Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1938 The Problem of Isaiah in The Book of Mormon H. Grant Vest Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Biblical Studies Commons, and the Mormon Studies Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Vest, H. Grant, "The Problem of Isaiah in The Book of Mormon" (1938). Theses and Dissertations. 5188. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. teltehTHL PROBLEM C ISAIAH IN THFTH k0ka 0 votikvotjkYO i 1mnimn A TOISTOTM IS uamti1 TO HS rnactenact JT 0av r2l1c1iat KDLTICmuciaticin orOF asioavBRIGMullzelzer vouvowyouYOMKI toivssritymiivyrr ITY 1 niIN PATIU 11 m OFoy nTH ri ii JM4 OKC t1taTHE rrfzrazrybryz or yctact or SICK BY RH ORAHTGR NT VCTV ar7r 1938 illlii A 1Nc1caI1 01V I1K 1 ACKLDCWK1 L D ANI E while doing graduate work into ththe fleidfield of religious education at brihambrigham younayoungyoun university in 1934 the writiterawriterawritenawritertswr erts attention waswusvmswms drawn to the problem of isaiah inim ththe book of hormonmormon ththe need for ooroorpleteooapleteplete and reliable snswrsanomrs to the questions arising out of thisthia problem has motltatedmotivatormotivatod the present study in the past four yearsyearayoarsyearn ocasiderablooonaiderable time hasheshaehaaheahee beenboenboon spent in a sincere endeavor to provide a sosolentifaoientifiolentifto solution to dr sidney B sperrysparry the authorauthora waaajorjor professor whose previouspretlprevipreTiousoua studios in thisthiathib fieldfleld revealed thetho possibilities of thisthiethia inteatigationinvestilptions the writerter iato greatly obligated for thetha unselfishun obrisho1rish ex- penditurependiture of his time and energy in giringgiving baaessaaaassistanceessistanceeaaiatfinceistance andemd uiuidanoeguidancedanoe the frequent appeal to the syriac text hashaahnshab beedbeenbmw roedemoede pospossiblesIblo only through hishie asetstancassistance to bis wife who hashaahab beenbaenboon untiring endand patient lrin idingidling in numerous ways the author is indebtindebtedod beyond recomporrecompensese thanks areereaveerw due AH 14 lund asiatentasiaassistanttenttunt church 11tatortarhistorlqr for curingsecuring photoatatle copies of the villervillor UsS of those portionsportionaportionatlona of the boo800soosookbooka of dormonmormon comprised in this study and for sny vn leableluable suggestions HV grant vest uaymay 6 1938 iv TABU OFF ooht3fr chapter page TITLE PAOPAGF e v 0 1 gmiyicatsG IFICATE OF acglptanc1ACCEFFTANCI 11 cxouclwrc illiii111 taideTAILS ffOF coctachoctac0ntamcentamT IT 1 4LLT orOF TAMTABL F vi I1 iotjuction i the problem 1 analysisanaiAnalysisyalB of the froblefrobl&problem 8 hypothesis 18 the Proceprocedurproceduredutdur 20 II11 tinTIT TEXT or ISAIAH ivIX thiTKIteymm boo600bwyamy OF lofvmofvNOFJKNOF JK 24 methods and sources of securing the datadotadaba Z344 the detdeidotctttacattate e 0 e e 0 a a e 6 0 e a 32 II11 nephi ch 12 compwvdcoispftred with icaihlouiaelouiah oh 2 34 me II11 nephiphi oh 13 compared with isaiahlealah ch 3 0 e 44 II11 rephinephi cb 14 compared ithwith isaiah ch0 4 56 II11 nephi chofaoha 15 comparedComparedered with isaiah ahoh 56 e e 59 compacam II11 nephi oh 16 Coacaacomparedparedod with iulahlulahisaiah ah 6 e e 0 e 68 II11 nephi choh 17 aapardaagardampardcomparedcompbredCompcoap10 aapardBred with isaiah ch 7 0 73757.3 oom II11 nephi cbob 18 CoacoaperedcoaparedcooperedCoapparedaredered with isaiah oh B 0 & 6 7079 II11 nephi oh 19 comparedGoapared with Isalisalfthisal&hfthethfeh choh 39 83 II11 nephi cbeh 8020comparedconCoRpared with isaiah cb 10 8 90 II11 nephi ahoh 2131 cmparedcoaparedcomparedCoaoaeparedpaved nishulshwithwish isalasisalabisalub ch 11 e 98 II11 nephi oh 22 compared with isaiah ch 12 100 II11 nephi oh 23 cooperedcompared with isaiah choh 13 101 v chapter page II11 nephi oh 24 compared with isaiah ch 14 108 II11 ephitcphiechi11 cheh 27 compared with isaiah ch 29 117 I1 nephi ch 20 compared with isaiah ch 48 130 I1 nephi cheh 21 compared with isaiah cheh 49 143 II11 nephi cbch 7 compared with isaiah choh 50 155 II11 nephi choh 8 compared with isaiah ch 51 163 iliIII111 nephi choh 20 compared with isaiah choh 52 174 mosiahmoslahch 14 conGomgoncomparedpared with isaiahlealah choh 53 181 illiliIIIHI111 nephiblephi ch 22 compared with isaiah cbeh 54 184 summary of data 189 additions e 9 189 omissions a a 197 substitutions 201 liiIII111 THE PROBLEYPROBLEM OF ISAIMISAIAH IN THE tookBOOTBOOK OF 1 onoeGWGM IN ITS rixrimtmtionsip10nsvtp TO treTHE OIITOPTOMIF amrAMF TJISTOPYITSTORY OF TOthyteyTHE booyBOOK OF ISAIAH 216 the higher criticism of the book of isaiah 216 the traditional Isisaiahbiahblah 0 217 the deuterodeoteroisalseisaiah11iah 218 the tritoarito isaiah 221 other theories 224 the book of worronwornonmormon WIWwitnessItnessaness to the origin and history of the book of isaiah 227 1 P236 IV t1taTHE c0ca1cluisionconclusion1 23636 bibliography 242 APPYIAPPKNIX14rlixtixvix 246 vi LIST 07OF TTABLTalpgln9lp page TABLE I1 additions to the text 193 TBLETABLE II11 omissions from the text 199 TABUTABLI iliIII111 retRevvisionrevision of italics 306 TTABLAB I1IVV transpositionsTranspositions 209 TABLETAHLK V revisions involving the prepositionspropositions fortorrorworyor and to 210 TABLE VI revisions of singular and plural number 211 TABLE VII revisions of number of pronoun 212 TBLKTABLX VIII substitution of A for anm by the book of moreonmormon bis213813 TABLE IX misceuaneousviscel1aneous substitutions 214 TABLE X book of kormon quotations of isaiah distributedDietributed according to composite theory of origin 230 THE paobllprobly21 OFcy ISAIAH IKIN ah7hthyTKH BOCE orOF lgfwkwjrmoi T lotroluction I1 the problem of the eanycanymany vilumsvolumsvolunns of literature published in the nineteenth century perbapsperhapapersapa notenone hashesheawo been acrenoreworemore puzzling than the boothootbookhook of mormon thisthiathib book eoustinesaofletinea designated as the scriptures of the Awarloanamerican indianindiana or theno american bible heshasbeshaabeaheo reoeneoereceivedived worldwide attention 111within the oeutury of its publication it toehusbusggegme beenbmw translated into wvseventeenenten languageslanuagea and in fourteen of theastheae it hashaa beenbeonboon publishedpubliahed more than Iiii0000010000000000 coplescopiesharehavehayebaye been distributed gnonegnong the mnationslonsions of the world 1 today it reminscreminsrmsuinarmsuinabulna uano ever an unsolved riddle having engaged no little waluntaaoxmtwaount of ocatroversyoontroveray discussiondisoussiondiaouaaion and study and bornorborenorenorw recently scientific investigation in thiathiethio unique record aareere quoted numerous passages of rebrewhebrewbebrow scripture which are pmoticallypraotioctlly identical with the authorized vergion of the bible thehe implication of thisthiathib factraat hashnshab beenboenboon a source of auohnuohhuoh difficulty to those who have sought to understand the book in factfcotfaot it heshashatshehsheiy benbeen one of the nainbainsources of objection voiced by antlanti portionmornan 2 writers such asaa&a hyde lanblamblemb and lillimlinn kveneven unbiased studentsstudentastuatudenta have eeneonseensewn in these quotations an important problem as iain indicated in a oooraunicommuntcomment actioncationby H chamberlain to the late president joaephjooephyoseph F althaithmithsimith nata1dataodatadata furniafurnishedhed by the courtesy of the church historian josephjoaeph fielding raithsalthswithsmith seesoesoosew appendix I1 2zohnohn hydekydejr iformnismliorrymier appp 28083280 83 YM T llabdlablumb golciengoldien bible appp 1- 39 vaa A linnunn the torystory of the eorMoritorqonacormonsmormonsnonsmons appp 959895 98 2 the following is an excerpt from mr chamberlainclumberlainto letter I1 findtindfind that christ in quotquotinginelneing to the people on this side of the watermater the third and fourth chapters of malachifccalaohl quotesquotasaccording to the book of olaonmormononaon in the identical text 0of kins lalajalalamajabosjanosverelonversionvereion not missing a word I1 find chapters of isaiah quoted practioollypractioully in the baoebamebamasame way I1 find that in manyamnyinstances in hishlahiahib aulabucstalkstalkaaucamucs with the people and to hiskishiahladiaoipleadiewiples here he used the identical languageUn ufie of king lewslawsjewsjt&aea9 versionvervenaionbionblon not omitting the ardsurdawords supplied by the translators kovnovnownom I1 knewknemknow that no two paliespatlespamiespamlea will take thebo sanbsabbsanesame mnuseriptflttmuaeript and nekemekemake translations of a batternattermatter contained therein and ththe langua6elanguagel&nguege of the two translators bebo alike indeed the lunewlungwlanguage employed by the two parties will widely differ thesetheaethebe tranalationetmnalationo are from differentdifforeut laanuaoriptamanimaripts andfindang tronfromcrom different languages and still it appoersappoera iniu the hookbookboole of moranmormnuormon asfaaaaa kingkin jemosjttiaoa9 translationtranalationtranalation I1 cancenoanoen corccorcellecorcelveoorcelveeiveelveelye of no otherothor wiywaymay in which buchouch a oolucidenceooinoidence oculdcouldoould havellave occurred
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