Provinciae Chicagiensis

Provinciae Chicagiensis

CATALOGUS Provinciae Chicagiensis SOCIETATIS JESU INEUNTE ANNO MCMXXX CHICAGO EX TYPOGRAPHIA LOYOLAEA 1929 (ATALOGUS PROVINCIAE (HICAGIENSIS ANNI 1930 3 R. P. JEREMIAS J. O'CALLAGHAN PRAEPOSITUS PROVI NCIALIS A DIE 1 5 AUG., 1928 (LoYOL A UNIVERSl'rY, RooEns PARK, C~HCAGO, ILL., U . S . A.) P1·0 Epistolis Telegmvhicis- Tmnsma1"inis-P1·ovince, Ohicago P. ALOISIUS H. RoHDE, Socius a die 3 Sept. I928, Adm., Cons. Prov., Cens. libr., Praef. gen. stud. Prov. CONSULTORES PROVINCIAE P. JoANNES P. McNrcHOLS, Rector Collegii Detroitensis, a AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM die 3 Sept. r928. P. HuBERTUS F. BROCKMAN, Rector Collegii Cincinnatensis, a die 3 Sept. r928. P. RoBERTUS M. KELLEY, Rector Collegii Chicagiensis, a die 3 Sept. r928. P. Awrsws H. RoHDE, Socius R. P. Provincialis, a die 3 Sept. r928. P. GuLIELMUS J. VI/ Al.LACE, Proc. Prov., Revis. admin. temp. domar. (St. Louis University, Grand and Pine Blvds., St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A.) P. MrcHAEL J. O'CoNNOR, Proc. Miss. exter., ' Dir. "! esuit Seminary Aid Association." (4970 Oakland Blvd., St. Louis, Mo.) P. ALBERTUS F . X. EsTERMAN, Revis. arcar. Prov. ( pag. 63) (Creighton University, Omaha, Neb.) P. GuLIELMUS D. TIERNEY, Praef. Miss. ( pag. 6) 4 (ATALOGUS PROVINCIAE (HICAGIENSIS ANNI 1930 (ATALOGUS PROVINCIAE CHICAGIENSIS ANNI 1930 5 p. Horn, Bernardus A., Doc. ling. lat. et graec. et catech. 1n acad. ann. 9 mag., Doc. ling. lat. in "Downtown Col­ CHICAGIENSE COLLEGIUM S. IGNATU lege," Dir. foed. SS. Cord. in acad., Conf. alumn. (Loyola University, 6525 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111.) P. Jennemann, Vincentius L., Proc., Cons. dom. ann. 2. (Telephone: Briargate 3000) P. Keith, Georgius A., Lect. excurr. p. Kenny, Rolandus J., Praef. stud. et discipl. in acad .. Catech. alumn., Exam. candid. NN., Conf. in t., Cons. dom. ann. 8. P. Robertus M. Kelley, Rect. a die 8 Sept. I927, Cens. tibr. P. Kircher, Ignatius B., Doc. ling. lat. et angl., math. et catech. P. Jacobus C. Daly, Min., Praef. val. et sacell., Catech. inf. gram. ann. 7 mag., Conf. NN. et alumn. alumn., Cons. dom. ann. 4. P. Liston, Nicholaus A., Doc. ling. lat. et angl. sup. gram. in P. Bechtel, Florentinus, Praef. spir., Adm., Coll. pp. pro litt. acad. ann. II mag., Catech. et conf. alumn., J..fod. soc. ann., Ezhort. et ezplic. pp. med. FF. Coadj., Ezam. dram. candid. NN. et neo-sacerd., Cens. libr. P. McDonnell, Carolus, Mission. excurr. P. Bennett, Augustinus H., Adj. mod. "Loyola University P. Mahan, Patricius J., Reg. schol. medie. et schol. nutric., Press." Doc. ethic. in scliol. nutric. P. Brunner, Georgius J., Dir. seismol., Doc. math. et ling. P. Mahowald, Georgius H., Lect. psychol. in schol. grad. et in germ., Lect. geol. in coll. coll., Doc. relig. in coll., Conf. alumn., Exam. neo­ P. Conroy, Josephus P., Praef. spir. alumn. in acad., Conf. sacerd. NN. et alimin., Cens. libr., Ezam. prim. candid. NN., P. Mertz, Jacobus J ., Doc. ling. lat. et relig. in coll., Conf. Script., ,Ezhort. alumn. NN. et alumn., M od. soc. "Della Strada" et "!esuit P. Cornell, Gualterus G., Lect. phys. et math. in acad., Catech. Family Club." et conf. alumn. P. Otting, Leonardus H., Lect. phil., Doc. relig. in coll., Conf. P. Cunningham, Joannes M., Mission. ezcurr. alumn. Ezam. neo-sacerd., Cens. libr. P. Dinneen, F. Georgius, Praef. eccl., Cur. agit schol. paroch., P. Pernio, Claudius J., Lect., litt. angl. in "Downtown Col­ Praes. soc. SS. Nom. et soc. ornand. altar., Mod. soc. lege", Ezam. neo-sacerd., Catech. in t., Cens. libr. "Loyola Community Theatre" et "Glenola Club," Conf. P. Powers, Thomas J., Doc. angl. supr. gram. ann. 7 mag., NN., Dir. foed. SS. Cord., Dir. local. "Jesuit Seminary Adj. praef. stud. et discipl. in acad., Catech. alumn., Aid Association." M od. soc. athlet. in univers. et acad. P. Donohue, Josephus I., Mission. ezcurr. P. Puhl, Ludovicus J., Lect. chim. in coll. et in sem. dioecesan., P. Falley, Ludovicus A., Mission. ezcurr. Doc. relig. in coll., Conf. NN. et alumn. P . Froebes, Philippus, Lect. phys., Doc. relig. in coll., Conf. P. Reiner, Josephus S., Praef. stud. et discipl. in coll., Ezam. NN. et alumn., Praef. biblioth. candid. NN. et neo-sacerd., Cons. dom. ann. 7. P. Hamill, Ignatius A., Mission. ezcurr. P. Robison, Gulielmus F., Mission. ezcurr. 6 CATALOGUS PROVINCIAE CHICAGIENSI S A NNI 1930 CATALOGUS PROVINCIAE CHICAGIENSIS ANNI 1930 7 P. Schmidt, Augustinus G., Reg. schol. grad., M od. "Loyola P. W ilson, Samuel K., Lect. hist. in schol. grad., in "Down­ University Press," Redact. "Loyola Educational fn­ town College" et in coll., Exam. neo-sacerd., Conf. NN. dex," Adj. redact. period. "Thought," Cens. libr. et alumn., Cens. libr., Adj. redact. "Thought." P. Schrader, Carolus E., Doc. hist. et oeconom. in coll., Praef. P. Wise, Albertus R., Mission. excurr. lect. ad mens., Cens. libr. Blayz, Raymundus C., Doc. ling. lat. et gall. in acad. ann. P. Schulte, Theodorus J., Praef. spir. alumn. in coll., Praes. I mag., Catech. alumn., Adj. mod. "Loyola Prep," Adj. sod. B. V. M. lmmac. et S. Stan. alumn. in col!., Seer. praef. mor., Collab. period. "Province News-Letter." loe. sod., Exam. candid. NN., Conf. alumn. et in t. , Garvey, Geraldus B., Doc. lat. et catech. in acad. ann. 3 Mod. "University Student Activities." mag., M od. "Debating Club," Adj. mod. soc. athl., Adj. P. Sellmeyer, Bernardus L ., Lect. biol. in coll., L ect. hist. nu­ praef. mor., Adj. mag. caer., Bid. t1·ic. in "Downtown College", Doc. relig. in coll., Conf. Loftus, Henricus J. Doc. ling. lat. et angl. et hist. in acad. alumn. ann. 2 mag., Catech, alumn., Adj. praef. mor. P. Seymour, Gualterus M., Oper., Catech. in t. et in schol. Ryan, Gulielmus F., Doc. ling. lat. et angl. et hist. in acad. paro ch. ann. 2 mag., Cur. agit offic. libr. alumn., Mod. "Loyola P. Shanley, Georgius P., Oper., Praes. sod. B. V.M. pro virg., Prep,'' Adj. praef. mor., Visit. mat. et noct. M od. soc. acolyt., M ag. caer., Catee h. in t. et in schol, paro ch. COADJUTORES P. Siedenburg, Fridericus, Praef. stud. in "Downtown Col­ lege," Reg. schol. social. et oeconom. et facult, jur., Carrigan, Martinus L., Adj. proc. dom., Ad dom. Lec t. s.ociol., Cens. libr. Klucken, Hermannus, Cust. mach. vap. P. Spalding, Henricus S., L ect. phil. in coll., Lect. social. in Moynihan, Edmundus A., Cust. trie. et cell. vin., Adj. "Downtown College," Doc. relig. in coll., Praes. col/. empt., Excit. cas. canse., Conf. NN. et alumn., Cens. libr. Rosner, Albertus, Aedit. sacell. dom., Ad dom. P. Tallmadge, Robertus F., Mission. excurr. P. Tierney, Gulielmus D., Sup. mission. excurr. Sac. 44 Schol. 4 Coadj. 4 Univ. 52 P. Vaughan, Franciscus A., Doc. ling. lat., math. et catech. in acad. ann. 6 mag., Praes. sod. B. V. M. et S. J oan. Berch. pro alumn. in acad., Exam. candid. NN., Conf. alumn. P. Walsh, J acobus F., Lect. phil. in "Downtown College" et in schol. profess., Praef. spir. alitmn. in schol. profess., Cens. libr. P. Walsh, Joannes F., Lect. phil. in coll. et in "Downtown C ollege," Doc. ling. angl. et relig. in coll., Conf. et catech, in t., Conf. alumn. 8 CATALOGUS PROVINCIAE CHICAGIENSIS ANNI 1930 CATALOGUS P ROVINCIAE CHICAGIENSIS ANNI 1930 9 p . Luther, Josephus A., Doc. ling. lat. et angl. in inf. gram. ann. 4 mag., Catech. et conf. alumn., Praes. sod. B. V.M. CHICAGIENSIS ACADEMIA S. IGNATII Auxil. Christ. et S. Alois. pro alumn. sen. (St. lgnatius High School, 1076 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, Ill.) P. Lyons, Joannes M., Praes. soc. "Catholic lnstruction (Telephone: Haymarket 9180) League," Dir. "C. l. L. M essenger" et "Sunday School Association," Conf. NN. P. Murphy, Josephus B., Oper., Exam. neo-sacerd., Praes. soc. SS. Nom., Dir. "Damen L oyalty Club," lnstr. conver., P. Herbertus .c. Noonan, Sup. a die IO Febr. I924, Conf. in t., Catee h. in schol. paroch., C ens. libr. Cens. !tbr., Exam. prim. candid. NN. P. O'Brien, Josephus E., Dbc. ling. graec. et math. in siipr. P. Jacobus S. Schmitt, Min., Praef. val., Catech. alumn gram. ann. I4 mag., Catech. et conf. alumn., Mod. Cons. dom. ann. I. ., eleemos. pro mission., Praes. omn. sod. B. V. M . pro P. Bimanski (Bueman), Franciscus X ., Oper., Visit. nosoc. surd. mut. publ. (Cook County Hospital). P. Q uinn, Joannes F., Praef. stud. et discipl. in acad., Catech. P. Breen, Franciscus X., Doc. ling: lat. in inf. gram. ann. 23 alumn., Exam. candid. NN., Cons. dom. ann. 3. niag., M od. soc. alitmn. vet., Capell. soc. Equit. Columb. P. Scott, Carolus J., Doc. ling. lat. et angl. in supr. gram. ann. (St. Francis Xavier Coimcil) pro !tal. I6 mag., Catech. et conf. alumn., Dir. f oed. SS. Cord. P. Breen, Paulus M., Proc., Conf. alumn., Cons. dom. ann. 8. P. Spirig, Robertus, F., Praef. eccl. et aul. soc., Dir. local. P. Cook, A~dreas J., Oper., Visit, nosoc. publ. (Cook County "Jesuit S eminary Aid Association" et foed. SS. C ord. H ospital), Trad. exerc. spir. Praes. sod. B. V. M. Assumpt. et S. Jos. pro vir., P. Esmaker, Joannes B., Lect. phys., Doc. math. ann. 20 mag., Annimt. et S. Ann. pro matron., I mmac. et S . Ros. Lim. Conf. alumn., Exam. candid. NN., Mod. "Radio Club." pro virg., soc. ornand. altar. et S. Vine., Praef. odei P. Evans, Arthurus J., Doc. ling. lat. et angl. in supr. gram. eccl., Conf. NN., lnstr. conver., Catech. in schol. ann. 8 mag., Catech. et conf. alu1nn., Praef. soc. litt. paroch. et in t., Cons. dom. ann. 4. P. Ewing, Thomas D., Doc. ling. lat. ann. 4 mag., Catech. et P. Sullivan, Carolus P., Doc. ling. graec. in supr. gram. ann. conf. alumn., Praes.

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