THE BLICK PANTHER IS Black Community News Service VOL. IV NO. SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1970 MINISTRY OF INFORMATION PUBLISHED BOX 2967, CUSTOM HOUSE WEEKLY THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94126 BOBBY SEALE, CHAIRMAN, B.P.P. HUEY NEWTON, MINISTER OF DEFENSE, B.P.P. POLITICAL PRISONER POLITICAL PRISONER FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS I THE BLACK PANTHER. SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1970 PAGE 2 The Victors Prove The LA. Judicial System To Be A Lie, Farce and Mockery Of Justice During the course of the pre­ claims that all during the month laughter. and in fact, Panthers were better noises made by a record player. liminary hearing of the L.A. of November, 1969, he had been When this pig was cross- off than some of the other pris­ He said he identified the voice Panthers In the fascist kangaroo watching our community center on examined by Attorney McKlssick, oners. At this moment four of on the record as being that of :ourt of Judge Harvey Brown, the the west side, the Walter Toure he admitted that the community the brothers jumped up and pro­ one. Eldridge Cleaver,. most rediculous and outlandish Pope Community Center. His con­ center was under surveillance duced four rats, one each, which Branton asked if it was his in­ iisplay of injustice have occurred tribution was, that he had observed all the time and that in the evening they had caught in their cells. tention to perhaps find Eldridge jutslde of Hoffman's court In Panthers "fortifying" that center 15 cars usually road in the im­ The rats were all held on strings Cleaver Inside that building? Pig Chicago. with sand bags, reinforcement of mediate area. attached to their tails. At this Morton just oinked something about On Tuesday, January 13, sev­ doors, etc. He then went on to His stupid partner, Staggs, was point the courtroom was in an that under no circumstances did eral clear examples of this were oink out that with his superhuman next, a recent import from Texas uproar and the judge issued his he expect to find Eldridge Cleaver made: vision and memory he had with a drawal to prove it. He also great official statement, "Those in the building. 1) Tommye Williams' attorney, specifically seen Albert Armour seemed to remember that incident are not rats, they're mice." How­ By this time, and apparentlydue Silver, demanded that he be given at 10 o'clock at night on Novem­ which his partner related about ever, Branton insisted that the re­ to previous times fascist Judge iny statements the DA had attained ber 13, sitting on the porch of the two Panthers at the doorway cord show that the brothers had Brown insisted that Branton con­ In order to cross-examine the so- that center holding a rifle. of the community center with a held up four rodents which they duct himself like other lawyers sailed witnesses, all of whom are When this allegedly happened, rifle on them. Only he identified had caught in their jail cells. or that he learn to "behave". pigs. He added that he had asked Al supposedly jumped up, went one of the Panther's as Will 4) More insanity continued when Branton told this fool that he could the DA for these statements time to the doorway while another Stafford. When Branton asked this a pig, Lt.Morton, testified that he not possibly conduct himself like and again and had received no Panther supposedly stood behind fool how he remembered exactly had allegedly been assaulted with other attorneys but only like Leo reply. Attorney Branton added to him with another gun pointed down who this person had been he said a deadly weapon by two of the Brown as he was no one else. that demand by saying that by law at their car. His identification of that first because he had a defendants when he had entered This executioner of justice de­ these documents were supposed to this other Panther was by point­ photostatic memory when his life the Panthers headquarter's. He clared that if Mr. Branton did be furnished to the defense. ing out brother Wayne Pharr in was in danger and secondly because claimed that even though he was not see fit to conduct himself bet­ "Harvey Hitler" said that he the courtroom. He said that the he remembered that man to be a not in uniform, he did identify ter or to behave, that the court wasn't going to tell the DA how same brother on November 5th, "negra" with a short haircut and himself as a police officer and would then have to deny or over­ to run his office and that was that. had been on the front porch and round face. had held his hands in plain view rule every motion Mr. Branton 2) Then the main event-- argued with him saying things like, 3) Leo Branton, our chief coun­ to prove that lie had no gun in made until he learned better. succession of pigs began filing in, the pigs days were over and so sel, put forth a motion to ask that his hands. He was still told to so-called witnesses to support the forth. He said he even knew this the jail conditions be improved leave the office at the point of a pig DA, Steven Trott, claimed Panther's name, "his name is Paul that for one thing there were rats gun. He claimed that he had only ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE that the Panthers have always acted Redd." Yet he had identified the in the cell. gone into the building to investi­ "violently" towards the pigs. brother as Wayne Pharr. The "Harvey Hitler" declared that gate a complaint made by the store BLACK PANTHER PARTY There was a pig, Derein, who whole courtroom roared with he had recently visited the jail owner next door about the loud Southern California Chapter in jails. One Panther is detained there: Note: Dr. Robert Peck visited •Tommye Williams, age 20, injured RALLY four prisoners in the jail ward at in the raid on the Central Head­ L.A. County General Hospital on quarters on Central Avenue. She Tuesday. December 9, 1969. has been confined to a single room Note: Dr. (Jail Fisher visitedtwo since her transfer from the men at the new county jail and LACGH. Her mother was not al­ FOR L.A. the four women at the women's lowed to visit until 10 days after county jail on Friday, December arrest. Tommye does not have visi­ 12, 1969. She was not allowed to tors or contact with anyone ex­ see the medical record of Tommye cept the attorneys. Williams, seriously injured. Note: Several male Panthers held PANTHERS Note: Dr. Jim Klein visited one in detention in the County J ail were male prisoner on Saturday, not removed with other men when On Tuesday, January 6th, ap­ December 13. toilets backed up spilling into the proximately 500 people gathered in front of the Hall of "In-Justice" Since the above dates, no outside small cell. in downtown Los Angeles to show doctor has been allowed to visit Note: Several male Panthers in their support for the 19 Panthers any of the prisoners. Telephone the Hall of Justice have been ex­ who were going to preliminary calls to the medical director, posed daily to chilling tempera­ hearings. The people (most Black) Dr. Grahan, have been ignored. tures with windows opened and no were enthusiastical in showing 3. Deliberate attempts have been heat in the early AM hours. their support of the brave and courageous menandwomen—Pan­ made to induce illness or injury Note: A petition has been signed thers—who had survived the vic­ through beatings and other physi­ by women prisoners in 12 dorms ious gestapo attack on last Decem­ cal abuse, through denial of hy­ at the Sybil Brand Institute. It pro­ ber 8th. They shouted and giene measures and proper envir­ tests the poor medical treatment screamed to the Panthers, "All onment and through denial of med­ and names the nurse supervisor Power to the People--Free All ication ordered by physicians. as one of the principle offenders. Political Prisoners", and they were heard in the 7th floor court­ These abuses have been perpe­ She has been accused of tearing room. trated by the prison guards and up doctor's prescriptions, refusing The variety of speakers showed nurses and other personnel respon­ to give medication on order and to anyone who had eyes that the sible for the safety and welfare refusing to answer requests for masses of people—Black, White, L. A. RALLY, JANUARY 6, 1969 of prisoners. medical treatment, some of it for and Brown—were clear on who Note: Prisoners exposed to tear emergencies. (There are several the friends of the people are and gas before and during arrest were epileptics there. One died on De­ who their enemies are. The peo­ unable to bathe if they were: a) cember 26, 1969.) ple understood and made lt clear that the Black Panther Party was PRISONERS ARE DENIED lacking funds to purchase soap, The rights to a healthful en­ in fact the vanguard of the strug­ b) absent on the day the once week­ vironment and health care are un­ gle for liberation of Black people ly showers are available to those deniable and yet, they are being in particular and all oppressed HEALTH RIGHTS in cell blocks, c) in the "adjust­ denied daily in prisons and jails. people In general. The speakers ment center" (hole) where showers You are asked to join other included the Black Panther Party The concern of active L.A.
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