AN ANALYSIS OF ERIN GRUWELL’S SOCIAL CONFLICT IN “THE FREEDOM WRITERS” FILM THESIS By : DESSI VILAST TRIAGUNA ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG AUGUST 2012 AN ANALYSIS OF ERIN GRUWELL’S SOCIAL CONFLICT IN “THE FREEDOM WRITERS” FILM THESIS This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education By : DESSI VILAST TRIAGUNA 06360239 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG AUGUST 2012 This thesis written by Dessi Vilast Triaguna was approved on August 2, 2012. By : Advisor I Advisor II Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si Rina Wahyu, S, M.Ed This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education on August 2, 2012 Approved by : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang Dean, Dr. M. Syaifuddin, M.M Examiners : Signatures : 1. Drs. Hartono, M.Pd 1. 2. Bayu Hendro Wicaksono, M.Ed. Ph.D 2. 3. Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si 3. 3. Rina Wahyu, S, M.Ed 4. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page .……………………………………………………………….. Title page .……………………………………………………………….. i Title page .……………………………………………………………….. ii Advisor’s Approval .…………………………………………………….. iii Examination Committee’s Approval .…………………………………… iv Motto and Dedication .…………………………………………………... v Acknowledgment .……………………………………………………….. vi Abstract ..………………………………………………………………… vii Table of Contents .……………………………………………………….. viii CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ..………………………………………… 1 1.2 Statements of the Problem .…………..…………………………….. 5 1.3 Purposes of the Study .…..…………………………………………. 6 1.4 Significance of Study ……………………………………………….. 6 1.5 Scope and Limitation ..………………………………………………. 7 1.6 Definition of Key Terms ……………………………………………... 7 CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Literature ..………………….…………………………………………….. 8 2.2 Film ..…………………….……………………………………………….. 9 2.3 Elements of Film ....…………………………………………….... 10 2.3.1 Character …………………………………………………………. 10 2.3.2 Theme …………….……………………………………………… 11 2.3.3 Plot …………….………………………………………………… 11 2.3.4 Setting ……….……………………………………………….. 13 2.4 Kinds of Film …………….…………………………………………. 14 2.5 Social conflict …………….………………………………………… 17 2.5.1 Cause and Effect of Social Conflict …………….………………. 19 CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design ..…………………………………………………… 22 3.2 Approach …………….……………………………………………… 23 3.2.1 Mimetic Approach …………….……………………………….. 23 3.2.2 Pragmatic Approach …………….……………………………… 22 3.2.3 Expressive Approach …………….……………………………… 24 3.2.4 Objective Approach …………….……………………………….. 23 3.3 Object of The Study …………….…………………………………... 24 3.4 Data Collection ……………………………………………………… 25 3.5 Data Analysis ...……………………………………………………… 25 CHAPTER IV : FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1 Research Findings …………………………………………………. 26 4.1.1 Erin Gruwell’s Social Conflict in “The Freedom Writers” Film … 26 Erin Gruwell with Her Father ………………………………. 26 Erin with Ms. Campbell ……………………………………. 28 Erin with her Husband, Scott ………………………………... 30 Erin with her Student, Eva …………………………………. 31 4.2 The Causes of Social Conflict faced by Erin Gruwell ………………. 32 4.2.1 The Cause of Social Conflict between Erin and her Father…….. 33 4.2.2 The Cause of Social Conflict between Erin and Eva ………….. 34 4.2.3 The Cause of Social Conflict between Erin and her Husband…. 35 4.2.4 The Cause of Social Conflict between Erin and Ms. Campbell .. 37 38 4.3 The Effects of the Social Conflict toward Erin’s Life ……………….. 38 4.3.1 Negative Effect of Social Conflict between Erin and Scott…….. 4.3.2 Positive Effect of Social Conflict between Erin and 39 Ms. Campbell …………………………………………………. 4.3.3 Positive Effect of Social Conflict between Erin and 41 Her Father ………………………………………………………. 4.4 Discussions ………………………………………………………….. 41 CHAPTER V : CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusions ..…………………………………………………………. 45 5.2 Suggestions …….…………………………………………………….. 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX I BIOGRAPHY APPENDIX II SYNOPSIS MOTTO AND DEDICATION “ ACTUALLY THERE IS EASY WAY BEHIND DIFFICULTY” ( AQ.S Al-Insyira : 6 ) Hendaknya Tiap kaTa Tak Hanya mengandung Ilmu, tetapi juga melahirkan dzikir. Hendaknya Tiap kalimaT, Tak Hanya MenaMbaH WaWasan, tetapi Juga Ketaqwaan -Salim A. Fillah- This thesis is Dedicated to: My Soul mate My beloved Parents My beloved Parents in Law My two little Angels My lovely brothers and sister ACKNOWLEDGMENT Alhamdulillahi Rabbil’alamin, All praise is to Allah S.W.T. Because of His bless, merciful, and love, she can accomplish this thesis. Greeting, prayers, and love are also presented to the beloved prophet Muhammad S.A.W, his family, and companions who love us deeply. First of all, the writer would like to present the greatest gratitude to both of her advisors; Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si as the first advisor and Rina Wahyu, M.Pd as the second advisor for the great contribution, meaningful guidance, corrections, suggestion, encouragement, motivation, and use full feedback that have inspired the writer over the completion of this thesis. Furthermore, my sincere gratitude goes to all lecturers of English Department who have taught her to be a good English graduation and given much knowledge which influence her thought about anything. Especially to Ahmad Tohir Yoga because of his motivation and suggestion the writer chose “The Freedom Writers” film as object of the study. The greatest appreciation, moreover, also goes to her beloved parents, Agus Mukharam and Hasnawati for their motivation, helpful, and prays, her lovely husband, her soul mate Augusty Firmansyah, S.Kom, S.PdI who always beside her in happiness and sadness, for his love, pray, motivation, support, advice, and financial support. Her beloved little angels, Hurum Maqsurotun Firdaus and Muhammad Jazaa’ul Ihsan because of them the writer learnt a lot about patient and struggle. Her beloved law parents, Al Musyafir and Bintan Maharani for their motivation and pray. Her brother and sister, Ella and Ero for their pray and love. Her nephew and niece, Rofi, Dilla, Fian, Radhi, Ari, and sheffa. Also the writer thankful her brothers and sister in law, Mbak Ely, Mas Sentot, Mbak Ana, and Mas Nasrum for their love The writer thankful for the close friend Yanti, Ema, Qurrota’ayun, Mbak Susi, Tyas, Nuris, Arief, Masdiyan, Meidy, Wildan, and Iza who give her support and motivation. Also, all of her friends whose name cannot be mentioned one by one here. Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis will give advantages for the readers. Amin. Malang, August 2012 Dessi Vilast Triaguna BIBLIOGRAPHY Abrams, M. H. 1981. A Glossary of Literary Term. USA :Cornel University. Andrie. 2007. Faktor-faktor Penyebab Sosial Konflik. http://andrie07.wordpress.com Arp, R, Thomas, Johnson, Greg. 2006. Perrine’s Literature; Structure, Sound, and Sense, Ninth edition. Canada: Michael Rosenberg Ary, Donald. Et.al. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. Sixth Edition. New York: Wadsworth Thomson Learning. Beaty, et.al. 2002. 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Effect of Social Conflict. http //febriirawanto.blogspot.com/ Kennedy, XJ. 1983. An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. Third Edition. New York: Little, Brown and Company Madden, Frank. 2007. Exploring Literature: Writing and Arguing about Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and the Essay. Third edition. United States: Pearson Education, Inc. Rebecca, Just. 2007. Synopsis forFreedom Writers . http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0463998/synopsis Schimdt, Bogarad, Crocket. 2006. Legacies. Fiction, Poetry Drama, Nonfiction. Third Edition. USA: Thomson Wadsworth Taufikkurrahman. 2010. An Analysis on Santiago Munez’s Psychological Conflicts in “ Goal” Movie. Unpublished Thesis. The English Department of University Muhammadiyah of Malang Wellek, Rene & Werren, Austin. 1990. Teori Kesusastraan. USA: Harcourt, Brace and World, inc. APPENDIX I BIOGRAPHY OF RICHARD LAGRAVENESE Richard Lagravenese was born on October 30, 1959. LaGravenese came of age in Brooklyn and studied acting at New York University's experimental theater wing at the Tisch School for the Arts. As a student, he honed his skills with dialogue and formed a New York- and Toronto-based comedy troupe, for which he also wrote sketches. After a disastrous turn on the icky 1989 generation gap "comedy" Rude Awakening, starring Cheech Marin andLouise Lasser, LaGravenese supplemented his (unrelated) day job by working on the script for what became The Fisher King (1991) -- a project reflecting his lifelong fascination with mythology.
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