t. 8rv Bev;ir:. jr:(f Lynre . HughMrDowell . MelvynGale . Mik Kaminski RichardTandy ' KellyG roucutt -. ELECTRICLIGHT ORCHESTRA Sincethe Electric Light orchestra's debut album in 1972,the lnglish group led by guitar- ist, c0mposer,vocalist and songwriter Jeff Lynne, has been an innovatingfurce at everystep of theircareer. Begunas an experimenklattempt to usestrings and some classical influences in the contextof a rockand roll group,ELo has become one 0I the giantsof today'smusic scene, bothcommercially and artistically. Withtheir n€w album "A NewWorld Record," the group's lourth "gold" album in a row, coupledwith theirlast tour leaturinq sell-0uts across the UnitedStates, ELo's superstar credentialsare beyond question. "A NewWorld Record," released in 0ctoberof 1976,contains sone oI Lynne'smosl originalideas. 0n "TelephoneLine," a songabout a guytrying to calla girland perpetually gettingno answer.he usedthe soundtrom an Americanphone system. Fecording in Germany,he taped a ringingphone from six thousand miles away, and lhen Tandy re-created the soundon the moog.0n "Rockaria,"a song about 8n opera sinqer trying to singrock' he useda soDmnolrom the London0pera. "She really got otf on hearingher voice 0n a rock track,"says Lynne.other classical musicians have not been as involved.0nan earlierELo session,a string section slopped playing right in the middle of a song,because the clock had struckthe hour,and as unionmembers, they were playing strictly according t0 the rules Alsoon the newalbum is "DoYa." a re-makeof themost popular hit Jeffhad with The l\40ve in the U.S."l wantedt0 makeit anELo song," he says. Unlikemany olher English rock groups, ELo does not throwtelevision sets out ot windows,make embarrassing scenes in publicplaces or losetheir tempers irrationally at perfectstrangers. lf Lynnedislikes the term"classical rock." he certainlyrealizes he has createdsomething far more progressive than most rock and roll ln a calegoryall their own, the ElectricLight 0rchestra continues to blazetrails rather than copy yesterday's heroes Evenso, Lynnedespairs that "Weall havethe sametwenty chords to workwith..." CONTENTS ABOVETHE CLOUDS..48 D0YA..52 LIVIN'THING..42 MlSSl0N(A World Record)..28 R0cKARtA!..18 SHANGRI.LA..61 SOFINE..35 TELEPHONELINE..12 TIGHTROPE..6 8ookDesiqn Sotomon neno CopyrightO 1977 UNART MUSIC CORPORATTON/JETMUSTC tNCORPORA,TED New York. New Yo.k Madein U.S.A. All righlsres€rved InternationalCopyriglr Secured Phot rplic|tion or cop!,ngofde pborogrJph\.rexr. m0tir. tyn.s..r an\{hiiB turernc{nam.d i\ Dnrhibiri TIGHTROPE JEFFLYI{NE Mod€rately, with a b€d G Gb F F t]m ffi ffi f+fl+ H+IH ffi somedays you're gon ' n3 l. They say _ got-ta gave,- someday3 you got ra G Gb G Gb F I]f]! I:]m ffi ffi H+H] w ffi H{l t tell you I qol lf that's the waY ii s :T r, G c T]]ID ffi t1++t ffi The cit ta- F Fm trtm ffi t-ffij bet ' lef pur ) CoDviqhraO 13T6 lsl7 UNTEoAflnSTS MUSIC UD andJET MUSIC lNCoRPoBArm Alliqhrs ldr thsU SA aid Caiad?adn risredd bY UNARI MUSIC 0oFPoRAT 0N NewYork NY AllRiqhcResedsd )111 InismationalCopisht Sacurcd MtdonlSA E F ffi ffi H++l H+H'] you got Gsr off yourTight - rcPeuP the ground, ' The ch.ng€fromni0ht to day ly hours, itt iutt a long the I'm r' Gr!I MD ffi fffrf H{# D7 ffi F++ Fllfl F ffi Cm F.--*'*-'f-J.'r F G l]m MF ffi stn Etl{ lm+nffiffitr t-ffi Wonl som€. bod y thm$/ me down- a f lnu,u,*nu,so* 8"es........-----. ED4E. Htf.l s4r Dm7-5 Cm G ffi'" m atm ft++ft +H# G Gb F F ffi tlm l:m ffi HII-H ffi G Gb F G ItrE ffi ffi Hd# ffi ffi H#t F G ffi ffi ffi F Fm ffi ffi ffifl FlH: peo- c x F ffiff Hfl# ffi The changefrom night 2172 10 F Fm @iD m ml]n H#fl FH ffi ^l D7 c ,"3,", e* ,cco"?.,r olE ffi+t ffi F+fHffi"ffi f.'Hi nr'lrffi^ffi F D7 Fl] mtFsl ffi FM ffiffi ffi H++ff ffi /:\ Some bod v had thrown me down ths line. /:\ .)llrl a;\ .ti+Il -q- t2 TELEPHONELINE JEFFLYNNE Slowly Amaj ? ffi#l .IIE H+f righl through all those Bm olul at it lttH l ^ffi J .l{{fi ':rrF ,lt+I/^i t t r-? P ,? q i,, :- _- '_' : G-l 11 # 1--l d saY, r""' ly, lone lY, lone rY, lone rY, lore ly niqhts?" Thatl whal I I 3 )9iut e | ?^r-: ? -? ,T; t? t ? e r i t .. _-a-= '_' : '-/-,--. \l -- I a t. t t ; r '. I l- T ;* ri Amql? "{": P ilt"ri tiut rfrih rhil ul1l HLi, ll+n 2 r1+in ffi , :i:1, ', 'j,-' .i.5:-',ria' :L F-= ,&"' fr^. L-tt : : l" l- ph0ns o lelr You ev r.7 lhinq llI yori'dpick up thal- lel ' e vsah, I ' j l2'z' . 2^t o t i =J-. l"' ,j j^:^?1 j l-:- a ;:"' --i J (J I fr. lljt'r , I l,l rt i| t| lr, Trl Amaj ? :-f Dmaj ? :l] t:l H+h ,'{{{ HIIfi . rt-..-t r.,^t t ? ,--t t r ' ',j- a--: i EJ1e t&':TL5/1; - I -L-l | *"t. ve"t'. 2 hcl, r(^ co0d,oh' rq,6 rsrTr Nrlo Aqr|.r vucrrl0 d o Jn M lNroeponllro r\!P roN \e* vo+ Nw A,l tro \ ro-r'c usr d d c. oocddr rh'd 0 vu r'' oeeoqA 1111 1",r,n. ,0""' ..pr' qh' s" Bm F# |tfi-nffi ++ti the same,don'l you rc - a- Ine the lhinqs- we did,we did Bm c{m D FIE crE H+ffi FUfl ffi -3- jusl canl be lieve-, .-r:- D Dma.i? Amaj 7 Dmaj 7 D ffi FHt il lang.- E Flm FIm ffi Fffi ffi ffi H+fl Hffi H+t Ft+f doowah doo lang.- F$m ffi Ffffl Fade (aftet 3td verc) GE ffi FFq ^ F*n b,s) D Flm tEx ffi I:m Fffi m ffi mrn Ffl+ H+TH 3. 0. K., E A{dim Bm FM ffi lat' lle long . er, Bm D ffi ffi ffi FI+H Hf+t1 Fl+l lel rt nng_ r0r oh hoh DT'j7 ROCKARIA! JEFFIYNNE Mod€rat€ly, with motion D Bm t]m ffi HI+H -J- simulaaeforcign ,, !-- J-- -i. copyiqhio 1976,1977UNITED AST|SIS MUSIC LTo aid JEIMUSIC |NCoRPoRArEo A||rishi iorihe u sA md caEdardmiiis&@d bv UNAFT Muslc CoFPoRAT]oN New Yort' Nv ReseMd 217Z Inlsnarionalcopynghrsmsed Madein u sA al Fshrs l9 right D I]@ ffi yeah, I'm, read hey, Are You rcad Ffm ffi ire+il rcal. ly son na rock lo. nighll show you how to rcck ry:1= D ffi ffi f+++E Sweel la dy sinss 2112 like sons bnd, she sin$s the me at the 0p ta G7 ffitffi 8ut she ain'i D ffi +H+l no, She ain't tedd Bm t:El rflE aint qon na rock and gon na show you how to sing-- oo LI][t t .ttf l H+iF lays down a tune. And Ver di's al ways creep In D Bm ffiffi ffiH D lla l]E G D ffi ffi f++f+l G D Emz ffi ffi wFl G D trm? ffi ffi ffii+l 2772 .D G D Em7 ffi ffi Hffi] ftl+tl ffi +H+ Fll+l Jusl to the op ?a T G D EI'].? Httr ffi ffi f]+ul Bm rrns) G EE] ffi s#fi D ffi -9 00. ====f I f 2a MISSION(A WorldRecord) JTFf TYNNE Slowly Bm EM man . y daYs we trav eled r{n G r{- IIm t:::E l+lr ll Ft++ Bm Lrin :::f I flfE F:+l tlllt Bm tr# - andlloat-inq o Copyiqhrii') ls76 l97r LINITEDABTSTS MUSrc LTD !nd JETM!S C NC0RP0RAIE0 A l isht; lo, rheu sa andcrrda admn *md bv UNARIMUS C CoRPoFAI0N NewYorN N Y dtrmrdEtc0pynshl s{rcd ftdemusa A Pqrlsfreseded F*m I{m [rm ffiffi c1+l #H soft ly througha Bulwhen you rouLh downLhings lo0. drt lle irhe'e And some0ne's sing . inq from a win .dow G $t+l trtll] Ftlr H#',C a G F.l7 t+t++? t+ttu Bm D trIE tffiffi Wl'o de you who .m la "ad 2ll2 Gm6 D Gm6 Eb7 ETE ffi tffi ffil How'slile on earth? D7 Eb7 D7 Eb7 ffi cr][n ffi tml ffil F1++ Ffl +1 D7 Eb7 D7 H{1 ffi HHiffi tffl cy ting ?rs down on /----:> :: =_ l -''f lic-? r t_ I tTlT+r r | {1+m f #o"a ,'7----"'- 2. Gm7 Bm m FIIIl] f,Fp --'---l---- G r{- ffit-- gE q++l Bm G n:tli rffi t1#1 2772 G t++l+t Bm citTr Who are you and- who am l? Gmo ffitl a:\ SOFINE JIFF LYNNE Moderately, with a beat c G D Gt- H+l ffig tfit+ Ffl H+IN G D rllTl-r t+1llJ ffi E D ffi G D ffifl ffi t++t? Copydqhr(-i 1976,19r7 UN IED aRTISTS MlS CLTD €nd JET MUS C NC0RPoRATE0 Alrdh6torrheUSAand Canada admnislered bvUNARI MlS CCoRPoRATIoN NewYorl,NY 2772 ntemdionaCopyright Secured E E Flm? ffi :ffi ffil ffil ffiffi cl+t H:$: wl fF+f w r{+n - E qll+ffi E fttttl ditl sing ,,,---__a:> F{m E I{m clltr FT] i=tTl tl;f,] Whensum.mer breez .
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