Inventory of the CE Patrick collection These pages were created by Tom Foster in 1965 / 1966 (Possibly transcribed by Derek Sutcliffe, who passed them to Steve Jarvis) co v.,ks j-, jo ^ wTia. of - a,. t .~ . p.aFk i 8K. 0 he eked and r ;or.h ! Ji Thru .1960,, PADKmT LKf-uh-K. v/ith r ....KCl, r T ■--d03. (i»ote : - . iV such le t - e r a . Vh e ..urkings and a straight line name Oa a pos- lo'./n w ill be found in that part of these notes). 1. Entire from d.n. --all at ro..illy, Ja uica, kited 5th July I t >•')&, to isa Florence halx., Oircua -root, Ju ••*2.aid Place, Lon on. Has been port© at a district post office in Jamaica and sent through the ini, nd post at the pro. aid inland rate of 7£d local curr cy, this fee cover!a • a sin le leti.er travelling up.to a distance o 100 miles (crossed out in tor ri ht corner). *‘o ti’ace of the office narking. deceived -in. a -o^ 1015 only 1808 it., ty, .. F I. Heed. London *’3 Augurt 1808 an charged 4/-, la t e r corrected to 2/- the correct rate for sin : le packet letters to London at this time. 2. .'.intire from Henry Swift at Port aria on 18th ay 1810 to his brother r. 'illiar. v.lft, .out ell, .ot:,i a< shire. A-osied in Kin, 3ton on 26th -ay 1810 v/ith type F2, as there is no truce of inle t poau. g. charge or o-Pic- ; marking. .To d re oh receipt. Thar ed 2/ld. All packe t letters were 1, iced at Falmouth. Char e account le as follows Sin pie packet rate to _ al.couth l/ld Single inland r,. te . almouth to Southwell v ia London l/ - 3. jin tire from. Klizabeth Kouiason at Kin piston on 11th March 1814, to Mrs. Ann Sleight, ne r daias-urogh, in Li- conohire. Posted in ingoion 13 ■ rob 1814 with type F3a. io date of receipt. Charged. /3d, Single to Falmouth l/8d ingle Falmouth to Gainsborough via London l/ ld 4. Entire from Samuel foulds at Orange Hill Estate* Manchioneal, on 19th December 1815, to his broth r r. Ja es oulds, Underhill, aint Johns Olauchan, rt Jew .Jalloway, . br*. tain. Letter prepaid to Kingston at 7^d local currency as item 1. ..aiichioue 1 was 59 miles from —in a ton. To mark of that o ffic e . Beceived Kingston 20 December 1815 v/ith type F5a. c r> o date of receipt. Charged 2/5d Sin le to Falmouth l/2d Falmouth .to O-al ‘ ov'sy v ia P r i- t 0l and Carlisle l/3d riote In spite of .'hat many ie; med postal historians say, not a ll >.t routed throu h Lorn on. any is: cket letters for the i.sst Comitry and Scotland, v/ere c; • r ■ d at F’lmouth and. forwarded via ..ristol, BirmiA-ham, Carlisle and Glasgow etc. This can he proved hy the postal rates. Letters were usually only forwarded through London when i t was e a s ie r to send them tin t way. 5. itatire from Francisco de ayseca at ufvana, Cuba, on 13th January 1620, t cssrs. Fredk. iiuth <x Co., r hants, London. Probably car. led .y private shit to Jamaica as it vvas received there o- 7 ?e irnry r. u for .urded via the Kingston P.0. by tikes Parke & C o ., on th. t Fa be. Kingston type _ 5a. Reed. Lori: on 17 : ar h 1830. Churned a t 4/4d, the correct rate for a double letter from Jamaica to London at this time. 6. Lntire from James Flant at Jamaica on 37th August 1380, enclosing duplicate of letter written from :.es t o land or 36th July 1820, to Archibald Craufuird Squire, No 84 Forth Street, Edinburgh* Prep id to Jii. gston at 3/6& local curro .cy, toe correct rate for a treble let er goi.-g inland over 10o j,le.:. po auk of origin. R-ceived Lin: a ton 3 ..ccem.-er 1830 with type F5a. Reed. Edinburgh 28 October 1820. Landed a t Falmouth and charged 4-/1 Ol, Double L e tte r to Falmouth 2/4d S co ttish T o ll Tax Double inland rate Falmouth to Ldinbuxgh v ia B r is to l and C a rlis le 2/Qd 7. I3ntire from .0. -iaci-illan at Kingston on 10 th Au :ust 1821 to Patrick Cockbum Leg. , Min; argil. Posted at Kingston on 15 August 1321 with type F5b. Landed at Falmouth and charged 2/5d, Single to Falmouth l/2d Single Falmouth to Fdinburgh via Bristol and Carlisle l/3d Reed, .-dinourgh 28 August 1821. 8. entire from 3h rbrook Lowe at Up Park Camp on 20th May 1822, to his mother, -Irs. * • anow, out . e ll, ..o‘-tin.. ha.othire* Posted at Kin; ston on 20 -May 1828 with type F5a. Landed a t Falmouth, charged 2/3d, Single to Falmouth l/2d Single Falmouth to Southwell via London l/ ld 9 . liii1- . i’u-* kjihjf ox/oo**. Lo.. ^ - <-„*„a.».ou on Loth xkpi'il 1328 to his mother as i.em 8 , Posted in Kin.;c ton SO A p r il 1802 w ith type F5a. no date o~ receipt, Charged L/3d , Single to Falmouth l/ 2d in le Falmouth to Southwell via London i/ld 10. Entire from Shortrook Lowe at Jamaica on J6 th A p r il 1822 to his father .K. ranow, ar above. - All details as item 9. 11. wrapper of packet from iia ;ston to kessrs. focock and Forbes, Sly xlaoe, London. Carried by the Luke of York packet. (Ho illustration of this pack exists). Posted at /viiii s^on 17 August 1817 with type i*4. Seed. London 25 October 182 7 a.id char ad £5/8/4d, Packet rate to London from tamaiou at ts.ia time was 2/2d single or 8/8a per ounce. Letter -as lti-% ounces ana equivilant to 50 singles, wherefore otut ciiar0ed is correct. Tote This i the highest rat I h ve ever seen on a pre-stamp lr-ttex . A ik in ; col?va ie to whom I 1 ed this on Wednesday evening, in fo r that such a ./an v, ul. be e ual to a' out >£120 nowadays. I cannot coni 1 :w v/L tier this states ent is correct. 4 SHIP LETTERS. Note It is possible .for letters carried by private ship from Jamaica to have Ja aican postaar ,.a of oj L 1b« -3Ld be handed in at the port or. ic< fox1 car ying on private hips and as such would have postmarks. They o n always be distinguished by the postal rate char eel for delivery* . JLas, th re are none in tills parcel of material. q q Lorry, nay mistake • 12. Entire from Thomas Woolhead at Kingston on 22nd October 1752 to his clearest sioter, nrs. Judith .oolite ad at the Seeven Stars against Salisbury Court in Fl< at S tre e t, honuon. Carried by the . hip ’FI -f i'» Capt. Ansell. Reed. Lon on 25 January 1752. poa'tal marking of where landed in U.K. Char ad 7&, so prou.bly in south of the country, probably be :en Portsmouth and over. -kites a t tuat time suggest that the break up is Piasters Fee Inland postage from port to JJon ion od Note Ship L e tte r m-.rki .gs were introduced sh o rtly after the date of this letter. There was no charge at unis date for such letters enterin'; the country, but they were supposed to be handed in at the first ost office on arrival in tain country. for this service, the master or captain receive a Id, 1. ter increused to 2d. en of Car courted as private ships unless they were pi*, red into service as an official packet . en the mail they carried can always be distin uished by the p f 1 • te charged. Royal ..aval captains did not always rec e iv e the o s t rs fe e though they v/ere enu itleci to i t . 13. Entire from Samuel Johnstone at Jamaica on 24th June 1857 to itp. firry Stark, Clatto nigh at. Andrew, via Edinburgh. / carried by * IJOEfQ.D.C. V Reed. Lon on 7 Augu. t 1757 a-.u char od I / - , ...asters Fee Id Portsmouth (presumably) to London 3d London to Edinburgh 6cl lOd Edinburgh to Clatto 2d note •- Loot men of war from the st Indies docked at Portsmouth at this time* four i scriptian under this cover is wrong. In th is case, <*-n.C. :ta..d f o r .13 CCb ERVET meaning Thich Sod Preserve and aplying to the ship. The same in itials meaning que. ESUS COiiSERVET meaning ./horn Cod Preserve a. p ly to 'the s tor o f the ship when named. This a . o applies to the letters .0-., /hie1' >od. Preserve applies to the ship; V/hoir od .. reserve a...-plies to the mr, 3te r . o 14. ,.■! i t e r 13 but c. rxicci. by L .—.o . 15. Entire from Laiooita Laing at Jamaica on 14th July 1773, to Messrs, ’erocold a Jua-^on, Lonaon. Carried by ;i.i . r-. *'JU. ILUPE*. Landed at x-or tstuoui.
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