faith. Him we call the Virgin the love of God and the fel- There are three, specif- Blessed.” lowship of the Holy Spirit! ic, occasions when dance Lastly, in the Sacra- ■ is used in Orthodoxy: the ment of Ordination, prior Management Team Members 2010: Board of Trustees 2010: Fr. Gary Kyriacou – Chairman His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos, executive Chairman Spiro Beckas – Vice Chairman Father Gary Kyriacou – Chairman Michael Syrengelas – Director of Finance Spiro Beckas – Vice Chariman John Boudouvas – Director of marketing/Public relations Christa Barbas – management Team Director Katia Bakas Boudouvas – Operations Officer Manoli Rodarakis – Director of Logistics Michael Syrengelas – Director of Finance Gus Sverkos – Director of events/entertainment John Boudouvas – Director of marketing/Public relations George Mitsopoulos – Director of Security Kathy Loukatos-Meck – Director of Choral Festival Kathy Meck – Director of Choral Festival Christa Barbas – management Team Director Voula Kolios – Director of Competition Katherine Dikeakos – Division i Coordinator George Demos – Director of endowment Vasili Dikeakos – Division i Coordinator – Secretary Liana Bekakos Kristina Plumis – Division ii Coordinator John Buzas – Legal Consultant Lea John – Division iii Coordinator Alex Papaefthimiou – Legal Consultant Michelle Hawe – Workshops/Diakonia Coordinator Eleni Pappas Beckas – Director of registration Marriott. Jose San the at Saturday and Friday George Nickols – Scholarship manager Elizabeth Syrengelas – Director of registration Anne Sirota – judge Consultant Maria Vorgias – Opening Ceremonies Coordinator George Papangellin – Board member Katina Mitsopoulos – Banquet awards Coordinator Father Bob Fox – Chaperone Coordinator Ted Cocoles – Security Team Volunteer Father Peter Stratos – Diakonia Project Coordinator Soteria Syrengelas – management Team Volunteer Kassandra Kirages – management Team Volunteer Father John Hondros – Liturgical Coordinator Andrea Bakas – management Team Volunteer in the Orthodox Faith? Deacon Niko Bekris – metropolis youth Director Anthony John – management Team Volunteer Maria Barbas – Parent representative/ north West Bob Barsakis – management Team Volunteer Looking to tune up your skills t miss workshops this year. this workshops miss t Laurie Sahines – Parent representative / north Fr. Michael Tervo – Liturgical Services ’ Amalia Chryssopoulos-Skarzenski – Deacon Niko Bekris – Workshops/youth Director Don Parent representative / South Pantelis Stathoudakis – management Team Volunteer Danny Staveris – Director representative / north Steve Gaihos – management Team Volunteer A Message from His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos thodox Christians – as one vated by friendship and by to generations past, along family in united in Christ. the unity of all the partici- with the obligation to share As Saint Paul says, “… he pants who share the com- their knowledge with gen- who unites himself with mon threads of our faith erations to come. the Lord is one with Him and heritage. Throughout May the Lord bless this in spirit” I Corinthians the years, FDF has created gathering with His mighty 6:17. an environment much like hand, and may the indis- This year’s FDF theme, that of a family reunion. All soluble bond of our faith “Family Takes Center one has to do is witness the be a source of strength and Stage”, exemplifies the smiles, laughter, hugs and inspiration as we bring spirit of FDF. We are sur- tears shared by those from praise and glory to God in rounded by proud parents, near and far who cherish song, dance and unceasing grandparents, aunts, un- every moment together to prayer! cles, cousins and siblings see the deep impact of this who have all come togeth- ministry. With Love in Christ, er to show their support A remarkable ongo- for their loved ones who ing legacy is also found are dancing. Beyond this, in many aspects of FDF. XMetropolitan Gerasimos these relatives have also Dancers from the 1970’s of San Francisco embraced the entire group are now parents, directors as an extension of their and judges. Grandparents own family, recognizing have mentored their chil- the deep bonds of friend- dren and grandchildren on OLI ship which have been native instruments and mu- formed through the years. sic, passing down to them Some people say FDF the history of their ances- MAZI is driven by competition, tors and instilling in them 2010 the official FDF publication Dear Brothers and Sisters Choral Festival in San but I contend that it is moti- a deep-rooted connection in Christ, Jose, California. This gath- It is truly a joy to join ering is more than just an with so many of our be- expression of our faith and loved faithful for the 34th culture; it is a celebration Annual Folk Dance and of the bond we share as Or- “Some people say FDF is driven by competition, but I contend that As we gather together this it is motivated by weekend to celebrate the richness of our faith and culture, friendship and let us, as one family of Orthodox Christians, bring praise and by the unity of all honor to God through our song, the participants dance and fellowship.
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