Tubestock Trader December 2019 Dichondra argentea 'Silver Falls' Clive’s Comments Summer is here and Christmas will not be far behind. We are in a country of several weather patterns with most of the eastern side of the country in severe drought with above average heat, The west seems to be running about average and south eastern Victoria is cold and wet. Our spring has been a real jumble of hot cold, wet dry. Mid November had some days in high thirties with hot dry winds and then we had some days that were cold and bitter with snow down to 800m. Last Thursday was around 39C in the Geranium 'Rozanne' PBR T/C Anemone x hybrida 'Elite Pure White' 162cell morning and then 20C by five in the evening. It is hard for us but many of the plants are really struggling. A lot depends on what triggers the various growth stages. If it is day length, then weather has little to no effect on how and when the plant grows/flowers/fruits. However, if it is temperature then this spring is a mess. Some plants respond to changes in temperature, some to maximums, some to minimums and some to the difference between the two. Whichever regime is needed, the plant needs a consistent pattern to do what it must do. Same with daylight – some plants need certain volumes of light and others require so many hours of full sun and this year they are not getting a consistent pattern. The lavender harvest will be two to three weeks late and could be thinner than usual due to so many cloudy days. We have some Begonia in our quarantine tunnel that arrived in August and would normally have enough growth for a first inspection. Not this year, none have sufficient growth and about 70% have tiny little buds with the balance just nothing. Other plants haven’t started to come out of winter dormancy. As we are still getting nights below... Thalictrum aquilegifolium Thalictrum aquilegifolium 'Nimbus White’ 105cell 'Nimbus Pink' 105cell Continued on page 4 Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd December 2019 2 Flower Details Plant Name Common Name $ Color Period Succulents Crassula cotyledonis Pale Propeller plant cream Dec-Mar $1.65 E SUL SH1 Crassula 'Isabella' Crassula Isabella yellow Jul-Oct $1.65 E SUL GC Crassula muscosa 'Silver Watch Chain Crassula' yellow greenDec-Jun $1.65 E PS L SH2 * Crassula pubescens pubescens Hairy Crassula white Sep-Dec $1.65 E SUL C2 SH2 * Crassula 'Shandy' Crassula Shandy pale pink Jan-Mar $1.65 E SUL R Delosperma algoense Special Ice Plant pink Nov-Mar $1.05 E SUL C2 SH0 Echeveria affinis 'Chocolate' Chocolate Echeveria orange Dec-Feb $1.95 E X SUM R Echeveria compressicaulis Echeveria Red Leaf orange red Dec-Feb $1.95 E SUM R Euphorbia caput-medusae Medusa's Head yellow Dec-Feb $1.65 E Z SUL SH1 Lenaptopetalum 'Chocolate' Lenaptopetalum Chocolate Sauceyellow Jun-Aug $1.65 E PS L SH0 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'Orange' Special Orange Pig Face orange Oct-Feb $1.05 E Z PS MC1 GC Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'Pink Sun' Special Pink Sun pink Oct-Feb $1.05 E X PS MC1 GC Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'Rainbow' Special Rainbow Pink Pigface deep pink Nov-Feb $1.05 E V PS MC1 GC Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'White Sun' Special White Sun white Oct-Feb $1.05 E V PS MC1 GC Pachyphytum hookeri Hookers Fat Plant pink Aug-Oct $1.65 E PS L C2 GC Sedeveria 'Pat's Pink' Special Pat's Pink Sedeveria pale pink Dec-Feb $1.05 E PS L C2 SH1 Sedeveria 'Starburst' Special Starburst Sedeveria yellow Dec-Feb $1.05 E PS L C2 SH0 Sedum adolphii 'Golden Glow' Special Golden Stonecrop pinkish Sep-Nov $1.05 E SUL GC Sedum morganianum Burro's Tail red Dec-Feb $1.65 E Z SUL C2 SC Sedum 'Pure Joy' Pure Joy soft pink Jan-Apr $1.75 E SUM SH1 Sedum x rubrotinctum Special Jelly Beans yellow Dec-Feb $1.05 E V SUM GC Senecio citriformis String of Tears cream Mar-Jun $1.65 E X PS L C2 GC * Senecio 'Nola's Pride' NEW LINE Nola's Senecio yellow Dec-Feb $1.65 E PS M SH2 Senecio radicans 'Bananas' String of Bananas white Jul-Sep $1.65 E PS L C2 GC Senecio repens Dwarf Blue Chalk Sticks white May-Jul $1.75 E X PS L C2 GC Senecio repens 'Mini' white May-Jul $1.75 E PS L C2 GC Natives Acmena smithii 'Minor' Restricted - Tas/WA Dwarf Lilly Pilly green yellowOct-Dec $1.85 N V PS L C2 T2 Agonis flexuosa 'Nana' Restricted - Tas/WA Dwarf Agonis white Sep-Dec $1.85 N V SUL C2 SH1 Babingtonia similis 'Minima' Restricted - Tas/WA Miniature Twiggy Baeckea white Nov-Mar $1.85 N V PS M R Brachychiton acerifolius Special Flame Tree red Oct-Mar $1.05 N V SUL C2 T2 Brachyscome multifida 'Alba' Special White Cut Leaf Daisy white All Year $1.05 N V SUL R Brachyscome multifida dilitata 'Break O'Day' Special Cut Leaf Daisy mauve All Year $1.05 N V SUL R Callistemon 'King's Park Special' Restricted - Tas/WA Red Bottlebrush red Dec-Jan $1.50 N V SUL C2 T1 * Callistemon 'Little John' Restricted - Tas/WA Dwarf Bottlebrush deep red Sep-Mar $1.75 N V SUL C2 SH2 * Callistemon salignus 'Great Balls of Fire' Restricted - Tas/WA Red Leaved Bottlebrush red Aug-Oct $1.85 N Z SUL C2 SH3 Callistemon viminalis 'Captain Cook' Restricted - Tas/WA Dwarf Weeping Bottlebrush red Sep-Dec $1.65 N V SUL C2 SH1 Callistemon viminalis 'Rose Opal' Restricted - Tas/WA Weeping Bottlebrush deep rose Sep-Dec $1.30 N Z SUMC2 SH3 Callistemon 'Western Glory' Restricted - Tas/WA Bottlebrush deep red Oct-Dec $1.50 N V SUL C1 SH3 Correa glabra 'Barossa Gold' Golden Rock Correa yellow greenFeb-Oct $1.65 N X PF M SH2 * Correa pulchella 'Pink Mist' Correa pink Apr-Sep $1.65 N Y PS M SH1 Dichondra argentea 'Silver Falls' Silver Kidney Creeper insignificantAll Year $1.65 N Z PS M GC Dichondra repens Kidney Creeper insignificantAll Year $1.65 N Z PS M GC Ficinia nodosa Knobby Club Rush brown greenNov-Sep $1.45 N Z SUL G * Grevillea thelemanniana 'Red Wings' Red Wings red Aug-Dec $1.85 N X PS M SH2 Hibbertia obtusifolia Hoary Guinea Flower yellow Oct-Feb $1.75 N V PS M R Leptospermum obovatum 'Starry Night' Restricted - Tas/WA Dark Tea Tree white Oct-Jan $1.75 N Z PS MC2 SH3 Lomandra confertifolia pallida 'Lime Tuff' T/C Lomandra Lime Tuff yellow Sep-Nov $2.35 N Z SS MC2 CL Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf White' Fine Leaf Boobialla white Sep-Mar $1.50 N V PS MC2 GC Pandorea jasminoides Bower of Beauty pink Jan-May $1.75 N V PS M C Pandorea jasminoides 'Charisma' Variegated Pandorea pink Jan-May $1.75 N V PS M C Pandorea pandorana 'Snowbells' Snowbells white Sep-Nov $1.75 N Z PS M C Pennisetum alopecuroides Swamp fox-tail rose Dec-May $1.50 N V PS H C2 G Pratia pedunculata Blue Pratia blue All Year $1.50 N V PS M GC Rhodanthe anthemoides Rhodanthe 'Paper Baby' white May-Feb $1.65 N V PF L C2 Scaevola albida 'White Carpet' NEW LINE White Fan Flower white Nov-Mar $1.65 N Y SUL GC * Syzygium australe 'Pretty Pilly' PBR Restricted - Tas/WA Pretty Pilly white Oct-Dec $1.85 N V PS L T2 Viola hederaceae Violet Native blue+white All Year $1.50 N V PS M GC Viola hederaceae 'Monga Magic' Viola Monga Magic blue All Year $1.50 N O PS M GC Westringia fruticosa 'Chunky Funky' Special Westringia Chunky Funky white All Year $1.05 N Y SUMC2 SH2 Westringia fruticosa 'Zena' Coastal Rosemary white palemauveAll Year $1.50 N Z PS MC2 SH2 Conifers Cupressocyparis x leylandii 'Leighton Green' Leighton Cypress cones $1.85 E V SUH T2 * Cupressocyparis x leylandii 'Naylor's Blue' Naylor's Cypress cones $1.85 E Z SUH T2 Cupressus sempervirens 'Fullarton' Fullarton Pencil Pine cones $1.95 E SUM T2 * Cupressus sempervirens 'Swane's Golden' Golden Pencil Pine cones $2.75 E V SUM T2 * Juniperus chinensis 'Spartan' Chinese Juniper cones $1.95 E Z SUH T2 Juniperus squamata 'Blue Carpet' Nepal Juniper cones $1.85 E Z PS M GC * Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Green Thuja cones $1.95 E V SUM T1 Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd December 2019 3 Flower Details Plant Name Common Name $ Color Period Lavandula Lavandula angustifolia English Lavender lilac Oct-Dec $1.65 E V SUMC2 SH1 Lavandula angustifolia 'Bridestowe Myra'PBR Bridestowe Perfume Lavender lavender Dec-Mar $1.75 E Y SUMC1 SH2 Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' Hidcote Lavender purple Oct-Dec $1.65 E V SUMC2 SH2 Lavandula angustifolia 'Maillette' French English Lavender purple Oct-Jan $1.65 E SUMC2 SH2 * Lavandula angustifolia 'Pacific Blue' Pacific Lavender violet blue Oct-Jan $1.65 E V SUMC2 SH2 * Lavandula angustifolia 'Riverina Eunice' PBR (Farm Use) Culinary Lavender lavender blueOct-Nov $2.50 E SUMC2 SH1 Lavandula angustifolia 'Rosea' Dwarf Pink Lavender pale pink Oct-Jan $1.65 E V SUMC2 SH1 * Lavandula angustifolia 'Swampy' Swampy Lavender deep purpleOct-Dec $1.65 E SUMC2 SH1 Lavandula 'Avonview' Avonview purple Sep-May $1.50 E V SUMC2 SH2 * Lavandula dentata French Lavender mauve All Year $1.65 E V SUL C2 SH2 Lavandula dentata candicans Grey French Lavender lavender All Year $1.65 E V SUL C2 SH2 * Lavandula dentata 'French Revolution' Large French Lavender mauve All Year $1.65 E SUL C2 SH2 * Lavandula dentata 'Linda Ligon' Variegated French Lavender lavender All Year $1.65 E V SUL C2 SH2 Lavandula dentata 'Monet' Monet purple All Year $1.65 E X SUL C2 SH2 Lavandula dentata 'Ploughman's Blue' Blue French Lavender blue purple All Year $1.65 E X SUL C2 SH2 Lavandula dentata 'Royal Crown' Royal Crown purple All Year $1.65 E X SUL C2 SH2 Lavandula 'Pippa White' Bi-color Lavender purple+whiteDec-Apr $1.65 E V SUMC2 SH2 Lavandula 'Pretty Polly' Pretty Polly Lavender purple+whiteAug-Apr $1.65 E X SUMC2 SH1 * Lavandula 'Pukehoe' Lavender purple Sep-Apr $1.65 E O SUMC2 SH2 Lavandula stoechas 'Winter Purple' Winter Purple purple Aug-Apr $1.50 E V SUL C2 SH1 * Lavandula 'Sugar Plum' Sugar Plum Lavender deep plum Aug-Apr $1.65 E V SUL C2 SH2 Lavandula
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