Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091 MECHANISM OF CHAKRAS IN SURYANAMASKAR AND ITS BENEFITS: A CONCEPTUAL STUDY Nitin Sharma1, Neha Udainiya2 1PG Scholar, Bal Roga Department, 2PG Scholar, Shareer Rachana Department National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India ABSTRACT The physical body is the reservoir of energy field. A continuous energy exchange takes place between the environment and the human body which is responsible for health and wellbeing of the human body. Chakras are considered to be a point or nexus of metaphysical and biophysical energy of the human body. As Healthy body –mind complex is the goal of all therapies. One such therapy mentioned in ayurveda is Astanga Yoga. Suryanamaskar is one of the most important Yogasana. Its practice makes the Chakras, the points of focus, opens them and evokes the positive effects of a particular Chakra which makes body healthy. The present study is an effort to explore out the mechanism of Chakras in Suryanamaskar. Keywords: Energy field, Chakras, Suryanamaskar. INTRODUCTION The physical body is the reservoir various ways and means through which of energy. According to quantum physi- one can overcome these hurdles. Healthy cists what we perceive as solid matter is body –mind complex is the goal of all actually 99.99% empty space filled with therapies. Out of numerous therapies men- energy. Western medicine described our tioned in ayurveda, one such therapy is physical system in terms of chemistry and that of Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga Yoga said that for any chemical action to take means eight limbed Yoga and it is an au- place a change in electromagnetic energy thentic practice that can lead to liberation of the body or aura must occur. and greater awareness of our spiritual po- A scientist had verified that there are two tential. The eight limbs are yama, niyama, primary electrical systems in the physical asana, Pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, body. The first is the alternating electrical dhyana, Samadhi. Of these the third limb, current of the nervous system and brain asana is the most important for us to prac- which governs our muscles, hormones and tice. Though in appearance an external and physical sensations. The second is a con- physical discipline, through consistent ef- tinuous, electromagnetic radiation coming fort we find many layers, more and more off our atoms which allows for an energy subltle which need to be experienced di- exchange between individual and their en- rectly and can lead to the experience of the vironments. last four limbs. Suryanamaskar is one of So there is an existence of the en- the most important Yogasana. It builds ergy body which has a relation to the foundational energy and concentration for health and well being of the physical body. the rest of the practice. Any therapy is first Physical diseases and mental ailments are applied on the physical body, ultimately hurdles in the way of longevity. There are affects the mind. So, different therapies Nitin Sharma& Neha Udainiya: Mechanism Of Chakras In Suryanamaskar And Its Benefits: A Conceptual Study worked out the anatomy. For this we cy of vibration as the earth’s energy field. should have the knowledge of energy field, When humans live close to nature, their Prana and Prana centres (Chakras). The energy fields are in synchrony with the Chakras are not physical. They are aspects energy field of the earth, so they experi- of consciousness in the same way as the ence more balanced and better health. auras are aspects of consciousness. The HUMAN ENERGY FIELD: Chakras are more dense than the auras, but We are essentially electromagnetic beings not as dense as the physical body. They composed of tiny particles of energy and interact with the physical body through information pulsating and spinning at a two major vehicles, the endocrine system high rate of speed. At the highest frequen- and the nervous system. Each of the seven cy of vibration each form of living matter Chakras is associated with one of the sev- is interconnected as our particles dance en endocrine glands, and also with a group and spin apart. At the lowest frequencies of nerves called a plexus. Thus, each they come closer together manifesting in Chakra can be associated with particular the density of the physical bodies. parts of the body and particular functions So, human energy field forms the inter- within the body controlled by that plexus face reacting with the physical cellular sys- or that endocrine gland associated with tems of the human physical body. When that Chakra. Here an effort has been made the energy field is in balance and in har- to explore out the interaction of Shad mony the physical body will experience Chakras with the body on the stimulation optimal health. happened by different postures while per- PRANA: forming Suryanamaskar. Prana the vital is the power necessary for MATERIALS &METHODS: the pursuit at any discipline or sadhana. All the information and literature Prana is the type of vayu that ensures life have been taken from the ayurvedic sam- to all creatures by its presence in the body hitas and other than ayurvedic samhitas, and whose departure causes death. modern medical books, journals and vari- It is an invisible energy that makes every- ous websites. thing possible, a kind of primordial glue, UNIVERSAL ENERGY FIELD: which associates many internal factors and The universal energy field is a vast, cosmic might be the basis of electromagnetic en- sea of endless possibilities and infinite ergy. The flow of energy known as Prana wisdom, the source of all and extending is a continuous process which gives vitali- infinitely beyond the human measure. This ty to the body. Prana is related to mind, universal field, source of all, or God is the through mind to the will, through will to ultimate living being bringing forth and the individual soul and through this to the staying connected to every other living supreme power. thing. Prana supports the buddhi, hridya, indri- EARTH ENERGY FIELD: ya and chitta. Breath is the external mani- The earth’s natural electromagnetic field festation of Prana. By exercising, control has a frequency measured as about over breath, manas is controlled. 7.8Hz.When people meditate and calm VIBRATION & LIVING MATRIX: their brains emit alpha frequencies of 7 to The human body may be seen as frequen- 9 Hz. Thus when the human brain is in a cies that produce an energy field around relaxed state then it has the same frequen- the body. The living matrix is a continuous 2505 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 8; August- 2015 Nitin Sharma& Neha Udainiya: Mechanism Of Chakras In Suryanamaskar And Its Benefits: A Conceptual Study and dynamic “supramolecular webwork draw in this energy to keep the spiritual, extending into every hook and crany of the mental, emotional and physical health of body. These Chakras can be considered as the body in balance. a tuned circuit via which one may tap the The Chakra system originated in India energy of the cosmos and produce magnet- more than four thousand years ago. Chak- ic current flow in the etheric circuit via ras were referred in the ancient literature delton coupling and these electric currents of the Vedas, the later Upanishads, the Yo- are caused to flow in the physical body and ga Sutras of Patanjali , and most thor- then back flow to the environment. So, oughly in the 16th century by an Indian both subtle and environmental energies act yogi in a text called the Sat-Chakra- on the Chakras as current or waves affect- Nirupana. In the 1920s, Chakras were ing system in the body and the functioning brought to the west by Arthur Avlon with of the Chakras. his book, “The Serpent Power”. Human body and energy field as a living . In new age practices, each Chakra is matrix, pulsing and interconnected in a often associated with a certain color. In system that is affected by other human sys- various traditions Chakras are associated tems and energies that surround all matter. with multiple physiological functions, an This system is very delicate and can go out aspect of consciousness, a classical ele- of balance or became diseased due to men- ment, and other distinguishing characteris- tal, emotional, physical or spiritual block- tics. They are visualised as lotuses/flowers ages of the energy centres or Chakras. with a different number of petals in every CHAKRAS: Chakra. The philosophical theories and models of The shakta theory of Chakras postulates Chakras as centers of energy were identi- seven Chakras. These are called the Mu- fied through the mystical practice of Yoga ladhara or “Root Support” at the base of in ancient India where they were first codi- the spine with four “petals”, the fied. Swadhisthana or “Own abode” at the root The word “Chakras” is derived from the of the genitals with six, the Manipura or Sanskrit word Chakra meaning “wheel” or “Fullness of Jewels” at the level of the na- circle more generally refers to a spinning vel with ten “petals”, the Anahata or “Un- sphere of bioenergetic activity emending struck Melody” at the heart-centre with from the major nerve ganglia, branching twelve, the Vishuddha or “Complete Puri- forwards from the spinal column because ty” at the throat with sixteen, and finally circle itself symbolizes endless rotation of the Ajna or “Guru’s command” at the brow shakti. They are considered as loci of en- with two “petals”. The crown centre, the ergy or Prana, also called shakti, qi (Chi- sahasrara-Padma or Thousand Petalled nese; ki in Japanese), bios (greek) and ae- Lotus, located at the very top of the head, ther (English), which is thought to flow is technically speaking not a Chakra at all, among them along pathways called nadis.
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