THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1972 ?AGE TWENTY-EIGHT The W e a th e r Summer Varikbla eloudlneaa but with Youth Scene chance ot thunderstorm to­ night; low about 66. Partly sun­ ;v ■ ny, warm through Sunday; Coventry Page 1 5 highs near 80. Manch City of ViUage Charm WEEKEND SPECtAL ------------------ — ------------------------------------------------ Charter Meeting Dratvs Few Residents, Many o u m * cM um v VOL. XCl, NO. 281 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 30. 1972 (daaaUled Advertising on ’Pago U) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Last night’s meeting of the David Rappe wondered If a vote for whom they want and the charter be changed to elim­ terms, to give petals a chotoe, has said that the Probata Court Coventry CSiarter Revision Com- two-year term might not re­ let the chlpa toll where (hey inate budget over-mpendltures; hut a no-contest election was would bo eloaed from July S to Sweetheart Roses $L88 mittee, held at the town hall „ , ^ ^ • may,” he said, Bratnard felt that the taiqiayers must be con­ not good for the town. July 11 for summer vacation. parados. and open to aU residents, was » completely new be the tnriy demo- sidered. A1 CanlHl suggeated that the Anyone having proMema need- very poorly attended. inexperienced council every Joe KOmfleld agreed to a i^ipatntive position also be ing immediate attention should changed to two years to eltanl- contact Judge Howard Wolf- Senate Approves Rose Fowler and Jesse Brain- two years. be very rare if at least one por- larger fund, but added that the ALSO FULL LINE OF THE MOST LUXUR­ ard were present as represents- Mrs. Fowler was sure that . tvagn’t riected from the councU must stick to this figure nate the poeslfaUlty of people hanger In Tolland. Ho wUl bo Return to Paris, tives of the TVrwn Council, there would be a carry-over of minority party. and not supercede the vote of Just stagnsdlng after a year or Acting Probate In Rappe's ab- IOUS CHOCOLATES IN THE WORLD -J- Hanoi Crane, chairman of the at least one member at each j ,* • the townq>e<^e by allotlng ex- two due to lack of Interest or aelwe. FLORA-MIR CHOCOLATES GIFT WRAPPED. ccTimlttee, asked Mrs. Fowler election who could help the cesalve amounts to town agen- U*"*- ■ Benefit Hike in fc her opinion on a nine-mem- other members, and for this o* ® $16,000 contingency neoDle had voted ttmisM that on certain * r council. , ^ n it wouldn’t be necessary that the might not Sills in ^Hoffman* Paul Buetiner Florist, Inc. For the purpose of easing the to have staggered terms to al- better off with a 2H per , «v/ etmina. ’ that a ceitiUn”!^ »an» amBxr / work load of the members, with low for retaining experienced cent, approximately $60,000 Brainard agreed that 2H per and Zoning, th^ A NEW TORIC(Al^ — •nie 1122 BURNSIDE AYE., EAST HARTFORD Says President council members fund to allow the councU more cent or one or two mllla would pertlse was needed and thm New Tortt CHy Opera wlM one extra persem serving on the TEL. 528-9586 Defiance of Veto Steering Committee and anoth­ It was also felt that two- leeway in dealing with necee- give the councU flexlbUlty In might not be enough quallflM prsMnt a new producticn of er on the Finance Committee. year terms were sufficient for sary extra expenditures that dealing with emergencies, but ^experienced people on the jacquea Offenbach’s "the WASHINGTON (AP)—^The Senate adopted today a WASHINOTON (AP) — Pres­ prepared to negotiate In a ment on the people of South Mrs. Fowler thought that it was the Board of Education, and were for some reason not allot- that the councU should wait ooyd. ^ , Tales of Hoffman" In its com 20 per cent across-the-board increase in Social Security ident Nixon has announced the serious and constructive way. Vietnam against their will.” a good idee; but she expressed that this would insure that the ed for In -ttie annual budget. unUl the end of Uie fiscal year C arrm ^ Ing fhU s«aaon. OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS benefits—the biggest such boost in history. United States will return to We will be prepared to nego­ To do so, he said, would "re­ doubt of the cumbersomeness members would be taking an Crane thought this would take before allotlng these funds for the 80 -^ y Umlt dldn t ^ c w ttie Beverly SUls wUl sing the ----------------------------- ------ -- The Senate acUon came in Vietnam peace talks in Paris tiate In that way.” ward aggression,’ ’ Invite future encroahements and "dishonor of this number at a town meet­ active part in all decisions if the guess work out of allotlng over-expenditures. tWo paittes in town enough time iov« interesf in aU three tales, the face of a warning by Presi­ on July 13 because he sees “a He reaffirmed a May 8 offer ing with all nine members ex­ they were Interested in re- funds Oiat may or may not be Jean Campbell remarked that to rwtanmend people to flH v ^ portraying Olympia, . OtuUetU dent Mixon that such an In­ chance for more serious dis­ to withdraw all Americans the United States of America.” pressing opinions on each Hem elecUon. there. Only after this money every other year, unless an In- cancles on various cmmlttoM and Antonia. Norman Treigle crease vrould either strain the cussions.” within four months In return At another point, Nixon again on the agenda. She did feel that would the councU dependent wishes to run for the and commissions.commissions. CraneCrane said ^ t e aU four charaotera who Back-Room economy or push taxes up for Holding his first television-ra­ for a supervised Indochina claimed success for his Vlet- Jesse Brainard suggested that was gone namizatlot program while de­ for all intents and purposes 0 ,^ committee do away with need a special town meeUng B oard of EducaUon, there is no t>b represent the evil influence* In millions of workers. dio news conference in 13 cease-fire and the return of that nine members would be that contest and that tWs made for extended to 46 days. the hero’s life and -Mlchde Mo- Read Herald Advertisemente Tho increase was added as a months, Nixon gave no clue American prisoners plus an ac­ clining to say exactly when Sai­ the minority representation on if funds in excess of Deal^ Says gon forces might be able to op­ better than seven. voter apathy. She suggested. Opart Cloaed lese will alng Hoffmann. JUllus rider to a bill extending for Ihursday night to the nature of counting for those missing. the Town Council and the Board amount were needed, erate effectively without U.S. It was suggested by Crane to of Education, “Let the people Steve Losin suggested that if there must be staggered Pidbate Judge David Rappe Rudel wUl conduct feur months the present $460 presumed secret dickering that Terming this an excellent relieve the apathy that some McGovern billion national debt ceiling. is bringing both sides back to proposal, he added, as he has supporting airpower. voters feK having only eight The amendment, qxmsored the conference table. before: "We expect, ^rhaps, some more North Vietnamese offen­ candidates to choose from for WASHINOTON (AP) — An by Sen. Frank Oiurch, D-Idabo, In fact, he coupled his veiled ‘"nie only thing that we have seven positions, that each party Pre-July 4th angry George McGovern has also would raise payroll taxes (^tlmlsm with a statement that sive,” he said, "but I believe not done Is to do what the Com­ now the ability of the South run six people for the council. threatened to withhold support In 1678 and further in 1674 to "we have been disappointed in munists have asked and that is He also sought to reduce the from the Democratic ticket If pay tor the booet. the past with regard to these to impose a Communist govern- (flee Page Five) terms from four to two years. Holiday Sale! he loaea the presidential nomi- In addition, It would put Into discussions” —suggesting his­ It was the general beUef that nation because ot whsd he effect for the first time auto- tory migkt repeat Itself. this would make the elected of- irif'k 'k 'k 'k it it it called "shabby back-room deal- matte cost-of-livlng adjustments ’The Paris talks have been in flcials more responsive to the / In Social Becurity. the deepfreeze since early May. wishes of the townspeople and ¥ Not all stylea McGovern coupled the threat An amendment to substitute During a 43-mlnute session in more careful of spending. in all aiaea with a stream of accusstlonB a 10 per cent increase for the the floodlit East Room of the ¥ directed at the Credentials 20 per cent increase was de- White House, the seemingly re­ O om m lttee vote ’Ikursday feated 66 to 20. ' laxed chief executive also; Tolland Votes Columbia str^Hitng him, at least tempo- v h e Church amendment —Repeated high priase for rarUy, c f more than half the would inxwlde $8.6 bUUon in an- Vice President Spiro -T. Agnew 271 delegates he won In Callfor- „ual addiUonal beneflU for the hut declared he won’t make nia's primary. 27.S million recipients, the larg- known his choice of a 1672 cam­ Students The committee’s 72-66 vote to ^34 increase since the system paign running mate until the Budget Slice apportion tho 271 delegates was first set up In 1686. Aug. 21 Republican National H onored among nine candidates, rather effecUve date for tho 20 Convention draws nearer.
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