Tuire Valkeakari, July 1, 2019 p. 1/13 Curriculum Vitae Tuire Valkeakari Providence College, Department of English One Cunningham Square Providence, RI 02918-0001, USA e-mail: [email protected] office phone: +1-401-865.2802 1. FULL-TIME FACULTY POSITIONS Professor, Department of English, Providence College. July 2016–. Current position. Associate Professor, Department of English, Providence College. July 2010–June 2016. Assistant Professor, Department of English, Providence College. September 2006–June 2010. 2. PART-TIME POSITIONS IN ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION Interim Director, Black Studies Program, Providence College. January–June 2019. Interim Director, American Studies Program, Providence College. July 2015–June 2016. Assistant Chair, Department of English, Providence College. July 2011–June 2012. 3. ACADEMIC DEGREES Ph.D., African American and American Studies, Yale University. May 2012. M.Phil., African American and American Studies (with distinction), Yale University. December 2005. M.A., African American and American Studies, Yale University. May 2005. Ph.D., English, University of Helsinki, Finland. April 2004. Lic.Phil., English, University of Helsinki. December 2002. M.A., English, University of Helsinki. June 1998. M.Th., University of Helsinki. December 1998. B.Th., University of Helsinki. October 1995. 4. OTHER CURRENT ACADEMIC AFFILIATIONS Dosentti. (Finnish equivalent of German Privatdozent.) Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki, Finland. October 2010–. Tuire Valkeakari, July 1, 2019 p. 2/13 5. RESEARCH INTERESTS Black diasporic Anglophone literatures, especially African American and African-Caribbean fiction and autobiography; contemporary American fiction and autobiography; contemporary Finnish fiction. 6. OTHER TEACHING FIELDS American culture and history; race and ethnicity; postcolonial literature. 7. ACADEMIC FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS Internal Research Awards at Providence College Summer Scholar Award, School of Arts and Sciences. June–August 2019. Committee on Aid to Faculty Research Travel Grant, 2019. Elected Participant in the 2017 Interdisciplinary Faculty Seminar at Providence College. January–May 2017. (One course release and a stipend.) Nomination for the 2013 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipends Program. (One of two Providence College nominees for 2013.) Elected Participant in the 2007 Interdisciplinary Faculty Seminar at Providence College. January–May 2007. (One course release.) Study/Dissertation Fellowships for the Yale Ph.D. Robert M. Leylan Dissertation Fellowship, Yale University, 2006–07, 12 months. (Declined due to conflict with tenure-track position at Providence College.) John F. Enders Fund Award, Yale University. June–August 2006. Yale University Fellowship. September 2003–May 2006. Study/Dissertation Fellowships for the University of Helsinki Ph.D. Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation. April–August 2003. Finnish Cultural Foundation. October 2002–March 2003. Oskar Öflund Foundation and Finnish Konkordia Fund (for a visiting graduate student position at Yale). November 2000–August 2001. Academy of Finland (for a visiting graduate student position at Yale). June–October 2000. Tuire Valkeakari, July 1, 2019 p. 3/13 Fulbright Graduate Grant (for a visiting graduate student position at Yale). August 1999–May 2000. Finnish National Graduate School for Literary Studies. January 1999–September 2002. Pre-Dissertation Fellowship, Oskar Öflund Foundation. September–December 1998. Other Research Awards and Affiliations Visiting Scholar. Department of American Studies, Brown University, Rhode Island. July–December 2012. (Non-salaried position; held while on sabbatical from Providence College.) Elected Ethnic Studies Affiliate in the Program of Ethnicity, Race, and Migration at Yale University. January– May 2006. (Stipend.) M.Th. Thesis Prize, Department of Theology, University of Helsinki. December 1998. (Stipend.) Teaching Award Nominations at Providence College Nomination for the Collegewide Joseph R. Accinno Teaching Award, 2016–17. Nomination for the Collegewide Joseph R. Accinno Teaching Award, 2013–14. 8. PUBLICATIONS Peer-Reviewed Books Precarious Passages: The Diasporic Imagination in Contemporary Black Anglophone Fiction. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2017. Religious Idiom and the African American Novel, 1952–1998. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2007. • Chapter 2 reprinted in Ralph Ellison, edited by Harold Bloom (Bloom’s Modern Critical Views). New edition. New York: Bloom’s Literary Criticism/Infobase, 2010, 173–197. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles “Updating Camus: The Absurd, Revolt, and Strangerhood in Riikka Pulkkinen’s Vieras.” Scandinavian Studies (accepted, forthcoming). “The Photographer-Flâneur as Facilitator of Urban Connectivity in John Edgar Wideman’s Two Cities.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 60.2 (2019): 222–235. “‘Railway Spine,’ Trains, Migration, and Mobility in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake.” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 28.3–4 (2015): 202–207. “‘New Negro’ Men, World War I, and African American Masculinity in Guy Johnson’s Standing at the Scratch Line.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States 39.4 (Winter 2014): 50–68. Tuire Valkeakari, July 1, 2019 p. 4/13 “A Journey to ‘Partial Cosmopolitanism’ in Michael Ondaatje’s Anil’s Ghost.” Studies in Canadian Literature/Études en Littérature Canadienne (SCL/ÉLC) 38.2 (2013): 67–87. “Huck, Twain, and the Freedman’s Shackles: Struggling with Huckleberry Finn Today.” Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 28.2 (December 2006): 29–43. “Through a Black Traveler’s Eyes: Claude McKay’s A Long Way from Home.” American Studies in Scandinavia 38.1 (2006): 78–98. “The Politics of Perception in Herman Melville’s Benito Cereno and Charles Johnson’s Middle Passage.” Studies in American Fiction, 33.2 (Autumn 2005): 229–250. “Beyond the Riverside: War in Toni Morrison’s Fiction.” Atlantic Literary Review 4.1–2 (January–March & April–June 2003): 133–164. • Finnish version: “Kohti dialogisen avoimuuden rauhaa: Sota historiallisena aiheena ja vertauskuvana Toni Morrisonin romaaneissa.” Kirjallisuudentutkijain Seuran vuosikirja 54 [Yearbook of the Finnish Literary Research Society 54] (2001): 82–116. “A ‘Cry of the Dying Century’: Kate Chopin, The Awakening, and the Women’s Cause.” NJES (Nordic Journal of English Studies) 2.1 (2003): 193–216. “Toni Morrison Writes B(l)ack: Beloved and Slavery’s Dehumanizing Discourse of Animality.” Atlantic Literary Review 3.2. (April–June 2002): 165–187. • Reprinted in Critical Perspectives in American Literature, ed. Meenakshi Raman. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2004, 194–218. • Finnish version: “Subjektina ihminen: musta teksti mustan päällä Toni Morrisonin Beloved- romaanissa.” Subjektia rakentamassa: tutkielmia minuudesta teksteissä [Constructing the Subject: Studies on ‘Self’ in Literary Texts], eds. Tomi Kaarto and Lasse Kekki. Turku: University of Turku, 2000, 150–189. Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters “John Edgar Wideman’s Brothers and Keepers and Edwidge Danticat’s Brother, I’m Dying as Family Memoirs and Narratives of Black Captivity.” Mielikuvituksen Maailmat/Worlds of Imagination: Explorations in Interdisciplinary Literary Research, edited by Merja Polvinen, Maria Salenius, and Howard Sklar. Turku, Finland: Eetos, 2017, 249–267. “After Eden: Constructs of Home, House, and Racial Difference in Toni Morrison’s A Mercy.” Living Language, Living Memory: Essays on the Works of Toni Morrison. Eds. Kerstin W. Shands and Giulia Grillo Mikrut. Huddinge, Sweden: Södertörn University, 2014, 107–126. Invited and Editor-Reviewed Book Chapters and Articles “Between Camps: Paul Gilroy and the Dilemma of Race.” Post-National Enquiries: Essays on Ethnic and Racial Border Crossings. Ed. Jopi Nyman. Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, 8–29. “‘Luxuriat[ing] in Milton’s Syllables’: Writer as Reader in Zora Neale Hurston’s Dust Tracks on a Road.” Reading Women: Literary Figures and Cultural Icons from the Victorian Age to the Present. Series: Studies in Book and Print Culture. Eds. Janet Badia and Jennifer Phegley. Toronto, Buffalo, and London: University of Toronto Press, 2005, 192–214. Tuire Valkeakari, July 1, 2019 p. 5/13 “Secular Riffs on the Sacred: Religious Reference in Invisible Man.” Crossings: A Counter-Disciplinary Journal of Philosophical, Cultural, Historical, and Literary Studies 5/6 (2002/2003): 235–267. “Student-to-Student Interaction Between Remote Sites in International Videoconferencing in the Context of Teacher Education.” Mediakasvatuksen tietostrategian teoriaa ja käytäntöä. [Theory and Practice of Cognitive Strategies in Media Education.] Studia Paedagogica 23. Eds. Marja Mononen-Aaltonen and Anna Lintula. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, Department of Teacher Education, 2000, 71–107. Peer-Reviewed Encyclopedia Article “African American Novel.” The Encyclopedia of the Novel, ed. Peter Logan et al. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 9–18. Academic Reviews of Scholarly Books Review of Frank Wilker, Cultural Memories of Origin: Trauma, Memory and Imagery in African American Narratives of the Middle Passage (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017). African American Review 52.1 (Spring 2019): 109–111. Review of Arnold Rampersad, Ralph Ellison: A Biography (New York: Knopf, 2007). American Studies in Scandinavia 39.2 (2007): 114–117. Review of J. Brooks Bouson, Jamaica Kincaid: Writing Memory, Writing Back to the Mother
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