Western Australian Al Planning Commission January 2011 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1161/41 Parks and Recreation Reservations for Public Lands Submissions Volume 2 of 2 Cities of Armada le, Bayswater, Belmont, Canning, Cockburn, Fremantle, Gosnells, Joondalup, Rockingham, Stirling, Subiaco, Swan and Wanneroo, Towns of Bassendean and Kwinana and Shires of Kalamunda, Mundaring and Serpentine-Jarrandale GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1161/41 Parks and Recreation Reservations for Public Lands Submissions 20-Late Cities of Armadale, Bayswater, Belmont, Canning, Cockburn, Fremantle, Gosnells, Joondalup, Rockingham, Stirling, Subiaco, Swan and Wanneroo, Towns of Bassendean and Kwinana and Shire of Kalamunda, Mundaring and Serpentine-Jarrandale ill Western Australian \II Planning GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Commission Volume 2 of 2 January 2011 © State of Western Australia Internet: http://www.wa.gov.au Published by the Western Australian Planning Commission, Albert Facey House, 469 Wellington Street, Perth Western Australia 6000 MRS Amendment 1161/41 Submissions 20-Late Volume 2 of 2 File 809-2-1-74 Pt 2 Published January 2011 ISBN 0 7309 9707 3 Internet: http://www.planning.wa.gov.au e-mail: corporate @planning.wa.gov.au Phone: (08) 9264 7777 Fax: (08)92647566 TTY: (08)92647535 Copies of this document are available in alternative formats on application to the disability services co-ordinator. Alphabetical Listing of Submissions MRS Amendment 1161/41 Parks and Recreation Reservations for Public Lands Submission NumberName 4Armada le, City of 6 Bayswater, City of 16 Belmont, City of 12Canning, City of 17Cityscape Holdings, Greg Rowe & Associates on behalf of 13Cockburn, City of 3 Education and Training, Department of 22 Environment and Conservation, Department of 19 Evans, Peter 10 Fremantle, City of 26 Friends of Dianella Bush land 24Friends of Forrestdale (Inc) 25Gosnells, City of 2 Health, Department of 32 Hill, Alan 8 Housing, Department of 23 Indigenous Affairs, Department of 15Joondalup, City of 34Main Roads Western Australia 18Mundaring, Shire of 5 Perth, City of 37Planning, Department of 28Quinns Rocks Environmental Group 11 Rockingham, City of 9 Serpentine-Jarrandale, Shire of 27Sorgiovanni, C Mr and Philip,I Mr,Landvision on behalf of 35State Development, Department of 21 Subiaco, City of 31 Swan River Trust 36Swan, City of 1 Tourism Western Australia 30 Urban Bushland Council WA Inc 14Vincent, Town of 33Wanneroo, City of 20Water Corporation 29Water Corporation,TPG Town Planning and Urban Design on behalf of 7Water, Department of Late SubmissionsName Bassendean, Town of Sport and Recreation, Department of Kalamunda, Shire of Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) Form 41 Submission Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1161/41 Parks and Recreation Reservations for Public Lands OFFICE USE ONLY ISUBMISSION NUMBER To:Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission 460 Wellington Street Submission 20 Perth WA 6000 e_ f,A 7( D./ Name co -2 c (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address Postcode 'ontact phone number Email address The following proposals are the subject of my submission tv\2_5A44E:NJ- o Re- tu' Submission (Please attach additional pages if required. It is preferred that any additional information be loose rather than bound) Ps S a car_ ttsql 0 turn over to complete your submission WAT E CORPORATIORN Your Ref: 809-2-1-74 Pt] DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Our Ref : JT1 2009 11526 VO1 Enquiries: Brett Coombes Telephone: 9420 3165 2 0 JAN 2010 629 Newcastle Street FILE Leederville 6007 WesternAustralia 15 January 2010 PO Box 100 Leederville 6902 Perth Western Australia Mr Ross Parker Tel (+61 8) 9420 2420 Dept of Planning www.watercorporation.com.au 469 Wellington Street ABN 28 003 434 917 PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6000 Dear Mr Parker METROPOLITAN REGION SCHEME AMENDMENT 1161 / 41 Parks and Recreation Reservations for Public Lands The Water Corporation offers the following comments with regard toproposals in this amendment. City of Armadale Proposal 1 (Figure 1) Spinebill Close does not provide a connection to the regional open space. The access appears to be via Water Corporation property(Lot 13) containing the Spinebill Water Tank and associated pipe work. City of Armadale Proposal 8 (Figure 8) A Water Corporation 1400mm nominal diameter water main traversesthe section of land to be rezoned as parks and recreation. A public purposes reservation isapplicable to the land containing this main. City of Bayswater Proposal 1 (Figure 1) As Lot 151 is owned by the Water Corporation and contains sewerageinfrastructure a public purpose zoning is considered more appropriate for this lot as per otherexamples in this amendment. City of Gosnells Proposal 5 (Figure 5) As Lot 5018 is owned by the Water Corporation and contains a 900nominal diameter water main a public purpose (WSD) zoning is considered more appropriate for thislot as per other examples in this amendment. 2 Shire of Mundaring Proposal 5 (Figure 5) Land within this proposal is currently the subject of negotiations between the DEC and the Water Corporation regarding the relocation of a DEC depot and allure Water Corporation infrastructure requirements. A separate submission will be forwarded for this proposal. City of Rockingham Proposal 5 (Figure 5) As Lot 1531 (part of Reserve 42518 vested in the Water Corporation) contains infrastructure in the form of a cathodic ground bed a public purpose (WSD) zoning is considered more appropriate for this lot. Part of Lot 1530 (part of Reserve 42518 vested in the Water Corporation) shown as proposed parks and recreation zoning contains major sewerage infrastructure. A public purpose Zoning (WSD) is considered more appropriate for this lot. The Water Corporation has no comment on other proposals within this amendment. If you have any enquiries on these comments Brett Coombes is available on 9420 3165 or emaiTbrett.coombes@watercorporation.contau. Yours sincerely Rex Bryant Senior Development Planner ( Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment(Substantial) Form 41 Submission Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment1161/41 Parks and RecreationReservations for Public Lands OFFICE USE ONLY SUBMISSION NUMBER To:Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Submission 21 469 Wellington Street Perth WA 6000 C C 60,6) aco Name (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Postcode(00 0 g Address ti!Edojc b3 2-4 10 a 0 birt,)gStAti at() c Dv -a. in ,ontact phone numberV3-7 9 2 2-2 Email address The following proposals are thesubject of my submission SKeAo,PCctJC Co+ CO Co( S_Van % S.±th triQ.,r6ti-4 Information be loose rather than bound) Submission (Please attach additional pages if required.It is preferred that any additional DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 2 1 JAN* .2 DID FILE turn over to complete yoursubmission Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment has the opportunity topersonally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC. You do not have to attend ahearing. The comments presented by you in this written submission will be considered indetermining the recommendation for the proposed amendment. For information about the submission and hearings process, please refer to theamendment report and in particular appendix D. Please choose one of the following: I:(No, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be represented by: Myself My telephone number (business hours): or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committeewill be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissionsmade to the WAPC may ue subject to applications for access under the act. In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on thesesubmissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, alongwith all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approvethe proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions andtabled in Parliament. To be signed by person(s) making the submission Signature Watio \Ns DateV1 kr3 01(24;, eryyticA-1.0.,)1 V c(1,, Note: Submissions MUST be received by the advertised closing date, beingclose of business (5pm) on 29 January 2010. Late submissions will NOT beconsidered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 9264 7777; Fax - (08) 9264 7566; Email - mrs@planning.wa,gov.au; Website -httpthlaww.planning.wa.gov.au All communications should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer 241 Rokeby Road SUBIACO WA 6008 PO Box 270 SUBIACO WA 6904 OF Telephone: 08 9237 9222 Facsimile: 06 9237 9200 BIACO Email: city@subiaco.wa.gov.au Website: www.subiaco.wa.gov.au Enquiries: Natalie Martin Goode File: NG; sj ; N647-03 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 14 January 2010 21 JAN 2010 Western Australian Planning Commission Albert Facey House FILE 469 Wellington Street PERTH WA 6000 Dear Sir/Madam LOT 50 NORTH EAST CORNER OF EVANS ANDHERBERT ROAD SHENTON PARK REZONING OF LAND FROM PARKS ANDRECREATION RESERVE TO PUBLIC PURPOSE (WATER AUTHORITY) RESERVE UNDER THEMETROPOLITAN REGION SCHEME I refer to your correspondence received on 6October 2009 relating to the development detailed above. The Western Australian Planning Commissionbe advised that the City of Subiacosupportes the proposal to rezone Lot 50 on the north east corner ofEvans and Herbert Road, Shenton Park (south west corner of Lake Jualbup) from parksand recreation reserve to public purpose (WSD) reserve under the MetropolitanRegion Scheme, If you have any further queries please contactNatalie Martin Goode of the City's Planning Services on telephone 9237 9268.
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