Fall 1987 Volume Forty-nine Number Four Published for Members of the Yosemite Association Draining Hetch Hetchy A WATER AND POWER STRUGGLE Henry Berrc ' acres in the northwest part of Yo- ing cities, water for 2,000,000 it." The mayor also was quoted semite National Park . An Interior residents, was not thrilled with as saying, "I think the dam is On August 1, 1987, daily pa- Department spokesman said the idea. beautiful. It fits right in its pers, mainly those in the San This is not a plan, not a proposal. Plan, proposal, idea or what- setting." Francisco Bay Area . but elsewhere This is an idea." ever, her honor responded So a 74-year old squabble as well, reported that Interior San Francisco's Mayor Dianne promptly, stating -I regard this, between the conservation Secretary Donald Hodel had a Feinstein . whose city stands to frankly, as the worst thing since groups and San Francisco's notion to study the removal of lose some $50,000.000 in re- selling arms to the Ayatollah. It's water and power interests has the O'Shaughnessy Dam and the venues from the sale of electric one administration idea that truly been reignited. draining of Hetch Hetchy reser- power generated below the dam. belongs in 011ie North 's shredder. voir which occupies about 400 and. along with several neighbor- and I'll do all in my power to fight The face of the O'Shaughnessy Dam . PAGE T vvO YOSEMITE ASSOCIATION, FALL 1HH ' "I could not help wondering if there wasn 't some way we might be able to start movement toward the eventual removal of the dam and reservoir. What an incredible, irreplaceable addition to the National Park System." —INTERIOR SECRETARY DONALD P. HODEL . IN REFERENCE TO THE REMOVAL OF THE OSHAUGHNESSY DAM AND THE HETCH HETCHY RESERVOIR FROM YOSEMITE. Mr. Hodel, successor to the was announced, there have been of the Longmont Dams in Rocky drals and churches, for no holier controversial Interior Secretary attempts to associate the Hetch Mountain National Park. In that temple has ever been consecrates James Watt, not revered for his Hetchy matter with the incom- case, however, the aim was to re- by the heart of man." stance on environmental matters, plete and sidetracked Auburn move unsafe dams rather than to On the other was Gifford Pir-- appears to have boggled the con- Dam—that if the Secretary pur- restore a flooded valley. chot, head of the U.S. Forest Ser- servationists, one of whom J. sued his Hetch Hetchy ambition, Hetch Hetchy Valley 's trou- vice and allied with the San Fran- Michael McCloskey, Sierra Club the various private and public in- bled history and the later life of cisco water developers . He fa- National Chairman, called the terests concerned with water and the much loved conservationist vored a °utilitarian" conservation Secretary's idea a welcome "bolt power would get together and re- John Muir are inalterably linked. approach, and told Congress in out of the blue . We had no inkling surrect the Auburn Dam project. It is thought that Muir 's vigorous 1913: "I am fully persuaded that . he was interested in the subject ." This perception is said by Mr. but futile campaigning against the . the injury . by substituting a The Sierra Club has long con- Hodel 's people to be faulty, and damming of the Tuolumne River lake for a swampy valley (Hetch tended that Hetch Hetchy is "a has no basis in fact; the two mat- and the subsequent flooding of Hetchy) is altogether unimpor- great blot on the National Park ters would be evaluated quite the Valley may have contributed tant compared with the benefits System" ever since Congress ap- separately. Furthermore Mr. to his death. Muir died a year to be derived from its use as proved it in 1913 . Most environ- Hodel contends that Hetch after President Wilson, in 1913, a reservoir." mentalists have considered Mi. Hetchy is not to be considered a signed into law the Raker Bill, giv- One of the benefits of the darn Hodel as more interested in de- bargaining chip for any Interior ing San Francisco the go-ahead on was the provision of an adequate veloping public lands for eco- Department activity. the dam. water supply for the city of San nomic growth and energy It is thought that the idea for Most quoted of Muir 's impas- Francisco, which had become supplies than preserving areas for the Hetch Hetchy project arose sioned outbursts was "Dam scenic beauty and recreation. in the Secretary's mind after he Hetch Hetchy! As well dam for The famous valley before it was Since the Secretary's proposal attended the decommissioning water-tanks, the people 's cathe- dammed and, inset, John Muir . :'OSEMITE ASSOCLTION, FALL 1937 PAGE THREE A WATER AND POWER STRUGGLE serious in its quest for additional ite Valley, Hetch Hetchy has The floor of the valley before deal of study." water sources as early as 1901 and many of its striking natural fea- its flooding was meadowlike, Yosemite Superintendent Jack singled out the Tuolumne River tures, both gorges having been covered with grasses and wild- Morehead greeted Mr. Hodel's as a possibility. The disastrous sculpted by the grinding of flowers. and with stands of tall idea with enthusiasm . "From the 1906 earthquake and fire found glaciers and erosion by rivers— pines and massive oaks. park's standpoint, it would be :he existing water supply in- the Tuolumne in Hetch Hetchy, Josiah Whitney, more than a another spectacular glacial granite adequate to subdue the flames, the Merced in Yosemite . The hundred years ago, called Hetch valley lined with waterfalls. " so the city pressed Congress hard walls of both are of gray granite Hetchy "'almost an-exact counter- Both California senators were :o authorize the dam, (now the and Hetch Hetchy's Kolana group part of the Yosemite . It is not somewhat vague in discussing only one of any significance in a of crags—2,300 feet in height— quite on so grand a scale . but if the proposal that could divide in- National Park). are a counterpart to Yosemite 's there were no Yosemite, the terest groups and constituencies The dispute raged along, with Cathedral Rocks . On the opposite Hetch Hetchy would be fairly en- in their state . Democratic Senator the opponents . principally the wall is a sheer 1,800 foot vertical titled to world wide fame ." Cranston said reclaiming Hetch Sierra Club, pretty well holding wall, similar to El Capitan. Hetch National Park Service Director Hetchy Valley sounds like "John their own until December 1913 Hetchy's waterfalls, Tueeulala William Penn Mott has expressed Muir's dream come true, how- when Mr. W R. Hearst's San Fran- and Wapama, parallel Yosemite a positive but perhaps cautious ever, any plan must fully compen- :iscoExa,nmr'r produced a 16 page Falls in height and volume . Ran- opinion on his boss 's proposal. sate San Francisco and provide edition supporting the project. cheria Creek spills into the Valley "The National Park Service of the city with the equivalent water That seems to have done it—for not unlike Tenaya Creek into Yo- course would like to have two Yo- and power." on that day the Raker Bill passed semite, while the Tuolumne semite Valleys . Whether this is a the Senate and President Wilson plunges in at the east end some- solution that can be achieved The dam under construction in 1914. promptly signed it. thing like Vernal Fall though not economically and feasibly is Elevation numbers are marked on Though not as large as Yosem- so high. something that will take a great the rockface . PAGE FOUR Y OSEMITE ASSOCIATION, FALL 1y ."- Republican Senator Pete Wil- If Mr. Hodel is sincere about Michael McCloskey some- national parks and the standards son said, "I don't think Secretary his intentions and the whole af- what cautiously allowed that Mr. for their protection. Hodel's proposal can be taken fair isn't a political red-herring as Hodel's current proposal to re- Among other conservation- seriously until . we find an alter- some have suggested, designed store the Hetch Hetchy Valley oriented groups there was not native source of water for San to make the administration look was a welcome one . Mr. McClos- complete agrement with Secre- Francisco ." better in the eyes of conser- key claims that San Francisco tary Hodel 's idea. National Parks But Democratic Congressman vationists, there are scores of won't go thirsty or without and Conservation head Paul Richard Lehman, whose district questions to be answered and power, having storage rights in Pritchard stated that his group ini- includes Yosemite National Park, considerations to be reckoned Don Pedro Dam downstream on tially had opposed the idea, but called it a "visionary idea" and with in the assessment of the Tuolumne and the ability to after meeting with Mr. Hodel de- said he believed the Secretary was whether or not to raze take its drinking water from the cided that the Secretary was sin- sincere in proposing it . 'This is O'Shaughnessy Dam. Politicians reservoir which is close to the cere. Mr. Pritchard plans to start something environmentalists may do a little backing and filling city's aqueduct. He states that building a constitutency among have wanted since the dam went and jockeying for attention, but power is no problem, since north- the members. up: tear it down . How do you op- there 's no room for compromise. ern California utilities are awash George Frampton, Jr. of the pose him [Mr. Hodel] just explor- The dam stays or goes.
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