- Second CI8S$ Postage Paid It Menlo PMk. CA Address Correction Requested ALSO PUBLISHED BY PEOPLE'S COMPUTER COMPANY: DR. DOBB's JOURNAL of COMPUTER Calisthenics (, If you're tired of plugging canned programs Orthodontia into your computer, Dr. Dobb's Journal is the magazine for you! We publish software OUR READERS SA V: that will allow you to get "inside" your machine. You will be able to make it do " I received my introduction to your anything you want it to do. Dr. Oobb's remarkable journal and was as pleased as is a serious magazine for those people who a Lovecr.ft wizard coming upon a copy of really want to learn as much as they can the Necronomicon. Really. yours is the about their microcomputer. only real computer journal going. Dr. Dobb's is to the other "small systems" Recent issues have included: • An AII·CP/M periodicals as Scientific AmericlllJ i. to Issue, including an overview of CP/M-compatible Popular Mechanics." software, the history of CP/M, utilities, inter­ preters, etc .• Mathematical Typography by "Dr. Dobb'$ Journal is a truly impressive Donald Knuth • A Microprocessor-Assisted periodical unlike others I've react It Graphics System • Interfacing a Home Computer contains valuable and useful software. to a Large Scale System • Improvements to I look forward to its delivery every 8080 PILOT month." ....----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editors' Notes Staff May/June 1980 Volume 8. Issue 6 Seuling In Editor D~nnis Allison Contributing Take the mystery I cut it OU I of Ihe newspaper and lacked it Editors lbov~ my desk here II PCC-a comic urip, Bob Albrecht Shoe to be eXl ct. The patter caught my eye: Tracy Deliman SP6CIAl. FEATURES ''Wh-' 'I a six l el1~r word meaning odious Don Inmln rt!ptile! " I tried 'Edilor ' and it didn·t wen-k. Ra mon llmOrl out of . True words, I've learned already, and I 'm new 4 INTRODUCTI ON TO COMPUTER MUS IC Copy Editor by Omis RlXlds It Ihe job. San Le Forge 9 PROGRAMMING PROBl.EMS <I: SOLUTIONS tm Publisher I keep g~tting l e1t~rs lamenting the ftct we Ann Merchberger by Bob Albncht, Don AI11m cl Jim Conlan with the latest fro m BY TE Books don 'I publish mort! software for the X machin~. Production Manager 12 PROGRAMMI NG THE 6502 IN MACHINE You fill in Ihe manufaClurer'l name: Apple, Carole CuUenbine LANGUAGE Atar!, PET, T RS· SO, or whatever. And the Artist by t."mest Gollwc ma'!lIox is full of press releases tellin, of this Aleeea HlllTison 16 THE ELECTRIC PHONE BOOK or Ihat new computer mD&uin~ speciall zin, TypeseUer 18 MICROPROCESSOR CON TROLLED BRA The BYTE Book of Pascal Beginners Guide for the in this or Ihat machine. Everyone is gellin, Phyllis Adams into Ihe ICI. One wonders if there will continue by C S. D. crall/on Proofreader 31 FIVE NEW PERSONAl.COMPUTERS UCSD Pascal System to be a market for generalist magazines like Nlncy Heubach Edited by Blaise W. Liffick by ~nlliJ Alliwn Rure~riQ,,~1 Computing. I cerlainly hope so. Markeling Director Based on the growing popularity of Pascal as a Gavin W. Cullen programming language, numerous articles, by Kemretlt Bowles Thi$ issue has a general purpose fill - in ·lhe. Advertising & SOITWARE Written by the originator of the UCSD Pascal blanks form for those of you who want to Circulation Manager language forums and letters from past issues of partlcipate in the magazine. Let us hear from System, this highly informative book is designed as Michae L Madaj 22 NUMBER TRANSLATION PROGRAM BYTE magazine have been compiled to provide this you; what Recre~riQ"al CQmp"ti'lg becomes Circulation b)' Jeffrty C Rob/~ general introduction to PascaL In addition, this an orientation guide for learning to use the UCSD is as much your doing 85 mine. Assistants 23 BANAL TONE GENERATOR b)' Dennis Alliw lI book contains several important pieces of software Pascal System. For the novice. this book steps 5th Falle Pe ter Clark Lea h Dansby 23 TWISTER MOVE GENERATOR including two versions of a through the System bringing the user to a Nearly ev~ r yone was there or 10 il seemed. b)' Rod Hallell Pascal compiler - one writ­ sophisticated level of expertise. Once familiar with Slightly under 20,000 people of all varieties. Retaining Subscribers 23 ROl.UNG TITLES the System, you will find the guide an invaluable I rln IboUI in my new capacity as editor/photo­ by GruJUlm K. Jenkins ten in BASIC and the Algorilhmits, Inc. other in 8080 assembly reference tool fo r creating advanced applications. journalist Irying to put tog~ther a photo­ 25 SEA SEARCH feature for RUfelltiolllJ1 Comp"U'I/I. I did GeraLd Bowman by Aftuk lVieid..u1l Robert Conners language; a p-code inter­ This book features tutorial examples of programm­ manale to bOlch the camera lettings I nd all 27 APPU: ANI MATI ON ing tasks in the form of self-study quiz programs. my piclUre efforts (Jim WIrTt:n'S nose bein, David R. DiCk preter written in both Mark Elgin byJimDoy The UCSD Pascal Software Systems. available Iweaked by the Microbol Wll$ bUI one) clm~ 10 Pascal and 8080 assembly naulht. Joi Ellis languages; a chess playing from SofTech Microsystems Inc. 9494 Black Moun­ John B. Fried DIVERSIONS tain Road. San Diego CA 92126. is a complete My major imPT"es5ion of the Flire is on~ or ScOIl B. GUlhery program; and an APt in­ chiOS. Too much hype, too much u lesmanship. AI.n Hamilton 28 DOZO lerpre~er written in Pascal. general purpose software package for users of tOO many things. I Wll$ confuted and lou - and Brian Herring by Herlwrt Kohl microcomputers and minicomputers. The package I'm supposed to be an expert. I can'l help but William G. HUlchi$on, Jr. 29 SHELl. GAME $25.00 Hardcover pp. 342- A. wonder what a novice would re~l. W. Kell ey b)' MilDn Otepko ISBN Q.07-03782J-l offers several interesting features including: William M. Richman II Phillip A. Smith 30 CRYPTARITHMS • Programs which may be run Double Digitlnfbtion by Jilek Crehore without alteration on the Joseph A. Weisbecker Innation is everywhere. You see every price Breit Wil son General Automation or DEC continuing to increase. Unfortunately Rtcfell' COMMENTARIES PDP-ll minicomputers. or an rlO/lll1 Computing isn't immune from Ihe pres· AI)V"I;IT1SUOG lures or general economics. Beginning willi A~VUT'S'NC _ ............ ,w. 34 WHY 1 DIDN'T BUY ANYTH ING AT THE an S080, S085. ZSO, 6502. ,. ,,- ",,- , ..... .... COMPtrrER FAlRE our next issue Ihe cover price will in c r ~ase 10 ........ " .. ... _ ....•. _', ... - c_.v, I 6800, or 9900 based c_,. to, , ........ ~"'. r .. ~~ by Dm~ Gomberg i $2 .50. Subscription rates will increase sllorlly microcomputers. thereafter. Maybe now's Ihe time to consider "'" HI·II" 34 JAPAN MICROCOMPUTER CLUB I renewals. You might also consider becoming a 35 APPLE EDUCATION FOUNDATION • Ease of use on a small. single­ retaining or sustaining subscriber and get your rlU JIIST ':::, ; I Y'.Att.s AWARDS user computer with display name up in lighl$. 01'0/'" '0_" 36 EDITING SOFTAPE PREFI X PROGRAMS o ,.'_"""''''_~1,1,.,_.. _, "l screen and one or more by Dcmllid R. Oped~1 050_1190,,,_ .. ..""' _,..... _. "OIl' YOU JUST BOUGHT floppy disk drives. o Uk ___ " IfOII' 36 HOME VID EO DISPLAYS 11 ><10 ... _,... ) by Len U"dmy A PERSONAL $11,95 ISBN 0-07-006745-7 37 CU RSOR PROGRAMS GRADED FOR ~ .... ".... ... _." ....... "'" <;~'~}~ WHAT? .. _..._ .... CLASS ROOM USE by Mllrlen~ Pl-au 'oo.o:M;~ u n:s These and other BYTE/McGraw-Hill books are available ",_Oh _ ... ws ......... ' 52 A PROPOSED GRAPHI CS LANGUAGE o~- o- by Jim /}IIy from BYTE Books or your local computer store. o IIl''' C._,_,...... ,.._A_ ... J~.,.....-::.-...... ) by Thomas Dwyer Qnd Margot 0".,.. ___ .... , -~- -- -- - ----- ~- - ~ --- --- - ~ - ---~-----~--~-I DEPARThlENTS Critchfield Sustaining Subscribers ~.,. '~--'- ".t,. Please send ~ I , ....... -.--­ Whether you are a novice pro­ 2Q P~OGRAMMERS ' TOOLBOX copies of Th~ BYTE Book of PtiC3l . ' ~' "'''''.'---...0: I!SUQ o -1-: Bill Godboul Eleclronics grammer or an experienced I 11.1,0.... "Oh.d. 46 LETIERS o copies of You Just Bought .. Pu§()n.al Whatl II VoU._'.l.J.'.1 Vol.'._'.'.I.~ I.n Byte I>ublications 48 ANNOUNCEMENTS computer user. this book is filled with practical copies of Begmnu's Guid~ for the UCSD Puc;al System' Paul, Lori and Tom Calhoun Votl._'.l Vol.l._'.LI.' J o 50 FO RTRAN MAN ideas for using a personal computer at home or Add 7Sc per book 10 cover posr~ and lundli",. Louis R. Palzke o._ ... u.s *110 ...... CQI'er by A letCll H~rrisQn work. It will take you through the steps necessary to write your own computer programs, and then Title Com~y Recfelltiomll Computing (ISSN #0164-5846) hi published bimonthly by People's Computer Company, 1263 E1 Camino Real, Box E, Menlo show you how to use st ructured design techniques Park, CA 94025. People's Computer Company is a ta.'I:-~xempt, non-prorit corporation, and donations are tax-deductible. Second class postage to tackle a variety of larger projects. The book paid at Menlo Park, California, and addilional entry points. Copyright 1980 by People's Computer Company, Menlo Park, California. Sttfft City St.. ,e/Provi!\« c.... contains over 60 ready-to-use programs written in FOREIGN DISTRIBUTORS OF RECR£A TlONAL COMPI/TING: UK & EUROPE: L P Enterprises, S/ t t Ca mbridge House, Ca mbridge Road.
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