MISIS – “MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System" European Commission DG Environment DRAFT MANAGEMENT PLAN OF THE STRANDZHA – IGNEADA AREA MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System 1 MISIS – “MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System" Document Control Sheet MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Project Full Title: Monitoring System Project Acronym: MISIS Grant Agreement No. No. 07.020400/2012/616044/SUB/D2 Coordinator: Dr. Laura Boicenco Project start date and duration: 6th March 2012, 24 months Project website: http://www.misisproject.eu Package of Activities No: PA 4 PA4. Conservation and protection of the Black Sea through Package of Activities Title: establishment of new MPAs with focus on transboundary MPAs and MPAs networking DRAFT MANAGEMENT PLAN OF THE STRANDZHA – IGNEADA Report Title: AREA Responsible: GeoEcoMar GeoEcoMar, IO-BAS, NIMRD Grigore Antipa and Sinop Partners involved: University Final (F) Status: Draft (D) Revised draft (RV) Public (PU) Restricted to other program participants (PP) Dissemination level: Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (RE) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (CO) 2 MISIS – “MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System" Disclaimer The information contained in this report is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by any members of the MISIS Consortium or the authors. The information is provided without any warranty of any kind and the MISIS Consortium expressly disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. This document can not be copied, reproduced or distributed, entirely or partly, without written permission from the MISIS Consortium. Acknowledgement of the authors of the document shall be clearly referenced. All rights reserved to MISIS Consortium. This document has been prepared with the financial assistance of EC DG Environment. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of EC DG Environment. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. Any errors or omissions are responsibility of the authors and should be reported to them accordingly. For bibliographic purposes this document may be cited as: Muresan M., Begun T., Teaca A., Todorova V., Dencheva K., Moncheva S., Slabakova N., Shtereva G., Doncheva V., Panayotova M., Seghedi A., Sezgin M., Urkmez D., Bat L., Sahin F., 2014. DRAFT MANAGEMENT PLAN OF THE STRANDZHA – IGNEADA AREA. EC DG Env. MISIS Project Deliverables, pp. 159. 3 MISIS – “MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System" Contents: LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 INTRODUCTION 10 Purpose and scope of the plan 10 Legislative authority for the plan (national and international) 12 1. Description of the site and its features 19 1.1 Regional setting: location, access 19 1.2 Conservation values of the site 21 1.3 Features 34 1.3.1 Physical 34 Geological caracterization of Strandzha - Igneada area 34 General physico-chemical caracterization 45 1.3.2 Biological 56 Ecological status of phytoplankton community 56 Ecological status of macrophytobenthos community 68 Ecological state of the zooplankton populations 78 Marine habitats and fauna 89 4 MISIS – “MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System" 1.3.3 Cultural 109 1.4 Existing uses 110 1.4.1 Recreational 110 1.5 Threat and conflict analysis 111 2. Management 119 2.1 Goals and objectives (general and specific) 119 2.2 Management tactics 123 2.2.1 Advisory committees 123 2.2.2 Boundaries 124 2.2.3 Zoning plan 125 2.2.4 Regulations 127 2.2.5 Social, cultural and resource studies plan 130 2.2.6 Natural resources 130 2.2.7 Education and public awareness 132 2.3 Administration 132 2.3.1 Staffing 132 2.3.2 Training 132 2.3.3 Facilities and equipment 133 2.3.4 Budget and business plan 133 2.4 Monitoring and evaluation of plan effectiveness 134 2.5 Timetable for implementation 135 ANNEX 144 References 150 5 MISIS – “MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System" LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ACCOBAMS Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic Area, http://www.accobams.org/ BAS Bulgarian Academy of Science BBI-MATRA Funding programmes of the Dutch government BD Bird Directive BG Bulgaria BS Black Sea BSC Black Sea Commission (Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution), www.blacksea-commission.org BS SAP Black Sea Strategic Action Plan BSBLP Black Sea Biodiversity and Landscape Protocol BSIMAP Black Sea Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Program CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CFP Common Fisheries Policy EEZ Exclusive Economic Zones EC European Commission, http://ec.europa.eu/ EU European Union EUNIS EU Nature Information System HD Habitat Directive GeoEcoMar National Research and Development Institute for Marine Geology and Geoecology, Bucharest-Constanta, Romania GES Good Environment Status ICM Integrated Coastal Management; also known as Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Integrated Marine and Coastal Area Management IMS/METU Institute for Marine Sciences/Middle East Technical University (Erdemli, 6 MISIS – “MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System" TR) IO-BAS Institute of Oceanology, Varna, Bulgaria IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature MPA Marine Protected Area MSP Marine Spatial Planning or Maritime Spatial Planning (EU only) NGO Non-governmental organization NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan NIMRD National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanta, Romania SAC Special Area of Conservation (EU) SAP Strategic Action Plans SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SCI Sites of Community Interest (EU) SPA Special Protected Area (EU Wild Bird Directive); Specially Protected Area (Barcelona Convention) PA Protected Area PEBLDS Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy (http://www.peblds.org/index.php?ido=11&lang=eng) RAC/SPA Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (Barcelona Convention) RO Romania TBPA Transboundary Protected Areas TDA Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis TR Turkey TUBITAK The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, www.tubitak.gov.tr/ UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea UNEP-WCMC UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre WCPA World Commission on Protected Areas WFD Water Framework Directive 7 MISIS – “MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System" WWF World Wildlife Fund EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document must be treated as a provisional one, more specific as a guideline which contains the directory lines of a Management Plan. This will need to be improved once the procedures for designation of Transboundary Marine Protected Area will have been finished. The Management Plan realized for the proposed Transboundary Marine Protected Area Strandzha - Igneada is structured in accordance with OSPAR Network. It is based on the IUCN model - see Salm & Clark (2000) and Kellerher (1999) for further details. Keeping in mind that none of the areas in discussion have a Management Plan implemented, this document aims to provide a common approach regarding the conservation objectives, identification of management priorities, involvement of community and sharing the social and economic resources and responsibilities in the context of sustainable development. The Plan has a short introduction in the problematic of MPAs, bringing forward the possition of IUCN General Assembly (1988) on the role of Marine Protected Areas in the protection of and sustainable utilization of the marine environment. It also provide the statement of Kelleher and Kenchington, 1991 regarding the broadly objectives of MPAs. The Plan comprises a short review of international and national legislative framework in force in Bulgaria and Turkey which adresses to protected areas issues. In the next chapters are detailed the physical, biological and cultural features of Strandzha and Igneada sites emphasizing on elements representative for conservation and protection. The part which follows approaches the strategic elements of a Management Plan, referring to effective steps necessary for proper implementation of activities and measures of protection and conservation in an integrative and sustainable way. In spite that information is orientative due to lack of knowledge or sufficient information regarding Strandzha but especially Igneada area, the objectives and goals could be taken as example for future. 8 MISIS – “MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System" The chapter “Administration” introduces the potential managers of the Transboundary Marine Protected Area Strandzha - Igneada in matters related to organizational structure on which any administrative body of a reservation should relay. Thus, issues such staffing, training, facilities and equipment are presented in general term, in order to facilitate a further development of the scheme based on the realities (human and financial resources) from the moment when the plan it is effectively implemented. In the next chapters referring to Monitoring and Timetable for implementation is given an example of indicators of performance measurable and adaptable used to periodical
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