A A j i V • f' Aywago Daily N«t Pn w Rnn ;,,.¥ For the Week Ended April 10, m s Tiio WsathsT Fsreeaat of t . I . Wdnthor SanM 13,974 Showers tonight.,, Low In thg . Itanber o< «l» AnAt SO’a. Tneaday oloudy- with r**""?!’ s. ftirean o( Oraalattoa ot ehowera late In tho dny. IHpll' Manchettmr^A City of Village Charm around 70. ▼OL. LRXXn, NO. 196 Mi Fngn 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY SO, 1968 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Bomb in Auto Integration State N ew s Jars Montreal Broadening Roundup Laconic Space Pilot At Tulane Weekend Crashes MONTREAL (AP)—A vio-t I'O** Friday, polico discovered low. tent explosion today demolish­ "i bombs plantedlianted In mall boxes, NEW ORLEANS, La. Claim Five Lives ed one car, damaged two A demolition expert, Sgt.-MaJ. (AP) — Tulane University, Ip’a milglv- Walter Leja, was critically in­ which ended a 129-year seerre- :a niMwsr others, hurled wreckage for jured when one of the bombs blew By THE ASeOOIA’TED PRESS dMMrtbM gation policy this semester by Just Relaxing up as he was removing It from a oa. poekat M yards and'^broke windows It was another costly week­ » private homes a block mall box. He la la a Montreal quietly admitting 11 Negroes hospital. end on Connecticut’s high­ away. for graduate work, indicated ways, as five persons were today integration may come iMrntaC » No one was injured In the blast, OTTAWA (AP) — Terrorist fatally injured in accidents. wrlir oosta in back of tho armory of the Roy- , (R) threats to bomb Ottawa hotels next on th e, college level— The worst was a amashup on In­ Stock Market vt » ,^ ^ d la n -Mechanical and brought increased security w e- perhaps by the fall. terstate Rt. 91 in Hartford Sun­ Electrical Engineers. cautlons today as top-ranking lUp- A spokesman disclosed that' the day in which two persons were A cco la d e s Firemen said damage was eo huna, Jana lomats continued arriving in the New Orleans university — rated killed and another critically In­ Held Under irlow cuaat ^ v y that It appeared possible Canadian capital for the minister­ as one of the Deep ekiuth's top jured. a hnaband were was rndTe than one bomb. ial meeting of the North Atlantic academic InstltuUons — has re The victims were Richard Ca- fa thalldo- OTt an army spokesman said tho To Resume /i Vir him br Treaty Organisation. ceived several Negro undergradU' passo, 20, of Hartford and Mrs. Anti-Trust Law u m a g e was caused by a single Among those due in today were ate applications. He said they prob­ Ludivia Blaln, 70, of Falrvlew Shaw bomb placed under tho engine of U.S. Secretary of State Dean ably number imder 10. He would Mass. ’ Mlnatrala one o f the cars. The damaged WASHINGTON (AP) — The aaU; Frad Rusk, British Foreign Secretary not say if ahy has been accepted. Capasso was driving north on T om orr o w .nnlnc and cars, all owned by civilians, were Supreme Court ruled today that i Lord Hoipe and French Foreign The Negro students are seeking the superhighway when hls car the Securities Exchange Act does ■ In a dairy parking lot next to tho Mlnisteer Maurice Couve de Mur- admission next faH to the men’s crossed the center esplanade and armory. not give the New York Stock Ex­ CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. maa Staw* vllle. undergraduate school, Tulane's was struck by a car in which Mrs. change immunity from antiturst lall craat, The armory had 40 broken wln- The meeting begins Wednesday. College of Arts and Sciences, and Blain was a passenger. (AP)—With two days of ex­ 'ln( a Me » w panes, slight damage to aome laws. A number of hotels received an­ to Newcomb College, the uni­ Capasso’s passenger, Robert Lu­ The practical effect of the 7-2 aminations, questions and tker aad ■t®®! window frames, and broken onymous letters during the week­ versity’s exclusive women’s col bas, 20, also of Hartford, was seri­ telephone and power lines. decision is to restrict the confetti behind him, Astro­ end saying hotels housing NATO lege. ously hurt. exchange’s regulatory p ow er- Police did not immediately at­ delegates would be blown up. The contrast the Tulane scene George E. Shufelt, 49, of Plain- naut (5ordon Cooper planned tribute blame for the eocplosion. through concerted action by its I It was assumed the threats presents to the pattern of Deep ville was struck and killed on members—over dealings in secu­ to do absolutely nothing: to­ matt, Wal* However, a recent series of ex­ came from the FLQ (Quebec Lib­ South college integration Is that Farmington Ave. In Plainvllle rities. day except relax. plosions at Canadian army and eration Front), the underground most desegregation situations around midnight Saturday. Justice Goldberg, delivering the 'niat’s something that comaa federal buildings In Montreal has group that wants to separate have occurred at low-cost state The driver of the car, Paul easy to a man who can doze off been blamed on the outlawed sep­ court’s majority opinion, .said "the French-speaking Quebec {u-ovlnce universities. ’Tulane is a private Swanson, 44, of Plainvllle, was antitrust laws are peculiarly ap­ - while perched atop a rocket eet aratist group called the Quebec from Canada. The FLQ has institution where tuition alone charged with negligent homicide. t to blast him into space. Liberation Front. propriate as a check upon anti­ clatimed credit for a number of runs 11,400 a year. Another pedestrian, Louis Heu- competitive acts of exchanges Asked at, a news conference The armory la in a predomi­ bombings in the past few months Other Negroes are seeking ad­ ser, 27, of Danbury, was fatally In- Sunday if he thought hls fli^ t nantly French-speaking district of which conflict with their duty to in Montreal. So far its violence mission in the fall to the Gradu­ jiu-ed on Rt. 7 In New Milford keep their operations and those of concluded Project Mercury, Coop­ a ac Uaaa> Montreal. Previous bombings early Saturday. has been confined to Quebec prov- ate School and University College, their members honest and via­ f ^ er replied that it was hls personal have been in predominantly Eng­ ble." opinion that great gain would lish-speaking dlstricU. (Oontlnued on Page Eight) (Continued on Page Seven) . come from an extended Mercury Wanted by Police At the same time, Goldberg said flight. ^ aHClIidty HARTFORD (A P) — The chief it was clear that there must be BuiM vw of the Hartford Detective Division some method of telling a protest­ Then he tossed the question to i) taQai said today there is an 18-State ing noiunember of the exchange Dr. Robert C. Seamans, associate administrator of the National Aer­ ir Bart Actress Jailed alarm out for the capture of E3d- "why a rule is being Invoked and t a wttd ward J. Austin, 4S, of Hartford. allowing him to reply In explana­ onautics and Space Administra­ iMJartcet Oapt. Thomas Hankard said tion of his position.” tion. ’a "Wida “ We are faced with a decision On Race Walk^ Austin is wanted in connection In New York, the stock ex­ iS (7 :30- with several incidents that oc­ change and three large members in the next week or so on another O ot 3B, curred here and in Winsted on had no immediate comment. Mercury flight,’’ Seamans said, Gets Applause Sunday. Justice Stewart dissented with but said it is quite unlikely an­ HanUard said Austin’s estranged an opinion In which Justice Har­ other Mercury manned mission wife, Adeline, was missing and lan joined, making the court’s will be conducted. ATTALLA, Ala. (AP) —As a prSbably was with Austin against vote 7-2. "The longer you keep Mercury V racial demonstrator, actress Ma­ her will. Stewart said the court’s answer personnel working on Mercury deleine Sherwood won applause According to police, Austin to the problem "is both unsatis­ flights, the longer you delay put­ • a l I from Negro spectators and a trip forced his wife and Luigi Sardelli, factory and incomplete.” ting them on the Gemini pro­ to an Alabama Jail with 10 other gram,” he said. 23, of 84 Oxford St., IMo his car Stewart protested that he c "Freedom Marchers.” after they emerged from the thought the court erred In using Tuesday the laconic Oklahoman They were arrested Sunday be­ Caithedral of St. Joseph Sunday the antitrust laws "to serve ends with the Huck Finn grin will re­ side U.S. 11 at the spot where morning. that they were never intended to Frog Lfcaps to Fame ceive the National Aeronatucs and Baltimore postman William L. He drove to Winsted where he serve—to enforce the court’s con­ Space Administration’s Distin­ “Repo” is the 1963 international frog jump champion after hop­ guished Service medal from Presi­ Moore was shot to death April 24. parked in the rear of the ’Tiffany cept of fair procedures under a ping 13 feet 4 Inches yesterday In the annual contest that has its Moore was walking to Jackson, and Pickett Lumiber Co., tied Sur- totally unrelated statute." dent Kennedy at a ceremony hi origin in Mark ’Twain’s famous short story. ‘"The celebrated the White House Rose Garden. Miss., where he hoped to present delli’s hanebs and feet with tape. Stewart and Harlan said they Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.” Here “ Repo” is urged on by hls integration views to Gov.
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