Lakes of Kenya: Scientific Expedition to the Less Explored Lakes of Kenya (SELELOK): A Research Project Proposal ( 1992-1995). Item Type Report Authors Okemwa, E.; Mavuti, K.; Njuguna, S.; Moreau, J. Publisher Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute Download date 27/09/2021 07:19:36 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/1834/7238 LAKES OF KENYA Scientific Expedition to Ithe .' ; Less Explored Lakes ofKenya (SELELOK) 1992 - 1995 A Research Project Proposal Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION TO THE LESS EXPLORED LAKES OF KEl'oil'A (SELELOK) A survey on their Fisheries and Limnology A PROPOSAL (1992 • 1995) APPLYING AGENCY: Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) P.O. Box 81651~ KEl\l'A. Tel. 254 11 472245 Fax. 254 11 472215 Telex: 21115 AISA PUBLIC (ATT. K.\'lFRI). DCRATTO?\": Three years (-t month Field work in each year) TOTAL COST: .:l.:lO.OOO.OO l'.S DOLLARS. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS Dr. E. Okemwa: Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute - Director. Dr. K.\1. l'vlavuti: University of Nairohi. Dept. of zoology - Senior Lecturer. Prof. S. ~juguna: National Museums of Kenya - Associate Director. Prof. 1. Moreau: Institute National Polytechnic de Toulollse, Laboratoire d'Ichtyologie Appliquee. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document proposes Scientific Expedition to the Less EA-plored Lakes of Kenya (SELELOK). The term "Less explored lakes" is employed here to mean lentic inland water bodies and includes permanent to ephemeral shallow lakes, swamps and marshes; wetlands man-made dams and reservoirs in various parts of the country. The scientific Expeditions to the less explored lakes of Kenya (SELELOK) was conceived by the Board of Management of tbe Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute in early August 1989. The Board regarded many shallow lakes in Kenya as sensitive ecosystems wbose Lirimologyarfd!iFisheries resources:"'inter -alia., have not been adequately or not a'f~ll' explored. Consequently the Board stressed that particular attention should be paid to the ecosystems in which ecological problems due to climatic influences and human perturbations can already be envisaged. The main aim of the SELELOK is to carry out short but intensive surveys on the fisherje~­ and limnology of the less e).:plored lakes as a basis for rehabilitation, conservation and rational utilization of their aquatic resources. To achieve this aim-an increase in local ano-· international cooperation and shared use of local institution facilities and equipments is ­ needed. It is essential that the involved institutions reach agreements concerning sharing_ of samples, data, publication and that an e>"'Pedition team be established to deal with operational problems. The expedition will consider lakes on the mountain areas: Mt. Kenya. Elgon and Aberdares; COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS CONTACT SCIE~TTISTS PROPOSER: 1. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute Dr. E. Okemwa P.O. Box 81651, Mombasa, KENYA. Director. CO-PROPOSERS: 2. University of Nairobi Dr. K.M. Mavuti Man-made lakes and reservoirs, crater lakes, floodplain and coastal lakes; and some Rift Valley lakes. It v.ill not, however, deal v.'ith lakes which, previously, have had significant e>,,'J>loration. Each lake v.ill be covered by a research team for four months during which time, synoptic surveys will be carried out. In particular the following \\rill be examined: (a) the general structure of these ecosystems v.'ith reference to the characteristics of the fish communities, (b) ecological budgets as a result of changes in the hydrological budgets (c) variability in rainfall, and irrigation, deforestation in the catchment areas. (d) the evaporation manifested by fluctuation in water levels, (e) the \\-ater chemistry, pollution and other factors such as current speed, oxygen saturation, water temperature, (f) . biodi\'ersity and distribution of vegetation, fish community structure and behavior. The cost of the SELEWK is estimated at 440,000.00 U.S dollars. This includes cost for two landrovers and portable boat and two outboard engine of 122,630.00 U.S$. Acquisition of new equipments is estimated at U.S$ 44,000.00. ENSAT Collaboration U.S$ 112,750.00. The operation cost of the vehicle and the boat at U.S$ 10,200.00 and other costs are estimated at U.S$ 150,420.00. Potential sources of support for the SELELOK include UNEP, UNDP, WB, NSF, NOAA, FAO, EEC, NASA, USAID, IDRC and others. The local institutions will provide support facilities, some equipments and personal support estimated at 130,000 U.S dollars. 13. Ghent University Prof. H. Dumont B·9000 Ghent Kh.Ledegarickstraat 35, BELGIUM. 14. University of Leicester Dr. D. M. Harper Dept. of zoology, University Road, Leicester Lecturer. LE 1 7 RH, England, U.K. 15. New England Aquarium, Boston Dr. Les Kaufman Edgerton Research Lab. Chief Scientist. Central Wharf Boston, MA 02110, USA. 16. Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife Tourism Department P.O. Box 54666, Nairobi. KENYA POTEJ\'7lAL SPONSORS/DONOR UNDP, UNEP, NSF, NOM NASA., FAO, UNESCO, IUCN, USAID, JICA., SAREC, CIDA, SIDA, and FL'\'IDA. :Members of the organising committees 1. The SELELOK collaborative committee Dr. E. Okemwa (Secretary) Mr. P. Ochumba Mr. E. Odero Dr. c.~. Mweu Prof. S. Njuguna • Mr. M.M. Nguli (Asst. Secretary) Dr. K.M. Mavuti (chairman) Mr. 1. Ogari 2. International· Kenya Committee Prof. P. Polk Prof. S. Njuguna Dr. E. Okemwa Prof. H. Dumont Dr. D. \1. Harper Dr. \1 ~tiba Dr. I-:...\1. Mavuti Dr. Belaud Dr. .\10ie2u CONTENTS : P,~GE 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Scientific Rationale 2 1.1.1 Aims of the Expedition ~ 3 1.1.2 Specific objectives 3 2. STUDY AREA 4 2.1 BJocks (Drainage Basins) 4 2.1.1 BJock J Cc:.l~.t:.ll lakc~ 4 2.1.:: BJock IJ A111i Ri\c:r R.:,in ~ .':'.1.3 Block J]] T~n:.l River R:~jn .4 2.1.4 BJock JV Rift \"alley ]akc~ 4 2.1.5 Block V Lake Victoria B35in .4 :.. BACKGROU:\,D 5 3.1 Shallo\\; lake5 6 3.2 I\1an-n1ade laj.;e~ 6 3.3 Floodplain lakc5 6 3.4 \1ountain and crater lakes 7 3.5 \Vetland" / ., ~. PROPOSED SCOPE .·\':D ''.'OR~:~ . ~. METHODOLOGy 8 5.] Limnology 8 5.].1 Physical-chemical characteristics 8 5.2 Biology 9 5.2.] Primary production and chloropyl a 9 5.2.2 Phytoplankton Diversity ~ 9 5.2.3 Zooplankton 9 5.2.4 Pollution 9 5.2.5 Fisheries ]0 5.2.5.] Biometric information ]] 6. EXPEDITIO); SCHEDLLE ]2 7. OUTPUT ]2 7.1 Training ]2 7.2 Data Analysis. Workshop and proceedings ]3 8. !J\TTERNATIONAL COOPERATION 14 9. LOGISTICS ]4 9.1 Infrastructure, laboratory, equipment and personnel support 15 9.2 Vehicles, portable boat and running COS1.. 16 9.3 Shoreline stop-over sites 17 9.4 Samples and data ]7 9.5 Research permit and cJearence ]R 10. FU!\DING . ]~ 10.1 Purchase of vehicle, boat and outboard engines 19 10.2 Expedition Cost 19 10.3 Training, Workshop and Conferences 19 11. SOURCE OF FU1'\DING 20 12. FUNDS REQUESTED FROM DONORS ~ 20 12.1 Equipment 20 12.2 E:\'SAT Collaboration 21 12.2.1 International trips 21 12.2.2 Local expenses 22 12.3 Field Research 22 12.4 Facilities and transpon 23 12.5 \laterials and supplies (Consumable) 23 12.6 Training, \Vorkshop and Conferences 23 Appendix 1 ExpedItlon·· sub'proJects _"t')" Appendix 2 Table: less explored lakes 25 Appendix 3 Expedition schedule 26 Appendix 4 List of Abbreviations 28 13. REFERENCES 31 Il\~ODUCTION Natural lakes, man-made reservoirs and ephemeral water bodies. are a precious resources for mankind. They have been exploited, over the years, for nutrition and welfare of populations. In many cases, however, e>..'ploitation has continued without proper knowledge or adequate exploration of the aquatic environment. This is true particularly in developing countries such as Kenya where technological advancement and population increase has placed an ever increasing demand on the aquatic resources, with the result that human perturbations and hydroclimatic changes threaten the ecosystem. Utilization ofsome ofthe~ inland water bodies in Kenya, for irrigation, hydropower generation, increased fishery production (e.g. introduction of foreign species), deforestation iIi the catchment areas and hydroclimatic changes have raised concern about the status of these ecosystems. Consequently the development and management ofthe ecosystems in order to ensure proper use for Kenya's rapidly growing population (rate of 4% p.a) necessitate an urgent need for more scientific information on their limnology and fisheries than presently exists. Existing information is from e>..'ploration carried out more than six decades ago and individual research efforts on major lakes such as Lakes Victoria, Turkana, Naivasha, NakLlru, Baringo and Elementaita. Most of these lakes are well documented, however, minor shallow laJces such as L. Kanyaboli, Simbi and Jilore are less known. The purpose of these document is to propose a 3 year collaborative Scientific E>"'Pedition- to the less known or Less E>"'Plored lake of Kenya (SELELOK) with a view to focusing 1 research efforts to selected water bodies for 4 months period in each one of the three years. 1.1 Scientific Rationale Current knowledge on the biology, dynamics and ecological interrelationships of ~he species in inland waters is fragmentary and inadequate as a basis for the formulation of comprehensive management and conservation strategies for the fishery resources evaluation. The present climatic and environmental changes resulting from poor land usage, modern farming methods, use ofpesticides, removal ofvegetal cover, erosion and siltation problems may have lead to significant ecological changes in some of the less ex-plored lakes. Moreover, with the ever increasing human population in Kenya there has been increasing demand for fish protein and reliable information on socio-economic impacts on the fisheries stocks of the lake ecosystems in the country have yet to be assessed.
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