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Ten years later, when improvements highest standard of living in the world. in manufa turing had brought the price In this progress, General Electric, by down to $170, six times as marry people bought applying electricity to the wheels of industry, them. And thousands who, perhaps, could has played an important part. By contin­ have paid the higher price, were able to uing these efforts, it is helping today to use the difference to purchase other comforts provide for America still MORE GOODS and conveniences. FOR MORE PEOPLE AT LESS COST. G·E research and engineering hafle saped the public from ten to one hundred dollars for every dollar they have earned for General Electric GENEBAL~ELECTRIC NEW YORK - VISIT THE G-E "HOUSE OF MAGIC" AT THE FAIRS - SAN FRANCISCO Curr@nt History WiDe AMERICA IN MIDPASSAGE of by CHARLES A. and Good MARY R. 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Paris, Vienna and ramic view of development Budapest figure in the plot, with of American music over recent actual incidents adding to the the past four decades. absorbing realism. $2.50 $3.50 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY At All Bookstores 60 FifthAvenue, New York ~eeeee2e82ee,;eaa8i22a8: 2222::ste::::::S22SSS:S:::228222223:: ::eeaaa~ Commonest ofAll Excuses,' HI'm sorry-I never got around to reading that!" Why miss this year-as you did last year-so many new books you would deeply enjoy' HE self.;.examination provided' on the In other .. words, instead of limiting your Tnext page·will show the degree to which reading, this system widens it. You can you may have allowed procrastination to browse among the books as always, but now keep you from reading new books which do it intelligently; you know what to look you want very much to read. Over 200,000 for. families - persons like yourself - have Once and for all this system really keeps you found a subscription to the :eook-of-the· from missing the new books you want to read. Month Club a really effectual means of solving this problem. You do actually buy and read those you want, instead of confessing sadly to friends, You are not obliged, as a member of the "I never got around to reading that!" Club, to take the book-of-the-month its In addition, there is a great money saving. judges choose. Nor are you obliged to buy Time and again our judges' choices are books one book every month from the Club. you ultimately find yourself buying anyway, Publishers submit all their important because they are so widely talked about. books to us. These go throqgh the most (Outstanding examples of these in 1938 were careful reading routine now in existence. At THE YEARLING, WITH MALICE TOWARD SOME, the end of this sifting process, our five THE -HORSE AND BUGGY DOCTOR, and a list of judges choose one book as the book-oE-the­ others too long to include here.) For every two month. hooks-of-the-month you buy you receive, free, one of You receive a, carefully written report our hook·dividends. about this book in advance of its publication. If you decide from this report that it is a Free Books You Get book you really want, you let it ~ome .to These book-dividends represent a unique you. Ifnot, you merely SIgn and matI a shp, system of ~aving through quahtity produc­ saying, "Don't want it." tion. The resulting economy is extraordi­ nary. For every $1 you spend for a book-of­ You Still Browse in Bookstores' the-month you actually receive over 7Sc Scores ofother recommendations are made back in the form of free books. to help you choose among all new books with Some of the actual book-dividends dis­ discrimination. tributed within recent months is the best If you want to buy one of these from the indication of what can be done by this sys­ Club, you can get it by merely asking for it. tem: they included BARTLETT'S FAMILIAR Or you can use these reports (we find that QUOTATIONS (a special $6 edition); JOSEPH IN most of our members do) to guide you in EGYPT (2 vols., $5); the Pulitzer Prize edi­ ,buying ,these miscellaneous recommended tion ,of ANDREW JACKSON, by Marquis James books from a favored bookseller. ($5);'MADAMB CURIE, by Eve Curie ($3.50); ii ~:ee§:e<§ee e:::::CCe:C:::::::::::8:8:::::::::::::::::::39:;:!!:. -Continued Irom-preceding page THB ARTS, by Va.n Loon ($3.95). These books Book-of-the-Month Club. You pay nothing, were given' to members....-.; not sold~ mind except for the hooks you huy. yo.u! Your only obligation as· a member is to What'~ Oblig~tion? agree to buy four·books-of-the-month a year Your from the Club. These may be either current You pay no yearly sum to belong to the or past selections. IN 1938 DID YOU READ EVEN TWO 'OR THREE OF THESE BEST SELLERS-GOOD BOOKS NOT TO BE MISSED? Check those you have not read THE YEARLING ••••••• i •••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ANDREW JACKSON••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• CI Marjorie Kinnan RAwlings Marqui.r ]amt.r JOSEPH IN EGyPT•••••••••••••••••..••••••••.• 0 THE PROMISES MEN LIVE By 0 Thomas Mann Harry Scherman BENJAMIN FRANKLIN•••••••••••••••••••.••••• 0 THE FIGHT FOR LIFE......................... a Carl Van Doren Paul de Kruij MADAME CURIE••••••••••••••••••••••.••••.•. ; 0 HELL ON ICE 0 Eve Curie Commander Edw. BUsherg THE HORSE AND BOGGY DOCTOR.•••••.•.• 0 THE FOLKLORE OF CAPITALISM a Arthur E. Hert~.ter Thurman W. Arnold FANNY KEMBLE.~ •••••••• ; •.•.•.•.•••.·•.•••.•• 0 A SOUTHERNER DISCOVERS THE SOUTH... CI Margaret Armstrong Jonathan Daniels PHILOSOPHER'S HOLIDAy 0 DRY GUILLOTINE 0 Irwin Edman Rene Belbenoit LISTEN! THE WIND•••••••••••.••••••••••••••• 0 THE IMPORTANCE OF LIVING 0 Anne Mmow Lindhergh Lin Yutang OUT OF AFRICA •••••••••• ,; ••••••• , •.•••••••••• 0 MY SISTER ·EILEEN... •••.•••••••.•••••••. •••. •• 0 bak Dinmn Ruth .McKenney RED STAR .OVER CHINA 0 THE GENERAL'S LADy••••••••••••••.•.•.•••.• D Edgar Snow Esther Forbes THE EVOLUTION OF PHYSICS •••••••.•••.••• 0 MAN'S HOPE•••••••••••••.•••••••••. ," ..••• ~ •••• i:J Alhert Einstein ,and Leopold In/eld Andre Malraux THE SUMMING Up·: •••••••.•••.•••••••••.•.••• 0 TESTAMENT•••••• it ~ ••••••• d W. Somerset· Maugham R.. C. 'Hutchituon WITH MALICE TOWARD SOME 0 Margaret Halsey - and many others no less worth THE COMING VICTORY OF DEMOCRACY••• 0 reading, too manyto be listedhere Thomas Mann Ifyou decide to join the Book·of.the.MQ"nth Club ,now. we will give you free. as a new member. a novel which has beeQ FREE •••TO NEW MEMBERS acclaimed as "perhaps the greatest creative work of the twentieth century" --JOSEPH IN EGYPT. by ThomaS Mllnn (two volumes. boxed. retail price $5.00). This was JOitpb in egppt,byThomas Mann one of the recent book·dividends of the Club. Or. if yolt -oran, ojthe'olher Boo!4.Dividendllillea in CfJllpDn prefer, you may choose one of the other rec.ePt book. dividends listed in the coupon.. BOOK·OF·THE·MONTH CLUB, 385 Madison Ave.,"New YorkA134 Please enroll me as a member. It is understood that I am to receive, free, the book checked below, that I am also to .receive, without expense, your monthly mag;tzine which reports about current books, and that for every two books-of-the-month I purchasefrom the Club., I am to receive the current book­ dividend then being distributed..For my part, I agree to purchase at least four books-of-the-month a year from the Club. Chec" tille Y01l prelwlD receive as yourIree enrollment book (J JOSEPH IN EGYPT 0 THE ARTS 0 MADAME CURIE o BARTLETT'S QUOTATIONS 0 ANDREW JACKSON Name H~; \ · ·_ ·_..·..·..·..··..;~~~;·;;~;;·;Z~;;~;···· __ __ . Add"ss __ __ _ __ _ City State _ .._ __ .. Please ch.eck whether you would like us to ship- the'Curre,nt book-of-the-month with the free book above YESD NOD.
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