APPENDIX A Scoping Letter, NOP, and NOP Comments THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Date of Notice: November 24, 2014 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE PREPARATION OF A PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND A SCOPING MEETING INTERNAL ORDER No. 21003411 PUBLIC NOTICE: The City of San Diego as the Lead Agency has determined that the project described below will require the preparation of a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This Notice of Preparation of a PEIR and Scoping Meeting was publicly noticed and distributed on November 24, 2014. This notice was published in the SAN DIEGO DAILY TRANSCRIPT and placed on the City of San Diego website at: http://www.sandiego.gov/city-clerk/officialdocs/notices/index.shtml SCOPING MEETING: Two public scoping meetings will be held by the City of San Diego's Planning Department one on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 PM at the South Bay Recreation Center located at 1885 Coronado Avenue, San Diego CA 92154, and one on Thursday, December 11, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Public Utilities Department Metropolitan Operations Complex located at 9192 Topaz Way, San Diego CA 92123. Please note that depending on the number of attendees, the meeting could end earlier than the end times noted above. Verbal and written comments regarding the scope and alternatives of the proposed EIR will be accepted at the meeting. Please send in written/mail-in comments may also be sent to the following address: Myra Herrmann, Environmental Planner, City of San Diego Development Services Center, 1222 First Avenue, MS 501, San Diego, CA 92101 or e-mail your comments to [email protected] with the Project Name and Number in the subject line Number in the subject line within 30 days of the receipt of this notice/date of the Public Notice above. Responsible agencies are requested to indicate their statutory responsibilities in connection with this project when responding. An EIR incorporating public input will then be prepared and distributed for the public to review and comment. PROJECT NAME I No.: PURE WATER PROGRAM I 386038 COMMUNITY AREAS: Citywide COUNCIL DISTRICT: All Council Districts PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Pure Water San Diego Program (Pure Water Program) is the City of San Diego Public Utilities Department (PUD) proposed program to provide a safe, secure, and sustainable local drinking water supply for San Diego. Advanced water purification technology will be used to produce potable water from recycled water. The Pure Water Program consists of the design and construction of new advanced water treatment facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, pump stations, transmission lines, and pipelines. The City of San Diego (City) and its regional partners face signiticant issues with water supply and wastewater treatment. Water is critical to the health, safety, and quality oflife of people living in the San Diego region. Currently eight-five percent (85%) of the region's water supply is imported. The region's reliance on imported water causes our water supply to be vulnerable to impacts from shortages and susceptible to price increases beyond our control. As sources oflocal water supply are few, we have explored non potable and potable reuse options of treated water. Water reuse is proven, safe, reliable, and is currently in use in other communities in the United States and around the world. A decision must be made regarding the future treatment process at the City of San Diego's Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant (PLWTP). The PLWTP operates with a Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 301(h) modified National Pollutant Elimination Discharge System (NPDES) permit which allows the City to operate without full secondary treatment. The current modified permit expires on July 30, 2015. PUD is in the process of submitting a new permit application and working with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as with local environmental groups to gain legislative or administrative approval for the concept of "secondary equivalency" within the Clean Water Act -- a plan to meet modified treatment standards that would be the same as if the existing 240 million gallon per day (mdg) PL WTP were converted to secondary treatment standards. The Pure Water Program is a significant water and wastewater Capital Improvement Program that will create up to 83 million gallons per day oflocally controlled water and reduce flows to the PLWTP which would reduce total suspended solids discharged and recycle a valuable and limited resource that is currently discharged to the ocean. The Pure Water Program is a twenty year program that will involve the planning, design, and construction of new advanced water treatment facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, pump stations, and pipelines. The Pure Water program will also include property and easement acquisition, discretionary permitting, property acquisition, financing, facility startup, testing, operation and maintenance of new facilities, and significant public education and community engagement. Applicant: City of San Diego, Public Utilities Department Recommended Finding: Pursuant to Section 15060(d) of the CEQA Guidelines, it appears that the proposed project may result in significant environmental impacts in the following areas: Land Use, Visual Effects and Neighborhood Character, Air Quality/Odor, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Biological Resources, Historical Resources, Health and Safety, Hydrology and Water Quality, Geology/Soils and Seismic Hazards, Noise Paleontological Resources, Transportation/Circulation, Energy, Public Services and Facilities, Public Utilities, and Water Supply. Availability in Alternative Format: To request the this Notice or the City's letter to the applicant detailing the required scope of work (EIR Scoping Letter) in alternative format, call the Planning Department at (619) 235-5200 (800) 735-2929 (TEXT TELEPHONE). Additional Information: For environmental review infonnation, contact Myra Hemnann at (619) 446-5372. The Scoping Letter and supporting documents may be reviewed, or purchased for the cost of reproduction, in the Planning Department on the at the Fifth floor of the Development Services Center. For information regarding public meetings/hearings on this project, contact the Project Manager, Keli Balo, at (858) 292-6423 or via email: [email protected]. This notice was published in the SAN DIEGO DAILY TRANSCRIPT and distributed on November 24, 2014. Cathy Winterrowd Deputy Director Planning Department DISTRIBUTION: See Attached ATTACHMENTS: Figure 1 - Project Components and Location Map DISTRIBUTION: United States Government Federal Aviation Administration (1) Naval Facilities Engineering Command, SW Division, Environmental Planning (12) MCAS Miramar (13) Marine Corps Recruit Depot Facilities Div. (14) Environmental Protection Agency (19) U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (23) USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services (25) Army Corps of Engineers (26) Cleveland National Forest (29) State of California Cal trans District 11 (31) Department of Fish and Wildlife (32) Cal Recycle (35) Dept of Health Services Division of Drinking Water & Environmental Mgmt (36) California Environmental Protection Agency (3 7A) Department of Toxic Substance Control (39) State Parks (40A) Department of Parks and Recreation (40B) Natural Resources Agency (43) Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 9 (44) Department of Water Resources (45) State Clearinghouse ( 46A) California Coastal Commission (4 7) California Air Resources Board (49) California Transportation Commission ( 51) California Transportation Commission (51A) California Boating & Waterways (52) California State Coastal Conservancy (54) State Water Resources Control Board Division of Clean Water Programs (55) Native American Heritage Commission (56) California Energy Commission (59) California Dept. of Conservation ( 60) California State Lands Commission (62) San Diego County Agriculture Department (64) Air Pollution Control Board ( 65) Planning and Land Use ( 68) Parks Department ( 69) Noise Control Hearing Board (71) Public Works (72) County Water Authority (73) Department of Enviromnental Health (76) Pure Water Program 1 City of San Diego Office of the Mayor (91) Scott Chadwick Stacey LoMedico Tony Heinrichs David Graham Ron Villa Council President Gloria, District 3 Council President Pro Tern Lightner, District 1 Councilmember Harris, District 2 Councilmember Cole, District 4 Councilmember Kersey, District 5 Councilmember Zapf, District 6 Councilmember Sherman, District 7 Councilmember Alvarez, District 8 Councilmember Emerald, District 9 Public Utilities Department (Applicant) Halla Razak, Director Mike Elling Keli Balo Planning Department Tom Tomlinson, Interim Director Cathy Winterrowd Nancy Bragado Myra Herrmann Kristy Forburger Jeanne Krosch Development Services Department Robert Vacchi, Director Kerry Santoro Martha Blake Jeff Szymanski Elizabeth Shearer-Nguyen Anna McPherson Anita Eng Leonard Wilson Public Works Department James Nagelvoort, Director Marnell Gibson Carrie Purcell Economic Development Russ Gibbon (MS 56D) Jim Davies (MS 56D) Park and Recreation Department Herman Parker, Director Chris Zirkle Pure Water Program 2 Fire-Rescue Department Chief Javier Mainar Fire and Life Safety Services (79) Kenneth Barnes, Fire -Rescue Dept Logistics (80) Police Department Chief Shelley Zimmerman Environmental Services Department Mario Sierra, Director Darren Greenhalgh Lisa Wood Transportation & Storm
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