F ifth Series Vol. XXII—No. z t TgewHqy, December 197 * Agrftfaayaaa ai, >894 (SaJui) 1 LOK SABHA DEBATES < Sixth Session) ( Vol. X X II contain* Nos. 2 1 - 2 9 ) h O K SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW D ELH I P r ic e : j?s. 2.00 CONTENTS (Fifth Series, Vol. XXII, 6th Session I972) No. 21, Tuesday, December 12, 1972 lAgrahaVana 21, 1894 (Saka) Column Nos. Oral Answers to Questions •Starred Questions Nos. 401, 402, 404,407 to 410 . 1—31 Written Answers to Questions # Starred Questions Nos. 4°3> 4°5> 4°6 and 411 to 420 . 31—42 Unstarred Questions Nos. 3925 to 3952, 3954 to 40i3> 4015 to 4020 and 4022 to 4112 . ................42—180 Cilling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance Reported closure of Evening Colleges and three Faculties ot B inaras Hindu U n iv e rsity ..........................................................180—203 Pipers laid on the T a b i c ....................................................................203-204 Statement re Dismissal of Shri V.P. Malhotra, former Chief C 1 shier of State Bank of India, New Delhi Shri Yashwantrao Chavan 204—207 St \tement rc Fmalifiation of Line of Control in Jammu & Kashmir Shri Swaran S i n g h .................................................................... 208—210 Re Certain allegations made by Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu on December, 11,1972.................................................................................................211—216 Re Sweepers* Strike in D e l h i ..........................................................216-217 Industrial Development Bank of India (Amendment) Bill Motion to consider • ' Shrimati Sushila R o h a tg i....................................................................217— 221 Clauses 2 to 8 and 1 Motion to p a s s .............................................................................. 222 •The sign 4 marked above the name o f a Member indicates that the questions mas actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. Industrial Finance Corporation (Amendment) Bill Column Motion to consider Nos. Shrimati Sushila Rohntgi . 222—228 Shri Somnath Chat ter jec . 228—232 Discussion re Growing CIA activities in India Shri Indrajit Gup* a , 232—25° Shri Vayalar Ravi . , 250—254 fehri Samar Guh i . 254—261 Shri C. M. Stephen 261—267 Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu 267—278 Shri M. Rani Gopil Reddv 279-281 Shri G. Viswanath m 281—285 Shri Shashi Bhushan 285—290 Shri Shyainnandan Mtshta 291*—295 Shri Jagannathrao Toshi 295— 302 Shri Piloo Mody ♦ 302—309 Shri K. C. Pant . 309—320 LOK SABHA DEBATES l 2 LOK SABHA the Government of West Bengal giv­ ing the list of the proposed schemes for tackling sea and river erosion Tuesday, December 12, 19721 problems m the State, which are esti­ Agrahayana 21, 1894 ( Saka ) mated to cost Rs 68 crores, and seek­ ing Cantral assistance to the extent The Lok Sabha met a* Eleven of the of Rs 6 to 7 crores a year from 1973- Clock 74 [Mr Spe^kfr m the Cha^r] Majority of the schemes proposed by the State Government are yet to ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS be formulated and a phased pro­ gramme of implementation of these Sea erosion Schemes of West Bengal schemes is still to be worked out by pending for Central Approval the State Government *401 DR RANEN SEN Will the Minnter ot IRRIGATION AND Schemes for tackling sea and river POWER be pleased to state erosion form part of the flood control sector of the State Plan for which, (a) whether a large number of according to the present procedure, schemes involving about 70 crore of Central assistance is provided in the rupees, proposed by the West Bengal form of block loans and grants with­ Government for fighting sea or river out tying them to any particular erosion in that State, are pending scheme or head of development As with the Centre for their approval such, the provision for the sea and and assistance, river erosion schemes has to be made by the State Government in their (b) if so, the mam features there­ Plan of, and DR RANEN SEN In the question, (c) the reasons for delay by the I wanted to know whether the West C nitre in taking decision thereon’ Bengal Government has sent any THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE scheme Now, the statement says MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND* “A letter has been received recent­ POWER (SHRI B ’N KUREEL) (a) ly from the Government of West to (c) A statement is laid on the Bengal giving the list of the proposed Table of the House schemes *' STATEMENT And then later On, the statement says Sea Erosion Schemes of West Bengal Pending for Central approval “Majority of the schemes propos­ ed by the Stata Government are yet No scheme proposed by the State to be formulated ” Government of West Bengal for fight­ ing s-m o* river erosion is pending In view of the fact that there have with the Centre for approval A been various erosions by sea which letter has been received recently from has affected even the Government 2889 LS—1 3 Oral An swers DECEMBER 12, 1972 Oral Answers 4 Guest House at Digha and also in Team who along with the experts of view of the fact that there have been the West Bengal Government could serious erosions in Rupnarayan river sit together and see the area for them­ near Geonkhali, near Haldia, affecting selves and find out the means to for­ the Haldia port, and also in Dhulian mulate schemes, and yet the Govern­ on the banks of the river Bhagirathi ment of India have not responded to near Farakha, which have affected a the request of the state Governments, large number ol villages in both the and if so, the reasons for the reluct­ districts, may I know— ance of the Central Government to send a team of experts to go into the details of this erosion and find out the (a) whether the Central Govern­ remedies? ment has token into consideration these factors which have been refer­ SHRI B. N. KUREEL: As far as we red to by the State Government m are aware, the erosion problem is its letter; very serious down Farakka for a length of 50 k.m. It has been suggest­ (b) the points raised by the State ed to the State Government that they Government an its letter; and should formulate a comprehensive scheme for tackling these erosion works, keeping in view the recommen­ (c) what is it that the Central dations of the team of the expert Government is doing in the matter? engineers who visited the spot and the recommendations of the CWPC SHRI B N KUREEL: The letter and the CWP research station, Kha- has been received only at the end of dakvas’a, Poona and the River Re­ November of this year. In that letter search Institute ot West Bengal, they have made a mention of schemes which are going to be shortly finalised. and they have indicated the serious­ So, it is not a fact that the Central ness of the sea and river erosion prob­ Government have not responded to lem. They have given names of cer- their request. In fact, they are just tr'ii v,themes but these schemes have going to finalise the recommendations. yet to be formulated and prepared by DK RANEN SEN: My question wag the State Government. They have whethei the Stat-f Government had intimated that the schemes will re­ requested the Central Government to quire about Rs 68 cicrt* Thiy sa' c also intimated a phased programme send their team of experts He h?" not leplicd to that of spending about Rs 6 to Rs. 7 cro­ res yearly. They have aslsfd the Cen­ SHRI B N. KUREEL: I have just tral Government to keep in view the said that the experts from the CWPC, magnitude of the problem while granting allocations. But 1 may say *the CWP research station etc. have visited the area. Their recommenda­ that these erosion works are part of tions ar-*? pending and they are going the flood control sector of the State Plans, and the assistance from the to be finalised very shortly. Centre is* given in the form of block SHRI SUBODH HANSDA: As the loans and grant-; for the State Plans, hon. Minister has stated, river ero­ without tying them to any particu’ar sion may be the responsibility of the scheme or head of development? State Government. But in the case of sea erosion, when the West Bengal DR. RANEN SEN: May I know Government have asked for certain whether it is a fact or not, because help to protect the boundaries from we have got it from newspaper re­ sea erosion, is it not the responsibility ports, that West Bengal Government of the Central Government to look Kavfr specifically requested the Cen­ after these things and send expert* tral Government to send an expert to examine these things? 5 Oral An su/ers AGRAHAYANA 21, 1894 ( SAKA) Oral Answers 6 SHRI B. N KUREEL; As I have because of erosion and silting and stated already, the Central Govern­ due to bad planning the lower Damo- ment have responded to their request dar portion, especially two districts and a board which has been consti­ of Howrah and Hooghly, are devas­ tuted, is to visit the spot by the end tated every year or every alternate of this month, and they will sit there year and there is havoc of the flood? and formulate the schemes. Flood control ip part of the DVC scheme. Due to bad scheming and SHRI SAMAR GUHA: I have a bad implementation of the scheme similar question, namely Q. 408 every year people have to suffer. which relates to exactly the same Have the Government any concrete subject plan for the development of this area, tor checking of erosion and silting m AN HON.
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