Admission requirements for the Master's programme in Economic Geography at Leibniz Universität Hannover 1 Who can apply? o apply for the Master's programme in Economic Geography, a #achelor's degree in Geography or a subject% related degree programme is required. #achelor's degree programmes in business administration, economics" political science and social science can be regarded as subject%related. 'or other degree programmes" a case-by- case e(amination is carried out& he decisive criterion is )hether issues relevant to economic geography )ere an essential part of the course of study in the speci*c case. You have the opportunity to e(plain this in an informal cover !etter ,-%2 pages/& 0f you do not yet have a #achelor's degree, you must provide proof of at !east -12 EC S credits by the application deadline ,-1&25&/& 0n addition, you must provide evidence of a certain amount of economic geography or economic science content as )el! as statistics& At the time of application you need -2 EC 4 credits that can be assigned to economic sciences6 this inc!udes" among others" the basics of business administration and the basics of economics7& 1 EC 4 credits that can be assigned to statistics6 these inc!ude descriptive, inferential and e(plorative statistics& 0n addition, there must be at !east 82 EC 4 in economic geography ,this inc!udes" among others" fundamentals of economic geography, economic geographic theories" spatial economic policy, applied topics of economic geography)" economic sciences and statistics ,together/& 7 0n the minor subject 9economic sciences:" the choice of a subject area oriented towards business administration is only possible if at !east 1 EC 4 business administration are avai!able. he choice of an economics%oriented subject area is only possible if at !east 5 EC S credits in economics are avai!able. Your application must be accompanied by a separate !ist of admission requirements ,'orm A/; <achweis über die fachliche Eignung des vorangehenden 4tudiums ,>roof of academic aptitude from previous studies ?only avai!able in German]/& 'i!e for download in the section AAdmission requirements: at )))&natur)issenschaften.uni%hannover&de/enBstudiesBdegree-programmesBgeographyBeconomic%geography-ma/ Applicants )ho neither have a German higher education entrance quali*cation nor have obtained their #achelor's degree at a German higher education institution must also have sufficient Dnow!edge of the German !anguage at the !anguage !evel 31 3E'E& 2. Creditable courses 2.1 General information for the assessment Fnly completed modules are taken as a basis6 proof must be submitted by the application deadline ,15 Guly of the current year/& Subsequent submission of certi*cates is only possible in exceptional cases and after prior consultation )ith the Admissions 3ommittee. he Admissions 3ommittee decides on the basis of the documents submitted. he committee is not obliged to conduct its own research in order to c!arify ambiguities& herefore, if the module or course tit!es are not meaningful" please enc!ose the module descriptions& his also applies to very general module tit!es such as AEegional GeographyA" A>ractical ProjectA" AApplied Geography"& 0f the information in 'orm A does not match the grade !ist or is not proven, the corresponding modules )i!! not be taDen into account& 2.2 Category „Economic Geography“ 3reditable 'undamentals of economic geography, economic geographic theories" spatial economic policy, applied topics of economic geography ,e.g. in the areas of industrial geography, retai! geography, economic promotion, urban geography % but not urban planning or regional planning %" sett!ement geography)" regional" development and environmental economics" urban economics" international trade, European economic relations" industrial economics" EU structural policy, globalisation, EU integration, etc& Fnly proportional!y creditable ,depending on the share of economic geography) E.g. 'undamentals of Human Geography, Agricultural Geography, ransport Geography ,but not ransport >!anning)" ourism Geography, Eegional Geography, Eesource Management" GeomarDeting <ot creditable for economic geography, but in the category of statistics E.g. 4tatistical Eegional Analysis <ot creditable for Economic Geography, but in the category Economics sciences E.g. Entrepreneurship, sustainable corporate development" corporate environmental policy 2.3 Category „Economic Sciences“ #asic and advanced courses in the *eld of business administration or economics can be credited. >!ease note; 3ourses that are held by economists but do not have business studies or economics as their content )i!! not be credited here! 3ourses from the *eld of !aw are not eligible for credit& 2.4 Category „Statistics“ 3ourses in descriptive, inferential and explorative statistics can be credited. 3ourses in the basics of scienti*c )orD" empirical social research, cartography, G0S are not eligible for credit& 2.5 Generally not creditable in the three categories A professional internship is general!y not creditable. 3. Grade improvement for the ran$ing he *nal or average grade can be improved if the fol!owing criteria are met; by 2&2 points if the topic of the ,at !east registered) #achelor's thesis is assigned to the *eld of economic geo% graphy, by 2&. points if at !east -1 EC 4 credits can be assigned to the *eld of economic geography; these inc!ude, among others" fundamentals of economic geography, economic geographic theories" spatial economic policy, applied topics of economic geography, by 2&- points if at !east eight )eeDs of )orD e(perience can be proven, in )hich predominant!y economic geographic activities )ere carried out" e.g. col!ection/analysis of economic spatial data, !ocation evaluation/!ocation development" cooperation in political consultation in the area of economic promotion/start%up promotion. You can prove that you have ful*!!ed these criteria by completing the Grade 0mprovement 'orm # and enc!osing a printout )ith your application. +ou must also attach relevant supporting documents& his information is voluntary. 0f 'orm # is not submitted or the supporting documents are not enc!osed, no grade improvement )i!! be granted. 'orm #; <achweis über das Vor!iegen der Jriterien zur <otenverbesserung ,Proof that the criteria for grade improvement have been met ?only avai!able in German]/& 'i!e for download in the section AAdmission requirements: at )))&natur)issenschaften.uni%hannover&de/enBstudiesBdegree-programmesBgeographyBeconomic%geography-ma/ 18.02.2021, Angela Imhoff-Daniel.
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