Elizabeth BOl1Jen A BIBLIOGRAPHY by J'NAN M. SELLERY and WILLIA MO. HARRIS I I I Humanities Research Center THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN " '\ CONTENTS Copyright © 1981 by "nan M. Sellery and William o. Harris Introduction 7 L. C. Card Number: 78-52676 Acknowledgments 11 ISBN: 0-87959-080-7 Abbreviations A Books and Pamphlets by Elizabeth Bowen 19 B Contributions by Elizabeth Bowen to Books and Pamphlets 101 C Contributions by Elizabeth Bowen to Periodicals 129 --w Goo -~~) D Translations 192 E Manuscripts by Elizabeth Bowen \ O~ 1~S·7 Books and Pamphlets 199 '::~ c\ '---\ Contributions to Books and Periodicals 216 .Miscellaneous, Unfinished, and Unpublished Items 226 \~Y~J Miscellaneous Items about Elizabeth Bowen 235 Letters from Elizabeth Bowen 237 Letters to Elizabeth Bowen 260 A11404 240914 F RadIO and Television Productions and Appearances .Productions 274 Appearances 280 G Anthologies 286 H Books, Pamphlets, Dissertations, and Theses about Blizabeth Bowen 295 I Periodical Articles about (or partially about) Elizabeth Bowen J Obituaries Appendix: Contracts Frontispiece: a snapshot of Elizabeth Bowell taken ill 1946 Selective Index by Alfred Kllopf. Used by permissioll. Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries ABBREVIATIONS AmerRey American Review [replaced Book­ man after March 1933] Among Our Books Among Our Books [in Pittsburgh Monthly Bulletin, a publication of the Pittsburgh Carnegie Li­ brary] ArchR Architectural Review Atlantic Atlantic Monthly [1857-1959]; The Atlantic [1959 +] ArQ Arizona Quarterly BA Books Abroad B&B Books and Bookmen BD British Digest BETrans Boston Evening Transcript BOMCNews Book-of-the-Month Club News BufJEN · BufJalo Evening News CanF Canadian Forum CathW Catholic World ChCent' Christian Century ChiDTrib Chicago Daily Tribune ChiST Chicago Sun-Times ChiSTrib Chicago Sunday Tribune ChScM Christian Science Monitor ChScMM Christian Science Monitor Maga- zine ColD Collllnbus Dispatch COS [Cleveland] Open Shelf CSllnBW [Chicago Sun] Book Week CTribMB [Chicago Tribune] Magazine of Books CTribBW [Chicago Tribune] Book World EB Reviews [book review column written by Elizabeth Bowen in Tatler and Bystander under the titles, 'Eliza­ beth Bowen's Bookshelf', 'Eliza­ beth Bowen's Book Reviews', and 'Elizabeth Bowen Reviewing Books'] EJ English Journal F&C Forul/! and Century Guardian Manchester Guardian 15 (~ .. HopR Hopkins Review PlQB, [Pratt Institute Library] Quarter­ ItalQ Italian Quarterly ly Booklist JO'LW John O'London's Weekly SatN Saturday Night Kirkus Kirklls Bookshop Service [1940s- SatRev SahlTday Review of Literature 1967 J; Kirklls Service [1967- [New York, 1924-1951J; Sat­ 1969J; Kirklls Reviews [1969+ J lII'day Review [1951+] LJ Library Journal SatRevPLSA Saturday Revie'w of Politics, Lit­ ManGW Manchester GllardianWeekly emtu1'e, Science and A1't ManG&EN Manchester Guardian and Evening [London, 1855-1930J; Satm'­ News day Review [1930-1938] N&A Nation & Athenaeum SFChron San Francisco Chronicle NLB National Library for the Blind SFChronTWM [San Francisco ChronicleJ This [London] World Magazine NAmerR North American Review SpRep Springfield Republican [Springfield, NCDN North Carolina Daily News Mass,J NCF Nineteenth-Centllry Fiction SR Sewanee Review N&D Night & Day Tatler Tatler [1901-1940]; Tatler and New Statesman New Statesman h913-1931]; New Bystander [1940+] Statesman and Nation [1931+] T (rev) Tatler [book reviews by Elizabeth NewSt (rev) New Statesman [book reviews by Bowen in Tatler and Bystander Elizabeth Bowen] which do not appear in the 'EB NY New Yorker Reviews' columnsJ NYEPost New York Evening Post T&T Time and Tide NYEPostLR [New York Evening PostJ Literary TLS Times Literary Supplement Review VQK Virginia Quarterly Review NYHTB [New York Herald TribuneJ Books WD World Digest of Current Fact and [1924-1943]; Weekly Book Re­ Comment view [1943-1949]; Book Review WiscLB· Wisconsin Library Bulletin [1949-1960]; Book Week WWGaz Weekly Westminster Gazette [1960- 1967] YR Yale Review NYRB New York Review of Books NYTBR New York Times Book Review NYTimes New York Times NYWorld New York World [1860-1931] ObsWeekRev Observer Weekend Review 0&1 Olltlook and Independent [London Olltlook merged with Indepen­ dent on 24 Oct. 1928J Outlook The Outlook: A Weekly Review [New York, 1880-1928] Outlook (London) Outlook, A Weekly Review of Pol­ itics, A rt, Literature and Filial/ce [London] PIBR [Philadelphia Inquirer] Book Re­ view 17 A BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS BY ELIZABETH BOWEN Al ENCOUNTERS 1923 a. First edition: Encounters: Stories I by Elizabeth Bowen I London: Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd. I 3 Adam Street, Adelphi, W.e. 1923 Col/ation: 7* x 5'\-"; [AP B-08; pp. [8], 1-203 [204-208]. [.l]: half title. [2]: publisher's advertisement. l3]: the title page. [4]: blank. [5]: To M.J.' [6]: blank. [7]: contents. [8]: blank. 1-[204]: text. [204], at bottom: The Westminster Press I 411a Harrow Road I London W.g'. [205]: publisher's device. [206-208]: publisher's advertisements. Binding: Bound in vivid dark greenish blue (175) cloth lettered across the spine in gold: '[triple rule] I ENCOUNTERS I ELIZABETH I BOWEN I SIDGWICK I & JACKSON I [triple rule]'. On the front cover in gold: '[within an ornamental design of frames] Encounters I Elizabeth Bowen'. .., ' Dust jacket: Enti.re wrapper' in light olive gray (1l2) paper. Front:;:(,-.. i '[triple-ruled frame in black (267)] ENCOUNTERS: I Stories by I"· ELIZABETH BOWEN I CONTENTS I Breakfast I Daffodils I The Re- turn I The Confidante I Requiescat I All Saints I The New House I Lunch I The Lover I Mrs. Windermere I The Shadowy Third i The Evil that Men do - I Sunday Evening I Coming Home I LONDON: SIDG­ WICK :& JACKSON, Ltd.' Spine: '[triple rule] I Encounters: I Stories by I Elizabeth I Bowen I 5/- I net I Sidgwick I & Jackson I [triple rule]'. Back: '[within a single-rule frame] UNIFORM WITH THIS VOLUME I [rule across] I [reference and reviews on the following four books] Third Impression I The Celestial Omniblls: and other Stories by E. M. Forster, The Temple 0/1 the Hill. A Tale of Transyll'ania by Eisa de SZ3SZ, The Third Miss Symons by F. M. Mayor, and Vain Oblations: and other Stories by Katharine F. Gerould I [rule across] I LONDON: SIDGWICK & JACKSON, LTD.' Front and back flaps are blank. Contents: 'Breakfast'. Reprinted in A20 and A28. 'Daffodils'. Reprinted in A20, The Return'. Reprinted in A2o, The Confidante'. Reprinted in A20. 'Requiescat'. Reprinted in A20. 'All Saints'. Reprinted in A20. Published in anthology, Gl. The New House'. Reprinted in A20. 'Lunch'. Reprinted in A20. The Lover'. Reprinted in A20. 'Mrs, Windermere'. Reprinted in A20, The Shadowy Third'. Reprinted in A20. Published in anthology, G2. Celtic device in deep reddish orange (36)] 1 THE CUALA Bind~ng: Bound in very deep red (14) cloth, the spine lettered in gold: PRESS 1 DUBLIN IRELAND 1 MCMXLII [v~rtlcally up] 'Seven Winters'. On the front cover in gold: 'Seven WlIlters I by I Elizabeth Bowen I Longmans'. Collation: 8t x 5i"; [a]4 b-i4; pp. [8], [1] 2-57 [58-64]. [1-4]: blank. [5]: title page. [6---8]: blank. [1]-57: text. [58]: blank. Dusl ja~ket: Pale yellow (89) cover lettered in deep reddish orange (36). [59]: [in red] 'Here ends "Seven Winters" by I ,Elizabeth Bowen. Four F"ront: SEVEN I WINTERS I by I ELIZABETH BOWEN I [small de­ hun- I dred and fifty copies of this I book, of which four hundred I ~ig~] Memories of I A DUBLIN CHILDHOOD'. Spine: [vertically up) and forty are for sale, have been I set in Caslon type, and printed I Elrzabeth Bowen-SEVEN WINTERS'. Back has blurbs on 'BOWEN'S by Esther Ryan and Maire Gill, I on paper made in Ireland, and I , , COURT' by LiverpooL Daily Post, SlInday Times, Listener, and New published by the Cuala Press, I 46 Palmerston Road, Dublin, I Ireland. ~talesman. Front flap has a blurb on the contents; back flap has a 29- Finished in the last I week of August, nineteen hun- I dred and forty lme blurb on BBC program 'BRITAIN CALLS THE WORLD'. two. I This is Number '. [60-64]: blank. l!0tes: Published 12 May 1943, at 3/6 in the United Kingdom and h.25 Binding: Quarter-bound in grayish yellow (90) cloth, with boards cov­ m Canada: Th: publ~sher declines to reveal the number of copies printed. ered in grayish yellow paper. The spine is lettered in black (267) on a Transcnbed m Bratlle 1943, in NLB. paper label: [vertically up] 'SEVEN WINTERS BY ELIZABETH For the First American edition, see A25. BOWEN'. On the front: 'SEVEN WINTERS I BY I ELIZABETH BOWEN'. Reviews: Desmond ShawecTaYlo~, New Statesman 25 (19 June 1943) :403-4 Dllst jacket: Unprinted glassine wrapper. M. J. MacM., Irish Press 13 (11 Aug. 1943):2 unsigned,-Spectator 171 (3 Sept. 1943) :226 Notes: Published, at 13/6, in late 1942, the colophon indicating comple­ Robert Speaight, Dllblin Review 213' (Oct.-Dec. 1943): 196 tion of the volume in late August, and the deposit receipt stamp in the British Library copy being dated 15 October 1942. Although the colophon states that the edition was limited to 450 copies, there are copies, extant A15 THE DEMON LOVER AND OTHER STORIES 1945 (as in the Sellery collection) which are unnumbered and inscribed 'out of series.' On 29 March 1971, the Irish University Press reprinted 257 copies by photolithography under its imprint, at $10.50. a. First edition: An excerpt was reprinted in The Bell (C129), another in WD (C211.1). TIffi 1 DEMON LOVER 1 and Other Stories 1 by 1 ELIZABETH Reviews: BOWEN 1 [publisher'sdevice] 1 JONATHAN CAPE 1 THIRTY unsigned, TLS #2126 (31 Oct. 1942) :539 BEDFORD SQUARE·I LONDON Naomi Royde Smith, T&T 24 (2 Jan. 1943):15 Desmond Shawe-Taylor, New Statesman 25 (19 June 1943) :403-4 Collatio,,: ~i x 4~';; [A]a B-M8; pp.
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