1 ROCHE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE ICT SUITE, TREGEAGLE BUILDING, ROCHE CP SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY, 14TH MAY 2014 AT 7.09PM Present Cllr. P. Ames Mrs. J. Burdon Cllr. M. Edyvean (Vice-Chairman) (Parish Clerk) Cllr. J. Smith Cllr. B. Higman Cllr. P. Gale Cllrs. Mrs. S. Tippett Cllr. Mrs. A. Rawlings Cllr. Mrs. I. Northey Cwll. Cllr. J. Wood PCSO S. Tibbles 3 Members of Public Minute AGENDA ITEMS Action 124/14 Apologies:- Councillors D. Laishley-Hayward, Ms. A. Carne 125/14 Monthly Neighbourhood Beat Manager Report:- PCSO S. Tibbles reported as follows:- Crime Figures for the period from 16th April to 13th May – Criminal Damage = 3 (1 detected); Burglary = 3 (0 detected); Theft = 3 (0 detected); Possession of Drugs = 1 (0 detected); Assault = 2 (1 detected). Total = 12 (2 detected). PCSO S. Tibbles reported he had been approached by a member of the public regarding the traffic at Trezaise. Vice-Chairman thanked PCSO Steve Tibbles for attending the meeting and reporting to the Parish Council. 126/14 Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:- Cornwall Councillor J. Wood reported as follows:- Traffic in Victoria Road, Roche – He has received complaints they are having damage to their properties, due to sheer vibration on the road from lorries and larger vehicles, this is also why the drains are continually breaking away. He went out yesterday with a letter to people and went last night for replies before the Parish Council Meeting. Along the road 21 people want the humps removed and 5 people want them retained. Cormac Highways have been informed and are going out to take a serious look at them and meetings are being held to discuss this further due to the sheer number of people wanting them removed. It is the heaviest used B road through Cornwall at the moment. Councillor B. Higman advised his concerns were with the new development at Finsbury Rise and whether this could cause more speeding traffic along this stretch of road if the humps are removed. Cornwall Councillor J. Wood advised there would still be some form of traffic calming. PCSO S. Tibbles reported he had received concerns regarding the sheer traffic and crossing the road on the new estate next to the Cemetery and he has suggested she contacts Cornwall Councillor J. Wood and the Parish Council. Cornwall Councillor J. Wood advised this would need to be looked at along with the Doctors Surgery as well in the village at some point in the future. Glebe Land development – he could not get hold of the Bishop and he has written him a letter. He has lodged a complaint for this as an open space. The County Planners are against this which is good. He read a letter that had been sent to Bishop Tim from him with a copy of the application for the green space, of which a copy was passed to the Parish Clerk for retention. 2 Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor J. Wood for attending the meeting and reporting to the Parish Council. 127/14 Public Forum:- Two members of the public queried when the planning applications would be considered as they wished to be in attendance for any questions if required. Vice-Chairman suggested they contact the Clerk for the date of the meeting to be arranged later. 128/14 Members Declaration of Interest on items raised on the Agenda/Requests for Dispensation:- None. 129/14 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office:- Councillor D. Laishley-Hayward was nominated for the position of Chairman (Proposed: Councillor P. Gale; Seconded: Councillor P. Ames) Councillor P. Ames was nominated for the position of Vice-Chairman, he duly accepted and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor P. Gale) Action: Clerk to inform Cornwall Council of the positions for their records. Clerk 130/14 Election of Sub-Committees:- Sub-Committees agreed as follows with Chairmen:- Finance: Councillors P. Ames (Chairman of Finance), D. Laishley-Hayward, Mrs. S. Tippett, M. Edyvean, J. Smith, P. Gale, B. Higman, Ms. A. Carne, Mrs. I. Northey, Mrs. A. Rawlings Burial: Councillors J. Smith (Chairman of Burial), D. Laishley-Hayward, P. Ames, Mrs. S. Tippett, P. Gale, B. Higman, M. Edyvean, Ms. A. Carne, Mrs. I. Northey, Mrs. A. Rawlings Footpaths: Councillors Mrs. S. Tippett, M. Edyvean, Ms. A. Carne Planning: Councillors M. Edyvean (Chairman of Planning), P. Ames, J. Smith, D. Laishley-Hayward, P. Gale, B. Higman, Mrs. S. Tippett, Ms. A. Carne, Mrs. I. Northey, Mrs. A. Rawlings Playing Fields/Hanging Baskets/Roche in Bloom: Councillors D. Laishley- Hayward, M. Edyvean, P. Ames, Mrs. S. Tippett, Mrs. A. Rawlings, Parishioners - PCSO Steve Tibbles, Martin Tippett, Parish Clerk (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. A. Rawlings) Chairmen to remain as in place as per current on Sub-Committees, to ensure the Website is up to date. 131/14 Election of Representatives:- Representatives agreed as follows:- China Clay Area Committee: – Councillor B. Higman Par & Newquay Branch Line: Councillor P. Gale Roche Sports Complex: Councillor M. Edyvean, Councillor D. Laishley- Hayward, P. Ames and Parish Clerk Action: Clerk to inform Roche Sports Complex Clerk Roche Village Learning Partnership: Vacancy Roche Village Hall Management Trustees: Councillor D. Laishley-Hayward Action: Clerk to inform Roche Village Hall. Clerk Press Officer/Representative on Parish Magazine: Councillor Ms. A. Carne with some assistance from Councillor B. Higman as required Roche Aid in Sickness Charity Trust: Mr. Derek Newman and Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett (Proposed: Councillor B. Higman; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. S. Tippett) 3 Confirmation of Parish Minutes/Meeting held on the 16th April 2014:- 132/14 Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 16th April 2014 as circulated be approved and signed by the Chairman with the following amendments Page 1 Min.93/14 … juridical … …ahead as no… … The Parish is… Page 2 Min.93/14 …to say no to any … Page 3 Min.94/14 … years ago … Page 4 Min.331/12 … funding… Page 6 Min.99/14 …to lift a… (Proposed: Councillor P. Gale; Seconded: Councillor B. Higman) th 133/14 Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 16 April 2014:- Page 1 Min.90/14 Parish Councillor Vacancy:- Clerk reported this matter was still on-going and would continue to be advertised Action: Keep Pending. Clerk Page 2 Min.94/14 Glebe Land Development:- Clerk reported a response had been received from Cornwall Council advising the current draft Local Plan does not identify specific areas for open space at this stage. This type of work is being undertaken for the Allocations Document for the main towns, which will follow the current Local Plan. In smaller towns and villages the Local Plan supports the development of Neighbourhood Plans to outline how their communities manage change. We provide some guidance on the Council’s web pages. As part of that process, areas can be designated for their environmental value. A further consideration would be to identiy the area as “village greens”. This is a specific legislative framework which allows communities to protect land which has a well-documentated community use. If you wish to persue this approach, the background information and forms can be found on the Council’s web site; search for “commons”. Copy correspondence had also been received from Matthew Taylor and an email from Reverend Ruth Murfitt with Section H Action: Clerk to inform Reverend Clerk Ruth of correspondence from Cornwall Councillor J. Wood to Bishop Tim. Page 4 Min.331/12 S106 Unilateral Agreements:- Clerk reported this has now been included as an item on the agenda. Page 4 Min.250/13 BT Internet and Telephone Line:- Clerk reported she had not been able to speak to BT about this and would now follow up Action: Keep Clerk Pending. Page 4 Min.38/14 New Bank Account for Solar/Wind Farm Funds:- Clerk suggested keeping this on the minutes so when the first amount of funding is available we can proceed with opening the new account Action: Keep Clerk Pending. Page 4 Min.52/14 Evacuation Procedure – School to use bottom gate of Cricket Club:- Clerk reported she wished to keep this matter pending Action: Clerk Keep Pending. Page 4 Min.68/14 Meeting to discuss Leases:- Clerk reported this was now an agenda item this evening. Page 4 Min.79/14 Footpath for Victoria Road:- Clerk reported a response had been received from Steve Double advising he would be happy to come and have a chat to see how he could assist with this issue Action: Clerk to Clerk send another letter to Bert Biscoe reminding him we have a railway station and people need to use a footpath to get to catch a train. 4 Page 4 Min.79/14 Keir – Pledge for Community:- Clerk reported no response had been received from Kier Developments and a further letter had been sent Action: Keep Pending and follow up with Sean Stapleton at Truro Office. Page 5 Min.99/14 Dumping of earth at Gracca Lane:- Clerk reported details had been sent in but nothing heard to date Action: Keep Pending. Clerk Page 8 Min.110/14 Emergency Plan: Clerk reported details had been sent as part of the report the the Parish Magazine and no-one had come forward to Clerk date. Any letters received for or against any Planning Applications:- Letter 134/14 received from Withiel Commercials in respect of planning application PA14/03693 – Mount Pleasant Sustainable Selfbuild Ltd to be taken to the Planning Sub-Committee Meeting to be arranged.
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