LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 11-MJMBER 203 LONG BRANCH, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1912. 12 PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS DEMENTED WOMAN EXHIBITS AT FIFTH WITH KNIVES TRIES ANNUAL COUNTY FAIR THROWS GIRL IN LAKE Engine Touches Dress of Girl Driver of Auto Which Startled ,. At Highlands Before Being ATTACK TAFT BREAK ALL RECORDS Horse Jumps Over Railing Stopped. To Rescue. Throw Into an hypnotic state of rig- Woman Arrested As She Tries to Enter Elevator Racing Is a Feature of Big Red Bank Show-Gov- Frightened by a passing automobile, idity as ehe saw an express train bear- a horse being driven across the bridge . ing down i on her, Mamie Seward, a over Deal lake, leading to Loch Ar- twelve-year-old Brooklyn girl e»eaperi With President In Cincinnati Hotel Declares enor Wilson To Be a Visitor Tomorrow Af- >our, by a young lady, said to be a death by less than an inch Tuesday at- Accused of Manslaughter As \1I»B I'liiiiips Qf Allenhurst, yesterday. ternoon and is now under the care of She Wahti to Give Chief Executive ternoon On "Farmer's Day" And hrow the HKIII runabout against the a physician in a serious nervous, state. Result of Death of Red side of tbe bridge and tie young lady The engine touched the girl's diretaa went head Drat over tbe railing and when it was brought io a slop, She "The Sacred Knife" Sank Minister's Wife, Make An Address nto title water. The drlyer ot the auto, stood, between the Hacks until t&4 en- William Powell, proprietor of an auto Who Was Hurled Out tin- at Aabury Park, slopped his gineer, Robert Fleck, picked her up. biiB, Ohio, Aug. 29.—An at- machine, vaulted over tho bridge's rail Fleck jumped from the engine and, tempted attack on President Taft here TOMORROW'S PROGRAM At Curve and swan to tbe young lady's rescue. as he raised the girl, fojiad<herae rigid today for the Ohio-Columbus Centen- as a board, her eyes .set in an unwink- ATHLETIC SPORTS Band concert by Royal Victor Tbo water was not very deep and he nial was made by a suppottedly insane William P. Wolcott. of Great Bar- band In Exhibition hill from soon reached shallow water and waded ing gaze at the engine. He carried her womaa^in the Southern Hotel within rington, Mvrsri., motorman of the trol- 10 o'clock a. m. to 12 o'clock o shore with h*r without much dim to one side of the track, where there an hour and a half after the Preni- ley ear from which Mrs. Lillian <Rogan noon. The afternoon concert culty. The iliorsn stopped when It be- was a number of wooien who had -been arrival in the city today. Secret wife of the Rev. James W. Rogan, pas- attracted by the continuous -blowing of UTS. S. will be held In front of the came wedged betweon the auto and Service men caught and arrested the tor of the Red Bank First Presbyterian grandstand at 1 o'clock. he side of the bridge. the whistle. woman before she was able to lay church, was hurled out and instantly Horse show in paddock 1.30 The young lady was driving south Asfaed by one of the women why she hands on the President. killed on Tuesday afternoon, July 30th, 'opular Recreation Place To Methodist and Presbyterian o'clock to 5 o'clock p. m. across the bridge. Tbe bridge plank- had remained on the track, ihr girl The woman, who gave her name as on the outskirts of Great Harrington, Governor Wood row Wilson, of HI; are loose, and the Powell auto go- was able to say only, "I could not Caroline Boers, of Greenville, Ohio, at- tiHE been held under 11,500 bonds on Entertain Public On The Night Sunday School Scholars Take New Jeruy, will arrive at the ng over tliem caused a noise Him. move." She was lakeu to the cottage tempted to enter the same elevator the charge of manslaughter, It Is grounds about 2.3b o'clock, es> fruHvtenpd the lioraiv The nulmul where 'her parents, arc living and a with President Taft as he was about charged that the trolley car was driven Of September 13th. Part in Outdoor Games. corted by the Second Troop, ot bolted and swerved to one side, tho lj i>>•'!('Jan was Isummoned. to enter the breakfast room. When (oo rapidly around the curve where Red Bank. wagon crashing against the rail with The train, running from Anbury searched, two pocket knives were ihe accident happened. The officers and directors of Wash- Speed contests at 2 o'clock In- »«eh force that the young lady was Park to 'Atlantic Highlands, wae at a found hidden In the folds of her dress. The picnic of the Simpson and Pres- ngton Park Association at Us meeting The hearing was held yesterday in cluding 2.30 pace and 2.22 trot; thrown out. distance of nearly a half-mile from The woman was seen about Hie hotel byterian Sunday Schools Tuesday was asi night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i lit District Court at Barrington. Wol- very successful event. The Simp- purse, $300 each. After lining taken from (tie,inter 'Miller street when Fleck saw the girl yesterday, and today when she tried R. •Cutch.eon, 75 Washington street, cott pleaded not guilty to the charge, son school joined the' Presbyterian at Aeroplane flights morning he young lady refused to glre bar standing on the track at £he crossing. to get into the same elevator with ©elded to give another concert In the The coroner's jury found that Mrs. he corner of Chelsea and Third ave- and afternoon, weather permit- nme and would not allow (he auto He blew the whlstie and, when lie saw Taft she was immediately arrested park on the night of September 13th, Rogan's death was caused by a frac- iues, and tho whole company, under iwiior to drive lver;ta,!ier»ip]til), though that the girl remained on the track, She told the police she wanted to give •'"«• . , , wo weeks from tomorrow night. The uretl skull, due to Wolcotl's running in- lead of drum and fifes, marched !»• did permit htm to take B«r to a threw on the emergency brake.- At the president the "sacred knife." Vaudeville and circui acts In music will be furnished by the Long he car boo fast and held be was guilty o the station. A special train of five I'ninurniit on Main atrea), AUenhursI, the same time the fireman dumped the front of grandstand at 4 o'clock. Secret service detectives F. C. John- Jranch Military Band, and in connec- of manslaughter. The trial is to be cars conveyed the nlcnickerB to Point whffp sho romMnnd until dry. alathlUK son, of Pittaburg, and Ollie Hamer, of ion wibh t)he concert an outdoor Ses- leld i» the near future. Peasant. wa* procured for ber. Columbus, made the arrest. lval will be held. The iaoci(0*nfl, which caused deep One of the leading features, next The fifth Annual Exhibition of the "I am the President's wife," shouted regret and sympathy in Red Bank and i the hearty dinner, was a furious Monmouth County Agricultural Fair The directors beard the report of Association at Red Bank is now under the woman when she was stopped. he treasnrer, which was very gralify- icinlty, occurred on the day that Rev. game of ball played by On* men who QUEEN ELIZABETH IV.'I am following him to see if he Is and Mrs. Rog»n had left Red Bank to were going to show the people ''how way, and well does this year's fair, an ns. while the park speaks In words ver, merit the well*degerved appel- true to me. I have a sacred knife hat cannot be misunderstood. It is ipend a few weeks' vacation In tra- we played when we were boya." Well, which I am going to give him." The rersing the trolley routes In Massa- of all games over played! It w»s atlon of the "Blue Ribbon Fair of 1 he perfection of neatness, the only lomething wonderful. The way Mr. Vew Jersey." From the general ap- woman was rushed to the city prison drawback being the bad boya w*io con- chusetts. La Monte and Mr. Dare handled the earance ot the tslr grounds, the pres- ENTERTAINS COURT where she was searched and the gregate there nights and do damage. The funeral services over her re- knives found. Both were pocket maius was tho first one ever held in >at was somewhat startling. Th» on nt show will be greater than ever. Superintendent Worthley has the ookers stood imased, not knowing 'he large general tent Is literally BUILKDIS knives, one with a three inch blade. he handsome new edifice of thfl Red tames of the younaters and they will packed to the roof." Automobiles, Miss Crum Hostess at a De- The woman had about $200 on her per- i;itik Presbyterians and was one of which way to flee. At times it looked a "jacked up" good and strong at the i if the ball eould hardly get by with- llanos, and the wares of the manu- son. he largest ev*t held in the borough. further Report To Be Received kr«t oportunKy. out hitting the bat, but by a shrewd- acturing fraternity in general, are lightful Evening Party at Her In later interviews with the Chief The interment was _ near Johnson President A.
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