MAY | JUNE 2007 5740 Executive Drive, Suite 208 • Baltimore, MD 21228-1979 410.788.1066 in Baltimore / 800.867.6776 (MD only) E-MAIL: [email protected] • Web page: FAX: 410.747.0635 The mission of the NASW-MD Chapter is to support, promote and advocate for the social work profession and its clients, for just and equitable social policies, and for the health and welfare of the people of Maryland. The 2007 Legislative Wrap-up: Maryland Chapter Succeeds on Two Critical Bills BY ANN CIEKOT NASW-Maryland is thankful access in determining the need – MARYLAND CHAPTER LOBBYIST to the bill sponsors, Senator Joan or lack thereof – for initiating the IT’S YOUR Carter Conway and Delegate guardianship process. he 2007 Maryland Gen- John Donoghue, for their work to Delegate Susan McComas was ASSOCIATION! eral Assembly Session ensure passage. Thanks also go the lead sponsor and champion was rather lackluster to Delegate Pete Hammen, Chair on this legislation and NASW- IT’S TIME TO VOTE FOR YOUR T NEW BOARD REPS! given the high expectations of a of the House Health and Gov- Maryland is grateful for her sup- new Governor and several dozen ernment Operations Committee, port and hard work to ensure the new legislators. But for NASW- who played an instrumental role bill’s passage. ONLINE VOTING AVAILABLE JUNE 1-JUNE 21 Maryland, two important in the bill’s passage. There were numerous other is- AT: pieces of legislation were passed The second success for NASW- sues to which NASW-Maryland that will benefi t social workers Maryland in this year’s General lent its support. Some of these ef- PLEASE SEE THE SLATE OF and consumers. Assembly session was passage of forts were successful, others not. CANIDATES ON PAGE 16 Our top priority this year was House Bill 672 which will allow House Bill 594 as passed will re- to correct a problem that came LCSW-Cs to be one of two sig- quire the Department of Health to our attention at the end of the Ann Ciekot natures on a petition for guard- and Mental Hygiene to develop 2006 legislative session. When ianship. Under current law, such a plan as to how it will extend INSIDE: the health occupations code for tal disabilities. As they employ a a petition requires an evaluation long-term care services to people social workers was revised in great number of LCSW-Cs, their by two physicians or a physician with cognitive and functional im- President’s Column ............... 2 2000, a loophole was inadver- concerns included a workforce and licensed psychologist. When pairments. House Bill 648/Sen- Executive Director’s tently created regarding the scope shortage as well as disruption of a person’s cognitive function- ate Bill 697 would have limited of practice for LCSW-Cs. As a services to people under the care ing declines, it is often the social the parental rights of rapists when Column ............................... 2 result, the Attorney General’s of- of LCSW-Cs. To fi x the prob- worker who is providing regular the child was conceived through History Column .................... 5 fi ce wrote an advisory letter last lem, NASW-Maryland had leg- treatment that is in the best posi- rape, thereby increasing protec- Annual Conference ..............10 year that brought into doubt the islation introduced to restore the tion to determine whether or not tions for rape survivors who have Continuing Education authority of LCSW-Cs to evalu- legal authority for an LCSW-C to the person has become incompe- a child conceived through rape. Workshops ......................... 12 assess, diagnose and treat people ate, diagnose and treat mental tent in terms of making decisions This bill passed the Senate but with mental retardation. and emotional disorders and im- for him or herself. This legisla- was not voted on by the House Classifi eds ......................... 19 This became NASW-Mary- pairments. Despite opposition tion, which has been signed by Judiciary Committee. Finally, land’s number one problem to from the Maryland Chapter of the governor, will allow one of NASW-Maryland testifi ed in op- correct. It was also a serious con- the American Psychiatric Society, the evaluations to be conducted position to a proposed constitu- cern to agencies that provide ser- Senate Bill 723 and House Bill by an LCSW-C. This gives con- LEGISLATIVE UPDATE vices to people with developmen- 358 passed. sumers and their families greater Continued on page 20 Chapter Public Education PAID PLEASE RUSH PLEASE Permit #5507 Baltimore, MD U.S. POSTAGE Campaign Reaches Far and Wide t Org. Non-Profi DATED MATERIAL DATED lthough March 31 Gazettes, reaching nearly 500,000 marked the end of the households; ads in three South- A national celebration of ern Maryland newspapers, reach- Social Work Month, thanks to ing some 41,000 households; and the Maryland Chapter’s fi rst-ever, placed king-sized MTA Transit all-out efforts to reach the pub- ads in four regions of the Balti- lic, the social work profession in more Metropolitan region (see the state is sure to remain in the photo on page 20). The MTA minds of many. ads will run from March through As was reported in the March/ May 31. The Chapter also placed April issue of The Maryland So- its large horizontal street banner cial Worker, the Maryland Chap- in downtown Baltimore, as in Cumberland social workers are shown above with the banner; right end are Robin Summerfi eld, President-Elect and Joy Reckley, Western MD Branch Rep ter this year labored long and hard previous years, and for the fi rst to ensure that the public was ex- time this year, a banner was hung — Let us know if you’ve seen our ers and the general public can also posed to the nationally-themed in Cumberland’s Town Center, ads out there! visit the National help web site promotion, “Social Workers. to reach members and the pub- And, remember, the National Help Starts Here.” The Chapter lic in one of our outlying areas Campaign does not stop there nor PUBLC EDUCATION placed ads in suburban Maryland (see Cumberland photo above). is it time-limited. Social Work- Continued on page 20 Association National of Workers Social Maryland Chapter 5740 Executive Suite Drive, 208 MD Baltimore, 21228 Page 2 The Maryland Social Worker MAY | JUNE 2007 ganization. In addition to this bi-month- of, by and for its members. NASW mem- Chapter! For many years she has served Executive ly newspaper (which may be your primary bers serve on the board of directors and on committees and our board of directors, connection to our offi ce), we offer work- on committees, they write articles for the culminating in her present position. Judith Director’s shops all over the state, two annual con- Chapter newspaper, they teach our work- and I began our current roles on the same ferences, a legislative agenda and 20 ac- shops and testify before the General Assem- day. She became president and I became Report tive committees. It seems we try to “be bly. Our members also provide leadership the Executive Director on July 1, 2005. I all things to all social workers.” If we are at the national level. A number of former am extremely grateful for the mentoring she not serving you in the way you wish to be national presidents live within our state. provided me from her vast stores of super- By Daphne McClellan, served, please call me at the Chapter offi ce Other members serve on national commit- visory experience as a DSS administrator. Ph.D., MSW and let me know what you would like to tees or on the national board of directors. In spite of the responsibilities of serving as see us do. Soon you will be receiving no- As close as we are to the national offi ce, Chapter president, Judith did not lay down Have you ever asked yourself “What does tices for social events within your branch. more than a few national staff live in our her role as chair of our legislative commit- NASW do anyway? Where are my mem- These will provide opportunities for you chapter as well. The opportunities for in- tee, leading us to success with two impor- bership dues going?” If you have, then you to meet new friends and socialize with old volvement and service are myriad. Don’t tant bills for our profession (both of which are not reading the NASW News and The colleagues and classmates. miss out, call the Chapter offi ce today! were signed into law by Gov. O’Malley). Maryland Social Worker. Though we have a dedicated and hard- Finally, I would like to recognize one Judith has used her presidency to advocate Your Chapter offi ce is a busy place. You working staff, we could certainly not ac- very special member who is completing for improvements in our child welfare sys- may not realize that we have just three full- complish what we do without the contribu- her term as president of our state chap- tem and to launch the NASW Public Ed- time staff and one part-time staff to carry tions of hundreds of people. The Maryland ter. Judith Schagrin has been a wonderful ucation Campaign in Maryland. Thank out all of the functions of our statewide or- Chapter of NASW is truly an organization and dedicated leader within the Maryland you, Judith, from all of us!! they say, the rest is history. then there’s John Costa – technically the Nonetheless, since brilliance escapes me, Director of Membership and Financing— President’s I’ll go with the more mundane but equally but in reality the “can do” staff person who important.
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