THE AGE OF WARS OF RELIGION, 1000–1650 THE AGE OF WARS OF RELIGION, 1000–1650 AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GLOBAL WARFARE AND CIVILIZATION Volume 1, A–K Cathal J. Nolan Greenwood Encyclopedias of Modern World Wars GREENWOOD PRESS Westport, Connecticut London Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nolan, Cathal J. The age of wars of religion, 1000–1650 : an encyclopedia of global warfare and civilization / Cathal J. Nolan. p. cm.—(Greenwood encyclopedias of modern world wars) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0–313–33045–X (set)—ISBN 0–313–33733–0 (vol. 1)— ISBN 0–313–33734–9 (vol. 2) 1. Middle Ages—History—Encyclopedias. 2. History, Modern—17th century— Encyclopedias. 3. Military history, Medieval—Encyclopedias. 4. Military history, Modern—17th century—Encyclopedias. 5. Biography—Middle Ages, 500–1500— Encyclopedias. 6. Biography—17th century—Encyclopedias. I. Title. D114.N66 2006 909.0703—dc22 2005031626 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available. Copyright # 2006 by Cathal J. Nolan All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, by any process or technique, without the express written consent of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2005031626 ISBN: 0–313–33045–X (set) 0–313–33733–0 (vol. I) 0–313–33734–9 (vol. II) First published in 2006 Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881 An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. www.greenwood.com Printed in the United States of America The paper used in this book complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organization (Z39.48–1984). 10987654321 Covenants without swords are but words. —Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651) You are engaged in God’s service and in mine—which is the same thing. —Philip II, of Spain [The terms are] null and void, invalid, iniquitous, unjust, condemned, rejected, frivolous, without force or effect, and no one is to observe them, even when they be ratified by oath. —Pope Innocent X, On the articles of religious toleration in the Peace of Westphalia (1648) Who brings famine? The army. Who brings the plague? The army. Who the sword? The army. Who hinders trade? The army. Who confounds all? The army. —Hugh Peter, A Word for the Army and Two Words to the Kingdome (1647) CONTENTS List of Entries ix Preface: Wars of Religion in History xliii Author’s Note li Note on Dates lix The Encyclopedia 1 Chronology of Major Events 959 Selected Bibliography 981 Index 1021 LIST OF ENTRIES abatis Albania Abbas I (1571–1629) Albert, Archduke of Austria Aceh (1559–1621) Acemi Ogglan Albigensian Crusade (1208–1229) Acre, fall of (1291) d’Albuquerque, Alfonso de (1453–1515) adarga alcabala Aden alcancia admiral Alca´ntara, Battle of (August 25, 1580) admiralty Alca´ntara, Knights of Admiralty Alcazarquivir, Battle of (August 4, 1578) Adwalton Moor, Battle of (1643) Alexandria, Siege of (1364) Affair of the Placards (October 18, 1534) alferes Afghanistan Alfonso V (1432–1481) aftercastle Alfonso XI (1312–1350) Agincourt, Battle of (October 25, 1415) Alford, Battle of (July 2, 1645) Agnadello, Battle of (May 14, 1509) Algeciras, Siege of (1344) Ahlspiess Algiers ailettes Alhama de Granada, Battle of (1482) Ain Jalut, Battle of (1260) Ali Pasha Aı¨r, Kingdom of Aljubarrota, Battle of (August 14, 1385) Akbar (1542–1605) Alkmaar, Siege of (August 21–October 8, aketon 1573) akincis/akinjis alla moderna Akritai Allerheim, Battle of (1645) akuto¯ Almiranta Alais, Peace of (June 28, 1629) Almogavars Alamut, Battle of (1234) Almohads al-Andalus Almoravids Alarcos, Battle of (1195) Alte Feste, Siege of (August Alba, Don Fernando A´lvarez de Toledo, 24–September 18, 1632) duque de (1507–1582) Altmark, Truce of (September 26, 1629) List of Entries Alton, Battle of (1643) arming doublet Alva Arminianism Alvarado, Pedro de (1485–1541) armor Alwa armories Amasya, Peace of (May 1555) Army of Flanders Amboise, Conspiracy of (March 1560) Army of the Catholic League Amboise, Peace of (1563) Army of the States Amiens, Siege of (1597) Arnay-le-Duc, Battle of (June 26, 1570) ammunition Arnim, Hans Georg von (1581–1641) amphibious warfare arquebus amsa¯r arquebus a` croc Anabaptism arquebusiers Anatolia arquebusiers a` cheval ancient Arques, Battle of (1303) Andorra, Principality of Arques, Battle of (September 21, 1589) Anegawa, Battle of (July 22, 1570) arr^eet de cuirasse Angola arrieere-ban Angora, Battle of arrows d’Anjou, duc (1555–1584) Arsenal of Venice Ankara, Battle of (July 20, 1402) arsenals annates Articles of War Antichrist artillery anti-Semitism artillery fortress Antwerp, Siege of (1584–1585) artillery towers Appanage system artillery train (1) appatis artillery train (2) Appenzell Wars (1403–1411) Art of War Aquitaine ashigaru Arabs askeri Aragon Assassins arbaleste Assize of Arms arbaletriers Astrakhan, Conquest of (1554–1556) Arbedo, Battle of (1422) astrolabe arceri astrology archers Atahualpa (c.1502–1533) Argentina atlatl Argyll, Marquis of (1607–1661) atrocities Arianism attrition aristocracy Augsburg, Peace of (September 25, 1555) arma Augsburg Confession (1530) Armada Real (de la Guarda de la Carrera de ‘Auld Alliance los Indias) Auldearn, Battle of (May 9, 1645) Armagnacs Auray, Battle of (1364) arme blanche Austria Armee d’Allemagne Austrian Army Armenia Auszug armet auto de fe ‘‘Armies of the Religion on the Sea’’ auxiliaries arming cap avariz x List of Entries aventail banneret aventuriers banner system (China/Manchuria) ‘‘Avignon Captivity’’ of the papacy banner system (Japan) (1314–1362) Bannockburn (June 24, 1314) Aviz, Order of bannum axes banquette Axtorna, Battle of (1565) Barbados ayatollah Barbarossa (c.1483–1546) Ayn Ja¯lut, Battle of (September 3, 1260) Barbary corsairs Azaps barber Azerbaijan barbican Azores barbuta Aztec Empire bard barded horse Babur (1483–1530) bardiche bacinet barge back-staff bark Baden, Margrave George Frederick Barletta, Battle of (1502) (1577–1622) Barnet, Battle of (1471) baggage train Barons’ Wars (1215–1217 and Baghdad, Siege of (1638) 1264–1267) Bagirmi barony Bahamas Ba¨rwalde, Treaty of (January 1631) bah¸si¸s bascinet bailey Basel-Ferrara-Florence, Council of (1431, bailli 1438, 1439) bakufu Bashi-Bazouks balance of power basilard baldric basilisk balestrieri bastard feudalism balinger bastard musket balistae bastille balistarii equites bastion Balkh, Battle of (1602) Batavia ballista Ba´thory, Stefan (r.1575–1586) ballock battalion ballot battery (1) Baltic battery (2) bal yemez battery (3) Banbury, Battle of (1469) battle (1) bandeiras battle (2) bandolier battle-axe banduq battle cries Bane´r, Johann (1596–1641) Bavaria ban et l’arriere-ban Bayezid I (r.1389–1402) banking Bayezid II (1447–1512) banner (bannieres) (1) Bay of Seine, Battle of (1417) banner (bannieres) (2) bayonet Banner (Swiss) Be´al Atha Buı´, Battle of (1598) xi List of Entries beat the drum Black Company Beauge´, Battle of (March 21, 1421) Black Death beaver Black Guard beaver wars Black Legend bedel-i nuuzul€ Black Prince (1330–1376) Bedouin Black Riders (Schwartzenreiter) beeldenstorm Blackwater River, Battle of (1598) beg Blake, Robert (1599–1657) Beggars (‘‘Gueux’’) blockade Beijing, Fall of (1214) blockship Beijing, Fall of (1644) Blois, Treaties of (1504–1505) Bektashi Order Blore Heath, Battle of (1459) Bekta¸si Order blunderbuss belatores boarding beldar boatswain belfry boatswain’s mate Belgium Nostrum Bo¨blingen, Battle of (1525) Belgrade, Siege of (1456) Bocskay Rebellion (1604–1606) Belgrade, Siege of (1521) bodkin bellum hostile Bogomil heresy bellum justum Bohemia bellum se ipse alet Bohemian Brethren Benburb, Battle of (1646) Boisot, Louis (c.1530–1576) Benevento, Battle of (1266) bolt Benin, Kingdom of bomba Berbers bombard Bergen-op-Zoom, Siege of (1622) bombardetta Bergerac, Peace of (September 17, 1577) bombardier (1) Bergfreid bombardier (2) Bernardines bonaventure Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153) Bondetal Bernhard von Sachsen-Weimar bonfire of the vanities (1604–1639) Bonnets Rouges besagaws boom besonios booty Bestallungbrief Bornholm, Battle of (August 1457) Bethlen, Gabriel (1580–1629) Bornu bevor Boroughbridge, Battle of bey (March 16, 1322) Beyliks Bosnia Bhutan Bostancilar Bicocca, Battle of (1522) Bosworth, Battle of (1485) bill boulevard billhook Boulogne, Siege of birlin (August–September 1544) Biscuits, Battle of (1594) Bourbon, Charles, duc de (1490–1527) Bishops’ War, First (1639) Bourbon dynasty Bishops’ War, Second (1640–1641) Bouvines, Battle of (1214) Black Bands bow(ing) xii List of Entries bowlines Buenos Aires bows buff coats bowsprit Bukhara, Battle of (1220) boyars (Russia) Bulgaria boyars (Ruthenia) bullets boyars (Ukraine) bullionism boys burden (‘‘burthen’’) bracer Bureau, Jean (1390–1463) and Gaspard bracers (d.1470) Braddock Down, Battle of (1643) Burgundian-French War (1474–1477) Branxton, Battle of (1513) Burgundian-Swiss War (1474–1477) brayette Burgundy, Duchy of Brazil Burma breach Burnt Candlemas (1356) Breda, Siege of (1625) Bursa, Siege of (1317–1326) breech busby breeching bushido¯ breech-loader Byland, Battle of (1322) Bregenz, Battle of (1408) byrnie breidex Byzantine Empire Breitenfeld, First (September 17, 1631) Breitenfeld, Second (November 2, 1642) cabasset Brentford, Battle of (1642) Cadiz, Raid on (1587) Brest, Union of Cadiz, Raid on (1596) bretasche Cadiz, Raid on (1625) Bre´tigny, Treaty of (1360) Cairo, Sack of (1517) Breton Succession, War of (1341–1365) Calais brevet Calatrava, Knights of Brielle, Battle of (April 1, 1572) Calicut, Battle of (March 18, 1506)
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