IMPACT OF MOOSE BROWSING ON FOREST REGENERATION IN NORTHEAST VERMONT Haley A. Andreozzi1, Peter J. Pekins1, and Matt L. Langlais2 1Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire 03824, USA; 2Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819, USA ABSTRACT: Moose (Alces alces) play an important role in the ecological and economic resources of northern New England, a landscape dominated by commercial forests. This study measured the impact of moose browsing on forest regeneration in Wildlife Management Unit E1 in northeastern Vermont where moose density was considered high in the 1990–2000s. We surveyed 37 clearcuts categorized into 4 age classes (3–5, 6–10, 11–15, and 16–20 years old). The stocking rate (stems/plot) of commer- cial species ranged from 74–76% in the 3–5, 6–10, and 11–15 year age classes, increasing to 86% in the 16–20 year age class. The proportion of plots containing a commercial tree without severe damage was above the accepted threshold stocking level of 40–60% in all age classes. The proportion of plots containing a commercial hardwood stem declined with increasing age class; the opposite occurred with softwood stems indicating a possible shift from hardwood- to softwood-dominated stands from selec- tive browsing pressure. Height of 11–20 year old stems was less than in New Hampshire, indicating that growth was possibly suppressed in Vermont due to higher moose density. Overall, browsing was not considered a major problem based upon stocking rates. Further study is warranted to evaluate whether compensatory growth occurs in response to reduced browsing as forests age and/or moose population density declines. ALCES VOL. 50: 67–79 (2014) Key words: Alces alces, browsing, clearcut, damage, moose, New England, regeneration, stocking. Moose (Alces alces) populations have management aimed at sustainable forest pro- experienced a regional increase in northern duction is critical for the long-term stability New England over the last several decades, of both Vermont's economy and moose making them an increasingly valuable wild- population. life resource. They play an important role With adult moose weighing 300–600 kg, ecologically and economically in Vermont, substantial browse is required to maintain with 78% of the state open to regulated such large body size (Bubenik 1997), esti- moose hunting and 406 hunting permits mated at daily dry matter intake of 2.8 kg/ issued statewide in 2011 (VTFW 2008, moose/day in January (Pruss and Pekins 2011). With forests also covering 78% of 1992). Moose have the ability to substan- Vermont's landscape, the state generates tially alter plant communities and are cap- over $1.5 billion annually from forest-based able of damaging woody plants (Renecker manufacturing and forest-related recreation and Schwartz 1997); repeated browsing can and tourism (NEFA 2007). The majority suppress height growth and recruitment of of forestland, 4 million acres, is owned saplings into the canopy (Risenhoover and privately or by timber investment manage- Maass 1987). Moose browsing has the cap- ment organizations; local, state, and fed‐ ability to affect the structure and dynamics eral government owns ∼19% (919,440 of forest ecosystems over the long-term acres) (NEFA 2007). Forest and wildlife (McInnes et al. 1992), which has important 67 BROWSING AND FOREST REGENERATION – ANDREOZZI ET AL. ALCES VOL. 50 implications for the management of forests population density (0.26–0.83 moose/km2). where moose populations are regulated. While regeneration of commercial trees was Moose show preference for forage in clear- not considered a regional problem at any cut and early-successional habitat that is density, specific clearcut sites with low typical of the commercially managed forests regeneration were found adjacent to tradi- of the northeast (Thompson et al. 1995, Scar- tional moose wintering areas. It was pre- pitti et al. 2005). For example, productive dicted that such sites could change from moose habitat in New Hampshire was linked hardwood to softwood dominance over directly to the early successional forage cre- time (Bergeron et al. 2011). ated by commercial forest harvesting and By the early 2000s, there was anecdotal early-successional browse is a dietary com- evidence that the moose population in north- ponent year-round (Scarpitti et al. 2005, eastern Vermont, specifically wildlife man- Scarpitti 2006). Clearcuts 5–20 years old agement unit (WMU) E, was causing provide suitable early winter habitat, as measurable damage to forest regeneration; regenerating hardwood and softwood species moose densities in WMU E were thought to provide both browse and cover for moose be well over 1.5 moose/km2 (4 moose/ (Thompson and Stewart 1997). While the mile2) (C. Alexander, VTFW wildlife biolo- impact of moose browsing on forest regen- gist, pers. comm.). To achieve the desired eration has received substantial attention population level, hunting permit numbers elsewhere, little attention has been paid to were dramatically increased by the Vermont the potential and actual effects in northern Department of Fish and Wildlife (VTFW) New England (Pruss and Pekins 1992, from 440 to 833 permits in 2004, when it Scarpitti 2006, Bergeron et al. 2011). was believed moose had approached their In order to manage moose and forest biological carrying capacity (VTFW 2008). resources with respect to moose density and The number of hunting permits rose to damage to regeneration, it is important to 1046 in 2005 and continued to increase have extensive ecological knowledge of the until 2009, when 1223 permits were issued relationships among moose, the ecosystems statewide in an effort to accelerate popula- they inhabit, the plants they use as forage tion reductions to protect forest habitat. (Edenius et al. 2002), and the associated By 2008, the population density was impacts on forest production such as timber approaching the goal set by the 10-year quality impairment. As moose populations moose management plan (0.7 moose/km2 have increased in northern New England, [1.75 moose/mile2]) and the number of land managers have implied that a relation- permits was reduced to 765 in 2010 and ship exists between high population density 405 in 2011. In response, this study was and reduced forest regeneration in clearcuts. designed to evaluate the impact of moose On Isle Royale, McInnes et al. (1992) found browsing on the regeneration of commer- that moose browsing affected the structure cial tree species in WMU E1 in northeast and dynamics of forest ecosystems on a Vermont by conducting qualitative assess- long-term scale; however, in larger land- ments of damage in clearcuts between scapes such impacts are usually more loca- 3–20 years of age. lized and often relate to high seasonal density. In northern New Hampshire, Bergeron METHODS et al. (2011) evaluated the impact of brows- Study Area ing on the regeneration of commercial tree The study area was located in north‐ species in 3 regions with different moose east Vermont and encompassed all of 68 ALCES VOL. 50 ANDREOZZI ET AL. – BROWSING AND FOREST REGENERATION VTFW WMU E1, covering an area of Field Measurements 682 km2 bordered by New Hampshire and Regeneration surveys were performed in Quebec (Fig. 1). Elevation ranges from June 2012 to measure the impact of moose ∼250–1,130 m, and it is dominated by browsing on forest regeneration in clear- maple (Acer saccharum, A. pensylvanicum, cuts 3–20 years old (Leak 2007, Bergeron A. rubrum) and birch (Betula alleghaniensis, et al. 2011). Clear-cuts were separated into B. papyrifera) hardwoods, and coniferous 4 age classes (3–5, 6–10, 11–15 and 16–20 stands of balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and years old) in order to assess temporal red spruce (Picea rubens.) While heavily changes during both the period of typical – forested, timber harvesting is common browsing (0 10 years) and at least 10 years – throughout as the majority of the land is pri- post-browsing (11 20 years). In each age class, 8–11 clear-cuts were located using aer- vately owned and commercially harvested ial photography; each was a minimum of (NEFA 2007). The 2011 moose density was 4.1 ha (10 acres) and a maximum of estimated at 0.77 moose/km2 (1.96 moose/ 16.2 ha (40 acres) in size to reflect the typical mi2) based on a rolling 3-year average of range in size of clear-cuts in the region moose sightings by early winter (November) (M. Langlais, Vermont Department of For- deer hunters, and was previously estimated ests, Parks & Recreation County Forester, 2 in 2010 as 0.93 moose/km (2.41 moose/ pers. comm.). In certain cases, clear-cuts 2 mile ) based on aerial surveys (Millette et al. >16.2 ha were used to achieve appropriate 2011). sample sizes within an age class; a section ≤16.2 ha was surveyed. Small plot surveys (milacre, ∼2.3 m dia- meter circle) were evenly spaced on equidi- stant transects throughout each clear-cut (Fig. 2). In each milacre plot, the dominant stem (tallest tree) was recorded as a commer- cial or non-commercial tree species. If the dominant stem was non-commercial, the plot was searched for the presence of com- mercial species; commercial species included yellow and white birch, sugar and red maple, American beech (Fagus grandifo- lia), aspen (Populus spp.), black cherry (Pru- nus serotina), balsam fir, red and black spruce (Picea mariana), and tamarack (Larix laricina). Stem damage was assessed on a qualitative basis as fork, broom, or crook (Fig. 3). The height of the damage above or below breast height (approximately 1.4 m) was recorded, as well as the number of forks and crooks, and the severity of crooks based ≤ Fig. 1. The location of the study area in Vermont on angle.
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