Discovery FEBRUARY 2015 THE QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER OF KOCH COMPANIES Koch’s largest project: Enid expansion Koch Nitrogen’s facility in Enid, “A project this big is prey complex,” Other planned improvements at the Oklahoma, is already one of the largest Koch said. “It takes a lot of eort from Enid plant include construction of an fertilizer plants in North America. But multiple capabilities to pull it together electric substation to improve power re- it’s about to become even bigger thanks including tax, real estate, public sec- liability and high-speed loading equip- to a major expansion. tor, operations, engineering and market- ment for trucks and trains. Total costs for this three-year project ing capabilities. “Today, it takes us about 36 hours to will exceed $1.3 billion, making it the “It’s also been a great help to draw on load an 85-car train with 100 tons of largest in Koch Industries’ history. the knowledge of other Koch compa- product per car,” Rader said. “When Steve Packebush, president of Koch Ag nies, such as Koch Membrane Systems.” this project is complete, we will be able & Energy Solutions, calls this “an im- What it takes to load 110-car trains safely in 24 hours portant investment that underscores our or even less. condence in the future of our fertilizer It not only takes a lot of capital to “We’ll also be able to load trucks twice business and our long-term commit- expand a fertilizer plant, it takes a lot of as fast. Instead of four or ve truckloads ment to our many customers.” water. According to Bob Rader, devel- per hour, we’ll be able to load up to 12 opment director for the Enid project, What does $1.3 billion buy? per hour with the new system, while the facility currently uses about 4 mil- still maintaining our existing system. lion gallons of water per day. At the Oct. 9 groundbreaking ceremony “at will really benet our agricultural in Enid, Chase Koch, president of Koch “When the expansion is complete,” customers, who tend to need a lot of Agronomic Services, highlighted plans Rader said, “our average water usage will product all at once.” for the expanded facility. probably increase about 25 percent, and ese include construction of a new even more during the summer months.” Vision urea plant and revamping of existing Using that much potable water from “During the next 30 years, the world’s units, resulting in more than 1 million Enid’s municipal water system would population will probably grow by at tons of additional production capacity. put more stress on the already tight least 2 billion people,” Sco McGinn, Several infrastructure improvements are groundwater supply for the city. “So president of Koch Fertilizer, said. “at also planned. we’ve been very proactive in suggesting means an even greater need for ecient “Over the next three years,” Koch said, a way to lessen that burden,” Rader said. food production. Having more and “we will continue to improve the ef- at solution is to use Koch Membrane beer fertilizers will be essential for ciency of this plant while boosting its Systems’ technology to further process meeting that demand. capacity and product quality. And in wastewater being discharged by the city. “is expanded facility in Enid will keeping with our vision and guiding KMS ultraltration and reverse osmosis allow us to provide a far greater quan- principles, we’ll do it while consum- membranes will enable the plant to use tity and mix of products to meet our ing fewer resources and reducing our treated wastewater instead of drinking customers’ many needs.” carbon dioxide intensity. water for much of its processing. www.kfenid.com this issue… Letters, awards and honors pg. 2 2014: Year in review pg. 5 Put that in your pipe pg. 11 Perspective: Charles Koch pg. 12 Postal Pipeline On behalf of Rosemount Elementary Charles, PTO and our students and sta, we Years ago, you generously agreed to fund want to thank Flint Hills Resources for the startup of a new company, Dredge- its generous donation to fund our Lego Masters International. We were very Robotics Club. is gi makes it pos- successful under your guidance, which sible for us to purchase new robots and allowed us to do what we know how to the soware required to run them. do build dismountable dredges. Lego Robotics teaches students to use is ended, unfortunately, following the math and science concepts to solve sinking of one of our dredges in Mexico, problems in a creative manner. It also which eventually led to your decision helps develop teamwork and strategic to sell DMI. However, rather than just thinking skills that will last a lifetime. shuing DMI down, you gave us the Your generous gi to Rosemount opportunity to nd a buyer and keep the Elementary will help ensure that our company aoat. students are beer prepared for the I have always respected you for this deci- future, both in and out of the classroom. sion. You could have easily liquidated ank you for partnering with us to get the company with lile, if any, loss. You our students excited about math, sci- appreciated our success and felt we ence and learning. ank you for helping fund the rehab deserved beer. Tom Idstrom, principal of the injured Red-tailed Hawk found My relationship with you personally and Rosemount Elementary School near Koch’s headquarters in November. with Koch Industries was always fair, Rosemount, Minnesota For you to help a bird that most people helpful and aboveboard. I wish you and at the company won’t even see says a David only the best in your very gener- lot about your care for the environment ous and successful activities. At a Nov. 11 symposium in Baltimore, and the wildlife that lives in it. Maryland, six Koch companies were Don King, president recognized for earning Wildlife at e bird has a fractured ulna near the Dredge Central, LLC Work certification from the Wildlife wrist joint in its le wing. It will take Goodlesville, Tennessee Habitat Council. four to ve weeks to calcify, and then we is certication is part of an internation- will need several weeks to condition it al accreditation program that encourages to make sure it is in ying condition for companies to create wildlife habitat areas hunting and catching prey. on corporate land. In most cases, these We hope to release the hawk near where areas are then maintained by employee it was found at Koch Industries. For volunteers. now, your donation is providing food e six award-winners included FHR– and help with vet care for this and other Corpus Christi, Georgia-Pacic facilities injured birds of prey (including Bald In the October 2014 issue of Discovery, INVISTA’s at Leaf River, Monticello and Green Bay, Eagles) during the winter months. INVISTA–Camden, and Matador Cale TERATE® polyols were inadvertently omitted from the Company’s Beaverhead Ranch. Ken Lockwood, program director lengthy list of Koch company products being used in the Eagle Valley Raptor Center In total, Koch companies hold 16 Wildlife construction of Building H on the Wichita campus. This Habitat Council certications at 12 sites. Cheney, Kansas INVISTA product is part of the roofing insulation board of the new facility. To “like” and follow Koch companies and leaders – Discovery February 2015 | Volume 21 | Number 1 including Georgia-Pacific, INVISTA, Flint Hills Resources, Matador Ranch, Koch Pipeline, and Charles and David Editorial board Questions? Comments? Susan Armitage Greg Guest Email us at: Koch – visit Koch Industries’ Facebook and Twitter pages. Melissa Cohlmia Charles Koch [email protected] Philip Ellender Steve Lombardo Rich Fink Walt Malone Letters and other submissions become the property of Koch Jeff Gentry Dave Robertson www.kochind.com Industries, Inc. and may be reproduced in whole or in part, includ- ing your name, for any purpose and in any manner. Letters may Deer at GP’s facility in Monticello, Mississippi. be edited for length or clarity. © 2015 Koch Industries, Inc. Koch is an EOE. M/F/D/V. 2 2014 was a record year for employee contributions to the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree campaign at many Koch sites. Georgia-Pacic employees in Atlanta served 818 angels the most of any cor- poration in that city. Wichita employees set a new record of 1,545 angels served a 13 percent in- crease over last year. Koch Industries has supported Angel Tree for 25 years. Liz Koch serves on the na- tional board for the Salvation Army as well as the local board in Wichita. To view an employee video highlighting this year’s campaign, visit: www.youtube.com/KochCompanies Clockwise, beginning top left: Kate Ternes (Koch Creative Group) helps a mom pick up gifts for her family; Laurel Anderson (Koch Business Solutions) on a shopping trip for several “Angels”; Mark Sweat (KS&T) says “It’s not Christmas for me until I start assembling toys for Angel Tree.” The overcriminalization op-ed by Since retiring from the FBI, I have too Small businesses have had to close their Charles Koch and Mark Holden was an oen seen unbridled actions on the doors because the DOJ not only ned awesome article! I totally agree. My part of the Justice Department and the them to death, but also took forever state, Louisiana, seems to be one of the U.S. Aorney’s Oces. ey penalize to provide the disposition of the case. states with higher incarceration and individuals and companies on which they is lingering doubt, created by being poverty rates.
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