'orodBFuls Jo rtlFrs lun 'luaurtrBdaq ]lrolslH Js}s qBFp€ slJnuad 'g16I lar\ - g '31rs{Elt5o,\ olev ua fruruas Epad ufilaraqrp m sBl.tax 9 !p lsoat4tnos lpuotlov "fral ewoJ Jo spro^\ er{} u} pa}eJqel33 '"uIr{J pu? sdorng uee,r}eq 3purl ;iil ?p3d uer{eqoJed turele8ueur luiueq q 01 strr€Jls p33el3l4tr eql Jo ssueuodrur snoraqO eql ]eq] lno palurod JH 'DtDhnrJS surSrto aLfi | lo Jo ,tpnls V nrautuaJ etrre4e{!lo1 '1'g uasauopuJ rtpog slq ul sn roJ SuFaeuord srql pausli 019'l 4ooq 1dure11e eru33ua1esn51 -qulse seq sJollo1\ Ja^rlo'eulooJalo eq oi a8uallpr{J e ptsa}sut lnq .plt 6€6 r8€ nInFIAI uE luetuuoJrlue Jreqtr pug lou prp sJeeuord eq; 'sppo letiqcie-doai 918 rseA\elns lsum8u pe^arqoe seun uot3e.t eql q .,{1rlr1ce etut}Li€ru ur q8no"iq}->1e;.i;, 7.65 usluelulp) el{l esneJeq 'asBJ Jno ur .,(lrelnlpud sr (peurelsns a-uoi lsJU luepodul : elseuopul Ip qelaPF /{oq JoJ pue) ue8aq ueq^t uorlsenb eq1 'fuo1srq l'unl e^EU }r of ol -ued elur-qer qelurnl uz{}?r{Iuodtuatu a/\{ sn{l JoJ pue ueSeq ueq^\ /t\oqs }ou op f,aq1 }l1g .JeoJBs srurluE'_ii }l -u1 uaEeg ru€lu6 uellaluatuo) qJIo :J B p€q uo6ar srql ,{qn pue /ttoq rnoqs saEulue^p? pcrqde:8oag 'cpBrl r{}l$ p: , pun qsn1s) ue8uepeped urelsls ueFual -lebosse eq p{no/t\ uorSer eql ur uorler8ru ut pesn suEar.u pue sslnol Jr{] 3ue,{ >lnpnpued qultunf re.'(unduraLu ur slseE8ns ,{pee1c 3ur11es pcrqde:8oe8 sq1 'erq?Jv pue ptpuJ 'eulqJ 1eq1 e^lqeq u€Iele{ e1q ledep lunuln BJ€r: se JeJ se slalJEr.u w JalJe slcnpord ploq (slreJls aql 'teme lq8nos Jo ]sEJ re.duneluraru 'efernltg ']€Jeg €,lneI tl i at{l ot pue 's1tu.r15 ecoel€W aq1 Sur4ueg spuul eql ur sepunl pue splar] urelue ntrrc,,{ le,riueq le8ues lnplllli'ji eql 'sauo r6raroj palceJl.ls sz se sJolres aceJ snoueSrpur ue p. IIo/r\ Jo -uJnurn eAtBI tfl '8uero ggE tedures 3g' -umeds o^uq 'slreJls oq] ul slseoc pus spuelsr 'slolern rulEO eql 'rerroa:o11 q€nq El 0l te^,{.undureru €sep L{€ric.: 'oSeledtqcre ,te1u6 aql er{} 01 uor}BIoJ ur paceld oslu sc,r., - Jo lsal IIe/'d ereluts >lnpnpuad qelutnl ueSuep ileLu slIsJlS eccelp6 or{J 'aJJar.uuoc s(plJort\ eq} JoJ {uirrrq8rq pru"r8uoc se e,4r-req ledup esep q€nqss ue8uap 1{1 lle/$ se cFalerls p 'ees eulqJ qlnos sr{l pu€ ueeso u?rpul eql ue3.t\1aa. rs€u€A telundureu Plsauopul !p Bsa! Iull B s€^\ slrsrls sJceleli{ eql }Bqt }JeJ oql roJ ueeq }ou }l pBq rtllli 'llp qelo elole{tp Suez{ ue,\\au i peJollEru aleq plno/$ aurGor leuoosuoul aql le1 'suoosuoru Jteu 'ssap r{EuE1 g/(}s 'te1nl :tPedes 'nluJu; -JallE ur {PoJq-pur/r/\ e s3 poaros e^e1ery pue eJlel.llns Jo spueFp-rq aq1 'BSJp ru,'{.etqureul 'uor8er eql urqlut\ pu? 01 sroles o1 alqusuadsrpur suelsz(s pur,n aqt ueqeluuaured lnlu qe,r\us 'uete8ec ':tr aJorr 'qcreyl o1 JoqolJO uror; 8umo1q 'uoosuoru lseoql.lou Jql rl?^\es '1o>13ueq pue 'raqurelde5 ol IIJdv uro.r3 Surznolq'uoosuotu lsa^\qlnos Jril 1r1rtu tpzlueur Sueu{ ?pusq-epu3q PIE a?zfuau tul 'l8t 'slopes luar8 olur tue{4 ,paunl 'eutccJe^o ueqtA 'rloLi./r\ .t8ua11eq: redures ue8uef {n}un €sBul BP€c e 'sluullqequr slr ol pus 'o3Jeruuroo pue epeJl otr sa8elueape re:1: -rp €sop e1zde1 ueqtlturad 'sueluoAul Suereq tuSeqas ue>1JB]-JBp peJeJJo 3ur11es eqJ'C'V selrnluac qlxrs pue qUU eql o1 lJEq paqrlarls qJlqrA uollrpeJl e pue'{1r4llJe arur}ueul roJ Surllos eql poplAoJd aleq 'lUIlUIfi l 'tueql sphrp qotqna slreJls Jql pue 'ele1e6 pup Etteiuns r-ru1e'Suepun-Suepun ueSuap ueiuel ^\orJeu 'letrre - aTI utmpg urlnlaqe{ nepl '(tsP 'rledng efieqtual qalo ueyn8nSrp qapq eiuel 1* 0'IUOA{ AVTVit gHI NI NOt&VUCIru ONV'J[[VUJ, t; EI 26 Pires and Stamlord Raffles. have become fixed in our historical cons- these points to China_ The ciousness. We cannot think of the Malacca Straits without seeing it, China r*as )'er to bre discor.e as did Raffles, as a strategic link in the sea route from Europe to tran Malavs. We do not kno China. Wolters would have us think back to a time when the Malacca .{ll we knon' is that a Chir Straits did nof, as a matter of course. lead Chinawards, in order that China in 413 A.D on zuci-. we may witness the origin of this stretch of the sea route. which, he lhar b1 then such journevs argued, was initiated by the resourceful sailors of Sumatra. Too much 3 case for southeast Sumatra emphasis on geographical factors does not do justice to the achievement ro Chrna were mounted nrll of these pioneers. rers included. have remarke, the The sea route to China nsing the Straits of Maiacca was a relatively lo south of the Vaiacca late development in history. The earliest routes to China were caravan lirect route to China. It is ; routes originating in the Mediterranean ladds under Roman rule, traver- 'ron through desrrite handrc sing barbarian Central Asia and ending in Han China. The Chinese lrsire to become rhe shippt Therr exploir was greatly prized this overland trade which they viewed as ccming from all the _rrea :l' r long estahlisheo ronre the magical lands beyond the Ural Mountains, and, when the Pcrsians u succed in getting the came to be the carriers of this trade, they too began to enjoy a high southe: illr'rrrf,tire to this anclenl reputation in Chinese eyes. Goods like the aromatics, frankincense and ro :io bounds at this myrrh, were noted in Chinese medical texts with reference to the dawn of tl i':rornotins the pine resins Persians who brought them. an ir: Chinese markets. palming Political strife in China left the Southem Chinese Dynasties, in :oetlier Persian aromatics. S the fifth and sixth centuries, starved of the overland trade which had ;€r_\ r#ere sent along to real tenninus north China. The cities springing up in south China in its in :rom the Chinese coun. this period were port cities, with a newly enriched merchant class. as traditional carriers well as luxury-deprived scholarly elites, and the The development of th precious goods Persians, looked for a way to of rare and to China, the i:.e t'ifth and sixth c€nruries The Persians had adapted themsel- reach these southerns cities by sea. lan]r co:61. in the sam€ per and carriers or shippers. The ves to sea-voyaging, but as merchants not srons from these kingdorns shippers were Indians, and they were accustomed to the voyage across c'ver all the rest. the better to Bengal nothern Malaya, where a cross country trek was the Bay of to :enruries of grou'th formed tl needed to reach the Gulf of Siarn, and then to the Mekong delta at ci the south-east Srintatran k was a coastal route to the Chinese province, Tonkin. Fgr which there :e:. t.iries. To compensat: ior five centuries of the Christian era the Indians had known his some Clrra trade route. Srivilay.a ; a sea * land and sea route. F{owever" the all*ea route still route: - oi \{alacca and redirected thei eluded them. pmissi t'le entrepot. To put Certainly, the Indians had sailed to the Malacca Straits, to points Snvirava sent tribute missiol on western Malaya and eastern Sumatra, but they had not gone on from earne'j lasting recogniilon iro peq ,{aq1 '?lletul eql uI usAe 'leql os 'ilno3 eseulqJ eI{} tuo{ uol}rl€oJeJ 3ut1su1 peluBe lrlor3 uo auo8 1ou }nq 3ql 01 r1seu,{,q 3ue1 aq1 ,{q uorldecoJ asoq/Y\ suoISsIIu a}nqpl luas e,{eft,ru5 sxutod o1 's1te:15 ?33PIeI^J P:irEs 'srseq reuur3 uole ue uo olnoJ eulqJ eq1 1nd o1 'loderlue alqtsstuued qr pue 'elnol oql 'Suequrap4 '1e1rdec ol s;lnoJ JIaL{}pelJeJlpoJ eJ3elet\ Jo l[!ls alnol e3s-ll€ allt 'JJ^e^AoH ^Juo slruJls aql ulr{l!t! Jo Jeeu seceld paranbuoc ez{ett,rug 'e1not apBJ} eulqJ srr{ {JnAou{ p?q su€Iputr aql 8J3 uEllsi eq] ztr' e zr^ uorlrsod snoa8ulue^peslp s1 loJ alesueduroc oI'sounlu33 roC 'ul)tuol 'mur-r.old osaulr{3 eql ol eql 'u 1q31e u?l}etuns }sea-qlnos ,lo 1e ?]lep 3uo4r91 oq] o] ueql Pu€ uotsuedxeq'e.,{.efiaug'utop8utl ptder fual eql o] puno$>1ceq aqleql patuJoJ qtrmod Jo saunlue3 sB^\ IJlt fulunor ssolJ 3 sJoqir 'e-te1e qlueAos o^!l esaql 'slserelur aturlueru s1r lcelord ol Jelleq eql 'lseJ eql IIB Je^o ssoJoe aSer{orr otl} otr peurolsn33€ 3Jar6 pel?urruoppue uropfupl euo uoI{I 'eulqJ o1 surop8ut)i sseq} u-lo{ suots eql 'uarldttls Jo sJotu€3 lou put sltrel '€' -snu Jrleluoldlp ,iq psuaqfuerls pue 'poued atues eql ul ']seo3 atues {aslueq} paidepe peq suelsrod aqf 'eur eql uo stuopSuq Jo asg eql polcuq s?/n seunluec qlxls pus qug aqr o1 .,(e,tr z JoJ palool 'suersra4 eql pulLlJ ^q 'sotrl; ui e8e,torr ol sJleurns lsee-qlnos aql 3o luaurdolerrap eql srJuJBs lPuol]lpeJl aql pu€ i su 'sse1l lu€tloJeul poqcgue fl,rtau e r 'lJnoc 3seulqJ eq] uioj-l w eulql uI dn Eur3uuds selll3 ' Wnos sJnno^uJ '1F1s raurospuuq puu slgord ezllval o1 Euop luas otarrr srad psq qttq/t\ 3p€r1 puslJe^o eql Jo pa"\I satceds pue 'sJrletuoJe ded ;o snousl roqdurec 'uoos uersled Jarllsol ur 'soqseud.C aseulqS uJaqlnos aql : pu€ JoJEr oqt JoJ selnlrlsqns se JJo ueql ?ururged 's1e>1reur esaulr.lJ ur lsaJoJ u"rlsuns tuor3 peJaure8 urozuaq puu surseJ aurd aql Surloutord srll o] e3u3J3JaJ qly$ slxol I€3IPeu Jreql eturluetu sseulear8 puz u^{sp srq} spunoq ou Jo }e pup osuc3ulluer; 'sotletuoJe eq1 e{Il s Aaq3 'alnoJ maul sfepl4 aql JO ssouelrlueJul eql luetiue slql o1 a^rlutuatlE Aaql 'aPu: eJe^\ r{AIq e .{otue o} ue8eq oo1 eql se peldecoe olnoJ €rll{) o} BJ}etunS lssor{}nos aq1 3ur}1a3 ur paf,f,ns osl? sue$trd 3t{1.
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