www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Word Parts Dictionary www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Word Parts Dictionary Standard and Reverse Listings of Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots and Combining Forms by MICHAEL J. SHEEHAN www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers Jefferson, North Carolina, and London Librarwww.IELTS4U.blogfa.comy of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Sheehan, Michael, 1939- Word parts dictionary : standard and reverse listings of prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms / by Michael Sheehan. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-7864-0819-7 (library binding : 50# alkaline paper) @ 1. English language — Suffixes and prefixes — Dictionaries. 2. English language — Word formation — Dictionaries. 3. English language — Reverse dictionaries. I. Title. PE1175.S45 2000 423M—dc21 00-37217 British Library cataloguing data are available ©2000 Michael J. Sheehan. All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Manufactured in the United States of America McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers Box 611, Jefferson, North Carolina 28640 www. mcfarlandpub. com To Dona Sheehan, salubrious wife and gift www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Table of Contents Preface 1 PARTI Dictionary 3 PART II Finder (Reverse Dictionary) 97 PART III www.IELTS4U.blogfa.comCategories 181 ANIMALS 182 THE BODY 187 COLORS 193 DIMENSIONS 196 DIRECTIONS 197 DIVINATION 197 THE ENVIRONMENT 200 FEAR OR DISLIKE OF ... 205 FOOD 214 LOCATION 216 NEGATIVES 217 NUMBERS 218 THE SENSES 220 SHAPES 222 TIME 226 Vll www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com Preface This dictionary is based on word parts — those prefixes, suffixes, com¬ bining forms and roots which show up repeatedly to form words — and is meant to be used in conjunction with a standard dictionary and a thesaurus. It can help to retrieve words only dimly remembered, or it can lead to specific new words which otherwise might never have been discovered. And since a single recurrent letter combination often unlocks the partial meaning of dozens of words, it can act as an efficient way to expand one's general vocabulary. The Word Parts Dictionary is divided into three sections. Part I, the standard Dictionary, allows a reader to find the meaning of word parts conveniently arranged in alphabetical order, together with an ex¬ amplewww.IELTS4U.blogfa.com. For instance, Part I would reveal that the word part -nov- can mean either "new" (for instance, novelty) or "nine" (for instance, novenary), so the user would then become alert to context clues. This section is particularly useful to the person who has set out to expand his or her vocabulary. It is also a convenient place to consult to find actual examples after using Part II. Generally, one example is provided for each meaning. Part II, the Finder, allows a user to start with a meaning or concept and then find the word parts which express that meaning. It is a reverse dictio¬ nary. For instance, one would learn that the meaning "color" is carried by the word parts chromato-, -chrome, chromo-, -chroous, -pigm-, -tinct-, and -ting-. Armed with that information, a user could then consult his or her memory or turn to the appropriate pages of a standard dictionary to find a variety of words which a thesaurus would not have contained. The alter¬ native to finding such word parts is endless paging through an unabridged dictionary. Part III, Categories, is also a reverse dictionary, but this time with the word parts arranged in clusters of meaning. For example, Part III would en¬ able a reader to find, in one convenient listing, word parts which express many specific colors. Each color would also appear in Part II, of course, but in an isolated, alphabetical fashion. Preface 2 This dictionary focuses on four kinds of word parts. Prefixes (pre): A prefix is a syllable, group of syllables, or word united with or joined to the beginning of another word to alter its meaning or cre¬ ate a new word. For example, re- is a prefix in the word "redevelop." The hy¬ phen at the end of the prefix indicates that it usually starts a word. Suffixes (suf): A suffix is a syllable, group of syllables, or word added at the end of a word or word base to change its meaning, give it grammatical form, or form a new word. For example, -ette is a suffix in the word "kitch¬ enette." The hyphen at the start of the suffix indicates that it normally ends a word. Combining forms (comb): A combining form is a word form that oc¬ curs only in compounds, or in compounds and derivatives, and that can combine with other such forms or with prefixes and suffixes to form a word. For example, cryo- is one of the combining forms in the word "cryogenic," and -genie is the other one. The hyphens indicate that cryo- usually starts the word in which it appears and that -genie usually ends the word in which it appears. Bases (base): A base is a stem or a root, a generally short letter combi¬ nation that conveys a recurrent meaning all by itself without being involved in a compound word. Prefixes and suffixes may be added to it. For example, -diet- is a base in the word "predictable." The two hyphens indicate that it maywww.IELTS4U.blogfa.com appear at any location in a word: front, back, or middle. Thus, we have "dictation," "contradict," and "predictable." PARTI Dictionary www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com a- • ad- DICTIONARY a-1 see ad- acet-, aceto-, acetyl- comb acetic; a-2, ab-, abs- pre from; off; away; acetyl; vinegar (acetamid, ace- down (avert, abduct, abscond) tometer, acetylcholine) a-3, an- pre not; without (anoxia, acetabul- base saucer (acetabuli- anandrous) form) -a4 1. suf singular feminine ending acetar- base salad (acetarious) (Roberta); 2. plural ending (phe¬ acheron- base hell; underworld nomena) (acherontical) abdomino- comb abdomen (ab- achlu- base darkness (achluopho- dominocentesis) bia) abiet- base fir (abietic) aci- base needle (acicular) -able 1. suf able to (durable); 2. ca¬ acid- comb sour (acidosis) pable of being (drinkable); 3. wor¬ acinaci- comb scimitar (acinaci- thy of being (lovable); 4. having form) qualities of (comfortable); 5. acini- comb grape (aciniform) tending to (peaceable) -acious suf characterized by; full of ablut- base bathe; wash away (ablu¬ (audacious) tion) acipenser- base sturgeon -ably suf adverb form of -able (acipenserine) (affably)www.IELTS4U.blogfa.com. See -ible -acity suf quality of (tenacity) ac-1 see ad- acou-, acoust- comb hearing; sound -ac2* suf of; pertaining to (cardiac). (acouesthesia, acoustical) See -ic acrid- base grasshopper (acridid) acantho- comb spiny; thorny (acan- aero- 1. comb pointed (acro- thocyte) cephaly); 2. highest (acrospire); 3. acar-, acari-, acarin-, acaro- comb extremity (acroataxia) mite; tick (acarine, acariasis, acromio- comb upper arm; shoulder acarinosis, acarophobia) (acromioclavicular) accipit- base falcon; hawk (accip- actino- 1. comb [zoology] posses¬ itrine) sion of tentacles (actinomorphic); -acea sw/plural for names of animal 2. [physics/chemistry] presence of classes or orders (Cetacea) actinic rays (actinometry); 3. light -aceae sw/plural for names of plant ray (actinotherapy) families or orders (Rosaceae) acu-, acul- comb sharp (acumen, ac¬ -acean,-aceous sw/of the nature of; uleate) like; characterized by; belonging aculei- base spine (aculeiform) to (crustacean, crustaceous) acuti- comb sharp-pointed (acutifo- acer-1 base sharp; needle-like liate) (acerose) -acy suf quality; position; condition acer-2 base maple (aceric) (democracy) acerb- base harsh; bitter (acerbic) ad-1 1. pre motion toward (ad¬ acerv- base heap (acervate) vance); 2. addition to (admit); DICTIONARY -ad • -agogue 3. nearness to (adjoin) NOTE: aer-, aeri-, aero- comb air; gas (aer¬ ad- can change to: a- (ascribe); ac- ate, aeriferous, aerobatics) (acclaim); af- (affirm); ag- (ag¬ aerug- base green-blue; verdegris grade); al- (allege); an- (an¬ (aeruginous) nounce); ap- (approve); ar- (ar¬ aerumn- base toil; trouble (aerum- rive); as- (assent); at- (attrition) nous) -ad2 sw/of or relating to; used to aescul- base horse chestnut (aes- form names of 1. collective nu¬ culin) merals (monad); 2. some poems aestiv- base summer (aestivate) (Iliad); 3. some plants (cycad) aestu- base boil up (exaestuating). -ad3 suf [anatomy]: toward; in the Also estu- (estuosity) direction of (dorsad) aet- base eagle (aetites) -ade 1. suf the act of (blockade); aetheo- base unusual (aetheoga- 2. product of (pomade); 3. partici¬ mous) pant (brigade); 4. drink made aetio- base cause (aetiology). See from (lemonade) etio- adelph- base brother (Philadelphia) aev- base time; age (mediaeval) aden-, adeni-, adeno- comb gland af- see ad- or glands (adenalgia, adeniform, afflat- base breathe on; inspiration adenography) (afflatus) adip-, adipo- comb fat (adipose, Afro- comb African (Afroasiatic) adipocellularwww.IELTS4U.blogfa.com) ag- see ad- adjut-, adjuv- base help (adjutant, agalma- base image; statue (styla- adjuvant) galmatic) adren-, adreno- comb adrenal gland agap- base love (agape) (adrenalitis, adrenotoxin) agar- base mushroom (agarici- adul- base flattery (adulation) form) adular- base blue (adularescent) agath- base good (agathism) -ae suf plural ending (antennae) agati- comb agate (agatiferous) aed- base yellow fever mosquito -age 1. sw/act; condition; result of (Aedes) (marriage); 2. amount; number of -aede- base genitals (aedeagus). Also (acreage); 3. cost of (postage); aedoe- (aedoeomania) 4. place of (steerage); 5. collection aedi- base temple; shrine; habitat of (peerage); 6. home of (her¬ (aedicule). See edi- mitage); 7. to act (forage) aegr- base illness (aegritude) agglut- base stick to (agglutina¬ aei- base always; ever; continued tion) (aeipathy) agito- comb excited; restless (agi- aeluro- see ailuro- tophasia) -aemia comb blood condition (hy- agmat- base fracture; break (catag- peraemia). See -emia matic) aen- base metallic brown (aene¬ agn- base lamb (agnification) ous) -agnosia comb loss of knowledge -aenio- base brass (aeniolithic) (prosopoagnosia) aequor- base sea; ocean (aequorial) -agogue 1.
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