Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection isrorical Sketches Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection #7-S / <W/'"/ft / • y/1 Far-simile of Col. 'Wr. F. CODY'S Commiasion an Brigadier-General in the NATIONAL, GUARD (OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA). Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection SMOKE g 11111111111111111f• 1111 1111 111111• 11111• • r11111iii • iii111• • 11 ii• 111• 111 11 > unit AAYO'S TOBACCO. FACTORY: RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. IT Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection If Something is wanted, Buy ... THE "TRUMP" WATCH. Price, LET US HAVE THE NAME OF ANY JEWELER WHO DOES NOT KEEP OUR WATCHES. Don't get fooled with a Clock Watch— After we stopped making the long-wind watch, the market became flooded with the cheap Swiss and poor clock watches.; so we made this new American Duplex quick-wind movement, which we warrant to be a perfect time-keeper. If Something RICH is wanted== yet at low purchase price—send tor one of our higher grade, in gold-filled or sterling silver case. The Elfin for Ladies. The smallest watch made in this country. The v^y for Boys. Just the right size for a Boy'« pocket. The 1 UAWUU for Gentlemen. Very thin and graceful in shape. ALL HAVE OUK UNQUESTIONED GUARANTEE WITH FIFTEEN-YEAR WARRANT ON CASES. Our Watches should be for sale by all Jewelers. If you are not within a convenient distance of a dealer, or for any reason have difficulty in getting what you want, write to us and we will help you. THE WATERBURY WATCH CO., WATERBURY, CONN. t3g-Scnd scent stamp for Birthday Book and sample copy of The Water/jury. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection propQRD The Best Shoe for the Money in the World IT HAS WORKED ITSELF TO THE TOP ON MERIT. Comfort, Good Wear and Style Combined have Given it its Reputation IT WILL BE KEPT AT THE TOP. Custom Hade, $6.00 Hand Hade, $5.00 SOLD BY THE HAKER DIRECT Hand Sewed, $4.00 AND ONLY TO THE WEARER. French Welt, $3.00 NEW YORK. BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA. 611 Washington Str 826 Cheitnut St.. under <;<••• tin Corner Broadway and 14th Str Hotel. 819 Broadway, cor. lath Street. 225 Washington Str 1224 Market Street. 177 Broadway, 3 doors above C NEWARK. lan.lt Street. 45 Green Street. 785 Broad Street. 216 West 125th Street. 36 Park Square. PROVIDENCE, R. I. BALTIMORE. BROOKLYN. 21S E. Baltimore Stre 187 Fulton Street, Cor. Nassau. HARTFORD. 419 and 421 Fulton Street, corner WASHINGTON. 247 Main Street. Pearl. 316 Washington Street, old Post 903 Pennsylvania Avei NEW HAVEN. Office. Corner 13th and F Str. 808 Chapel Street. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection : j vPZs' I'ljIISr TTii'in iii m in iii • ii i I'll '• 1 1 .. l.'l •Til • • NIGHT | r ; PERCALE and ROBES NEGLIGEE 1 | j AND PAJAMAS. SHIRTS ARE THE BEST. "or Sale Everywhere. 1 1 J 1 OPENW^BACK iii 1 ^ I^WEARWELLj illf I, SESTlrWir UNITED SHIRT & COLLAR CO., TROY, NEW YORK. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Yes, There are many makes of perfume, and all of them have a more or less pleasant odor, but, if you wish those that are true to the fragrance of the flowers, and suited to a cultivated, refined taste, Buy Lundborg's LADD & COFFIN Anywhere and everywhere. New York. Among the favorites are: Edenia, Goya Lily, Nada Rose, Alpine Violet. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection A Valuable Book. It is not generally fcl n, but it is a fact :ognized by physicia that a very lai najority of the disease : mankind begin w ill •itatk ndinfla body whicch becomebecon s affected by the disease, tissues, manifested externally by heat, redness blood vessels.'causing pain, disease and growth of unsound tissue. It is very important that rype udthe atio thii 2 Custo 1 Ho ,iledfr illustrated book, entitled "TREATI ES." The book . -jptit of allailn ed by or acco , alphabetically arranged; also for such. The book is printed in plain, simple language that all can under- stand. It is a valuable and complete treatise e. The publishers ELECTRIC LUSTRE STARCH paper covers, to any pe ion receipt of their t stamp for postage. Makes Linen Look Like New. ON & Co., 22 Custom House St., Bosto- First-class grocers sell it. Blue Packages, 1 OC. • ELECTRIC LUSTRE STARCH CO. BOSTON AND CHICAGO. Ladies of Refinement WALTER BAKER & Co.. HAVE BEEN USING The Largest Manufacturers (if PURE, HICH CRADE BROWN'S COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On this Continent, have received French HIGHEST AWARDS Dressing INDUillUFOOD FOR MORE THAN FORTY YEARS EXPOSITIONS Ladies'and Children's Boots and Shoes. Unlike the Dutch ProceBS, o Alkalies or other chemicals or Dyes are used IS"It is the most reliable dressing n any of their preparations. Their delicious upon the market, and more of Brown's French Dressing is sold throughout the BREAKFAST COCOA world than any other make. Its quality and quantity is unequaled, and every lady should have this indis- pensable article. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. Ask your dealer for it and accept no substitute ; take only Brown's French Dressing. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Is what it is named. If noted lonef-di: '•Search Light —On the ground might take the ris hut you cannot, unless you think your lif slivered for price, if your dealer won't supply u. Circular free. Price, S5.OO. BRIDGEPORT BRASS CO. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. PUT HORSE SHOE NAILS USED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE WILD WEST SHOWS. Drawn by percussive blows of hammers Made in the largest factory in only from the best Swedish iron rods, polished by the water process, and hammer-pointed the country and sold most without shearing, the strength of the iron is largely. preserved, and a safe nail results. WHEN PUTNAM NAILS ARE USED THE SHOES STAY ON TILL WORN OUT. Have your horse shod every month. Do away with heavy clips and preserve his feet. Send ten cents for Souvenir Ring and mention the "Wild West." NEPONSET, BOSTON, A\ASS. The Princess Toilet Co.'s j hink of DOUBLE WIDTH Silk at <M per CUCUMBER ai?<I I Comes all colors, from most delicate tints H* " d for evening wear to black. For sale at all seasons of the year by LETTUCE leading Dry Goods Stores of the U. S. CAUTION I COMPLEXION. cleansing the p of all ! he skin til oblite ting nkli- , tan and fre. producing a satin-like textur chapped skin no equal, and prepares it ag. ndorsed by Leading Physicians of New York. Chemical test invited. Catalogue free. Price, 75c. per Jar. Samples mailed on receipt of 10c. la only genuine when stamped KAYETTA on selvag*. ELECTRIC TREATMENT A SPECIALTY. For samples address, 82 GRAND STREET, PRINCESS TOILET CO, 31 W. 24lli St, near B'way, Hew Yoit Mew York. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection COLT'S Ri REVOLVERS and HA/VAERLESS COLT'S NEW POCKET SHOT GUNS 32 CALIBRE, Colt Revolvers nave be*n adopted by the United States Arrpy and Navy, by the Police, /"\ilitia, , , and are used by Buffalo Bill's Wild West 5bow. THEY ARE THE BEST. Colt's Patent Fire=Arms Mfg. Co., HARTFORD, CONN. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection ix* EXTERNAL USE. Smfort powder Comfort Powder is the King of Household remedies. It cures Itching, Chafing, Burns, and all inflammation. It is Ihe best Baby Powder. It keeps an infant's skin firm, healthy, and free from irritation. Erastus Homer, of Portland, Maine, says Comfort Powder cured a troublesome, burning, itching, skin disease, upon his wife, to cure which he had spent thousands of dollars without benefit. Grace G. Watson, Trained Nurse, 530 Van Buren St., Chicago, says : "I have found Comfort Powder efficacious in eczema, and it will cure and prevent bed sores." Harriet S. Damon, Trained Nurse, of Adams, N. Y., says : "Com- fort Powder cures fetid sweat in armpit, and old ulcers," For sale by all Druggists and Toilet Dealers, or by mail on receipt of price in stamps. 25 and 50 cents per box. THE COMFORT POWDER CO., E. S. SYKES. Sec. HARTFORD, CONN. Send four cents in stamps for sample and book. RIDGE'S FOOD % Infants ^ Invalids TRY IT, Mothers, and be convinced. RIDGE'S FOOD is undoubtedly the most reliable food in the market for the rearing of children. TRIPLETS RAISED FROM BIRTH ON In cans, 35c. up. RIDGE'S FOOD, Woolrich & Co. If not sold by your which yields the highest possible percentage of PALMER, druggist we will send nutrition for the very least exertion of the digest- MASS. ive power. WOOLRICH & CO., Palmer, flass. sample can for 10 cents. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection "A.W.EMILLERAINr A REVOLUTION m™ VELVETEEN TRADE REPELS PAC\PNESS SHOWERPROOF POROUS. DURABLE SOLD BY All the leading Dry Goods and Millinery Houses throughout the United States. ASK FOR IT. ASK FOR IT. If your retailer cannot show you a line of the " MITJTJEKA IN" "A. W. B." fabrics, please address the importers, A. WIMPFHE1MER & BRO., 131-187 SpriiiR St., New York, who will promptly supply the dealer of your city. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST CONGRESS OF ROUGH RIDERS OF THE WORLD. GREATER NEW YORK, 1895. STAFF OF "BUFFALO BILL'S" WILD WEST COMPANY COL.
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