Figures in Italics Indicate the Prime Taxonomic Reference. Figures in Bold Type Indicate the Page on Which There Is a Figure. AB

Figures in Italics Indicate the Prime Taxonomic Reference. Figures in Bold Type Indicate the Page on Which There Is a Figure. AB

INDEX Figures in italics indicate the prime taxonomic reference. Figures in bold type indicate the page on which there is a figure. ABALOOS, 732, 748 Acerentomon, food, 455, 4.59; A. Acrocera, 1006; A. globulus, ABEL, 49I, 493 doderoi, 455 1006 abdomen, Coleoptera, adephagid Acerentulus, 4.59; head, mouth­ Acroceridae, 10o6; larvae par­ type, haplogastrous, hologa­ parts, 456; internal anatomy, asitic, 970; mesopleural sulcus strous, symphiogastrous, 825, 457 straight, 979 826, Diptera, 864; Achanthiptera rohrellijormis Acromantis, 6oi Hymenoptera, number of ex­ ( = inanis) in nests of Vespula, Acronycta, larval ecdyses, I094 posed segments, I I 87 I249 Acrotelsa, 44I ABDULLAH,884,89I,904 Acherontia atropos, I I39; sound­ acrotrophic ovarioles, in ABERNATHY,722,756 production, I I40; larva, alimen­ Coleoptera, 832 Abies excelsa, Physokermes piceae, tary canal, 1095; mandibular Acrydiidae, see Tetrigidae a pest on, 726 gland, 267 Actaletes, 470; tracheae present, ABRAHAMSON,903,904 Acheta domesticus, 546, .5 48; 467 Abraxas grossulariata auditory organ, I33 Actaletidae, 470 (Geometridae) wing-variation, Achilidae, 705 Actinoscytidae, 762 1133 Achilixiidae, 70.5 ACTON,684,688,748,767 Acalyptratae, I 020; larvae oc­ achrestogonimes, in Isoptera, 620 Actora, see Helcomyza casionally parasitic, 970; ner­ ACHTELIG,426,427,794,8I2 Actornithophilus, 665 vous system, 970; preapical Achroia, I 12 I Aculagnathidae, 884 tibial bristle, 967 acid gland, 1189 Aculeata, see Hymenoptera Acanaloniidae, 707 Acidia, see Philophylla Aculeata acanthae, in Mecoptera, 936; in ACKER, 794, 812 aculei, in Lepidoptera, I077 Siphonaptera, 946 Aclerda, 729 Acyrtosiphon, 7I7; A. pisum, Acanthaspis, puncture by, pain­ Aclerdidae, 7 29 photoperiod, temperature and ful, 732 Acleris (Tortricidae) venation, wing-development, 722 Acanthiidae, see Cimicidae or 1708 ACZEL, IOI6, I02J, IOJ7, I046 Saldidae Acletoxenus, I022 ADAIR, 599, 601 Acanthoceridae, 86o Aclypea, 854 Adalia, colour variation, 882; Acanthococcus devoniensis, 728 Acraea, I 126 development oflarva, 883; A. Acanthopsyche opacella(atra), I I IO Acraeinae, I I 26 bipunctata, number of aphids Acanthoscelides obtectus, oviposi- Acrididae, 550; Comstock­ eaten by larva, 883 tion, 894 Kellogg glands, 542; oviposi­ ADAM, 593, 60I Acanthosoma, 7 4I tion, 550; Neorhynchocephalus, ADAMS, J., 434,442 Acanthosomatidae, 7 4I parasitic on, Ioo6; thorax, ADAMS, P. A., 426, 427, 794, 798, Acanthoxyla, 568. 538 812 Acarina, Chrysopa, preying on, Acridinae, grass-feeders, 55 I; ADAMSKA, 1261, I279 8o7; Coniopterygids, preying stridulation in flight, 550 ADAMSON, 620, 635 on, 799; termitophilous, 630 Acridioidea, .5 49; accessory Adela, I I07; crop, 1084; larval Acartophthalmus, I043 glands, 542; auditory organs, crochets, I 09 I; ovarioles, I o­ accessory gland of spinneret, 54 I; frons with wind-receptors, I2 a side, 1086 Lepidopterous larva, I096 538; gastric caeca, 54I; gizzard Adelgidae, 723 Acentropus, anatomy, I088; small, 54I; Malpighian tub­ Adelges, 723-4. Laricobius, aquatic, I I22 ules, 54 I; oviposition in soil predator on, 874; wax-glands acephalous larvae (Diptera), 97I with eggs in pod, 542; segmental, 697; A. cooleyi, life­ Acerella, development, 458, 459 ovipositor, 539; salivary glands, cycle, 724; Hemerobius stigma, Acerentomoidea, 459 54 I; testes contiguous in mid­ predator on, 8os Acerentomidae, 459 line, 542 Adelognatha, 899 1282 INDEX Adephaga, 839, 84o-1; cam­ agamic generations, in algarum, A. bilineata, biology, podeiform larvae, 835; coxal Cynipoidea, I2I6 856 cavities, 82o; five-segmented AGARWALA,539,55I,554 Aletia argi//acea, larva, the tarsi, 822; larval legs, 836; male Agathiphagidae, 1 IOS Cotton worm, I I45; A. xylina, fore tarsi expanded, 822; male Agdistis, II23; A. staticis, larva proboscis spiny, sucks fruit, reproductive organs, 831; max­ feeds on Statice, II23 I075; Trichogramma minutum, illae, 818; ovarioles, 832; Ageniaspis, parasite of parasite of eggs, I2I8 pygidial glands, 829; testes, Phy//onorycterand Yponomenta, Aleurodidae, see Aleyrodidae 831; type of abdomen, 825 I224; polyembryonic, I224; A. ALEXANDER, C. P., 980, 98I, I046 Aderidae, 891 fuscico//is, trophamnion, 306 ALEXANDER, R. D., 54I, 547, 554, Aderus, 891-2 Aglossa, II 22 7I0,748,769 adfrontals, in Lepidoptera, 1089 Ag/ycyderes, 898 Aleyrodidae, 7 IS; affinity to Adimerus, see Monoedus Aglyciderldae, 8q8 Psyllidae, 702; development ADLER, I 195, 1263 Agonopterix (Depressaria) hera- holometabolous, 702; four Adleria ko//ari, see Andricus diana, I II 3 instars, 702; labium 3- kollari AGRELL,466,468,47I segmented, 684; sperm-pump ADLERZ, 1251 Agriidae, 5 I 3 present, 699; spiracles, 69 I; ad mental plates, of Diplura, 444 Agrilus, larva, 867 White flies, harmful to agricul­ aedeagus, of Lepidoptera, 1084 Agrioidea, s 12 ture, 679; Acletoxenus, predator Aedes, eggs, 9ll4; larval gills, 984; Agrion, s 1 3; colours, 496; feeble on, I022 transmission of Dirofilaria, flight, 495; male genitalia, soo; Aleyrodoidea, 71 s 987; Aedes aegypti, 98s, 986; nymphal gill, 50()-IO; A. virgo, ALI, 844, 904 anatomy, 970; spermathecae 3, thorax, 499 alienicolae, in aphids, 7 I 9 977; transmission of yellow Agrionidae, see Coenagriidae ALIBERT-BERTHOT, 635 fever, 986 Agriotes, larval maxilla, 869; alimentary canal of Aegeria scoliaeformis, see Conopia larva, 869; A. obscurus, Ephemeroptera an aerostatic Aegeriidae, see Sesiidae metamorphosis, adult, 868; organ,479 Aegialites, see Eurystethus larva, 870 alkaline gland, 1189 Aegocera tripartita, sound Agriotypus, I2IO Alleculidae, 887 production, 1 143 Agrius convolvuli, I 140 ALLEN, E.)., I045, I046 Aenictopechys a//uaudi, 733 Agromyza parvicornis, habits, ALLEN, R. K., 485, 489 Aeolothripidae, 788 I04I; A. pruni, habits, I04I; A. A//obosca, I035 Aeolothripoidea, 788; many ter- pruinosa, habits, I 04 I A//ocapnia, s29; enters water to tiary fossils, 788 Agromyzidae, larvae phyto­ lay eggs, 525; A. vivipara, Aeolothrips, 788 phagous,970, 1041; ovoviviparous, 525 Aepophilus bonnairei, 736 stridulatory organ, I04I; A//ocorynus, 898 Aeroplanidae, 568 Dacnusa and Chorebas, par­ A//odape, some species social, Aeropyles, in eggs of Hemiptera, asites of, I2I2 1258; Eucondylops, a parasite 700 Agromyzoidea, 1040 of, 1258 Aeshna, s 1 4; terminalia female, Agrotidae, see Noctuidae A//oeorhynchus, 733, haemocoelic soo; testes, 502-3; nymph, Agrotis, patagia, I076; larva, fecundation, 699 circulatory system, 507; dura­ important pests, I I44-S A//olobophora, larva Po//enia tion of development, 504; hind AGUESSE, SIO, SIS rudis, parasite of, I03 I gut and its tracheae, so8 Aguila astuta, 798 A//omachilis, 440 Aeshnidae, s1 4; endophytic AHMAD, I., 740, 748 Alophora, eggs laid in host, oviposition, 503; ovipositor, AHMAD, M., 607, 634, 635 I032 502; tribe Brachytronini, air-sacs, in Coleoptera, 830 Alsophila aescularia, egg­ nymphal gill, 509 AKRE,439,443 deposition, I089; larval leg on Aeshnoidea, 513; copulatory ALAM, II93, 1263 fifth abdominal segment, I I32; organ, 501 Alaptus, attachment of abdomen, wings degenerate in female, Aetalionidae, 712 I20I; A. magnanimus, smallest II32 AFIFI, 725, 728, 748 of all insects, I225 ALTEN, von, I I93, 1264 Afrodectus, mimics Lycus ALBRECHT, 537,553,554 ALTNER,462,466,47I (Coleoptera), 732 Alder flies, see Sialoidea ALTSON, I2I2, 1223, 1264 Agaonidae, 1 220; apterous male, ALDRICH,999, I030, I046 Alucitidae, see Orneodidae 1 105; phytophagous, I2I7 Aleochara, hypermetamorphosis, Alucitoidea, see Agaristidae, 1143 835; maxillary palpi, 8I8; A. Copromorphoidea INDEX alula, 962 Amphigerontia, 654; wings, 649 nymph diapause, so4; termin­ Alydidae, 740 Amphimallon solstitialis, alia of nymph, 507 Alydus, 740; A. calcaratus nymph abdominal ganglia, 830; Ancistrona, mouthparts, 661 mimics Formica rufa, 68o Hirmoneura parasitic on, 1006 ANDER, 537,S38,539,544,554 A/ysson, habits, I2S3 Amphinemura, 529 ANDERSDN,833,87s,897,898, Alysia manducator, I2I2 Amphiops, divided eyes, 818 904 Alysiidae, 1212 amphipneustic tracheal system in ANOO, sos, SIS Amara, vegetarian, 84I Dipterous larva, 97 5 ANDRE, I200, 1264 Amaryllis bulbs, attacked by Amphipsocidae, 654 Andrena, 1256; copulation of larvae of Merodon and Amphipterygidae, 512 stylopized specimens, 927; Eumerus, IOI9 Amphizoa, 844 mouthparts, I I8o; parasites Amatidae, see Ctenuchidae Amphizoidae, 844 Bombylius, I009; Meloe, 89I; Amauris, I 12s; A. niavius, scent amplexiform, type of wing- Myopa, I043; Nomada, 12S6, organ, I079 coupling, 1081-2 I258; Sphecodes, 1256, Izs8; Amblycera, 6~5'; antennae, 66o; Ampulex, I2S3 Strepsiptera, 922; relations articulation of mandibles, 66o; Ampulicinae, specialized offshoot with and modification by crop little-developed, 66z; of Sphecinae, I2SI; habits, Stylops, 927-9; A. bucephala, often only three ovarioles, 663; 12S3 several females with one nest­ Phthiraptera, 664; testicular Ampulicomorpha, I230 entrance, 1256; A. vaga, follicles 3, S53 Anabolia, mandibles, I I63 modification by Stylops, 927 Amblypelta, 739 Anacanthotermes, 634; external Andrenidae, I256 Ambrosia beetles, see anatomy, 6o7 ANDREW, 628, 63S Platypodinae Anacharitinae, parasites of Andricus circularis, see A. kollari; Ameletus, 486 N europtera, I 2 I 7 A. kollari, I2I7 American sugar-cane borer, see ANADON, 54I, 554 androconia, 1078 Diatraea saccharalis Anajapygidae, 450 Anechura, 548; maternal care, S27 Ametropodidae, 486 Anajapyx, 450; claw-like tarsal Anepeorus, nymph predacious, Ametropus, 486 appendage, 443; gut, 447; 48I Amicta, II IO Malpighian tubules, 447; ovar­ Anerastiinae, I 122 Amiseginae,

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