Cover:Layout 1 12/31/06 11:18 PM Page 1 Any brief overview of the demograph­ i c a n d e c o n o m i c f o r c e s p r o p e l l i n g growth in the U . S.­Me xico bo rder re­ g ion arou nd the city of Tecate re vea ls t h a t t h i s i s a re g i o n t h a t i s u n d e r t reme ndo us pre s s ure of cha nge. The editor of El Bordo, Retos de Frontera, a websi te w here nu merou s scholar ly ar ­ BUILDING SUSTAINABLE t i c les are p resen ted by acad emics and investigators, (Ungerleider Kepler, un­ dated), describes the rationale for this H O U S I N G O N T H E effor t a s follows: “ Creemos que exi ste una gra n necesi dad, aquí en la front era DANDEKAR norte de nuestra nación, de estudios y tra­ U.S.­MEXICO BORDER: C. bajos serios de investigación que puedan escl are cer y/o cuest ionar l a complej a re­ alidad socio­económica y política que es­ tamo s viv ien do. Por tanto, lo que pre­ INSIGHTS FROM TECATE, tendemos es fomentar la discusión, el de­ bate y el diálogo en torno a los problemas que nos concier nen com o a ca dé micos y HEMALATA B A J A C A L I F O R N I A front er izos.” ( We believe that a majo r Any brief overview of the demograph­ necessi ty exist s , here o n th e nor t her n ic and e c o n o m i c f o r c e s p r o p e l l i n g border ofournation, fo rstudies and se­ growth in the U . S.­Me xico bo rder re­ riou s w orksof inve s ti gation t hat are gion arou nd the city of Tecate re vea ls a b l e t o clarif y a n d / o r ques t i o n t h e that th i s i s a re g i o n t h a t i s u n d er complete socio­economic and political t reme ndo us pre s s ure of cha nge. Th e reali ty [in which] we a re liv i ng. Cer ­ editor of El Bordo, Retos de Frontera, a tainly, what we propose is to foment discussion, debate, and dialogue regard­ we bsi te w here nu merou s scholar ly ar­ ing the problems that concern us as ac­ t i c les are p resen ted by acad emics and ademics and inhabitants of the border.” investigators, (Ungerleider Kepler, un­ Border dated), describes the rationale for this T h e r e a r e i m p l i c a t i o n s o f t h e s e effor t a s follows: “ Creemos que exi ste c h a n g e s f o r t h e q u a l i t y o f h o u s i n g una gra n necesi dad, aquí en la front era an d the q ua lit y of life enj oyed by res­ norte de nuestra nación, de estudios y tra­ id ents in the U.S.­Mexi co b orde r and bajos serios de investigación que puedan a wind ow of oppor tu n i t y to s et i n escl are cer y/o cuest ionar l a complej a re­ place regulation, guidelines, incentives alidad socio­económica y política que es­ U.S.­Mexico an d a s s i stan ce to p rotect wha t a cit y tamos viv ien do. Por tanto, lo que pre­ such a s Tecate enjoys cur re ntly. T here tendemos es fomentar la discusión, el de­ the are additional forces related to culture, bate y el diálogo en torno a los problemas identity, a sense of belonging, and on que nos conciernen como académicos y ownership as well as security which also front er izos.” ( We believe that a major have grea t im p lica tion f or the k i nd of necessit y e xist s , here on t he nor t her n housing individuals, families and com­ border of our nation, for studies and se­ m uniti es cho s e to live i n a nd bui ld. rious wo rks of inve s tigation t hat are Housing Some of these are explored here with a a b l e t o c l a r i f y a n d / o r q u e s t i o n t he vi e w to det er mining thei r impor ta nce complete socio­economic and political an d i mpli cat i on s i n bui lding sustain­ reali ty [in which] we a re liv i ng. Cer­ ab le housin g. t ai nl y, what we propose i s to foment The cultural identity of the Mexicans discussion, debate, and dialogue regard­ continu es to b e discusse d s ome 5 00 ing the problems that concern us as ac­ years after the Spanish conquest. The Sustainable ademics and inhabitants of the border. ” SCHOOL OF qPLANNING, u es t io n ASUi s ver y m u c h ali ve i n t h e HEMALATA C. DANDEKAR border region, where most of the pop­ T h e r e a r e i m p l i c a t i o n s o f t h e s e ulation arrived as recently as the1950s. c h a n g e s f o r t h e q u a l i t y o f h o u s i n g This is particular true of the population an d the q ua lit y of life enj oyed by res­ in the western states of Baja California, Building id ents in the U.S.­Mexi co b orde r and Sonora and Chihuahua. Local culture a wind ow of oppor tu n i t y to s et i n a nd t radit ions in this regio n c onsi s t place regulation, guidelines, incentives lar gely of a mi x of several cu ltures an d a s s i stan ce to p rotect wha t a city b ro u g ht by t h e n e w i m m i gr a nt s t o such a s Tecate enjoys cur rently. T here this region. The result is often in con­ are additional forces related to culture , TOCfigaskintro:Layout 1 12/31/06 11:22 PM Page i B U I L D I N G S U S TA I N A B L E HOUSING ON THE U . S . ­M E X I C O B O R D E R : I N S I G H T S F R O M T E C AT E , BAJA CALIFORNIA TOCfigaskintro:Layout 1 12/31/06 11:22 PM Page ii School of Planning College of Design Arizona State University P.O.Box 872005, Tempe, AZ 85287­2005 ©School of Planning, 2007 College of Design, ASU. All rights reser ved. Printed in the United States of America. Manuscript Editor: Vivienne Armentrout Graphic Design: Robert Cao­Ba TOCfigaskintro:Layout 1 12/31/06 11:22 PM Page iii B U I L D I N G S U S TA I N A B L E HOUSING ON THE U . S . ­M E X I C O B O R D E R : I N S I G H T S F R O M T E C AT E , BAJA CALIFORNIA H e m a l a t a C . D a n d e k a r TOCfigaskintro:Layout 1 12/31/06 11:22 PM Page iv TOCfigaskintro:Layout 1 12/31/06 11:22 PM Page v Table of Contents FI G U R E S AC K N O W L E D G E M E N T S 1 IN T R O D U C T I O N 5 CH A P T E R ON E CU LT U R A L FA C T O R S SH A P I N G HO U S I N G AT T H E U.S.­ME X I C O BO R D E R 6 Identity 7 Northern Culture 8 Maquiladoras and the Transitional Dwelling 11 CH A P T E R TW O OV E R V I E W O F HO U S I N G I N TE C AT E , BA J A CA L I F O R N I A 11 Geographic Setting 12 Economic Characteristics 12 Population 13 Growth Rate and Urban Density 14 Housing Characteristics in Tecate Housing Type Occupant (Household Size) and Housing Type Household Composition 15 Urban Public Ser vices 15 Colonia Housing 17 CH A P T E R TH R E E CH A R A C T E R I S T I C S O F HO U S I N G CO N S T R U C T I O N I N TE C AT E C O L O N I A S 20 Housing Characteristics in El Rincon and El Descanso, Tecate 21 El Rincon Community 22 El Descanso 22 Materials Used in Housing Constr uction and Sustainability 23 Source of Construction Materials in Tecate El Rincon 24 Climate and Weather 24 Environmental Comfort TOCfigaskintro:Layout 1 12/31/06 11:22 PM Page vi 27 CH A P T E R FO U R EN E R G Y EF F I C I E N C Y T H O U G H HO U S I N G DE S I G N 28 Human Thermal Comfort 28 Passive Design 29 Community Layout Efficient Land Use and Increased Density Zero Lot Line Smart Volume and Shape Orientation Natural Ventilation Designing Landscapes for Shade and Heat Reduction 33 House Design Passive Cooling Evaporative cooling House Layout Building Envelope Roof Façade 35 An Illustrative Case Study: Iquique, Chile vi 37 CH A P T E R FI V E Building Sustainable SE L E C T I N G EN E R G Y CO N S E R V I N G HO U S I N G MAT E R I A L S Housing 38 Recycled Materials on the U.S.­Mexico 38 Wall Constr uction Border 38 Concrete Construction Masonr y Hemalata C.
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