"WE 1NTEND TO BURY NO ONE AND WE DO NOT INTEND TO BE BURIED." Lyndon B. Johnson wkljj forttim РІК LXXH 4. 198 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 23. іябб 15 ЦЕНТІВ - 15 CENTS No. 198 VOL. LXXH JOHN LINDSAY CONTRIBUTES DR. STEPAN WYTWYTSKY, PRES1DENT OF UKRA1N1AN NATlONAL ANN HERMAN ELECTED TO TO UKRAINIAN UNIVERSITY REPUBLIC IN EXILE, DIES 1N NEW YORK r EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF NEW YORK, N. Y. - DR. STEPAN WYTWYTSKY, CHAIR FUND PRES1DENT OF THE UKRAJN1AN NATLONAL REPUB- N. J. FRATERNAL CONGRESS L1C 1N EXILE AND FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.- paration through Service," OF THE WESTERN UKRAINIAN NATIONAL REPUBLIC, Mrs. Ann Herman, Supreme aroused considerable interest NEW YORK, N. Y. - Rep- D1ED EARLY TUESDAY MORN1NG, OCTOBER 19. AT vice-Presidentess of the Uk- which resulted in a lively resentative John v. Lindsay, THE COLUMBIA - PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL IN NEW rainian National Association, question and answer period. member of U.S. Congress rep- YORK. HE WAS 81 YEARS OLD. was elected to the Executive Greetings were presented resenting the 17th Congres- Committee of the New Jersey by the office of Atlantic City's A leading political fiirure. ian lands and the establish' eional District of New York Fraternal Congress at its Mayor, and by the presidents among Ukrainians in the Free ment of a sovereign and ful- City, and Mrs. Lindsay are 32nd annual session held here of the Fraternal Congresses World. Dr. Wytwytsky has ly independent Ukrainian Na- the first Americans of non- on Saturday, October 16. of Pennsylvania, New York, been living in the United tional Republic. He headed Ukrainian extraction to join Also attending the session virginia, Maryland and the states since 1951 devoting all the diplomatic mission which a group of more than 1,600 was UNA Supreme President District of Columbia. Mrs. of his time to the affairs of conducted peace negotiations Ukrainian Americans who Joseph Lesawyer as past Stephanie Wochok, Supreme the organization which he with Poland and the Allied have contributed or made president and member of the Treasurer of the Providence headed and to the cause of Powers, as well as other Uk- pledges of one-hundred dol- executive committee, and Su- Association and president of Ukraine's liberation. One of rainian missions which car- lars or more each to the en- preme Treasurer Roman Slo- the Pennsylvania Fraternal the few living members of the ried on diplomatic activity in dowment fund of the first bodian as UNA's delegate. Congress spoke for her state. Ukrainian National Republic's Paris, London, at the Confer- Ukrainian University Chair Mr. Lesawyer was named Main speakers at the after- government, constituted dur- ence of Ambassadors and the to be established at some pro- chairman of the newly cre- noon session included Louise ing the turbulent period of League of Nations. minent American university. ated Liaison Committee to Patrick, president of the Na- the Ukrainian War of Libera- j Upon his return to western work with the New Jersey tiqnal Fraternal Congress of Mr! Lindeay- contributed tion, he was a staunch sup-, Ukraine. Dr. Wytwytsky re- Department of Banking and America, and Horace J. Bry- ,S150 to the fund and express- porter of the Ukrainian peo- sumed law practice, but was insurance, and with the State ant, Deputy Commissioner of ed his "warmest personal ple's aspirations for freedom j constantly active in politics. Commissioner of insurance. insurance for the State of congratulations on the ex- and independence. in 1935-39, he as a deputy to The New Jersey Fraternal New Jersey. Mr. Bryant, a cellent work" pursued by the Congressman John Y. Born in the village - of the Polish Diet as member of Congress has 37 societies as former examiner for New USCP. Lindsay Uhornyky, Tovmach county, the Ukrainian National De- members, including the Uk- Jersey, pointed out that he More than S150.000 in cash in western Ukraine, the son of . mocratic Union. rainian National Association, was intimately familiar with inc., Mr. Lindsay said, "1 am contributions have been rais- an elementary school princip-l A refugee in Germany at the Ukrainian Workingmen's the fraternal associations and sure the work of your pro- ed toward the endowment al. Dr. Wytwytsky acquired the end of World War H,,Dr. Association and the Provid- knew manv officers, including fessorship will benefit not fund goal of S350.000. Only his higher education at the Wytwytsky was instrumental ence Association of Ukrain- Mr. Slobodian of the UNA. only the Ukrainian communi- the interest earned by the University of Lviv and. later, j in organizing the Central Rep- 1 ian Cathaolics in America. an organization that he had fund will be used to finance ty in this country, but will the University of v і e n n a resentation of Ukrainian Re- The day-long conference in- examined in 1941. He under- the activities of the chair. also help combat the many where he obtained his doctor- j fugees, assuming the post cluded a panel discussion on scored the fact that fraternal The fund will guarantee' to its untruths and distortions ate of law degree in 1910. He ( of vice-president Upon re- j fraternal problems with talks associations were excellent contributors that the vital which are being spread by practiced law, in Drohobych establishment of the Ukrain- delivered by Leopold Mali- managers of their financial work to be undertaken will the enemies of freedom in the before enlisting as a volunteer: ian National Rada, he was nowski of the Polish National matters. not be interrupted. international forum, it is in the Ukrainian Sidh Rifle- elected vice-president of its j Alliance of Brooklyn, N. Y., hard to imagine a time more . Mr. Lesawyer, who woa men in 1914. He took part in Executive Organ. Residing in Aldo icardi of the italian Reads "The Ukrainian critical for such an undertak- chairman of the nominating the formation of the West-; the United States since 1951. S.D.A. Fraternal Association, Weekly" ing than today—when Ukrain- committee, delivered a lenrr- em Ukrainian National Re- Dr. Wytwytsky was elected and a film presented by John ian churches, traditions, lit- thy report on the Fraternal Lindsay, who is the Repub- public, proclaimed in Lviv on President of the Ukrainian M. Babuska of the Slovak Week activities in the course erature, and the Ukrainian ada. A good orator, he spoke A Requiem Mass will be lican-Liberal candidate for j November'1, 1918. and was National Republic in exile in Gymnastic Union Sokol. The of the conference's business language itself, are all in several languages fluently in Mayor of New York City, has (appointed Secretary of the March, 1954. offered today at St. George's theme of the discussion, "Pre- sessions. learned about the Ukrainian danger of being destroyed be- 1 Ukrainian National Rada. , Author of numerous articles addition to Ukrainian and Ukrainian Catholic Church in professorship project during hind the iron Curtain. Please A member of Western Uk- and memoirs published in Uk- English. ^ New York, where funeral accept the enclosed contribu- the recent newspaper strike raine's delegation to the La- rainian journals and newspa- " His wife, Mrs. Melanie Stel- services are scheduled to be- UNA Branch in Reading Marks in New York City fr?j:i (v. jfiS tion frnm Mrs. T.ind^ay and ne mftkhiv-Wytwytsky, d^-ar bor Congress jn J^iay,. Dr. РПТ1І ifantftj jWiJffffltiWi irin. at 9:30 A.M. .The body of "The Ukrainian Weekly!" me, along with our warmest 19S3. Surviving are his son First Anniversary^ Wytwytsky was one of the traveled extensively and was will be interred at the U- in a letter addressed to the personal congratulations on signatories of the January a frequent guest of honor ihor, daughter-in-law Daria, READ1NG, Pa.-The Taras Also appearing in the enter- Ukrainian Studies Chair Fund. your excellent work." 22, 1919 Universal. proclaim- at various Ukrainian events and two grandchildren, An- krainian Cemetery in Bound Shevchenko Branch 48 of the tainment part of the evening's ing unification of all Ukrain- in the United States and Can- idrew and Maria. Brook, New Jersey. Ukrainian National Associa- program was the "Horlytsia" tion in Reading. Pa., marked Dance Ensemble of Bristol- its first anniversary with a Trenton, under the direction banquet and ball at the Slo- of Dmytro Nadraga. Dr. Uruslcy Receives Research Ukrainian Scholars to Take Part Journalists to Convene in First vak Home auditorium here on ' The banquet program was Saturday, October 16. conducted by Stephen Haw- Fellowship at NYU in Conference On Minorities National Conference Attended by over 200 en- rvsz, UNA regional organizer, NEW YORK. N.Y. - "So- oorters will take place on thusiastic members and Extending greetings in behalf in USSR yuzivka", the estate of the Saturday and Sundav, Octo- friends, including wellwishers of Branch 48 was Mr. Dubek WALTHAM, Mass. — Two The conference will examine Ukrainian National Associa- ber 30th and 31st at the UNA from Philadelphia, Camden, who also welcomed the guests. Bristol, Trenton, Allentown, Addresses were delivered NEW YORK.—Dr. Walter therapy, ultrasound, excrsise Ukrainian scholars will be among other questions, the; tion in Kerhonkson, N.Y., resort. Urueky, well known physician and electronic and mechanical effects of the ІІС of Convening on the initiative Bethlehem. Easton, Wilkes- by UNA Supreme President among fifteen other special. ^ У ' of Ukrainian descent, has devices. Occupational and sification designed to bring conference of Ukrainian jour- of the Association of Ukrain- Barre, Mahonoy Plane, Ber- Joseph Lesawyer and Ad- ists taking part in a confer wick, Scranton and other ci- visor John Odezynsky.
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