*AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL City of Kaukauna Council Chambers Municipal Services Building 144 W. Second Street, Kaukauna Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM AGENDA In-Person 1. Roll call, one minute of silent prayer, Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. 2. Reading and approval of minutes. a. Common Council Minutes of August 3, 2021. 3. Presentation of letters, petitions, remonstrances, memorials, and accounts. a. Bills Payable. 4. Public appearances. 5. Business presented by Mayor. a. Appointment of Ellen Tiedt to the Kaukauna Housing Authority to replace Paula Killian for the remainder of her term ending 2-1-25. b. Presentation by Jeff Belongia, from HSE, of the 2021 Kaukauna General Obligation Bonding Results and Ratings. 6. Reports of standing and special committees. a. Board of Public Works Meeting Minutes of August 16, 2021. b. Public Protection & Safety Committee Meeting Minutes of August 16, 2021. c. Plan Commission Meeting Minutes of July 22, 2021. d. Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District Regular Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2021. e. 1000 Islands Environmental Center Committee Meeting Minutes of June 17, 2021. f. Grignon Mansion Board Meeting Minutes of June 28, 2021. g. Operators (Bartender) Licenses. 7. Reports of City officers. a. Fire Report. b. Ambulance Report. c. Police Report. d. Municipal Court Report. e. Clerk-Treasurer's Deposit Report. f. Building Inspection Report. g. Update on Citywide Revaluation. 8. Presentation of ordinances and resolutions. a. Resolution 2021-5293 Adopting a 2-Lot Certified Survey Map of Property located at 136 W. Wisconsin Avenue and 1219 Doty Street, Submitted by Bowland, LLC. 1 b. Resolution 2021-5294 Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $5,200,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021A. c. Resolution 2021-5295 Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $3,600,000 Taxable General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2021B. 9. * Closed Session. a. Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to State Statute 19.85(1)(e) to discuss sale and development of municipal property located at 140 E. Wisconsin Avenue. b. Return to Open Session for possible action. 10. Consideration of Miscellaneous Business. 11. Adjourn. TRAINING ON MUNICODE MEETINGS TO TAKE PLACE AFTER THIS COUNCIL MEETING. NOTICES: IF REQUESTED THREE (3) DAYS PRIOR TO THE MEETING, A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE AT NO CHARGE. WE ARE FOLLOWING CDC GUIDELINES REGARDING MASK-WEARING IN CITY FACILITIES. 2 Item 2.a. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS - COUNCIL CHAMBERS – KAUKAUNA, WISCONSIN – AUGUST 3, 2021 Pursuant to adjournment on July 20, 2021 meeting of the Common Council of the City of Kaukauna was called to order by Mayor Penterman at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 3, 2021. Roll call present: Antoine, Coenen, DeCoster, Eggleston, Kilgas, Moore, Schell and Thiele. Also present: Attorney Davidson, DPW/Eng. Sundelius, Fin. Dir. Van Rossum, Fire Chief Carrel, Police Chief Graff, Prin. Planner Brunette, HR Dir. Audette, and interested citizens. One minute of silent prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag observed by the assembly. Motion by Moore, seconded by Schell to suspend the rules and waive the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting of July 20, 2021. All Ald. voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Moore, seconded by Coenen to adopt the minutes of the Common Council meeting of July 20, 2021 as presented. All Ald. voted aye. Motion carried. PRESENTATION OF LETTERS, PETITIONS, REMONSTRANCES, MEMORIALS, AND ACCOUNTS Bills Payable Motion by Moore, seconded by Thiele to pay the bills out of the proper accounts. All Ald. voted aye. Motion carried. PUBLIC APPEARANCES Phil Kohne, 2106 Olde Country Circle, thanked the Legislative Committee for preserving the ordinance not allowing alcohol at youth sporting events. He also thanked the Planning Department, especially Martin West – Community Development Coordinator, for putting together a Park Donation Policy. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE MAYOR Mayor Penterman informed the Council of a request received to film a portion of a movie in Kaukauna. The filming will take place on Second Street on August 24 from 5:00 am to 10:00 am. Appointment of Chris Berkers to the Industrial and Commercial Development Commission. 3 Item 2.a. Motion by Coenen, seconded by Antoine to appoint Chris Berkers to the Industrial and Commercial Development Commission. All Ald. voted aye. Motion carried. Recognition of John Sundelius for 35 years of service to the City of Kaukauna. Mayor Penterman thanked DPW/Eng. John Sundelius for his 35 years of service and presented him with a gift. REPORTS OF STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES Board of Public Works Meeting Minutes of August 2, 2021. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS A meeting of the Board of Public Works was called to order by Chairman Thiele on Monday, August 2, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. Members present: Antoine, Coenen, DeCoster, Eggleston, Kilgas, Moore, Schell and Thiele. Also present: Mayor Penterman, DPW/Eng. Sundelius, Attorney Davidson, Sen. Proj. Eng. Neumeier, Police Chief Graff, Fire Chief Carrel, Rec. Dir. Malloy, Fin. Dir. Van Rossum, Street Sup. Vanden Heuvel and interested citizens. 1. Correspondence – none. 2. Veterans Memorial Lift Bridge Operation Agreement with the Fox River Navigational System Authority. A draft Bridge Tender Agreement between the City of Kaukauna and Fox River Navigational System Authority (Fox River Lox) was provided. When the City first started meeting with the Fox River Navigational System Authority, they asked our opinion on who was going to operate the bridge and how we are going to handle it. They have an existing agreement with the City of Appleton and that is where this agreement came from. Instead of the City recruiting bridge tenders, scheduling the bridge tenders and dealing with the payroll; we asked the Fox River Navigational System Authority to send us a draft agreement. The agreement would be for their staff to operate the lift bridge. This seems like the best scenario for the City of Kaukauna. Questions from the Board were answered. Motion by Moore, seconded by Antoine to authorize the Mayor to enter into the Veterans Memorial Lift Bridge Operation Agreement with the Fox River Navigational System Authority. All members voted aye. Motion carried. 3. No-Fault Sanitary Sewer Back-up Insurance. Finance Director Van Rossum provided information on the cost of the insurance. One year of coverage costs $11,900. The prorated insurance for the remainder of 2021 would be $5,350. Questions from the Board were answered. Motion by Coenen, seconded by DeCoster to authorize City of Kaukauna obtain the No-Fault Sanitary Sewer Back-up Insurance. All members voted aye. 4 Item 2.a. Motion carried. 4. Sanitary Sewer Backflow Preventer Installation Requirement. DPW/Eng. Sundelius stated that requiring residents to install a sanitary sewer backflow preventer is another way to protect citizens from sewer backups. It is common in other communities to have this ordinance requirement. The Engineering Department is recommending that it be required to have this backflow preventer be installed in all new construction and also in projects were the City is replacing sanitary sewer laterals. Every year we have sanitary sewer projects and laterals are replaced. Questions from the Board were answered. Motion by Moore, seconded by Schell to direct City Attorney draft a proper ordinance to require sanitary sewer backflow preventer installation on all new construction and projects involved with sanitary sewer lateral replacement. All members voted aye. Motion carried. 5. Park Donation Policy. Mayor Penterman provided a proposal for official guidelines and policy for accepting donations within the City of Kaukauna’s parks and green space. The goal of the policy is to provide uniform handling of donations in line with the City’s Recreation and Open Space Plan. The implementation of this policy would provide accepted types of donations, site review for project locations, and provide liability for the City’s ability to approve or deny proposals. Along with the policy is a sample form for resident’s to submit their donations. Upon review by the City Plan Commission, a revision has been made to have all proposed donations approved by the commission following staff recommendations. Questions from the Board were answered. Motion by Coenen, seconded by Antoine to approve the Park Donation Policy. All members voted aye. Motion carried. 6. Riverside Park Boat Launch Policy. Fire Chief Carrel stated the boat launch at Riverside Park is locked and access restricted once the dam has more than 3 gates open. It is done as a safety precaution due to the high water flow and close proximity to the dam. This policy dates back to around 1990 when then Emergency Government Director, Mac McAndrews, presented the dangers to the council. However, staff was not able to locate any written documents in reference to this policy. It has been the understood policy and has been followed for the past 30+ years. With the recent opening of the locks on the Fox River, we have received numerous calls/complaints about the boat launch being closed. The buoys near the damn do not have safety cables on them, therefore there is no safety barrier in place to stop a vessel from entering the spillway. This is a concern during low flow conditions, but it represents a significant risk during high flow conditions. Questions from the Board about the responsibility and safety of the Riverside Park boat launch were answered. Chief Carrel was directed to work with the Army Corps of Engineers and the Fox River Navigational Authority to establish an updated policy. 5 Item 2.a. 7. Authorization to replace Tractor #108 (Street Department). Street Superintendent VandenHeuvel provided background on Tractor #108 and asked permission for it to be replaced. Motion by Schell, seconded by Moore to authorize the Street Department to replace Tractor #108.
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