ACTS OF THE SYNOD OF HARDERWYK, WHICH MET IN THE NAME OF THE LORD IN 1580, WAS CONVENED IN THE AFTERNOON OF THE 31st OF MAY, AND WAS ADJOURNED ON JUNE 3 [Reference: Hooijer, pp. 182-186] 1. After calling on the name of God, Otto van Hetteren is elected president, Jacobus Wedaeus as vice-president, and Joannes Ceporinus as clerk. 2. First of all, it is ordered that those who have not as yet signed the Articles of Dordrecht, both elders, deacons, and ministers, must still do so. 3. There has been negligence in complying with the sixth Article of the Synod of Zutphen, namely, that the fathers who are at home ought to request the ministers to baptize their children and be present on that occasion. The brethren promised to do their best to straighten this out. 4. The Rev. Bejersio is instructed to order at synod's expense a number of copies of the Confession of Faith of the Churches in the Netherlands, and to have all ministers read and sign it as indicated in the first article of the Synod of Dordrecht dealing with doctrine. 5. The church of Nijmegen receives the assignment to have made at the expense of all the churches of the entire Province a general synodical book in size about ten sections of good paper, in which will be written, first of all, the Acts of the Synod of Dordrecht and also those of all the Assemblies of the Principality of Gelderland and the Country of Zutphen, and to present it to the next Synod. 6. As to the election of elders by the magistrates it is deemed proper that no member of the church, being duly elected, shall decline this appointment, as was decided at the latest Synod of Arnhem. However, each church shall deal with election to office according to its circumstances and those of the one chosen. 7. Concerning the appointment of elders and deacons, both at places where a church has not yet been organized and where the instituted church exists, the regulations in Articles 11 and 12 of the Synod of Dordrecht shall be followed. 8. Regarding persons who are betrothed and who before marriage live and sleep together, it is deemed proper, in order to prevent bad examples, offence, fornication, disinheriting of children and disobedience against the government, that their names be publicly announced according to the Church Order, if this has not yet been done. If their names have been announced earlier in a Romish church, this shall be certified by trustworthy witnesses, after which their marriage will be solemnized with admonitions and with the confession by those involved that they lived improperly and incorrectly. If it happens that some might want to remain in that relationship without being married, the ministers, elders and deacons shall be requested to seek to remedy the situation. 9. Where in cities and villages Romish schools still exist, the consistory shall do its utmost by proper means to have these terminated and abolished, and request the magistrates to nurture the children in godliness from childhood on and to prevent false teaching. 10. Concerning the question whether a church is allowed to have and arrange a debate with Anabaptists and other heretics, it is agreed that a public and orderly debate may be arranged according to the decisions made by the Synod of Dordrecht. However, as to special meetings it is agreed that the ministers of the Word who have sufficient self-confidence may, provided that they have witnesses with them, dispute and debate with them in order to silence these kinds of people. 11. When the Anabaptists begin to preach and to baptize so that it becomes generally known, it is recommended that the ministers, in order to resist them, must not only publicly refute them in time in their sermons, but also boldly enter their assemblies with several witnesses and contradict their peculiarities [sic] , and finally petition the government to forbid these people openly to proclaim and defend their doctrines. 12. If it is evident that children are repeatedly and secretly being baptized by Papists and that they [the priests] live with their concubines, the magistrates shall be admonished by the consistories to forbid and prevent this by all possible means, since it is the magistrates' duty to abolish the idolatry in the profanation of the sacrament and to punish adultery. 13. Concerning the announcements about renting of farms or farmland and buying and selling which are made after the services in the church, every consistory shall urge its government to abolish this, since this should not happen at places designated for public worship services, as the Lord states, "My house shall be called a house of prayer." 14. Concerning the term of service of the elders and deacons, the brethren should follow the advice given by the Synod of Dordrecht in Article 13. 15. Regarding the classes, it is decided that, since the Province of Gelderland is divided into four sections, so also the churches are to be divided into four classes in such a way that the country of Zutphen becomes one classis, then Arnhem with the Veluwe, Nijmegen with its whole section, and Velo with its southern section, and that this division will continue until all the villages are Reformed and the churches have grown. 16. The classes will meet once every three months and the major cities shall convene and host the first ones; however, every classis is free to meet earlier if the needs of the churches require this. 17. Regarding the number of delegates from each church to the classical meeting, the brethren shall maintain what the Synod of Dordrecht has decided in its Article 12. 18. At the classical meeting a minister of the Word from the place where the classis convenes shall publicly preach a short sermon about a doctrinal issue which is currently in dispute. The brethren shall criticize this and in a brotherly way bring to his attention what is erroneous for the edification of the congregation. Afterwards they shall without going to excess discuss the explained doctrine in the form of a debate for their education. They shall conduct censura morum among themselves. All ministers shall present the overtures of their churches in writing. Which doctrine will be dealt with at the next classical meeting shall also be decided. At the first meeting of classis the doctrine concerning the Divine Trinity consisting in the three persons in the Godhead will be discussed. 19. Concerning the time of meeting of the Provincial Synod, the brethren should keep to that which was decided at the Synod of Dordrecht, but in the summer it should preferably be held in May. The next synod will convene in Doesburg in 1581. However, if it would please God to grant us a National Synod, then this Provincial Synod will precede. If no National Synod follows, then an attempt should be made to bring the nearest provinces together in Deventer, such as Utrecht, Gelderland, Overijssel, Friesland and the country of Groningen, the convocation of which shall be done with the consent of the other classes. Two ministers from each classis shall be delegated to this meeting. 20. Since in the cities and in the countryside magicians with their enchantments are going around, they shall first be admonished by the ministers to cease. If no improvement follows, the government shall be urged to put an end to this. Concerning the Reformation of the Papists 21. It is decided that the Romish priests who voluntarily renounce the Papistry, give sufficient assurance of their true zeal for the Word of God and of their steadfastness, and are also willing to comply with the rules set for the acceptance of Romish priests (namely to marry their concubines, to renounce the Papal doctrine and life-style, to join the congregation, and to submit themselves to an examination), may be examined and in the meantime remain in their parish, since the magistrates is not willing to deal with the matter. To those Romish priests who do agree with the true faith and seem to be willing to preach this soundly, but seek excuses for not accepting the common Reformation, the impression shall not be given that their services are acceptable as in their earlier state, nor cause them to hope for an examination and an official position as long as they do not change. Each of them in every classical district shall be encouraged to come forward. If all this does not help, the government shall be requested to remove them. 22. Those persons who arrive in any city and desire to hold office [in the church] shall submit to an interview by the consistory of the city. If they are found to be qualified and there are some vacancies where they could be used, they shall be sent to such a place with a minister in order to be tested until the next meeting of the classis at which they should appear and be dealt with further. Specific Issues 1. Synod exhorts the magistrates of Elburg, since they have appointed two school teachers of the Reformed faith and seem to think that this is sufficient, to close the new school as soon as possible. 2. Concerning the request of the church of Utrecht to give an opinion about Gererdo Cockio and also about Wilhelmo Engedii, it is recommended that to the best of our knowledge they should stay away from them. 3. The consistories of Nijmegen and Arnhem are instructed to visit the church of Tijl and to deal with it according to its needs.
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