Wellhouse RCU Care Home Service 46b Wellhouse Crescent Glasgow G33 4JZ Telephone: 0141 276 7181 Type of inspection: Unannounced Completed on: 12 September 2019 Service provided by: Service provider number: Glasgow City Council SP2003003390 Service no: CS2015336142 Inspection report About the service Wellhouse Residential Children's Unit is a residential care home for children and young people who are looked after and accommodated by Glasgow City Council. It is a purpose built house in the Easterhouse area of Glasgow which is on two levels, with one bedroom, which is accessible for a disabled young person, on the ground floor and the emainderr of the bedrooms on the upper floor. The accommodation comprises: - Eight en suite bedrooms; - Two lounges, both with televisions; - A large dining kitchen; - One toilet; - One bathroom; - An office; - A large garden; and - A laundry room. The house is very well presented, with staff and young people taking a pride in their environment. All bedrooms have computers with internet access. At the time of inspection, eight young people were resident within the service. The Care Inspectorate regulates care services in Scotland. Information about all care services is available on our website at www.careinspectorate.com. The service was registered with the Care Inspectorate on 29 July 2015. What people told us We received five completed care standard questionnaires. We shared two mealtimes with young people and observed positive relationships supported by a use of appropriate humour and fun and laughter. We spoke with five young people and we were told by all young people that they were happy living there and that they felt safe. Some of the comments included: "I feel safe living here" "The staff are all nice and look after me" "I like the food and we get to choose what we want" "We have a good laugh" "We get to go on lots of activities and holidays and we have lots of fun." From this inspection we evaluated this service as: In evaluating quality, we use a six point scale where 1 is unsatisfactory and 6 is excellent Inspection report for Wellhouse RCU page 2 of 6 Inspection report How well do we support children and young people's wellbeing? 5 - Very Good How good is our leadership? not assessed How good is our staffing? not assessed How good is our setting? not assessed How well is our care and support planned? 5 - Very Good Further details on the particular areas inspected are provided at the end of this report. How well do we support children and young people's wellbeing? 5 - Very Good We found that staff were caring and warm and provided a stable, nurturing place for young people to live. When we spoke with staff they demonstrated that they knew the young people very well. This helped develop secure relationships and enable young people to express their views, share anxieties and accept comfort and reassurance. Young people told us that they got on well with staff and had developed positive and caring relationships with members of the staff team. We saw very good evidence of these relationships with young people feeling relaxed in the house and able to participate in decisions about daily routines, meal choices and what activities they would like to do. We witnessed an appropriate use of humour in interactions with young people which evidenced respect and individual knowledge of young people. There was consistent evidence of natural affection from staff towards young people and this included comforting cuddles and supportive hugs when needed and wanted. Daily contact records we looked had been written in a respectful way written to the young person. Confidential information was not shared inappropriately. The house had a warm and friendly atmosphere and photographs around the house showed the range of activities and events the young people had participated in. Young people were being very well supported to get the most out of life and education was given a high priority by the service. Contact with family and friends was encouraged and we saw that staff had developed supportive relationships with family which enabled young people to maintain relationships. Young people were developing the skills and knowledge to understand risk and make informed decisions to make their lives as safe as possible. Staff told us that they had strong relationships with the local police which enabled young people to gain additional security. Risk assessments were detailed and evidenced that staff had an awareness of possible ways in which young people could be exploited. Inspection report for Wellhouse RCU page 3 of 6 Inspection report We looked at child protection procedures and practice and were satisfied that there were procedures and practice in place to ensure young people are protected. All young people were registered with the appropriate healthcare professionals and they were supported to attend appointments independently where appropriate. We heard that young people were being educated about and provided with good quality nourishing food. It was encouraging to hear that a couple of young people prepared some of their own meals with the support of staff. The mental health of young people was given a high priority and staff worked closely with the local CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services). Young people were supported to attend appointments and when they did not engage, staff were able to consult with the team to gain advice and guidance to inform future practice. Medication was stored and administered safely and staff followed best practice guidance. How good is our leadership? This key question was not assessed. How good is our staff team? This key question was not assessed. How good is our setting? This key question was not assessed. How well is our care and support planned? 5 - Very Good We found that there was a detailed, personalised placement care plan in place for all young people. These were based on the SHANARRI (safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, responsible, respected and included) wellbeing indicators from Getting it Right For Every Child (GIRFEC). There were also individual documents linked to risk assessment and management of challenging behaviour. These records ensured there was a holistic view of the young person and we found that these led to improved outcomes in terms of keeping young people safe and healthy. We found that there was consistent use of well-being webs and information gathered in these informed the development of care plans and young person participation was evident. Staff in the service regularly reviewed and updated the plans for the individual young people taking into account any change in circumstances. Young people told us that their views and wishes were included in the plans. We saw that some of the young people's social workers were regular visitors to the house and were involved in discussions about the content of plans. One social worker told us "the staff actively participate in the young person's care planning and it's progression". Inspection report for Wellhouse RCU page 4 of 6 Inspection report For one particular young person we saw that staff routinely try to help him feel safe, secure, nurtured and included by involving him in discussion and decision making in respect of his care and they worked extremely closely with partner agencies to share information. Whilst we found that adults in the service were aware of the plans for individual young people, there was a lack of clarity about outcomes and timescales. Improving this aspect of the care plan would enable them to be clearer about how to support young people to achieve the goals within their plans on a day to day basis. We discussed this with the manager who agreed that goals and outcomes could be better linked to daily life and current aims for the young person and that they could be more SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound). Complaints There have been no complaints upheld since the last inspection. Details of any older upheld complaints are published at www.careinspectorate.com. Detailed evaluations How well do we support children and young people's wellbeing? 5 - Very Good 1.1 Children and young people experience compassion, dignity and respect 5 - Very Good 1.2 Children and young people get the most out of life 5 - Very Good 1.3 Children and young people's health benefits from their care and support 5 - Very Good they experience How well is our care and support planned? 5 - Very Good 5.1 Assessment and care planning reflects children and young people's needs 5 - Very Good and wishes Inspection report for Wellhouse RCU page 5 of 6 Inspection report To find out more This inspection report is published by the Care Inspectorate. You can download this report and others from our website. Care services in Scotland cannot operate unless they are registered with the Care Inspectorate. We inspect, award grades and help services to improve. We also investigate complaints about care services and can take action when things aren't good enough. Please get in touch with us if you would like more information or have any concerns about a care service. You can also read more about our work online at www.careinspectorate.com Contact us Care Inspectorate Compass House 11 Riverside Drive Dundee DD1 4NY [email protected] 0345 600 9527 Find us on Facebook Twitter: @careinspect Other languages and formats This report is available in other languages and formats on request. Tha am foillseachadh seo ri fhaighinn ann an cruthannan is cànain eile ma nithear iarrtas. Inspection report for Wellhouse RCU page 6 of 6.
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