525 Statement by Minister AGRAHAYANA 26,1913 (SAKA)Statement by Minister 526 Reported Scuffle on 11.12.91 between Arrest of Shnfndr^tOup&LkU3. & aJoumaSst and a police officer and the others si C^andSajhon16. li.91 Arrest of some tibetan girls in New Delhi on 15.12.91 comprised 17 women and one man. A police surety by 3.00 p.m. of 14th December, 1991. van was at the Chinese Embassy Gate and Thirdly, as regards the rest they were to be these "Hbetans were put on the vehicle. One released on furnishing a personal bond of girl, about 20 years’ old, suddenly jumped the amount of Rs. 5V000 and surety of Rs. off from the van and started running away 2000/-. The Supreme Court further passed shouting slogans. She was over-powered orders thatthe persons released would abide and again put back into the vehicle. Since by law and would not commit breach of the the body of the vehicle was filled with the peace or violate orders under section 144 of Tibetans and policeman, including two lady the code of Criminal Procedure. The Delhi Constables, this girt was put in the driver's Police have reported that all the arrested cabin alongwith a Sub-Inspector of Po&ce persons have been released in accordance and a Constable. They were thetLtaken to with the dfrections of the Supreme Court the Chankaya-puri Police Statioflfevhich is about 200 meters away. The Tfcetans were violent and were shouting slogans. When the van was going to enter the police station, 16.32/1/2 hra. the girt in front pulled at the driver’s hand on the steering wheel, saying "why are you (ii) The arrest of Shri Inderfit Gupta, MP taking us to the Poitce Station.” The driver and other at Chandigarh on 16.12.91. lost control of the steering wheel and the van hit the pavement and, though it was travel­ THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS ling slowly, over-turned. As a result 11 (SHRI S.B.CHAVAN): I wish to apprise the persons sustained minor injuries, including Hon*ble Members of this august House 7 Tibetans girls. These 11 persons were about the arrest of Shri Indevjit Gupta, MP taken to the Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and others on 16.12.91 in Chandigarh, for and all were discharged after first aid. The defying prohibitory orders. Tibetan boy also accompanied the 7 injured girls. The remianing injured 10 Hbetans girls 2. Information had been received by the were bro brought to the Chankaya puri Po­ Chandigarh Police that the Communist Party lice Station and detained under section 65 of of India would take out a procession to the Delhi Police Act which empowers police Punjab Raj Bhavan and would organise a to detain persons disobeying lawful orders. dhama in front of the Raj Bhavan on These girls were brought to the Police 16.12.1991. The organisers were informed Station at 3.05 p.m and released at 4.30 about the resttictions under section 144 p.m. In view of the large deployment of the Cr.P.C. in force in the Union Territory and force aH over the city and the limited number that no procession was allowed to cross to of women police personnel available, only 2 the North of Madhya Marg. women police officials could be deployed in front of the Chinese Embassy. The Delhi 3. However, a procession of about 200 Poitce have reported that none of the girls persons including about 10 ladies started has given any written complaint that the from House No. 345, Sector 21 and reached police misbehaved with them. at 11.45 A.M. the crossing of Sectors 7,8,18 and 19. The processionists were stopped by 5 .1 would also like to inform the House the Police. By this time Shri Inderjit Gupta, that the Supreme Court passed directions MP also arrived. They were informed that on December 13,1991 that al women and some of them could meet the Governor of children below the age of 18years should be Punjab with whom an appointment had released by 10.00 p.m. of 13th December, been fixed at 12.30 P.M. The processionists 1991 without personal bond or surety. Sec­ insisted on proceeding to Raj Bhavan. The ondly, of the remaining detained persons, processionists remained adament and all of some of them were to be released only on a sudden broke the physical barricades and 527 Statement by Minister DECEMBER 17,1991 and others at 528 Arrest of Shri Indrajit Gupta, MP, Chandigarh on 16.12.91 [Sh. S.B. Chavan] SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA (Madhubani) : There is no mention of it in the BuHetin, Sir. 4. The procession then came to the road dividing Sectors 7 and 8. Here the police SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATTERJEE: formed a human barrier and tried to stop the Had it been mentioned, it would have come procession. They however broke through in the Bulletin, Part-li (Interruptions). the police human barrier. MR. CHAIRMAN: When a Statement is 5. The police again formed a human made, the convention in the House is not to cordon at a distance of about 15 yards away. ask any clarification, like the other House, At this third barricade when the procession­ the upper House. ists tried to go ahead, they were physically stopped. Here the demonstrators sat down. SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: From the They were requested to disperse and send a Chair, we want to know whether it is men­ deputation to meet the Governor of Punjab. tioned in the Bulletin. The processionists insisted that they should all be allowed to go to the Raj Bhavan or [Translation] should be arrested by the police. (Interruptions) 6. At 1.20 P.M. when all attempts to persuade the processionists failed, Shri SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES Indetjh Gupta, M.P. and others were ar­ (Muzzffarpur): Even if it is a wrong state­ rested under Section 107/151 Cr. P.C. and ment? taken to Police Station at Sector 17. The leaders and ladies were taken in gypsies and SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA (South jeeps while others were taken in trucks and Delhi): Yesterday when I referred to the buses. They were produced before a Magis­ arrest of some ilbetans, the hon.Minister trate in the Police Station itself, who dis­ said that he is verifying the version of the charged them at 1.45 P.M. Police. I cannot believe because he is giving the version of the Police in the statement. He 7. The Chandigarh Administration have should say that he has verified the state­ stated that the only force used by the police ment was when the processionists were stopped physically by the police, who had formed SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: Shri Indrajit human barriers. Gupta was arrested in Chandigarh, let us first discuss it SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE (Panskura): Sir, Indrajit Guptaji said this MR. CHAR MAN: First statement was morning that Vimla Dang was seriously lathi on the arrest of some Tbetans. charged. So, your information is really misin­ formation. SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: Mr. Chairman, Sir, My ambission is regarding SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATTERJEE both the matters. Yesterday when we de­ (Dumdum): There is no mention of his arrest manded a statement regarding arrest of some in the BuHetin. Tbetans the hon. Home Minister said that it seems that the version of the Police is not SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA(Bankura): correct and I would make a statement after Sir, I would lice to know whether the informa­ verifying it. I would Rke to know... tion was given to the hon. Speaker. (Inter­ ruption^) . I want to know whetherthe Speaker MR. CHAIRMAN: Please listen. There was informed of the arrest of the Member of is no convention for seeking clarification on Parliament, Shri Indrajit Gupta. the statement made by the Minister. 529 Statement by Minister AGRAHAYANA 26,1913 ( SAKA) and others at 530 Arrest of Shri Indraft Gupta, MP, Chandigarh on 16.12.91 (Interruptions) been informed. Further the hon. Home Min­ ister will tell that whether he has got the SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: Mr. information or not. If such an information Chairman, Sir, today he has again said that would have been received , it would have the statement has been given according to been mentioned in the Bulletin. It is not in the the version of Delhi Police. (Interruptions). Bulletin. Hon. Speaker has not been sup­ plied with any information as to which au­ MR. CHAIRMAN: All the statements thority arrested the hon. Member. Whether given here are from the Home Minister. it was Chandigarh Administration, Punjab Police or Punjab Administration. If no infor­ SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: Mr. mation is given after arresting an M.P., it Chairman, Sir, in the light of what he said become a matter of breach of privilege. yesterday, I would like to say one thing through you....(Interruptions). I would like to ask two points from the hon. Minister. One, whether they hadveri- [English] fied it or not, Secondly, the House was not informed after the M.P. was arrested . So, MR. CHAIRMAN: Whatever statement whether it is a matter of priviiedges or not? he has made, he owns the responsibility. These are my two questions, please expiain..(lnterruptions). (Interruptions) [English] [Translation] THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: Sir, I (SHRI S.B. CHAVAN): Sir, there is only one would like to know whether the facts put point on which I would like to make a clarifi­ forward in this House have been verified or cation.
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