Saint Gabriel Catholic Community At St. Paul Church in Franklin At St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Tilton How to reach us Phone: Parish Office: (603) 934-5013 Rel. Education: 934-4372 Fax Line: 934-3469 Mail: P.O. Box 490, Franklin, NH 03235 Street Address: 16 Chestnut St. Tilton 110 School Street Franklin E-mail: [email protected] Web site: stgabrielnh.org We’re here for you Pastor: Rev. Raymond E. Gagnon Deacon: Rev. Mr. Thomas Matzke Office Mgr: Claire Connifey Bulletin Editor: Meri-lynn Banton Rel Ed. Coord.: Mary Ellen Shaw Music Ministry: Debbi Gibson Food Pantry: John Bruno Cemeteries/Maintenance: Gary Plourde & Mike Parmelee Office Hours Monday thru Thursday from 9AM - 4PM Food Pantry Monday & Friday from 9AM – Noon (Tilton) Join us in prayer Weekend Mass Saturday at 4:00PM (Franklin) & 6:00PM (Tilton) Sunday at 8:30AM (Tilton ) & 10:30AM (Franklin) Weekday Mass Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday at 8:00AM in Franklin Reconciliation Saturday at 3:15PM (Franklin) & 5:15PM (Tilton) Eucharistic Adoration Every Tuesday from 1:15 to 3:15PM (Tilton) Second Sunday of the Month from 3:00–4:00PM (Franklin) Ministry to the Sick & Homebound Please call the office to request the Sacrament of Anointing or homebound visits. Baptism–Marriage Call the Parish Office to schedule instruction and the ceremony St. Mary St. Paul Divine Mercy Sunday April 07 & 08, 2018 This Sunday, April 8 is Divine PARISH FINANCES Mercy Sunday. The service will be celebrated at Sacred Offering March 25 April 01 Heart in Laconia. SCHEDULE:: Loose Money 942.00 2,220.00 In Envelopes 3,711.00 3,090.00 1:30 PM Reconciliation Building Fund & Fuel 335.00 23.00 2:30 PM Holy Rosary Masses 300.00 160.00 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Holy Hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Candles& Memorials 143.00 34.00 Sung Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Donations 100.00 15.00 Fundraising 10.00 0.00 SPRING BURIALS: We have lost a lot of people this past winter. The March E-giving 0.00 2,800.61 funeral directors are starting to Easter 20.00 2,427.00 schedule graveside services. So that we can accommodate the in- Easter Flowers 251.00 55.00 creased demand and still be availa- 300 Club 5,630.00 0.00 ble to meet the needs for recent deaths and Veteran Cemetery burials, Father Ray and TOTAL FOR PARISH 11,442.00 10,824.61 Deacon Tom will limit graveside services to the following: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays CRS 116.00 0.00 from 9 AM to Noon. Please make your ar- Good Friday/Holy Land 115.00 816.00 rangements through your funeral director or the parish office (934-5013). Rice Bowls 40.00 778.25 Misc. Diocesan Collections 15.00 0.00 Readings for next Weekend Third Sunday of Easter, April 15, 2018 300 Club First : Acts 3:13-15 Congratulations to our Second : 1 John 2:1-5a March winners: Gospel : Luke 24:35-48 $100.00 -Henry Dougherty # 092 $ 50.00 -Lorette Thibeault #042 HAPPENING THIS WEEK $ 25.00 -Laura Chmielecki #105 Our thanks to all club members who help us pay our bills. May God repay your kindness! Remem- Sun Apr 08 1:30PM Divine Mercy Celebration@ Sa- until 4PM cred Heart Laconia ber the dinner on Saturday April 28! Sun Apr 08 6:30PM No Confirmation Class Tues Apr 10 1:00 PM Homebound Visits Tues Apr 10 1:15 PM Adoration (T) Tues Apr 10 3:00 PM Communion @ Peabody Home Tues Apr 10 6:30 PM RCIA Mystagogia (T) Fri Apr 13 10:00 AM Mass @ NHVH We have done our best, but we were unable to Sun Apr 15 9:00 AM CCD Classes K-8 (F) schedule a viewing of this film at the local theaters. We have pre-ordered the DVD and when it is avail- Sun Apr 15 6:30PM Confirmation Class (Final) able we will plan a “movie night”. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sanctuary Lamp Sat. Apr 07 Anticipated Mass From this Sunday thru next Saturday, the 4:00 PM (F) Peter Sylvestre by Wife & Family sanctuary lamp in church will burn for these 6:00 PM (T) Lucien Lemire by Judy & Jack Manning intentions: St. Paul’s: Barry Shroder by Rachel Carroll Sun. Apr 08 Divine Mercy Sunday St. Mary’s: All Parishioners 8:30 AM (T) Jared Propri by a Friend 10:30 AM (F) Mr. & Mrs. Walter Plizga by Carol Edmunds Mon. Apr 09 The Annunciation of the Lord ST. GABRIEL’S PRAYER LINE 8:00 AM (F) All Parishioners If you’d like to call in your prayer requests, this Tues. Apr 10 Easter Weekday month’s contact is Jeanette Bruno, 286-3240. 8:00 AM (F) Eugenia Garneau by Mary Cohen & Joe Garneau You can also write in your request in the book at Wed. Apr 11 St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr either church. 8:00 AM (F) Holy Souls in Purgatory by a Parishioners Thurs. Apr 12 Easter Weekday Prayers Requested No Mass For all those welcomed into the Catholic Fri Apr 13 Easter Weekday Church at the Easter Vigil 8:00 AM (F) Collette Tessier by M/M Maurice Larouche Sat. Apr 14 Anticipated Mass 4:00 PM (F) Lorraine Sorette by Pete and Family 6:00 PM (T) Beloved deceased of Eleanor Gaydos Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for April: For those who have responsibility in Economics Mat- Sun. Apr 15 Third Sunday of Easter ters: That economists may have the courage to reject 8:30 AM (T) All Parishioners 10:30 AM (F) Norman Adams by his Family (B'Day) any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK any of them know what they were talking about? We What really happened? The four gospels seem to should remember that the gospels were written 30 contradict each other. John says that Mary Magdala years after the Resurrection itself took place, after went to the tomb by herself, found it empty and ran to most of the eyewitnesses were dead, by scribes who tell Peter and John. Mark says that Mary and two were repeating what they were told, or thought they other women found a young man in the tomb who an- were told. They may have gotten some of the details nounced that Jesus was alive and would meet them in wrong, but they were reporting on 14 apparitions of Galilee. But Mark claims the women were frightened Jesus after his resurrection, to as few as one or as and told no one. Matthew speaks of two Marys wit- many as 500 disciples at a time. Some of the details nessing an earthquake, the rolling back of the stone, may be contradictory but all four evangelists agree on and the appearance of an angel. They run into Jesus the important ones: Jesus definitely came back from himself, who tells them to have his friends meet him in the dead, he appeared to a large number of disciples Galilee. Luke has two men (angels?) explain every- and convinced them it was really him. He also got thing in detail to a group of women, who had come to them to believe that there was a place waiting for embalm Jesus. When these women tell the disciples, each of them (with him) in heaven. And this “true they don’t believe them. Besides, all four evangelists news” changed lives! seem to agree that Jesus first appears to his disciples in Jerusalem, not Galilee. What can you believe. Did Liturgical Ministers - Third Sunday of Easter April 14 & 15, 2018 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Servers Jack Manning Mike Murphy Jeremy Dixon Mary Grace, Kolbe & Sarah Mark Williams Charlotte Dixon Bunker Lectors Tim Stangroom Maggie Lohmann Cecile Cormier Kelly Chandonnait April Bunker Eucharistic Claire Wallace (H) Deacon Tom (C) Barbara Proulx (H) Deacon Tom H) Ministers Christine Dzujna (H) Janice Boudreau (C) Terry McAloon (C) Betty Meyerhoefer (H) George Dzujna (C) Gayle Bestick (C) Steve Bunker (C) Marilyn Plourde (C) Donna Bickford (C) Greeters Betty Meyerhoefer Connie Peg Halm Forest Bette Femenella Kelly Chandonnait Council #11868 Meets 4th Wednesday @ 7:00 PM in Tilton. Council #12147 Meets 3rd Monday @ 6:45 PM in Franklin Assembly #638 Meets last Monday @ 7:30PM. SAVE THE DATE: The 300 Club Dinner is set for Saturday, April 28th in the Parish Center in Franklin. Hopefully you have gotten your reservation in. We are sorry that we can no longer honor late reservations. 300 Club—Thinking about joining the 300 Club for next year? You will find flyers in the back of both churches—just fill it out and return to the church of- fice. Only $60 a year and you have a chance to win cash monthly and join us for next year’s meal! SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS We are accepting applications for the Sattler and Dodge Scholarships. Applications may be obtained in the parish office or either sac- risty. Qualified applicants must be full-time students in the Fall of 2018 and be active at St. Gabriel Church. The last day for Religious Education is Sunday April 15. As some of you have heard there are major chang- es in the Religious Education and Confirmation pro- grams. We will be addressing these changes at a meet- ing with Diocesan personnel on June 10. This is an important meeting for our parish. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. Watch the bulletin for more information as the time gets nearer.
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