Commission on Macroeconomics and Health Commission Members Biographical Sketches Isher Judge Ahluwalia Eduardo Aninat Isher Judge Ahluwalia is Director and Chief Executive, In- Eduardo Aninat is the Deputy Managing Director of the dian Council for Research on International Economic Re- International Monetary Fund (IMF). Dr. Aninat was previ- lations (ICRIER), New Delhi. A graduate of the Delhi ously the Finance Minister of Chile. He served as the Chair- School of Economics and the Massachusetts Institute of man of the Board of Governors of the IMF and the World Technology, Dr. Ahluwalia has spent the last 15 years writ- Bank in 1995–1996 and, for 3 years, as a member of the ing books as well as articles in professional journals on the Development Committee of the World Bank and the IMF, Indian economy. Her book, Industrial Growth in India: representing Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay, and Stagnation Since the Mid-Sixties (Oxford University Press, Paraguay. Dr. Aninat previously served in a range of eco- 1985), received the Batheja Memorial Award for the best nomic positions in the Chilean Government, including Chief book on the Indian economy in 1987. Recently, Dr. Senior Negotiator for the bilateral Canada-Chile trade Ahluwalia co-edited the volume India’s Economic Reforms agreement, and Chief Debt Negotiator and Senior Advisor and Development: Essays for Manmohan Singh (Oxford of the Central Bank of Chile and the Ministry of Finance. University Press, 1998) with Prof. I.M.D. Little of Oxford He has acted as a consultant for such international institu- University. tions as the World Bank and the Inter-American Develop- Dr. Ahluwalia has held several important nonexecutive ment Bank, and as an advisor to a number of governments positions on the boards of governors of public sector enter- on matters ranging from tax policy to debt restructuring. prises, research institutions, and financial institutions. He was also a member of the Board of Directors of the Among her important assignments at present are Non Ex- Institute of the Americas and a contributing editor to its ecutive Director on the Board of Steel Authority of India official magazine. Dr. Aninat currently serves as the Presi- Ltd. (SAIL); Member, Governing Body, National Institute dent of the Social Equity Forum (SEF). He has taught Pub- of Public Finance & Policy (NIPFP); and Member, Govern- lic Finance and Economic Development at the Pontificia ing Body, Institute of Economic Growth. Dr. Ahluwalia is Universidad Católica de Chile and was an Assistant Pro- a member of the Planning Board of Punjab and of the Ad- fessor of Economics at Boston University. He has an M.A. visory Committees to the Chief Ministers of Andhra and Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University. Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chattisgarh. Daniel Cohen K. Y. Amoako Daniel Cohen is Professor of Economics, Université de Paris Since 1995, K. Y. Amoako has been Executive Secretary of (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and Ecole normale supérieure, Paris. the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the regional He is also a member of the Council of Economic Analysis arm of the United Nations in Africa, at the rank of Under- of the French Prime Minister, and an op-ed columnist to Secretary-General of the United Nations. Prior to his work the journal Le Monde . Professor Cohen was a distinguished with the ECA, he served in the World Bank for several years, fellow of the Association Française de Sciences Economiques most recently in senior positions including Director of the in 1987, and was appointed “Economist of the Year” in Education and Social Policy Department with responsibil- 1997 by Le Nouvel Economiste. From 1991 to 1998, he ity for providing strategic leadership for the Bank’s pro- was the co-director of the International Macroeconomics grams on poverty reduction and human resource develop- Programme at the Center for Economic Policy Research ment (1993–1995); Division Chief of the Human Resources (CEPR). Professor Cohen also served as a consultant to the Operations Division for Brazil, Venezuela and Peru (1990– World Bank from 1984 to 1997. He has served as an advi- 1992); and Division Chief for Country Operations for six sor to the Bolivian Government (along with Jeffrey D. countries in eastern Africa (1985–1990). K.Y. Amoako re- Sachs), and was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University ceived his B.A. (Hons) with a concentration in Economics from 1981 to 1982. He has published several books, in- from the University of Ghana in Legon, and his M.A. and cluding Private Lending to Sovereign States, Our Modern Ph.D. degrees in Economics from the University of Califor- Times, and The Wealth of the World and the Poverty of nia at Berkeley. Nations, the last of which has been translated into 15 lan- guages. Zephirin Diabre in Economics, from Johns Hopkins University. He has held Zephirin Diabre, a national from Burkina Faso, has been faculty positions at the University of Rochester, Cambridge the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) As- University, and Harvard University. He is currently the sociate Administrator since 1999. Prior to entering the UN, Charles R. Walgreen Distinguished Service Professor of he held several senior public posts in his country, serving as American Institutions in the Graduate School of Business, Advisor to the President of Burkina Faso (1998); President Director of the Center for Population Economics, and a of the national Economic and Social Council (1996–1997); member of the Department of Economics and of the Com- Minister of the Economy, Finance and Planning (1994– mittee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago. He 1996); and Minister of Trade, Industry and Mines (1992– is also co-director of the Program on Cohort Studies at the 1994). Founder of the Burkina Management Association National Bureau of Economic Research. He received the and of the Burkina/France Business Association, Mr. Diabre Nobel Prize in Economics in 1993 (with Douglas C. North). also has experience in the private sector as Director for During his graduate work under Simon Kuznets, he be- Human Resources of the Burkina Brewery Corporation. came interested in combining the study of economics and Mr. Diabre was a Visiting Scholar at the Harvard Institute history to understand long-term technological and institu- for International Development and a Fellow of the tional change. Since the late 1980s, his principal research Weatherhead Center for International Affairs in 1997. has focused on explaining the secular decline in mortality and the changing pattern of aging over the life cycle in the Eduardo A. Doryan United States. The latest findings from this project are sched- Eduardo A. Doryan is Special Representative of the World uled to be published in 2002 in a book entitled The Escape Bank to the United Nations in New York, and was Vice from Hunger and Premature Death 1700-2100: Europe, President of the World Bank, formerly heading the Human America, and the Third World. His other current research Development Network (health, nutrition, population, edu- includes a study of the high-performing Asian economies, cation and social protection). Previously he served as the research into nutrition and longevity, and historical work Deputy Minister for Science and Technology, and, years on the development of the discipline of economics in the later, as Minister for Education in Costa Rica. He has been 20th century. a professor both at the University of Costa Rica and at the Central American Institute for Business Administration Dean T. Jamison (INCAE). He has a Ph.D. in Political Economy and Gov- Dean T. Jamison has been a Professor at the University of ernment from Harvard University. California, Los Angeles, since 1988. He directs UCLA’s Program on Global Health and Education, and teaches both Richard G. A. Feachem International Health Economics and Economics of Educa- Richard G. A. Feachem is the founding Director of the In- tion. Earlier in his career, Jamison spent many years at the stitute for Global Health, a joint initiative of the University World Bank where he was a Senior Economist in the Re- of California, San Francisco and the University of Califor- search Department, Health Project Officer for China and nia, Berkeley. He is also Professor of International Health for Gambia, Division Chief for Education Policy, and Divi- at UCSF and UC Berkeley. Previously, Dr. Feachem was sion Chief for Population, Health and Nutrition. In 1992— Director of Health, Nutrition and Population at the World 1993, he temporarily rejoined the World Bank to serve as Bank (1995–1999) and Dean of the London School of lead author for the Bank’s 1993 World Development Re- Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (1989–1995). Dr. Feachem port, Investing in Health. During 1998–2000, Jamison was has also worked at the Universities of New South Wales on partial leave from UCLA to serve as Director, Econom- and Birmingham and the World Health Organization. Dr. ics Advisory Service at the World Health Organization in Feachem has served on many boards and committees. He Geneva. At present, in addition to his UCLA position, currently serves on the Council of Voluntary Service Over- Jamison is a Fellow of the Bill and Melinda Gates Founda- seas, the Health Advisory Committee of the British Coun- tion and a Senior Fellow at the Fogarty International Cen- cil, the Board of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, ter of the US National Institutes of Health. Jamison stud- and the Board on Global Health of the US Institute of ied at Stanford (A.B. in Philosophy; M.S. in Engineering Medicine. He is also the Chair of the Advisory Board of Sciences) and at Harvard (Ph.D. in Economics, under Nobel the Initiative on Public Private Partnerships for Health, and laureate K.
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