TELFED"=i VoI.VIII.No. 2 —Mar./Apr. 1982 TUVAL —YOUNG-AT-HEART KIBBUTZ A lively contingent of twenty young South Africans arrived in Israel in February — half are ollm, the other half students. All are Bogrei Habonlm. The young olim went straight to Kibbutz Tuval, a new settlement in the western Galil. where they were given a rousing welcome by all the members -the Anglo-Saxons including the twenty S. African olim already living there, and the Israeli-born alike. Tuval, perched on a rocky, windblown height, a real challenge to young idealists, celebrated its first birthday in January, 1982. Those who compare the fledgling kibbutz in its earliest days with the well-organized and fast-developing settlement of today, are impressed at the progress made in so short a time. This is indeed halutziut in the true Zionist spirit, in this instance made all the more inspiring by the fact that today's settlers represent the first Jews to come and live in this particular area of the Galil in almost one thousand years! Kibbutz Tuval, located in the Tefen Development Area in Western Galilee, is a few kilometres from Karmiel. Its present economy is based on the growing of spices and vegetables, the rearing of chickens and the export of hothouse plants. GREENTOURS oniona T R A V E L & T O U R S J i n " / ! ! n i U ' O ) Tel. 03-656 248 / 652 565 / 652566 JOHANNESBURG FROM $977 ON S.A.A. TRAVEL NOW — PAY LATER — 12 UNLINKED PAYMENTS EL AL GROUP FARES — LOW LOW FARES • TELEPHONE SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR RESERVATIONS • MERRICK OR JUDI WILL BE HAPPY TO ATTEND TO ALL YOUR TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS WITH OUR USUAL TOP QUALITY FRIENDLY PERSONAL SERVICE • IF YOUR TICKET IS BEING PAID FOR IN S.A.. WE CAN STILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR RESERVATIONS • WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OF KEITH PROWSE & CO. LTD. LONDON AND YOU CAN RESERVE ALL YOUR THEATRES/CONCERTS ETC IN LONDON, HERE IN ISRAEL AT NO EXTRA COST. TICKETS RECEIVED IN ISRAEL. PHONE US AND ASK FOR SABRINA. • LONDON HOTELS AT SPECIAL REDUCED RATES. REGULAR FLIGHTS AND CHARTERS — WE PLAN YOUR JOURNEY TO S U I T Y O U R P O C K E T MERRIpKSILBERMAN — Home Tel. 03-484 480 for urgent after hours travel service GREENTOURS TRAVEL 81 HAYARKON STREET TelAviv63903 TEL. 03-656248/652565/652566 2 4*1204 .>o >K"n ,a"ya OPPORTUNITY FOR SOUTHERN AFRICANS speakers which consisted of Zvi BItk, Merle K O H A V Y A I R Gutman, Olga Rahmelevltch, Sidney Shapiro, tova Shfmoni and itz Stein. The subjects covered The S.A. by the lectures dealt with stresses and strains of allya Zionist Federation and the adaptation process: the challenge of Zionism ( I s r a e l ) h a s in the space age; the challenge of volunteerism; dim reached an services and their utilisation; a look at Telfed's agreement with the Israel Lands regional committees, the S.A. oleh, the S.A. volunteer and their interaction; and an .action- Authority (Minhal M'karka'i Yisrael) oriented programme for Telfed regional committees and volunteers. The high standard of lectures and in terms of which participation made the seminar the success it was. 105 plots have The proceedings concluded with an address by been allocated to Telfed Chairman, Mr Hertzet Katz. the S.A. Zionist Federation for Southern African d i m a t t h e K o h a v CHANGE IN FINANCIAL REGULATIONS Y a i r D e v e l o p A F F E C T I N G B E Q U E S T S F R O M S O U T H ment. AFRICAN ESTATES K o h a v Y a i r i s s i t u a t e d 1 1 k m s n o r t h - e a s t o f K f a r A recent amendment to the Exchange Control Saba, adjacent to Kibbutz Eyal and near the Arab vil Regulations of South Africa has been effected. As a lage of Kalkiliya. The site.is situated on an elevated result, an amount of up to R5,000. per non-resident area overlooking the Sharon Valley with the coastline or Immigrant beneficiary, may be transferred abroad just in sight. through normal banking channels (i.e. through the The total area of Kohav Yair is approximately 1600 Commercial Rand as opposed to the Financial dunams on which some 1200 plots will be available Rand), provided that the legacy or distribution is from for building low-rise houses only. The plans allow for an estate of a person who. at the time of death, was plots of varying sizes ranging from 250 sq.metres to regarded as permanently resident in the Republic. 1000 sq. metres. At the present moment 500 plots have been allocated for building. Of these, 400 have been allocated to an Israeli group and 100 to the South African Zionist Federation. Prices are not yet available at time of going to press but it is hoped to have these available shortly. Registration for the plots allocated to the S.A.Z.F. has already started. A^lication Forms are available from the offices of the South African Zionist Federa tion, Clal House, 5 Oruyanov Street, Tel Aviv (near Dizengoff Circle),,or write to ROB 11556, 61114 Tel Aviv. A Registration Fee of IS 1500 must accom pany the completed application form. Those in terested In further information are asked to contact Jenny Phone 03-290131. KUTA SEMINAR "Really worthwhile!" "it'll assist us in our work!" "There should be more like It!" were some of the comments heard at the 2-day Klita Seminar for Volunteer Workers in Telfed's Regional Committees, * PURE BEEF BURGERS organised by Julius Jaffs, a member of the Telfed * CHICKEN * FISH Executive and chairman of Its Klita Committee, * HOT DOGS * SCHNITZEL together with staff members of the Aliya Dept. Partlc- pants came from the Greater Tel Aviv area, * MILK SHAKES . AND MORE Jerusalem, Haifa, Netanya. The Seminar, held at Telfed's Amishav complex Tel Avj*: 21 a Ben-Yehuda St * Tel Aviv: 67 on Feb. 25 and Mar 11, was designed to develop a Ibn Gvirol St. Tel Aviv: 109 Dizengoff St. * deeper awareness amongst volunteers of the stres Tel Aviv; Dolphinarium. •Tel Aviv: Dizengoff ses that occur within an oleh during the process of Centre * Ramat Hasharon: 35 Sokolov St. * acculturation, and to give volunteers a better under Raanana: 70 Ahuza St. * Melon: 46 Sokolov standing of the workings of Telfed and their role In St. * Kirlat Bialik: Haifa — Acco Road • relation to professional worker and oleh. Rishon LeZion: 78 Herzl St. • Netanya: 30 On both days the 55 volunteers and professional Herz! St. • staff participated in role-play sessions In which they gave practical expression to what had been learned from the excellent lectures presented by the panel of welcome to your hanU inisraei' united mixrtM bank ltd. the center for foreign b w e s t o r s t o u r i s t s a n a o ^ n 19 rothsehiid bivd. tel-aviv. phone: 03-65l692f 656145/6 if you want: ^ to open a time depo§it account earning competUitje interest income tax free in any foreign currency ^ a custodian savings account for your minor chlMren and grandchildren to exchange israel hands or your travellers chechs tchilc you visit israel advice and guidatwe for your in^stment plans ^ advice and guidance touHtrds altyah FOR ADVICE on how to negotiate your Financial Rands on the j most favourable terms, please consult our representative, Mr. L.F.G. Frankel, 4th Floor, The Stock Exchange, Johannesburg. OF PEOPLE AND EVENTS 1965, has been set up within the framework of the S A W R I T E R W t N S P R I Z E University's Samuel Mendel Melton Center for The Dulczin Prize, a new Jewish Education in the Diaspora. Hebrew University award for creative writing, is President Avraham Harman presided and presented each year to three reminisced about his association with Zvi Infeld recognised writers of literature in which went back to the 1930's. Other speakers were a foreign language. Recipients of Prof. Simon Herman, of the University's Institute of the first awards {end 1981) were Contemporary Jewry; Mr Israel Dunsky, Chairman writers in Russian. Yiddish and of the SAZF when Mr Infeld was its General Engiish — the latter, S.A. Secretary; Dr Meyer Kalz, a recent oleh, who was olah RIva Rubin (aliyah 1963). the headmaster of the Herziia Jewish Day School in Cape Town; Mr Allan Hoffman, S.A. oleh and Melton Center Associate Director, and Mr Abraftam Riva was already an established writer in South infeld, son of the late Zvi Infeld and Executive Direc Africa where, in 1962, she won the PEN International tor of the Gesher Foundation. Award for South African writers. She wrote the nar rative for "Boys' Town," which won a bronze medal at the 1972 New York Documentary Film Festival. PRESTIGIOUS AWARD FOR DORA SOWDEN However, it was the publication in Israel, in 1968, ■ m D o r a S o w d e n ( a l l y a of her first collection of poems in Engiish that drew V # M 1 9 6 7 ) f o r m e r m u s i c a n d favourable attention from Hebrew writers and critics ballet critic of the "Rand and she was accepted into the Israel Writers' Union Dally Mail" and "Sunday (unprecedented for a foreign-language writer).
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