SHORT COMMUNICATIONS DOI: 10.7589/2017-07-153 Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 54(2), 2018, pp. 000–000 Ó Wildlife Disease Association 2018 Identification of Hemotropic Mycoplasmas in an Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) and a Yellow-Bellied Slider (Trachemys scripta scripta) from North Carolina Jo Jarred,1 Gregory Lewbart,1,2 Kelsey Stover,1 Brittany Thomas,1 Ricardo Maggi,1 and Edward B. Breitschwerdt1 1Department of Clinical Sciences and the Comparative Medicine Institute, North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607, USA; 2Corresponding author: (email: [email protected]) ABSTRACT: Mycoplasma spp. are known from and infertility (Messick 2004). Although it has several chelonian and other reptilian species. We been determined that hemoplasmas share determined if turtles obtained by the Turtle phenotypic and genetic similarities with other Rescue Team at North Carolina State University are carriers of hemotropic Mycoplasma or Bar- Mycoplasma spp., variability in the genomes tonella spp. Spleen samples were collected at of these bacteria continue to complicate exact necropsy during May through July, 2014 from 53 classification at the species level (Guimaraes turtles of seven species. All turtles were dead or et al. 2014). Different hemoplasma species are were euthanized upon arrival due to severe traumatic injuries, or they died shortly after zoonotic and cause the same effects on red beginning treatment. We used PCR amplification blood cells in human patients as they do in for both bacterial genera; Bartonella spp. DNA other mammals (Sykes et al. 2010; Steer et al. was not amplified. Based upon sequencing of the 2011). Clinical signs and pathogenic proper- 16S rRNA subunit, one eastern box turtle ties (if any) associated with hemoplasmas in (Terrapene carolina carolina) and one yellow- bellied slider (Trachemys scripta scripta) were reptiles are unknown. infected with Mycoplasma spp. that have genetic The North Carolina State University Col- similarities to strains that infect other animals. lege of Veterinary Medicine Turtle Rescue Key words: Chelonian, hemoplasma, hemo- Team (TRT) is a student-run organization of tropic mycoplasma, PCR, wildlife. volunteers who rehabilitate wild reptiles (Lewbart et al. 2005). Between May and July Identification of vector-borne diseases in 2014, samples of 53 spleens were collected reptiles has largely been unexplored. Our from turtles admitted to the TRT that either project was inspired by the documentation of died or were euthanized, mostly due to Bartonella spp. in sea turtles in North trauma (mainly vehicular). The 53 specimens Carolina (Valentine et al. 2007), because included 23 eastern box turtles (Terrapene subsequent investigations of reptiles, includ- carolina carolina), 14 yellow-bellied sliders ing terrestrial turtles, as a possible reservoir (Trachemys scripta scripta), six river cooters host remained lacking. Various Bartonella spp. (Pseudemys concinna), five eastern painted have been identified in North Carolina turtles (Chrysemys picta), three common cetaceans (Harms et al. 2008; Maggi et al. snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina), one 2008) and river otters (Chinnadurai et al., common mud turtle (Kinosternon subru- 2010). Also, known and novel Mycoplasma brum), and one common musk turtle (Sterno- spp. have been documented in reptiles, the therus odoratus). Turtles originated from majority of which are associated with clinical central North Carolina. After death, speci- signs involving the respiratory tract (Brown et mens were stored at 4 C for up to 2 d until al. 2001; Feldman et al. 2006; Ossiboff et al. tissue harvest. We performed necropsies with 2015). Hemotropic mycoplasmas (hemoplas- the guidance of a sea turtle necropsy manual mas) are small, epicellular, cell wall-deficient (Work 2000) using appropriate modifications bacteria encountered in the blood of a variety made for each species. If DNA extraction of animal species that can contribute to could not be performed immediately, spleen pathogenic outcomes such as anemia, ill-thrift, specimens (up to 5 g, depending on the size of 1 2 JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES, VOL. 54, NO. 2, APRIL 2018 turtle) were harvested and stored frozen at 0 fications were performed in an Eppendorf C in 5 mL screw-cap centrifuge tubes. Mastercycler EPgradient St (Eppendorf, Spleen specimens were thawed or cut Hauppauge, New York, USA). directly after necropsy into small pieces using We used 2% agarose gel electrophoresis to a scalpel blade. Pathogen DNA extraction was analyze PCR products, with detection using performed with a standardized kit (DNeasy ethidium bromide under ultraviolet light. Blood & Tissue Kit; Qiagen, Valencia, Cal- Bartonella spp. DNA was not amplified from ifornia, USA), following the manufacturer’s any turtle spleen. Two turtle spleens con- instructions for DNA extraction from tissues. tained Mycoplasma spp. DNA. Amplicon Pathogen DNA concentrations and absor- products were sequenced by Genewiz (RTP, bance ratios at 260 nm and 280 nm were North Carolina, USA) to establish species determined using the Nanodropt ND-1000 strain identification using chromatogram and (Thermo, Wilmington, Delaware, USA). to alignment analysis (ContigExpresst and assess the concentration and purity of the AlignX software, Vector NTIt v10, Invitrogen, DNA samples collected. Repeated DNA Carlsbad, California, USA). After sequencing, extractions were performed in eight cases to phylogenetic and taxonomic comparisons ensure that yields were .15 ng/lL. were made using GenBank. The DNA se- We used pathogen DNA amplification, quence from the eastern box turtle number 24 through PCR, to detect the presence of (GenBank accession number MG649987) was Bartonella spp. and hemotropic Mycoplasma most similar to the following Mycoplasma spp. DNA in each sample. We amplified sequences: 87% (490/564 base pairs [bp]) hemotropic Mycoplasma by targeting a con- similar to Mycoplasmataceae bacterium served region of the 16SrRNA using oligonu- T2110, (GenBank: DQ318957.1), an unclassi- cleotides HemMycop16S-322s: 50 GCC CAT fied mycoplasma found in Atlantic Cod ATT CCT ACG GGA AGC AGC AGT 30 and (Gadus morhua); 87% (484/557 bp) similar HemMyco16S-938as: 50 CTC CAC CAC TTG to Candidatus Mycoplasma haemohominis, TTC AGG TCC CCG TC 30 as previously found in humans; and 92% (483/564 bp) described (Maggi et al. 2013). Detection of similar to Candidatus Mycoplasma haemomi- Bartonella DNA was performed by targeting nutum, found in cats (Fig. 1). The DNA the 16S–23S intergenic spacer region (ITS) sequence from yellow-bellied slider number using oligonucleotides 325s (50 CCTCAGAT 47 (GenBank accession number MG519832) GATGATCCCAAGCCTTTTGGCG 30) and was most similar to the following Mycoplasma 1000as (50 CTGAGCTACGGCCCCTAAAT sequences: 92% (514/557 bp) similar to CAGG 30) as forward and reverse primers, Mycoplasma insons, previously found in green respectively (Valentine et al. 2007). Amplifi- iguanas; 92% (514/557 bp) similar to Myco- cation for each genus was performed in a 25 plasma cavipharyngis, found in guinea pigs lL final volume reaction. The 25 lL reaction (Cavia porcellus); 92% (512/557 bp) similar to mix contained 12.5 lL of MyTaqe Red Mix Mycoplasma fastidiosum, found in equines (Bioline, Taunton, Massachusetts, USA), 0.2 (Fig. 2). lLof50lM of each forward and reverse Hemotropic Mycoplasma spp. have not primer (IDTt DNA Technologies, Coralville, previously been amplified from a reptile. Iowa, USA), 7.3 lL of molecular grade water, The potential clinical impact that hemotropic and 5 lL (75–150 ng total) of template DNA. Mycoplasma spp. have on reptiles is unknown We prepared positive controls using either 5 because their pathogenicity in reptile species lL Mycoplasma hematoparvum 16SrRNA or remains undetermined. Many turtles enter a Bartonella henselae ITS plasmid vectors rehabilitation facility already in compromised (pGEM-T Easy Vector Systems, Promega, health, and stresses associated with trauma Madison, Wisconsin, USA) at a final concen- and rehabilitation can exacerbate what would tration of five copies per microliter, for both otherwise be nonclinical or minor health Mycoplasma and Bartonella detection. Ampli- issues. If hemotrophic Mycoplasma spp. are SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 3 FIGURE 1. Sequencing results highlighting the similarities between the Mycoplasma spp. identified in turtle number 24 (eastern box turtle, Terrapene carolina carolina) and turtle number 47 (yellow-bellied slider, Trachemys scripta scripta) to each other as well as to species of Mycoplasma found in canines and felines. normally nonpathogenic in chelonian species, Although we did not amplify DNA from a hemoplasmosis could have a negative impact Bartonella spp. from terrestrial turtles in this on an animal’s recovery and chance for study, a negative PCR result does not rule out ultimate release for those animals in rehabil- a potential Bartonella spp. infection. In non- itation facilities where concurrent diseases can reservoir hosts, Bartonella spp. are most often exacerbate nonpathogenic conditions. found in very low concentrations in blood and We do not know if the Mycoplasma spp. in splenic tissues, which could result in false chelonians are contagious to humans or to negative PCR amplification. The role, if any, other animal species. Hemotrophic Mycoplas- which reptiles play in transmission of Myco- plasma is unknown, and further investigation ma spp. amplified from reservoir hosts, into hemotropic Mycoplasma and other blood including
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