Test Paper : II Test Booklet Serial No. : _______________________ Test Subject : MASS COMMUNICATION AND JOURNALISM OMR Sheet No. : _________________________________ Roll No. Test Subject Code : K-1416 (Figures as per admission card) Name & Signature of Invigilator/s Signature : _________________________________ Name : _________________________________ Paper : II Subject : MASS COMMUNICATION AND JOURNALISM Time : 1 Hour 15 Minutes Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 A»Ü¦ìWÜÚWæ ÓÜãaÜ®æWÜÙÜá Instructions for the Candidates 1. D ±Üâo¨Ü ÊæáàÆᤩ¿áÈÉ J¨ÜXst ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉ ¯ÊÜá¾ ÃæãàÇ ®ÜíÃÜ®Üá° ÃæÀáÄ. 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 2. D ±Ü£ÅPæ¿áá ÖÜá BÁáR Ë«Ü¨Ü IÊÜñÜᤠ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜ®Üá° JÙÜWæãíw¨æ. 2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions. 3. ±ÄàPÜ Ò¿áæ ±ÝÅÃí»Ü ¨Ü ÈÉÜ , ±ÅÍÜ °æ±âÔ¤PÜ ¿á®æ áÜ ° ¯ÊáWÜ æ¯àvÇÝWÜ áÊÜ â¨Ü á.Ü Êã¨æ ÆÜ 5 ¯ËáÐWÜ ÙÜ ÈÉÜ 3. 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Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 12. PÝÂÆáRÇæàoà , ˨Üá®ݾ®Ü E±ÜPÜÃÜ| A¥ÜÊÝ ÇÝW pæàÇ CñÝ©¿á 12. Use of any calculator, Electronic gadgets or log table etc., is prohibited. E±ÜÁãàWÜÊÜ®Üá° ¯ÐæàÓÜÇÝX¨æ. ÓÜÄ AÆÉ¨Ü EñܤÃÜWÜÚWæ Má| AíPÜ CÃÜáÊÜâ©ÆÉ 13. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers. 13. 14. In case of any discrepancy found in the Kannada translation 14. PܮܰvÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠCíXÉàÐ BÊÜ꣤WÜÙÜ ±ÜÅÍæ° ±Ü£ÅPæWÜÙÜÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜâ¨æà Äࣿá ÊÜÂñÝÂÓÜWÜÙÜá of a question booklet the question in English version shall PÜívÜáí¨ÜÈÉ , CíXÉàÐ BÊÜ꣤WÜÙÜÈÉÃÜáÊÜâ¨æà Aí£ÊÜáÊæí¨Üá ±ÜÄWÜ~ÓܸæàPÜá. be taken as final. K-1416 1 ±Üâ.£.®æãà./P.T.O. *K1416* Total Number of Pages : 24 ÓÜÊÜáãÖÜ ÓÜíÊÜÖÜ®Ü ÊÜáñÜᤠ±Ü£ÅPæãà¨ÜÂÊÜá ±æà±Üà – II WÜÊÜá¯Ô : D ±£ÅPÜ ¿ááæ (50) IÊÜñÜᤠÊÜÓÜ᤯ÐÜu ÊÜÞ¨ÜÄ¿á ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜ®æã°ÙÜWæãíw¨Ü᪠, ±ÜÅ£Áãí¨Üá ±ÅÍÜ ¿áã°æ GÃÜvÜá (2) AíPWÜ ÙÜ ®Ü áÜ ° Öãí©¨æ .æ GÇÝÉ ±ÅÍÜ W°æ ÙÜ ®Ü ãÜ ° PÜvÝx¿áÊÝX EñܤÄÓܸæàPÜá. 1. hãàÓæ ´ æ ±âÈogÃ Ü ¿ÞÊ Ü ±£ÅPÜ ¿áæ 4. 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The Supreme Court of India declared this theory ‘Air waves as a public property’ in this (A) Spiral of Silence Theory year (B) Libertarian Theory (A) 1990 (C) Diffusion Theory (B) 1995 (D) Development Media Theory (C) 1997 6. Which of the following organisations gives accreditation to advertising (D) 2000 agencies in India ? 3. Who brought out Samachar Darpan ? (A) Association of Advertising Agencies in India (A) Serampore Missionaries (B) Advertising Standards Council of (B) Brahmo Samaj India (C) Basel Mission (C) Indian Newspaper Society (D) East India Company (D) Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity K-1416 3 Paper II *K1416* Total Number of Pages : 24 ¿ÞÊ Ü ®ÊÜ áã®Ü Ü Ë«Ý®ÊÜ âÜ ÓÊÜ áÓÜ ¤Ü g®Ü 7. 10. ¿ÞÊÜ b£ÅP¿ááæ ÊÜáá®æ°Çæ, ÊÜá«Ü ÊÜáñÜᤠÓÊÜ áãÖÜ ¨Ü ÈÉÜ GÇÝÉ AíÍWÜ ÚWÜ ãÜ ÓÊÜ Þ®Ü Ü AÊPÝÍÜ Ü ×®°ÇÜ Wæ ÜÙÜ®°ÇÝÉæ Ó³ÐÜ rÊÝXÜ ®Ý¼àPÜÄÓÜáÊÜâ¨áÜ ? ¯àvÜáñܤ¨æ ? 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